Me [F] Ending up in a threesome with my best friend and her fiance

I’m not the prettiest of girls. So most of my friends don’t feel very threatened by me. They know I’m quite sexual. But they don’t think their partners will be into me. So when my best friend wanted to explore and have a threesome with her boyfriend, I was the perfect person for them. They popped the question when we were all drinking. Off course I said yes.

It was amazing, I had a lot of fun exploring her. She is thick with a great ass and big boobs. What I really wanted though was her boy friend. He has a nice white cock that I really want to suck. However I didn’t want to make her jealous, so I made it all about her. Licking her while her boyfriend was filling me from behind, was a great memory.

We did it a few more times. After a while her boyfriend came to me to have it so it is just me and him. I did it a few times, but felt really bad and stopped. I also stopped the threesomes because she was starting to get a bit jealous.

Just got reminded of this because I was the maid of honor at their wedding last weekend



  1. Thanks for sharing. Wish it would have worked out better for you.

  2. Very sexy story, is that the craziest thing you have ever done?

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