[M]y first time going to a swingers club without my knowledge (group)

I’m going to try not to make this story to long. This event took place in Germany with one of my friends from my last story. This story took place about 8 years ago so I might be a little fuzzy about the details.

It was a nice April day when my friend call to tell me that he was going to take me out for my birthday. He wouldn’t tell me where we was going saying “it a surprise just bring shorts, flip flops, and towel and wife beater”. During the week I kept trying to figure out where we was going. My thought was maybe a club with a beach theme. In Germany during the winter months you had club with summer beach themes. He still never wanted to tell me where was going no matter how much I asked.

Saturday rolled around and we hopped in the car and we was on our way. I plug the address into my GPS and on we went. I being so curious kept asking “where are we going crazy” and him “you will see when we get there”. After about 45 mins of driving we arrive into a little looing town with old looking warehouses. Never been in the area and to a club in the area I started to get really more curious. We pull into the parking are a house stood all alone with a brick wall and an electronic gate. I turned to my friend “yo where the hell are we”. His reply was “we are at a club”. I just looked at him and shook my head. He told me to wait before we went in, we are waiting for some friends. Even then told me that this was a swinger club. I almost busted it out laughing till I look at him and he was serious.

As he sat and chatted while waiting a taxi rolled up and three females and guy jumped out. “Let’s go my friends are here” he said. We jumped out and her introduce me to the three females and guy. The guy was black ass both of us were. The females was white (European) and curvy two was short and other was tall. We all walked to the gate and my friend press the buzzer and said something and we was buzzed in. We all walked in and up the concrete path to the front door, I started to get nervous on what I was getting myself into.

We all enter the lobby area as couples stopping and giving the front desk receptionist our names and signing a ledger. The receptionist gave us keys and told us that locker rooms were down stairs in basement. The locker room was co-ed and it was my first time being in co-ed locker room. Men and a women just changing so openly realizing how European culture found sex and sexual culture so open and natural. I was the first one to finish changing and decided to check out the rest of the basement. As I turn the corner of the hall way there was just one other room that had a red light coming from it. I ventured towards the light I came into a big room with chains and leather straps hanging from the ceilings and walls. There was no one in the no one into the room but I was shocked and surprised in what I saw and quickly left and found my friend and told him “I’m not sure about this place and I’m not into the BDSM stuff”. He busted out laughing saying “calm down you trust me right”.

Walking back up to the main floor into a room where chairs and tables were setup as a dining area. Along the wall there was a long table full of food lobster, shrimp, fruits and other finger food. It was a spread for a king (joking but it was nice food). We pass through that room and into another room with a DJ, bar, dance floor and a big sectional wrap around leather couch. As we pass people guys was dressed in boxer shorts or shorts with or without shirts. The women was dress in lingerie of many colors and styles.  We came to a big glass sliding door the entry or the back patio/backyard. It was very beautiful, tall hedges for the privacy, statues, sprinkler systems (shooting water into the air), Patio swings and furniture. There was also a big indoor/outdoor swimming pool where people were swimming and enjoying themselves. We all grab a table, drab some drinks and lit cigarettes and chatted for about 30 mins or so.  It was still early around 7 pm so it wasn’t much people there. 

Part 2 coming soon

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/bzcrnv/my_first_time_going_to_a_swingers_club_without_my