Halfbreed Ch. 05 (Part 1) [M/F erotic romance]


**DISCLAIMER**: I am posting the *entirety* of the first book when it is finished, any pay you give to my Patreon is for extra content: lore releases, early chapter releases, etc. None of the story itself is in any way gated or unreadable (though you might have to wait a month to see it!)

Mike awoke the next morning without an Elf in his arms.

His eyes flickered open, his limbs stretching out atop the mattress as he blindly groped for the warm touch of the person lying next to him. His fingers played across the empty space where Allynna should have been, his conscious mind rising to the fore as he realized she wasn’t there. A thread of panic struck, as he wondered for a moment if it had all been just a wonderful dream. He rustled the bedsheets, looking around to confirm that he was, in fact awake.

She had fallen asleep in his arms. The thought alone brought a smile to his face. The sheets where she had lain were pushed aside, the slight indent of her slender form still etched upon the bed. Mike yawned and peered around the room; he realized with a start that the night before had not been mere fantasy.

His lover was at the doorway, bent over at the waist as she fussed with the sealed panelling of the mechanical door. A set of small red and green wires jutted out, pouring forth from the opening like a mess of tangled hair. The dextrous Elf had pulled away the metal shielding and was poking around in the thing’s innards.

He wasn’t particularly shocked by this development; Aly was always the type to think proactively in a crisis. What *was* surprising was her choice – or rather, lack thereof – in attire.

She was naked from head to toe, her white bodysuit cast aside upon the floor amongst their discarded clothing. Her back was to him, her spine bending and twisting this way and that as she fiddled with the console. Even in a moment like this, she made every errant sway of her hips seem like an elegant ballroom dance. Deciding not to interrupt the impulsive Elf’s work, Mike pulled the pillow to one side, adjusting his place on the bed so he could comfortably recline and enjoy her naked beauty.

Her eyes were focused on the task, her face set in an even expression of concentration he’d come to know so well. Her hair trailed down her face, every honey colored strand reflecting like threads of precious gold in the light.

Allynna did not notice him for some time, focused as she was on the panel in front of her. Mike had no idea what had possessed her to make such a brazen move before she had even bothered to pulled on pants, but he was miles away from complaining.

It was only after nearly a minute of silent fiddling that his Elf finally deigned to glance over at him. Her fingers froze, her body tensing as recognition swept across her ageless features. Their eyes met, staring for a long moment.

She became immediately, awkwardly aware of herself, standing up in a rush as her spine straightened to a washboard’s flatness. Mike’s smile became a wide, toothy grin as he watched his Mool’Gwaith flounder about for her dignity.

“…Good morning, Michael.” She said, in as empty a tone of voice as she could manage. Her lips were flat, her face an expressionless mask.

“Good morning.” He replied, watching as the Elf squirmed beneath his gaze. When his eyes drifted downwards, Allynna’s look followed after. She reached down with her right hand in reflex to hide her chastity, catching herself mid-move, then reluctantly bringing it back to her side. “Doing a bit of snooping, huh?”

Allynna’s cheeks reddened at the implication in his tone. “Yes.” She said, keeping her expression level as she swiveled like an automaton to face the panel, keeping her flank turned to him so he could see neither her rear nor her crotch. She gestured with a slow, controlled flick of the wrist. “These panels are not military grade. I believe that we can quite easily jerry-rig the door, given time.”

“Hence the rush to get to them.” He remarked with building amusement.

Allynna stiffened. “I… am uncertain why I did not put on clothes. It seemed like a secondary concern at the time.” She paused. “The idea didn’t even occur to me. I was focused solely on discovering an escape route.”

Mike said nothing, allowing his steady stare and knowing smile to speak for itself. Allynna grew increasingly flustered.

“…Perhaps it is because you are my mate.”

A nervous thrill ran up Mike’s spine. “And here I just assumed I was a ‘sanctimonious ape’ to you.” Mike said, putting his hands behind his head as he leaned back against the bed.

