Catching Feelings [MF] (pics, gif, long read)

*It’s been ages since my last post, and for that I apologize; non-Reddit life has kept me pretty busy. The good news, dear handful of followers, is that there are a few stories I plan to write in the coming months :) And to the new readers, thanks for clicking this thread. Please excuse how long it takes to get to the sex and the pics and all that. The way I see it, anybody can get laid — why not make it mean something, even if it’s just for that one night?)*

I met Zoe on one of the r4r subs nearly a year ago. I’d planned to be in her city soon and figured I’d try responding to a few of the local threads. My expectations weren’t very high. Even with a post history like mine (or maybe because of it), the odds of getting a legit response from a real female are fairly thin. SPOILER: Most of the time, the OPs on the Random Acts boards are just guys pretending to be a girl so they can get straight dudes to send them nudes they can add to their spank banks. (Shocking, I know!) But something about her personal ad stood out. If what she was saying was true, she had a great attitude and sounded quite attractive. I typed out my rather long message and hit send.

A few hours later, I got a response: “You sound fun! Are you in XXXXX?”

Uh, not exactly, I told her. But maybe the fact that I was just passing through town was a good thing? That way neither of us would catch feelings. I hit send.

She responded: Do you have kik? Might be easier to chat there than reddit.”

That was quick, I thought.

And suspicious.

I typed out my message.

Of course, I said. Here’s my user name.

At this point, I was 99% convinced she was a dude.

For the next two months, we texted. About lots of stuff. Music. Movies. Travels. And sex. It took a minute, but once we got there, we definitely talked about sex. About past partners, shared kinks, inexperienced fantasies. The things we wanted to do but were afraid to ask partners for; the things we’d done and weren’t proud of, but still shaped us into who we were. (Oh, and we definitely confirmed our identities to each other… Many times over… Many, many times over.) Luck wasn’t on our side, however. My trip to her city got canceled. Her visit to my area got too complicated for us to grab drinks. It was looking like we’d never meet.

Then one holiday weekend, I found myself in Vegas. And things were good. The tables were kind, the slot machines loose. By Sunday, I’d weathered enough ups and downs to turn a small profit. That’s when I had an idea. One I’ve been grateful for ever since.

So I was thinking, I said to her. I don’t exactly need to go home right away. Instead of flying back in the morning, I could go to XXXXX to see you. Then fly back the next morning and head straight to work. What do you think?

She said yes.

I called the airline.

Once I’d landed, I opened up my hotel app and grabbed the closest one to the airport I could find. It had a sports bar. We agreed to meet there. I held my breath and hoped she’d show. And then I said a little prayer that she’d look as good in person as she did in her photos and over cam. When she arrived, she was wearing a black mini skirt, black crop top and white Chuck Taylors. She had short hair, and, well…

You look even better in person, I said.

She smiled.

I ordered a Stella. She had a glass of white wine. We sat close. Side by side. She took my hand and held it. It was an easy intimacy. Part of it was that we’d chatted for so long; part of it was that it just felt nice. While the waitress was gone, I asked Zoe for a kiss. She gave me one.

A few feet away, a family was having lunch. I got an idea.

I placed my hand on her thigh. She looked at me and I held her gaze. My hand travelled further and further up her thigh. She didn’t look away. Neither did I. It was a game of chicken — one neither of us wanted to lose. My fingertips felt the lace of her underwear.

Nearby, the family was asking for refills.

I pulled her underwear to the side and slid a finger between her lips. She gasped and blushed and bit her lip.

Should we get out of here, I said.

She nodded.

We walked crossed the street to the hotel. Once the room door closed behind us, we went at each other, peeling off each other’s clothes. The TV was still on from earlier. ESPN. Thousands of miles away, a different game was being played. Neither of us cared.

I kissed her hard. Ran my hands over her body, then pressed my lips against her neck. My tongue circled her nipple, then I placed it between my teeth and bit down, gently but firmly. So she could feel the pressure. She moaned.

I kissed her lips again.

I want to suck your cock, she said.

She got down on her knees and unzipped my jeans.

She didn’t wait for me to get completely hard.

She took the whole thing in her mouth and pushed it deep into her throat.

It wouldn’t take long for me to become completely aroused.

She was the perfect fit.

I pushed her down further. She gagged. I knew from our conversations that it turned her on, so I pushed her down even further. She took it as far as she could, then pulled back and took a deep breath.

Do you want to stop, I said.

There was no backing down in her.

I want more, she said.

She licked me from shaft to head, then went back to work. [It looked like this](

By this point, I couldn’t wait any longer. I needed to taste her.

I knelt down and kissed her. Then took her hand in mine and led to the bed.

I laid her down and spread her legs. Her pussy was waxed and smoothed. The lips peaked out from her slit ever so slightly. It was perfect.

I licked her. She was wet and sticky, acidic but not bitter. I could be here for hours.

After a bit I noticed her looking down at me.

Ride this cock, I said.

She giggled.

Yes, daddy, she said.

We adjusted, and soon she slid me inside her. I wasn’t wearing a condom — we’d both decided to get tested and go without sleeping with anyone else for however long it took until we could meet up. I was glad we had.

She was warm and tight and it was fucking incredible.

Later she’d tell me looking down and seeing me enjoy her pussy made her happy.

I asked her to kiss me. She reached down, grabbed my face and kissed me passionately.

There was lot’s of dirty talk.

Is my pussy good enough, she said

I love your cock, she said.

Does this pussy feel good, she said.

For the first time in a while, I knew I’d found someone who could go toe-to-toe with me.

We switched to missionary, but soon her legs were on my shoulders and I was pounding her slowly, as hard and deep and deliberately as I could.

