Sara’s Self Discovery


It was 4:30 in the morning and the pounding on my door was unrelenting. Who would be so inconsiderate to wake me in such a fashion ?

Stumbling to the door who was I to find but the wife of my neighbor.

Sara was just 25 and as adorable as they come, she had bright red hair and skin as white as alabaster, with an assortment of freckles that highlighted her cheeks.

Her skin was so fair and sensitive I believe that she would suffer sunburn from a camera flash and she was 7 months pregnant.

She came to my place because she and her husband were new to our apartment building and I had helped them move in next door to my apartment.

Her reason for the visit, she was feeling alone and unwanted.

Her husband was a fireman and would be on call at the firehouse for three days in a row and then off for three days.

Being alone and in a new city for the first time, left her feeling depressed.

As I sat her down at my dining room table she began to pour out her tale.

“My husband doesn’t love me” she said.
Please tell me what is wrong I said.

“Ever since I started showing my baby bump he has refused to touch me let alone make love to me.”

I don’t know what I can do to help I said.
“Ever since we moved in here you were the only friend I have made.

And I though just having someone to talk to would help”.
Well what is it I can do ?

“I don’t know, maybe you can explain why my husband doesn’t love me!”

I don’t think that he as stopped loving you, I think like a lot of men he may feel that the changes in your body have left him uncertain as to what the future has in store.

Or just maybe he is afraid that he might hurt you or the baby.

Personally I think that a pregnant woman who is showing and showing big time is incredibly beautiful and sexy.

“When I said he has not touched me I meant not just sex but he won’t even give me a hug.”

“Frank, I know this might sound weird but would you hug me, just hold me?

I not certain that that is a good idea I said.

“Please frank” she started to say but was interrupted by a renewed fit of crying.
Ah what the hell I thought, it’s just a hug what could it hurt.

Standing up from my seat I pulled her up and took her in my arms.

I have to admit that this hug felt good and was having a remarkable effect on getting her to calm down.

Yet at the same time I was getting aroused by holding this beautiful woman in my arms.

As I attempted to move so she wouldn’t feel my hardening cock, she moved with me, pressing herself into me and this time I know she felt my hardness.

For just the briefest moment in time we looked into each others face and then it happened, she moved forward and pressed her lips against mine.

Now I was lost in this kiss, I have kissed a few woman in my life but this was different, this was pure unrelenting passion and I didn’t know what to do about it.

The truth is I did not want this kiss to end, ever!

As I was lost in this thought she had reached down and grabbed my cock.

Now I was at war with the devil on one shoulder and an angel on the other.
Thank god the devil won this round!

As we looked at each other we knew nothing would be the same between us.

I tried to halt this runaway train by doing what I the thought was the noble thing, I pulled back and said this is not right we shouldn’t be doing this.

As these words passed my lips I saw her flinch a bit and a look of determination suddenly papered upon her face.

She looked at me and said “Frank you have been my only friend since we moved here and to tell the truth what I want is to feel wanted again, I want someone to find me desirable like I was before I became pregnant and ugly”.

Sara, you have always been beautiful and desirable and being pregnant has only made you more so.

Frank she said “I want you to make love to me, not sex but love”.

Now Sara was a very petite girl.
If she was 5 foot tall and more than 100 pounds I would be amazed!

With her baby bump sticking out is she looked even more fragile.
“Please Frank I need to feel like a woman again”.

All right at this point I admit I wouldn’t halt now even if my mother was watching.
I stepped back and took her by the hand and slowly led her towards my bedroom.

As we entered my bedroom I stood her at the foot of my bed and reaching out took her in my arms and kissed her again.

A kiss that was filled with more passion than I had ever felt before.

“What do you want me to do?” She asked.
“Nothing, I said, let me take care of you and do this for you”.

Reaching towards her I began to undress her, I did so very slowly and deliberately.
I unbuttoned her blouse slowly, button by button.

Taking my time, while allowing her to feel that each button was one step closer to her submission.

Sliding her blouse off her shoulders and allowing it to slip off her body only to have it pool around her feet.

Reaching down I released the buttons holding her shorts and let them fall, as they joined her blouse on the floor she stood before me in just her bra and panties she suddenly became shy and tried to cover herself with her hands.