Her brow lowered. “You are one.” She retorted.

Mike laughed, reaching down with his hand to pat the open space on the bed next to him. “C’mere.”

Allynna’s eyes widened. She took a half-step forward, then hesitated. Her body language spoke to her conflicted wishes. Despite her nakedness, Mike had never seen her so exposed.

“I… perhaps in a moment.”

Mike shook his head, chuckling in disappointment. He stretched once more, pushing aside the covers and standing to his feet, letting the warm sunlight heat his bare skin.

Allynna’s eyes trailed in unsubtle interest across his bare form. He was erect, as was natural when staring at a naked Aly. Far from feeling bashful, Mike made a point to calmly strut over to the other end of the room, coming to a small side door that led to the adjoining bathroom. He could feel her eyes on him as he walked.

“There a shower in here?” Mike asked, casting a sly glance over his shoulder in Aly’s direction. Her blue eyes snapped up to meet his own.

“Yes.” She said, her voice quiet and subdued.

“All right.” Mike said, “I’m taking a quick rinse, and then let’s take a crack at that doorway.” He cocked his head to one side, making a show of unsubtly staring at her chest. “You could use one, too.” He opened the bathroom door and strode into the cramped room without a second glance.

The water fell in raining pools of heat when Mike turned it on, an Elven masterpiece of engineering whose strong flow was hot from the start. Its curved, silvery nozzle sent wafting wisps of moisture up to fog the air like an eldritch mist. He stepped into the heated flow with a sort of zen-like contentment.

It was only a few seconds before he heard the soft *slap* of bare feet on tiling behind him. He had barely enough time to turn around before Aly had him pushed against the wall, asserting his personal space as she slid into the water with him.

She pressed herself against him, creating a fascinating dichotomy of temperature: her warm body against his front, and the cool shower tiles against his back. Allynna’s lips touched his own as she planted a harsh kiss on his face.

She held him there a moment, the impetus of action still hers to claim. She had a dangerous look in her eyes, one so titillating that Mike momentarily forgot about the pleasant sensation of an Elf’s nipples rubbing up against his chest.

Seconds passed as Allynna’s unexpected offensive petered out. The faintest hint of nervousness could be felt on the Mool’Gwaith’s expression; she had no idea where to go from here. Mike laughed, circling her waist with his hands as he pulled her still closer to him.

This seemed to annoy her. Her eyes narrowed, her expression hardening to an Elf’s typical coldness. She thought he was making fun of her. The knowledge of that fact prompted Mike to *actually* make fun of her.

“Were you looking to save some water?” He said, giving her his winning smile. “I promise I won’t take long.”

She rolled her eyes at him. Instead of responding she began to sink downwards. Mike was caught off guard, his hands moving to her shoulders as if to keep her from falling.

“What are you-” He began, but when she got down on both knees and took him in hand the intent became self evident. “…Oh.” He said, amazed by her audacity. She kissed the head of his cock, and whatever clever quip Mike had been about to make flew away from his mind.

Her blue eyes were upon his own as she parted her lips and began to lick. The sensation was sudden and shocking, causing Mike to brace against the wall as she began an inconsistent oral worship across the length and scope of his penis. She kissed his base, then licked along the side. Her erratic application of lip and suction became apparent when she tried to turn his cock at an odd angle and suckle on it, like she was chomping on a corn cob.

Her amateurishness was obvious, but the novelty of getting a wet blowjob from Aly was such that Mike still moaned. She licked up his length, and he put a hand atop her head, running his fingers through her waterslick hair as she kissed the tip and ran her tongue around the top.

Steeling herself, the Elf descended, slowly swallowing a portion of his length down her throat as she lifted and lowered her head upon his cock, working her neck into the action. He caught her stealing glances upwards, checking to see if he was responding like she’d intended. He gave her an encouraging smile and she pushed further, her brow furrowing in concentration as she began to struggle with the intake.

