[MF] Things take a turn with my red-headed neighbor……. [Part 3]

[Part 1 For those who missed it](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/aeerpb/mf_i_fucked_my_next_door_redheaded_neighbor_while/)

[Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ai6klg/mf_the_plot_thickens_with_my_redheaded/)

No, Scott has not killed me. Yes, a lot has happened since I left off.

Sorry for the long time between updates. My master’s program has really increased in workload over the Spring semester, and it’s been hard to do much of anything besides school. Suppose I’m channeling my inner George R.R. Martin by making you all wait so long. Thank you for all the encouragement and positivity regarding parts 1 & 2. I hope to write more often over the summer and share some of my earlier experiences from college.

Either way, here is part three. I’m going to pick-up right where I left off, even though far more has transpired since then. Might be worth noting that this one takes a bit of an ‘unexpected’ turn, but I think you will still enjoy it. But first, a little update before resuming the story…

In the two weeks following my second encounter with Claire I’d estimate that we had sex seven or eight times at my house. Each time was amazing as we got more and more comfortable with each other, and it always retained the heart-pulsing thrill of the fact that Claire was in fact my married next door neighbor. What we were doing was risky and we both knew it. At the same time there were some interesting developments between Claire and Scott that (at least in my mind) slightly altered the situation.

For starters, Claire informed me that Scott was becoming a heavier drinker in the months following their move. His late night returns were almost always in a intoxicated state in which he had no business driving himself home. When Claire tried to bring his drinking up out of concern, he’d often yell, storm out of the house, load up into his truck, and head off into the night. Obviously, this was wrecking hell on their relationship and putting a load of stress onto Claire’s shoulders. At the same time, she had growing suspicions (With some evidence) that he was also sleeping around with a receptionist from his law firm. Finally, in a general sort of way, he was acting increasingly rude to and belligerent towards Claire and even sometimes their son. All of that is to say, both Claire and I began to feel less and less guilty about our hookups.

To Claire’s credit, she has remained a steadfast mother and a functional wife in the face of such chaos. She and I have only ever ‘met up’ when Jeremy is at daycare, and she has turned me down on numerous occasions because she needs to be present for her family. She really does care about Scott, but is seriously weighing divorce as an option unless he pulls it together. I know that there are any number of ethical and moral opinions that one can take on such a situation, but having seen firsthand what she’s going through I really cannot blame her for seeking out a sexual outlet, and I guess I’m lucky to be just that.

So rewind back to the middle/end of January….

It was early afternoon, I’d rushed home as soon as class ended after Claire texted me that she’d be ‘free’ for a couple hours. Now she was naked, resting against my chest. Her hair was up in a messy ponytail. I could feel her chest rising and falling rapidly against my own as she caught her breath. My semi-hard cock was still occasionally twitching inside of her pussy which was filled with my cum. She took a last deep breath and then pushed herself up onto her knees, straddling me. She sat up a little higher and my cock slid out, glistening wet, followed by a long string of pearly cum. She smiled, but didn’t say a word as she reached between her legs with one finger, scooped up some of the semen, and then put it into her mouth, wrapping her lips around it before sliding it out again, this time clean.

Moments like this are hard to distinguish between dream and reality. “No,” I had told myself, “This is really happening.”

“Mmmmm I love the way we taste.” Claire said as she sat down on the bed beside me.

I couldn’t help myself from taking her looks in again as she sat next to me. Her pale, but freckled skin, her perfect breasts, swollen nipples. Her auburn hair, up in a ponytail, was a little messy, but perfect in every way. She smiled as I looked at her.

“We look good too.” I replied jokingly.

Claire looked at me with a raised eyebrow. “Don’t let it go to your head.” She said and then started to stand up before lowering herself back down again and looking back at me in a rather serious way. “So I’ve been thinking…”

“Yes…?” I said hesitantly after giving her a second to finish her sentence. I was half expecting her to say that we needed to break things off.

“Well, it’s just that what we have here…it’s great. I mean it’s amazing. But I was wondering if we could experiment.” She said, sounding trapped somewhere between uncertainty and embarrassment.

“Experiment?” I answered.

“Yeah,” She put her hand on my chest and looked into my eyes with a hesitant smile, “Experiment, like our sex is great, but I’ve…. Well, I’ve just always had a kinkier side to me and I’ve never had anyone who I felt comfortable enough with to try and express that side of myself.”

“Oh…” Was about all that stammered out of my mouth on account of being completely stunned and also slightly worried. “Well I’m open to try new things, but…uh … what do you have in mind?”

“I probably shouldn’t have said anything,” She said with a sigh and obvious disappointment, moving her hand lower to my abdomen before pulling it away, “Look, just pretend I never said any……”

“Hold up,” I interrupted her and sat up, “Now I’m curious, there’s no way you get off that easy. I want to experiment too.”

Claire looked at me for a few seconds in silence, as if trying to see if I was being honest with her. “Do you mean it?” she let out a glimpse of a smile.

“Are you kidding? I am all in for some experiments, but I just wanted to know what kind of experiments you were thinking of.”