I knew I wouldn’t last long. There was no sense in pretending.

She knew how tight she was, not to mention how turned on I was by her. She could feel it — in the way I breathed, in how thick I’d gotten, in how stretched out she was.

I came inside her.

But just because I’d finished, it didn’t mean we were done.

I backed off and stood up. Then grabbed her legs and yanked her toward me, until her ass was at the edge of the bed and her feet were dangling.

Spread your fucking legs, I said.

She did.

I fingered her pussy and scooped out the cum.

She looked at me, as if to say, what are you going to do with that.

But deep down, I think she knew.

I help my fingers out in front of her mouth. She sucked on them.

I went back for more.

She ate it all.

Such a good girl.

We cleaned up and cuddled.

There would be more. But for now, we’d rest.

This is the part where she and I talked about stuff. Real stuff. The stuff Jack Kerouac referred to when he said “boys and girls in America have such a sad time together; sophistication demands that they submit to sex immediately without proper preliminary talk. Not courting talk — real straight talk about souls, for life is holy and every moment is precious.”

Because anybody can pretend to dom a partner, but the real satisfaction comes later, with aftercare, when you look out for your partner and make them feel wanted and respected, when they remember that sex is sex and it’s okay to let go, because when it’s done you’re still a human being and your dom or daddy or partner or whatever is going to go out of their way to ensure you never forget that. I think this is the difference between being a real man and some asshole misogynist who uses BDSM as an excuse to treat women like shit. (If you’ve heard me say this before, it’s because it shocks me how fucking foreign a concept this is to some.)

So yeah, we talked. About everything. Family. Travel. The MCU.

But that’s not what you’re here to read, is it? So let’s get back to it…

It didn’t take too long for me to get hard again. When she noticed, she grabbed my cock and wrapped her mouth around it.

Fuck. It felt good.

[It looked like this.](

She looked at me for guidance.

What now, she said.

I smiled.

Tell me you brought the lube, I said.

She had.

When she handed me the bottle, I looked over at the sliding door leading out onto the balcony.

Once we were outside, I bent her over the railing.

It was the middle of the after noon. We were on the 8th floor. Rush hour traffic was beginning to choke the highway below.

I slid inside her ass.

I wonder if anyone saw us.

Like I said, I’m a firm believer in aftercare.

So you’d better believe we went to fucking Shake Shack.

We told stories about growing up. She did this weird thing with her fries that made Europeans and their mayo look civilized. After, we went back to the hotel. Shenanigans once again ensued.

[It looked like this.](

[And this.](

[And this.](

She wanted more. I slid out of her pussy and into her ass, then grabbed the dildo she’d brought with her.

It was the first time she’d ever been double penetrated.

There are no photos of this. We were so in the moment, there was no time to waste. You’ll just have to use your imagination.

Eventually, I took out the dildo and kept going. I didn’t last much longer. I finished deep in her ass.

We were lying in bed, dozing off, when she suddenly perked up.

I forgot, she said.

I brought a school girl outfit, she said.

Should I put it on, she said.

I said what any other red-blooded, heterosexual male would.

Of course.

She stood up, grabbed her backpack and excused herself. When I heard the bathroom door click, I got up and walked over to my luggage. After all, every school girl scene needs a professor.

I put on the suit I’d taken with me to Vegas, sat behind the hotel room desk and waited for her to return.

When she did, I went right into the scene.

I know why you’re here, I said.

It’s too late, I said.

You can’t slack off through the entire semester and then expect to ask for help right before the final.

She took to it quickly.

She was sorry, she said.

But she really tried, she said.

It’s just too hard a course.

I asked her how her parents would feel, spending good money on the school just so she could fuck around with her friends, taking selfies between classes and messaging each other during lectures.

Please don’t tell them, she said.

I need to pass, she said.

She’d do anything.

Of course she would.

She got closer. Put her hand on my chest.

Anything, she said.

I looked at her for a second.

Then I grabbed her hands and threw her over my knee.

It’s not enough to be dumb, I said. You need to be a dumb slut, too?

I lifted up her skirt and pulled her underwear down.

Put her over my knee.

And then I spanked her to within an inch of her life.

Days later, she’d send me a photo.

Still marked, she said.

Thank you, she said.

[It looked like this.](

People talk about subspace. That zen-like trance you get into when you trust someone completely and give in to a scene, falling into it like the sunken place, where you can’t do anything but melt into the moment and let the endorphins course through you. That’s what happened here.

When I finished, she instinctually dropped to her knees. I stood. I took a photo in the mirror.

[It looked like this.](

We moved to the bed.

I put her shoulders over mine and pushed myself as deep into her pussy as I could.

We passed out soon after.

The next morning, we got up before the sun came up.

She dropped me at the airport.

As I sat in my seat and waited for the rest of the passengers to board, I realized a truth. That this wouldn’t be a one-time thing.

I’d caught feelings.


We maintained a relationship fo the better part of nine months. She was always free to do her own thing, and I was free to do mine, but we always made time for each other. Phone calls, weekend trips. Every now and then, one of us would remind the other that I still hadn’t gotten around to posting any stories. I think it’s because we wanted to keep it for ourselves for as long as we could. Because we knew that eventually the logistics of a LTR, even an open one, would eventually catch up to us. Still, I have zero regrets.

So, yeah. Next time you respond to an r4r post, remember:

1. It’s probably a dude.
2. And if it’s not, and the person turns out to be awesome, don’t be afraid to catch feelings. It’s worth it.



  1. Great, great story. I can’t tell you how much I identify with this! We are currently a FWB couple that met through a RAOMD post. Catching feelings is something neither of us were concerned about in the beginning, but it definitely happened. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Everything about this was great! Not just the story and pics, but also the advice.

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