Fran (MF, erotic, LONG) Pt 1

This is the beginning of a story I’ve had in my mind for a long time. It could end up being pretty long. I hope you enjoy

I couldn’t see a thing. The faster I drove the more the driving snow filled my windscreen and the more blind I became. This was serious and I had to find us a place to safely pull over and sit out the storm. About two miles down the road appeared a motel.

Fran and I were heading to the Jersey shore for our annual family get together over New Years. Her family and mine had done this for years and even as our respective kids had gotten older, oddly everyone seemed to look forward to it. Fran and I both had some late minute obligations that prevented from traveling with the rest of our group, but we agreed to catch up with them a bit later. The snow had been forecasted, but not anywhere to this severity. We figured we would have arrived long before it hit this level. We were wrong.

As if in a movie, the motel appeared as if out of nowhere. I cannot say as I have ever been so grateful to see neon in my life and as a bonus, there was an attached diner. Sliding into the entrance, I slogged my way into the registration area. The clerk looked up a bit surprised, but smiled warmly but a bit sheepishly. I asked for a room and then understood her expression. She told me that all the rooms were taken except one that had no heat. She went on to offer the room with a space heater but that it would be chilly. By then Fran had joined me just in time for the receptionist to indicate that it was just one king sized bed and my daughter and I would have to share. Before I had a chance to correct her, Fran just said “fine, if that’s all you have” and although puzzled, I left it at that. We called to let all know our status, and told them we’d head back out again as soon as the roads were safe.

Fortunately, there was an interior hall and we could unload our bags to our (cold) room without having to brave the storm much more. The room was indeed chilly, but I set the space heater at full blast and off we went to the diner to fill our stomachs. A skeleton staff sticking around the diner fed us a surprisingly good meal and back we went will full bellies. The room was better, but it was evident that it wasn’t going to get much warmer, but at least we were safe and protected.

Fran declared at that point that she was feeling grubby from her dance practice (her reason for being late) and a bit cold and was going to take a bath. Since there was a heater in the bathroom, that made sense and I told her to go for it. Heater on, tub filling, an astonishing young woman getting undressed on the other side of the door from me. Oh boy…this is going to be tough.

Me: 42, married, two sons. I have a good life. My small business is successful and I like doing it. I’m physically in pretty good shape, I run a lot and eat well, so in a word…lean. My relationship with my wife is good, if not a bit routine, and my two sons (19 and 17) are amazing young men who consistenly knock me out. I’m not looking for trouble, really I’m not.

Fran: the older of our friends two daughters (the same ages as our sons). Fran is stunning. There’s no other way to describe her. Yes, she’s physically just amazing, but it’s her personality that floors me. She is simply the sweetest girl I think I’ve ever known. I’ve never heard an unkind word from her lips although she has a wicked sense of humor. Simply wrapped up in a package I’ve had a world class crush on her (not in a creepy way) since she was little. I just have always known she would grow up to be someone really special. And she’s naked just on the other side of the door from me. Danger, danger Will Rodgers.

I hear splashing and a contented sigh, so I take that opportunity to gather the spare blanket and pillow and start to make a nest, such as I could, on the floor at the foot of the bed. It wouldn’t be comfortable, but, it’d have to do. Just as I was finishing arranging things, I heard a bit of a slosh and a muted cry from the bathroom. I went over and heard it again. It sound at first seemed distressed but then I realized, it was a sound I’ve heard quite a few times before. My wife made one similar when I had my mouth on her pussy. Oh, boy.

Devil on one shoulder and Angel on the other. What to do…what to do? Well, gravity in the shape of my engorged penis just shoved that Angel right off my shoulder and onto the floor. I slowly lowered my self to my knees and inched over to the keyhole. So, there she was, the object of my years long crush, stretched out with her hands firmly in between her legs in the throws of what was obviously a fairly robust orgasm. Her head back with her mouth open in a (almost) silent scream, and her fantastic breasts sticking straight at the ceiling. I was simply gobsmacked. It was without question the most arousing thing I’ve ever seen in my life. The look of raw passion on Fran’s face as her orgasm peaked is burned into my memory like a forest fire, and has been the source of many an orgasm on my part since. Finally her body relaxed, her hands came up and casually brushed over her nipples which precipitated a minor shudder and a beautiful smile spread over her face. I was just about to shimmy away when she rolled slightly in my direction and seemed to look directly at me. Deer in headlights was I…not a muscle moved. Fran then looked away and stood up with her utterly delicious dancers body and luxuriously stretched, dripping wet. As she reached over to get the towel I took the opportunity to leave my beloved keyhole and furiously think about watching nothing but CSPAN…anything to deflate my painfully hard cock.