Claire’s smile had grown considerably. She reached down into the pocket of her jeans on the floor and pulled out her phone to check the time.

“I’ve got to go get Jeremy in twenty minutes. I’ll text you about it. Okay?” She stood, found her lacy red thong, put it on, and started getting dressed.

“If you say so.” I said, making sure she could see me rolling my eyes. My cock was slightly hard again seeing her get dressed.

“A little waiting will be good for you.” She said, before putting on her shoes, giving me a kiss, and gliding out of my bedroom looking sexy as hell in a tight pair of jeans and cute sweater that showed off just the tip of her cleavage. A few seconds later I heard the back door open and then close.

After she left, I sat on my bed (As I so often did and still do) in a state of general disbelief. It wasn’t that I was fucking my next door neighbor who was literally one of the most incredible women I’d ever met, but now she wanted to ‘experiment’ with me. What the hell did it mean? What had I gotten myself into now?

I set myself to some school work for the rest of the afternoon and found myself constantly checking my phone. There was a nervous excitement hanging in my chest that consumed my thoughts and was quite distracting. I heard Claire come back from picking up Jeremy, but of course, no text came. I made some good progress on cardiology pharmacology and decided to head to the climbing gym for a break.

I somehow managed to not look at my phone while I was at the gym, but when I got into my car to head home I saw that I had a new text from Claire. My pulse quickened and that same feeling of excitement crept back into my gut. I unlocked my phone and read the message.

‘Hey you, sorry to make you wait so long, typical family stuff tonight (Sadface). Just so you know, you can always change your mind about what we talked about earlier today if you’re not interested. I promise I won’t be upset. If you actually are interested, then here’s what you need to do: After class on Friday (my program often has half days on Friday) I want you to head straight home and send me a text when you’re ready for the rest of your instructions.’

It was either Tuesday or Wednesday, but either way, Friday seemed a whole lot farther away than I would have liked it to. ‘Sounds like a plan. You’re one heck of a tease you know.’ I typed back to her.

A few seconds later, I saw that she was typing back. ‘That’s the whole point. You’ll just have to be patient. Goodnight.’

Not surprisingly, the rest of the week passed at a snail’s pace. At last Friday arrived in the form of an incredibly cold (-15 F) morning and an absolutely tortuous pulmonology antibiotics review. Never in my life have I been so aloof in class. My mind was on Claire. Her perfect body, her cinnamon hair, the way she so often smelled of lavender. I did my best to hide my erection during class, but all I wanted was her.

We got out a half hour early thanks to some unseen miracle. I packed up my laptop, threw on my jacket, and b-lined it straight out of class. Funnily enough, a couple of classmates texted me later that day to make sure everything was okay as I just seemed a bit ‘off’ during class. I reassured them that everything was just fine.

I pulled into my driveway just a few minutes before noon (Thanks to some icy roads), went inside, set down my bag, and pulled out my phone.

‘I’m ready for the rest of my instructions.’ I texted Claire as I looked out my kitchen window towards her house. One or two of her lights were on, but I didn’t see any movement inside (I know…creepy, right?). I looked back at my phone. No reply. I went to the bathroom real quick and returned to see my phone glowing on the kitchen table.

‘You got off early ;). Unlock the back door, strip naked, blindfold yourself, and go lie down face-up on your bed. I’ll be over soon.

I read it, then I read it again. My throat went dry, my pulse accelerated, my cock began to harden in my pants, and then I read it one last time. I did exactly as Claire asked, unlocking the door, making a blindfold out of a bandana, and at last eased back onto my bed with my semi-hard cock waiting for Claire.

I didn’t know what to expect, but I was beginning to wrap my mind around what Claire meant when she suggested that we ‘experiment’. These were definitely new waters for me, but at the same time, I was in the midst of the most exciting sexual relationship of my life with Claire. Laying there on the bed, taking in the silence of my house, I remember feeling the mixture of total exposure, overwhelming excitement, and an odd sense of submission. It was unlike anything I’d ever experienced.

I laid there on the bed for what seemed like ten or fifteen minutes before at last I heard the sound of the back door opening and then closing. I remember the amplified sensation of hearing I experienced as Claire’s footsteps drew closer to the bedroom. The way the sound changed when her feet left the kitchen tile and found the hardwood of the living room, and then the silence that followed when the footsteps stopped just a few feet from the bed.

An almost drug-like sensation of excitement rushed through my body as I felt my cock stiffen in response to Claire’s palpable presence in the room. The faintest scent of lavender touched my nose and grew stronger as I imagined Claire standing over me, dressed in some outrageously sexy lace lingerie, her red hair up in bun, taking in the sight before her.

“Listen carefully,” She said softly, “You are not to move until I’m done with you. Do you understand?”

“Anything for you.” I replied with a smile.

Suddenly I felt her hand firmly around my cock, she squeezed it surprisingly hard, almost to the point of causing mild pain. “That’ll be ‘Yes Mistress’ from now on.”

I swallowed. “Yes Mistress.” I said, and then felt myself smile again.

“Only speak when I ask you a question. Understand?”