Stubborn as always, she redoubled her efforts, forcing herself down his length till she was nearly halfway down the shaft. Mike saw the exact moment that Aly became unable to continue: her eyes widened, and she let out an unintended cough of air as she started to gag.

Mike went to his knees, squatting down next to her to make sure she was okay. She waved him off even as she coughed, her body language clearly voicing the embarrassment she did not vocalize. Mike could see the look on her face, the red blush on her cheeks and apologetic expression.

He smiled, leaning forward to kiss her forehead as the shower cocooned them both in the sweltering, artificial rain. He brushed aside a lock of hair, causing her uncertain eyes to drift to him.

“It’s okay.” Mike said to her.

He pulled her to her feet, standing beneath the pattering flow as Mike kissed her once more. He leaned against her, reaching past her back to grab a soapy washcloth off a small corner shelf. He could smell her hair in his nose as their faces brushed up against one another.
Taking the sudsy cloth in hand, he planted his palm upon her sternum, rubbing it slowly across the top of her chest and shoulder line. Allynna’s eyes moved southwards, staring as he cleaned their accumulated sweat from her body. He neglected to wash her breasts just yet, though he did give a playful flick against one of her nipples that caused her to inhale in sharp admonishment. With a wink and a grin he resumed his washing.

It was slow. Sensual and chaste. He moved from body part to body part, taking first her left arm in hand, and then the other. Allynna allowed him to do it, her free hand moving across his chest as her eyes roamed across his person.

He pulled her close, draping his head over her shoulder, so that he could see the line of her back leading down to her gorgeous bottom. He rubbed across her back, watching in fascination as her spine shifted this way and that. Her fingers ran through his hair, her nails stroking his neckline. He even washed her plump ass, watching with a twinge in his manhood at the soapy, wet wonder of her wide cheeks as he swept his hands across them. He took extra care to ensure they were properly ‘cleaned.’ So much so that Aly was squirming in his grasp once he had finished.

He washed her legs, he washed her thighs. With some prodding, he got her to turn around so he could wrap his arms around her once more, pulling her tight as he gently cleaned her core and midsection. They swayed together in the shower, his Elf pressing her ass back against his erection even as her spine settled against his chest. He got a little handsy when he drifted up to cup her breasts, but the sly Elf batted him away till he played nice. He kissed her neck, burying his head in her hair as he took deep inhales and let the water wash the suds away.
His hand began to drift lower, ever lower, towards her femininity. His bare fingers played across her pussy’s lower lips, spreading them as she slowly spread her stance, her breathing growing ragged as she closed her eyes. He stuck an experimental finger into her moist hole and she let out a small gasp, his finger pulling free with a delightful sort of suction.

“Stop teasing me.” She said. Her voice was filled with a most unusual tone. It was lustful, half-breathless.

“Why?” He whispered back in her ear, his voice lost to the rushing water, “You fall for it every time.”

She let out a discontented growl, pushing her hips back and jamming her ass against his dick. Mike was caught off guard as his Elf began to grind against him, shifting her weight back and forth as she simulated a short, spirited coitus with him. His animal brain took over, humping back against her despite the lack of real penetration. He was rock hard, his hands moving almost as if of their own accord to caress and squeeze the impulsive Mool’Gwaith’s breasts.

Her point sufficiently made, Aly turned back around to face him. They kissed. Her lips pressed against his own as Mike poked around in her mouth with his tongue. When Mike held her by her hips, she ran her fingernails down his back. When Mike’s tickling grasp reached down to cup her ass in his hands, he found her own slide down his flank to do the same to his. The two stared at one another.

“Well then.” Mike said, watching Allynna with the insatiable fixation of an addict. She was naked and wet, with her hair pulled back and her long ears exposed by the water. “Where do we go from here?”
“I don’t-” She started to say, trailing off as the true meaning of what he was asking her came to the fore. Her cheeks reddened. “We can continue as we have.”

