My first and only one night stand (aka one of the hottest things that has ever happened to me) [FM]

21 was a weird year for me. After spending the better part of 2016 recovering from a nasty car accident I had returned to a world completely backwards from the one I had remembered. The election had divided my college and suddenly everyone was a pseudo-intellectual and the campus was abuzz with fear of killer clowns and natzis. Yeah, I returned back to normal life and natzi’s were a thing.

My friends, who I used to attend frat parties and concerts with no longer wanted to do the things we used to. They opted for getting free drinks at bars that served their liquor with basil from men in their late 20’s who randomly brought up KETO and referred to their dog’s as their “babies”

Plus, everyone was talking about Harambe. I was lost.

I spent a brief period of time frantically searching tinder for a proper boy to date so I could somehow attach my life to theirs and reconnect with the world that seemed to have changed so rapidly during my absence. This led to a few 3-ways with a couple who shared the same first name with each other, an actor who insisted he staid in character while we fucked, a 34 year divorced doctor who wanted me to wear his ex-wife’s clothes and so on. The sex was hardly ever even slightly good, and I had never been one to get fulfillment out of casual sex beforehand. it just seemed like the logical thing to do to get me reacquainted with things.

By August I was emotionally exhausted and too broke to keep getting tested for STDs. So I decided to take a break from boys and focus on other things. I started eating healthy, I got an internship, I tried counseling, I distanced myself from the friends I use to party with. It was a pretty boring existence, especially because the company that I interned for treated me more as a person to fill a space rather than an actual pupil, but I had a purpose, and was feeling better than how I felt before.

One Sunday I had driven into the city 30 minutes away from mine to visit my parents and had stopped to get a smoothie. When I went to pay the guy at the counter told me I had beautiful eyes and would have loved to take me on a date. He must have been pretty underwhelming because I don’t even remember what he looked like, only the nervous snickers of the people on line behind me. I jotted my number down on a napkin, more out of nerves from being put on the spot rather than actual interest in dating, grabbed my smoothie and dashed out.

He texted me for the next few weeks asking me when I was free, what kind of things I like, and when we would be able to go out. I figured after a couple days of me not responding he’d get the message but he didn’t. I considered blocking him but secretly I found Smoothie Guy’s interest kind of flattering. Most of my romantic encounters had been initiated through dating apps so this was kind of a nice change of pace.

A couple weeks after the smoothie incident my Internship had an event in the same city 30 minutes away. I was supposed to dress nicely, so I wore a little black dress that I thought made my collarbones and cleavage look nice but not in a way that wasn’t too sexy. I was supposed to bring a guest (which I didnt) and basically just schmooze. I had had a glass of wine during the event to loosen up and found that I was actually enjoying myself.

When the event was over I was a little tipsy, and all dressed up in a beautiful city on an even more beautiful Friday night and for once I didn’t want to go home.

I texted Smoothie Guy:
“Wanna get a drink tonight?”

Almost immediately the three little dots signifying typing started bouncing on my phone:
“Sure! Meet me at *Insert-Bohemian-Hipster-Garden-Bar* in 20?”

Despite taking almost 15 minutes to parallel park in the tiny space I had made it to the bar before him. I sat alone on an outdoor swing watching people laugh and talk under the warm ambiance of the dimly lit string lights and the soft hum of Alt-J. I started wondering if I had made a huge mistake and was about to spend the next two hours politely nodding as some boob told me about his five year plan, how much he loves his Mom and his sister, or the truck he has been renovating for the past couple of years. I wondered if I would even recognize him if he walked in. What if he was a serial killer?

I looked up from my phone and met eyes with a man walking towards me. I could tell it was him for the sparkle of recognition in his deep brown eyes as we made eye contact.
*Fuck. This guy is really hot. How did I not notice how hot this guy is?*
He wasn’t my usual type (the big burly lumberjack of a man that wear Hawaiian shirts ironically) but there was no denying that he was sexy.

He was taller than I remembered, maybe about 5’11, not quite 6ft, older looking too. His smile was warm, coy, and confident. Nothing like the thirsty texts I was receiving for the past few weeks.

He looked either hispanic or middle eastern which I found insanely attractive. Even under his dark wash jeans and leather jacket I could tell his body was lean, not thin but lean, dude definitely did yoga or something. He was closely shaven and his stubble led to his larger-than-normal adam’s apple, “like a happy trail for his face” I thought. My mind briefly imagined me kissing down his neck and meeting with his larger-than-normal-adams-apple.
His features were rugged and sharp but softened by his warm eyes and smile. He had a slight cleft in his chin. He carried a motorcycle helmet under his arm. He looked like hipster Aladdin.



  1. I’m not reading all this whoring shit. Hope you catch an std tho!!!

  2. Really wonderful writing :), nicely done! Looking forward to more.

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