“Yes Mistress.” I answered

Her hand left my cock, and a moment later I she grabbed my arm, lifting it above my head, slipping something over it and then tightening it down on my wrist. I couldn’t move it, but I was now beginning to get a pretty good idea of what exactly was going on. I couldn’t believe that she’d been hiding this from me for so long.

In the blink of an eye, the same thing happened to my other arm and both my legs. I laid there, stretched out like some sort of medieval torture victim, completely at Claire’s will, and then I felt myself sink deeper into the bed as she crawled up over top of me. Her knees came to rest over my thighs. I felt her sit back a little bit onto my legs. The urge to reach up and touch her came over me as I forgot about my restraints. She giggled as I tried and failed.

“Oh that’s too bad,” She said in a teasing voice, “It sure looks like someone is excited to see me. Maybe I should play with this for a little while.”

I felt a something swirl around the head of my cock ever so gently. It twitched up and down as I was overwhelmed by the sensation. Claire giggled again.

“Does that feel good?” She asked.

“Oh man, it feels….” I started until I felt an even firmer grip constrain my cock. A groan escaped my lips, “Yes Mistress.” I finished, and sighed as she let go once more.

“Much better.” She said as I felt her weight shift.

Suddenly, Claire’s scent came intoxicatingly close to my nose and I felt her breath over my lips. She gave me a gentle kiss and then started kissing down my body slowly and methodically. My cock was almost painfully hard now and pulsating as her lips passed down my chest and belly until she was just above my cock. I almost gasped as I felt her tongue run slowly up and down the underside of my hard cock. Her hand gently passed over my scrotum. I was completely entranced by this sensory overload, the immense amount of pleasure I was experiencing.

Licking turned to sucking as Clair’s lips wrapped around the tip of my cock sending chills up my spine. I wanted nothing more than to watch her work, but instead laid there in ecstacy. I reached the edge of orgasm much faster than normal thanks to this new experience and she stopped just before I reached that point of no return. Again I felt her weight shift and the sensation of her body warmth passed over my chest and neck. A new smell surrounded me, one that I knew well by now, as I felt the wet lips of Claire’s pussy brush up against my mouth.

“Open up.” She said.

My tongue went straight to Claire’s clitoris and immediately a moan escaped her lips. Her pussy was dripping wet and I felt her juices running down onto my face as I went to work on her. She began grinding her hips back and forth over my mouth as her pleasure intensified and I could tell that she too was quickly approaching orgasm. I whipped my tongue back and forth as fast as I could over the tip of her clit. She grabbed the backside of my head and pulled it up deeper into her pussy. A few seconds later her moans turned to gasps and then almost screams as she reached the peak of her orgasm.

When her orgasm subsided, Claire let go of my head and her pussy pulled away from my mouth.

“Mmmmm Thank you,” she said, “I think it’s time for me to fuck you, don’t you think?”

“Yes Mistress.” I said, still tasting Claire’s pussy in my mouth.

I felt Claire move down and her weight rested above my groin. Claire’s hand grabbed my shaft and pulled it upright. Even though I knew it was coming, nothing could have prepared me for the feeling of Claire’s warm, wet pussy slowly sliding down on my cock. I heard another quiet moan escape Claire’s lips as she completely lowered herself down on me and began slowly riding my dick.

In that moment, as Claire’s pussy slid up and down over my cock, as I heard the sound of her juices slipping in and out and running down my balls, as I struggled to catch my breath, I was on a completely different planet. This was completely unlike anything I had ever experienced or dreamed of experiencing. I tried so hard to not think about the pulsating pleasure growing in my cock and to focus on lasting longer for Claire, but then she started riding me harder and faster. She started to moan louder and louder as she returned to the edge of orgasm.

“Oh God!” She moaned as she rested her hands on my chest and I felt the sensation of her pussy on my cock change.

In that instant, I could not hold it back any longer and arched thrusted deep into Claire as I exploded my load into her pussy. That sensation must have pushed Claire over the edge, as she immediately began to gasp and I felt her pussy clench around my cock as we came together.

Claire let herself rest on my cock, filled with my cum as the afterglow subsided. I felt her reach up and remove the restraints from my wrists and remove the blindfold from my eyes. I blinked as my eyes adjusted to the light. There was Claire. Naked, smiling on top of me looking even better than I imagined her. She had the biggest smile on her face, like a child who got exactly what she wanted for christmas. She kissed me gently and smiled again.

“Well,” She sighed, “What did you think?”

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/bs7b1z/mf_things_take_a_turn_with_my_redheaded_neighbor


  1. Dammit man, don’t leave us hanging in suspense!

    What *did* you think? :D

  2. It was kind of obvious it was going this way when she mentioned experimenting, but awesome relationship man. Great writing as well, the hints were quite subtle, but I found them ;)

  3. Be careful text messages is what got my sister-in-law caught. She set her phone down and her daughter saw a message on it when she was in another room. Her husband retrieved all of the messages going back years.

  4. I’m so glad you’re back. This story was awesome, hopefully you continue the adventure and also update us faster than a couple of months.

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