Mike smirked. “I meant with the door.”

The Elf’s eyes narrowed. “We’ll escape.”

“To where?”

She ran her hands across his shoulders. “To the base’s Starport. I spotted the contrail of a ship landing this morning, through the window. The port is just north of here. We can – as you would put it – ‘appropriate’ a Starship and- *mmh!”* Mike muffled her words with his mouth, swallowing her gasp of pleasure. He spread her asscheeks apart, allowing his fingertips to roam as they slid into slick, wet places. She shuddered in his arms.

Allynna was already wet, and not from the shower head. The flat of her hand went to the small of his back, pulling him tight with a gasp as he flicked her pleasure button. He pulled his sticky fingers free from her. Aly moaned at the loss of sensation, her hand going to the arm that had been fingering her and clutching at his bicep. Her lidded eyes were nonetheless filled with an intense focus. Her lips were pursed, and she held on to Mike like she was adrift and he was her life preserver.

Mike made a deliberate show of bringing the dripping hand to his lips, licking his fingers as he laughed at the shocked expression on her face. It was so easy to goad her.

“*Huuh*!” Mike groaned, clenching his stomach as two hands encircled his erect penis and jerked him fiercely. Her fingers were just as irresistible as they’d been the night before. Mike once again found himself inches away from orgasm. He tried to pull away but Aly didn’t let him off so easy. She held him firm, her eyes locked to his as a naughty gleam filled her eyes.

He grasped her by the scruff of her neck, pulling her to his lips for another long, extended contact. Allynna pushed against him, holding Mike firm to the wall as she slid across his naked skin, twisting and bending in his arms. He let out an ecstatic breath against her shoulder. Allynna pulled back, her eyes ablaze with longing as she continued to stroke him.

No words were needed. Mike put a hand against her shoulder to help direct her, but Aly was already turning around before he did so. She planted her hands against the flat of the tiled wall and bent forward, sticking her rear outwards as she extended the very limits of space in the cramped shower.

Unsatisfied with the overly obtuse angle she made with her body, Mike planted a hand onto the flat of her back and pushed her farther down, plumping up her rear and providing the perfect angle for what he was looking for. He rubbed the palm of his hand against the flat of her crotch like he was trying to warm his hands against a fire. It came away slick with Elven secretions.

Aly turned her head back to look at him. She rolled her hips, pressing it against his waist as she began to bump and grind. Mike’s brain temporarily shut down as he watched his cock sandwich itself in the crack of an Elven ass, the hypnotic rhythm of her butt drove Mike insane. She began to stroke him, moving up and down in a slow pattern. The head of his cock poked up every so often past her envelopment like a mushroom breaking the soil, retreating back again when she rose her hips.

Mike planted a heavy *smack* against Aly’s rear. His palm connected with her plush flesh. The ripple of the unexpected attack flowed across her pristine skin, leaving a slight red mark where his hand had struck.
Allynna yelped like the night before, glancing back at him from her bent over position with lustful annoyance. Mike chuckled, taking himself in hand as he angled against her pussy for ideal penetration. He sank in as if he had always belonged there, the first half sliding deep within her as the clench of her inner muscles naturally responded to his intrusion.

Aly groaned, tilting her head back with pursed lips as Mike began to thrust. He took hold of her hips, wondering at the slender perfection of her back, like a porcelain doll made into a living being. Aly curled her spine into an almost S shape, lifting her hips as she dropped her core, yielding still more space for Mike to push as hard as he could.

He adopted a slow, relaxed pace, enjoying every second she was in his grasp. Allynna allowed this tepid mating to continue for some time, adapting to Mike’s movements with the precision of a professional, pulling back slowly as he did, then coming together in a delicious unification of the masculine and the feminine.

However, she soon grew dissatisfied, her thrusts going at a faster and faster rate to Mike’s own. Soon she was *slapping* her ass hard against him, pushing him back to the point where he was all but pinned against the wall. Aly did not relent, taking charge as her hips seemed to move of their own accord. She lowered her head and worked into the sensation, the wet sounds coming from their mutual connection sending Mike’s mind into overdrive.