This, due to the size of her tummy was impossible, she saw my reaction and began to giggle.

She started to giggle as she realized the futility of trying to hide the huge bulge of her tummy.

At this point she had become completely passive and waited for me to due whatever was my desire.

I stepped up to her and resumed undressing her, I removed her bra exposing her breasts to my gaze I was struck at how small and beautiful they were.

I have always preferred woman with small breasts, personally I find “A” cups far sexier than large floppy ones.

With her pale white skin her nipples were a bright red and swollen partly from excitement and partly due to the pregnancy.

Whatever the cause they were stunning and I would have been happy to just spend my time playing with them if that was all I was allowed to have.

I reached down and slid my fingertips into the waistband of her panties, very slowly I began to slide them down over her bottom.

As I did this she let a small gasp pass her lips as if she suddenly understood what was about to happen.

Yet it was a sound that signaled her surrender to the moment.

As her panties hit the floor joining the remainder of her clothes she whispered “Make love to me”.

Sliding my arms under her legs and back I picked her up and ever so gently lowered her onto my bed

Laying there looking up at me I discovered a well of deep and neglected passion, a passion that was not to be denied.

At this moment she gave up the guise of passivity and became a raging inferno of lust.

Sitting up on the bed she reached out and pulled off my shirt.

Now I have never been blessed with the body of an athlete just one of a normal guy.
This apparently was not a detriment to her.
Next she zeroed in on the cargo shorts I was wearing.

Fumbling with my belt was causing her problems however I had no plans on helping her at this task this is something she had to solve herself.

When she finally worked this out and dropped my shorts to the ground along with my underwear she reached out and very hesitantly touched my cock.

This caused my cock to jump and swell even larger. For some reason she was fascinated with my cock, she would inspect it as a doctor might, feeling it’s size, weight, shape and how it would react to her touch each time she would touch a spot that was sensitive.

Looking up at me she asked “Would it be OK if I sucked your cock?”

“My husband thinks that it’s wrong for a woman to do that.

It’s something I used to love doing before I got married.” (My estimation of him just fell 30 points.)
What man in his right mind would refuse such a request?

With that she set off giving me the wettest sloppiest Bj I had ever experienced.

She was voracious, it was like she was suckling at the very essence of life.

Every once in a while I had to pull away or risk blowing my load prematurely.

Looking down at her as she worked me over I was overcome with awe at the turn of events that brought about this “Felix Culpa”.

I had to pull away, it was time for me to give her the joy she desire.

Pulling her to the edge of the bed I sat on the floor and spread her legs giving me a view of heaven.
She was shaved smooth and clean.

Now some woman have big splayed out pussy lips like a turkey wattle, some have a pussy that looks like an impenetrable forest, so thick with hair one would need a “weed wacker” just to find the honey hole.

In her case what I was seeing was a perfect Georgia peach, a perfectly smooth shape with a long thin split down the middle as if it had never been plucked from the tree.

The minute my tongue touched this peach she was off like a rocket, I actually had to hold her legs down just to keep in contact with her.

She began moaning up a storm and writhing around on the bed.

Grabbing a pillow, she threw it over her face to muffle her moans and shrieks.

I didn’t care how much noise she made, my entire focus now was to give her the best orgasm she had ever had and due too my having a corner apartment no one would ever hear her.

“Oh my God” and “I never knew it could feel like this” she kept moaning

For myself I felt like Zeus plundering Leda in the guise of a swan.

As I progressed I suddenly began to feel concern about her condition and was fearful of hurting her or her child considering how active and extreme her response was to what I was doing.

To that end I began to slow my attack.

Sensing a change she asked me what was wrong.

As I replied, she said not to worry, she would tell me if I was doing anything hurtful.

With that reassurance I resumed my oral ministrations, stopping only to lavish my attention on various parts of her body.

I would spend time moving back up to worship her little breasts, which in turn would make her as crazy as when I was tonging her pussy.

All at once she pulled away and said “it’s time”, time for what I asked, “Time for you to take me”. Reaching into the nightstand I produced a condom and as I was about to put it on she stopped me

“What are you doing? she asked.

Well, I always wear a condom out of respect for my partner.
“Put it away” she said

“You are to late to worry about my becoming pregnant.

My husband has seen to that.