She bottomed out against him, planting herself hard against his waist as she rolled her ass around his groin. Mike let out a low, sexual chuckle. “In my wildest dreams, you were never this unrestrained.”

Allynna snapped her head around to glare at him, a surprisingly fierce expression arising on her ageless face. Mike grinned at the haughty scowl she adopted. Instead of answering him, she slammed her hips back even harder, causing a literal impact from the transferred momentum against the tiling, one that rocked the smuggler to his core.
“Stop talking.” She said.

“Yes, ma’am.”

Driven on by an animalistic need, he began to see-saw back and forth into Aly’s hindquarters, pushing her more and more forward with every thrust till he had her pinned against the wall. It was a dramatic reversal that the Elf embraced wholeheartedly, clinging to the tiles for dear life as she let out an honest cry of pleasure.

The overeager smuggler humped in a near vertical angle, his pace becoming piston-like as he pulled out mere inches of his dick’s length before jamming deep into her core once more. Aly let out short, yipping gasps as Mike took her by the arms and held her in place, the sound of their mating carrying up over the rushing tide of water. Her right cheek pressed against the wall, the left side of her face exposed as she braced for further impacts.

Compared to the romantic lovemaking of the night before, this was quick and dirty. Mike mashed Aly up against the wall, clinging to her waistline as she squirmed and gasped. Her inner walls tightened with every thrust, adding to his erotic joy even as he bit his lip to hold back the budding orgasm.

He hilted and came, his breath expelling in great gouts from his nostrils as he ejaculated. Her entire body began to tremble, starting from the base of her neck and rolling down her spine like a seizure. A moan slipped out, and she turned her head away from him.

Allynna laid her forehead against the tiling, hunching her shoulders as she struggled to catch her breath. The tightness in her pussy became unbearable as she pushed back against him, crushing her ass against his waist as the two humped long past completion.

Mike panted, his hands molesting the object of his obsession as he enjoyed the sensation of her wet skin. He leaned forward, planting a kiss on the back of her neck as Aly hid her face from his gaze. He chuckled, turning her head to look at him as her orgasm consumed her. Even an Elf couldn’t hide *that* from him.

They cuddled close for a moment, and then Mike pulled free, allowing Allynna to peel herself off the wall as they both caught their breath. She turned to face him, looking in his eyes as if to confirm that they had, in fact, just done that again. Mike grinned at her, and she scowled back at him, her blush deepening as his gaze drifted downwards.

“…I believe we need the wash cloth again.” Was all she said. Mike laughed as he reached for it.

Several minutes later, the Elf emerged from the bathroom, her soft steps across the floor mirrored several feet behind by her Human. Mike stared after her as she breezily wiped the wetness from her skin, the sun reflecting in her hair. She was pristine, her body seeming to move in an even more graceful manner than usual. She bent at the waist, and Mike felt another stirring in his aching loins.

He moved to the bed, sitting down to pull on his trousers at the same time that Aly reached for her body suit. He stared at her, wordless as she began to put on her clothes. It all seemed like some strange dream: the Elf returning to her natural state of appearance as he pulled on his socks. He could see her slender back, her naked shoulder blades as they moved back and forth, trying to tug the fabric up her thighs. A feeling built inside his chest.

“I…” Mike started to say, prompting the Elf to glance behind her. Her eyebrow rose. “You’re my best friend, Aly.” He said, voicing the thought in a way he had not intended.

She blinked at him, her modesty all but gone as she pulled the suit up over her bare bottom. Her face was expressionless as she turned back to focus on her outfit.

“You have a strange habit of stating the obvious, Michael.” She replied.

Mike laughed at her standoffishness. “Well, then *you* tell me what you’d call us.”

*Us*. The word alone seemed to unsettle her. Allynna stopped. Something changed in the look on her face. She sank down onto the bed next to him, half-dressed but heedless of his wandering eye. She took his hand in hers and brought it to her lap, staring down at it with an absent expression.

“I do not have the proper words to explain what you mean to me.” She murmured. “You aren’t just my Captain anymore. You haven’t been for a long time.” Her fingers gently stroked the top of his hand. “But now I feel lost. I do not know what happens next.”
“Why does anything have to ‘happen?’ ”

She turned her gaze to his. “You are not an Elf. You don’t understand.”
“I’m aware of that.” Mike teased. “Enlighten me.”

She didn’t so much as smile. “You know my people, Michael. Better than almost any who aren’t Elfkin. But you can’t understand what this situation means to them.”

Mike squeezed her hand. “It only means what it has to mean, Aly.”

Allynna shook her head. “You misunderstand my intent. It is not our mutual feelings that concern me. My family, my path to citizenship, even my Mool’Gwaith status. Everything will change because of what we’ve done, in more ways than I am allowed to make you understand right now.”

“Your Uncle seems to get along just fine with Susan.” Mike quipped. “A human bride for a decorated war hero. Doesn’t seem so bad to me.”

Allynna’s morose expression deepened. “*Your* people see him as a hero, Michael. Mine see him as a disgrace. There’s a reason why they live on a remote colony world in Wild Space, and not the Elven Core worlds.”
Mike frowned. “What, for losing both his legs in a last stand against overwhelming odds? He called in an *airstrike* on himself, and somehow still managed to save an entire colony. I’m aware that suffering an injury like that is considered shameful to that weird cult of perfection you people are running, but-”

“The situation with my Uncle is far more complicated than that.” Allynna said. “And I’m not going to get into it with you. His mutilation is only part of the problem.”

“-So your people really do just hate aliens.” Mike said flatly.

Allynna seemed frustrated. Helpless to make him understand. “It’s not that either, Michael. There are rules to our society that make it impossible for me to explain to you the actual problem.”

“You’re not Elven society, Aly. *You* tell me.”
Her forlorn look caught Mike off guard. “I can’t.”


She wilted from his stare. “…Many reasons. Not the least of which being that it is an uncomfortable subject for me to discuss. More to the point: there may be grave consequences – for *both* of us – if I reveal it to you prematurely.”
“What kind of consequences? And what even is ‘it’ anyway?” Mike pressed. Allynna went silent. She turned to face him on the bed, pulling both his hands into hers.

“Understand me when I say this, Michael: I want to tell you why, with every fiber of my being. But I am prevented from doing so, by the same rules that bind me to your service as your Mool’Gwaith. I do not regret what we did last night-”

“*And* what we did in the shower.” He joked. A ghost of a smile crossed her lips.

“Yes.” She said. “That as well… but I need you to understand that this changes things, in ways that I cannot fully predict the outcome of. And that makes me feel…”

“Scared?” Mike said.

“Vulnerable.” She insisted.

“You sound scared.” He said. “Are we…?” He asked, a pit growing in his stomach.

Her eyes widened. “Of course we are! That is not the intent of this conversation. Just…” She toyed with his fingers. The Elf had no idea what to say; the world had truly gone mad.

Mike touched her face, pulling her to his lips in a soft kiss. When he pulled back her wonderful blue eyes were upon him.

“I get it.” He lied, “You’ll explain it when you can. You ready to take a crack at that door? We need to get the hell out of here.”

Allynna stood up off the bed, turning her back to him as she threaded her hands through the arms of her body suit, pulling it over her torso as she slid smoothly into the clingy outfit. Her Elven grace came to the fore, her hips turning back and forth as she tried to wiggle into her suit. Mike couldn’t help but stare. Allynna glanced back over her shoulder, flashing a small smile as she winked at him.

“You tease.” He said, smirking.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/bs5dcq/halfbreed_ch_05_part_1_mf_erotic_romance