Halfbreed Ch. 04 (Part 2) [M/F erotic romance]

**DISCLAIMER**: I am posting the *entirety* of the first book when it is finished, any pay you give to my Patreon is for extra content: lore releases, early chapter releases, etc. None of the story itself is in any way gated or unreadable (though you might have to wait a month to see it!)

It was dark in the holding cell; cold and uncomfortable. A sliver of silvery moonlight filtered in through a narrow window near the ceiling at the back of the room, illuminating the bed but keeping the rest of the room in perpetual darkness.

Mike woke up several times over the course of the night, thwarted by the lack of central heating in the room and his own, innate stubbornness. Each time he arose from the bonds of sleep at the foot of the bed he would simply turn over, pull his beloved jacket closer about his chest and huddle into himself. He passed several hours like this, drifting between the waking realm and the sleeping one as his discomfort warred with his weariness.

Partway through the evening, something changed. Mike felt a warmth come over him, as if a soothing cloud were settling over his body. He groaned and leaned into it, comforted by the sensation. He was just starting to drift off once more, when a thought occurred to him.

Mike opened his eyes, feeling the distinctive touch of a blanket draped across his body. He pulled part of it up to his chin, inhaling a familiar, feminine fragrance.

Mike lifted his head, staring with bleary eyes at the lonely looking figure sitting at the edge of the bed. Allynna’s feet were planted, her hands were on her knees; she almost looked to be meditating. The Elf’s eyes were trained to the blank wall in front of her, staring hard at something that only she could see.

Against his better judgement, Mike picked himself up off the ground. His footsteps were heavy, his eyelids drooping low as he waddled around the side of the bed. He plopped down next to the quiet Elf, shivering every so often as he settled into the blanket around his shoulders. Allynna did not so much as turn her head in his direction.

Mike closed his eyes, hunching forward in his splendid cocoon. He took a deep inhale.


Allynna at last broke eye contact with the wall and glanced in his direction. There was a long pause.

“…I couldn’t sleep.” She said.

“I noticed.” Mike said, punctuating his words with a protracted yawn. “Thanks for the blanket.”

“You were shivering.”

They sat there for a moment in extended silence. The moonlight cast a heady glow across the bed, illuminating the Elf’s alien features. Allynna turned her gaze back to the wall, her expression going blank.

“What’s up?” Mike asked. She didn’t answer his question.

Mike let out a weary exhale. “Last time you got like this, you stayed cooped up in your quarters for two days.”

“I’m thinking.”

Mike settled back onto the bed, staring at the ceiling as he let the Elf have her moment. His eyes closed, his breathing going steady. Time became a fluidity as he drifted once more towards gentle slumber.

“How can you sleep so soundly,” She asked, “when so much is at stake?”

Mike opened his eyes. “…I’ve dealt with worse than this before, Aly.” He said to the ceiling.

“I’m not talking about the Orcs.” Allynna said, turning to face him on the bed.

Mike sighed, “You’re gonna have to enlighten the stupid human then, cause I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Why did you give me the bed, Michael?” The Elf asked suddenly.

Mike put a hand over his face. “Heruen help me, *this again*? It’s a mattress Aly, not a Kydera Gemstone. I’ve spent half my life napping in gutters, and you barely manage to get any sleep as it is.”

“This action violates multiple protocols in the Code of Gwaith Elen.” She said, her tone growing hot. “You do this kind of thing to me incessantly. A Mool’Gwaith serves their Captain, not the other way around.”

Mike sat up, blinking the last bits of sleep from his eyes. “Yeah? And what good does a half-awake Mool’Gwaith do me when we’re dodging gunshots and stealing starships?”

Allynna stared him down. “-About as much good as a dead Captain would have done me, had you not been fortunate enough to survive.”

Mike sighed, “Aly-”

“No, Michael.” The Elf preempted him. “Don’t play games with me like I’m one of those women in the bar. I know you better than that.”

*Too well, in fact*. Mike thought. “What do you want me to say, Aly? Should I apologize for saving your life, or maybe beg your forgiveness for giving you a damn bed to sleep on?”
“I want you to start treating the contract we signed in blood together with the respect that it deserves.” She said.

Mike yawned again. “You’re more important to me than a pointless piece of paper, Aly.”

“Prove it then.” She answered. “Take the bed.”

“No.” Mike said, relaxing back against the mattress in defiance. “Let me know when you’re done moping, I’ll get off when you’re finally ready to use it.”

There was a long silence. Mike relaxed back against the mattress, his eyes closing once more as he waited for the Elf to say something else. She didn’t; the only response he got was the feel of the mattress as she stood up off of it. He felt the sudden weight of something crawl along his side, cuddling close as she slipped beneath the folds of his blanket like a ghost.

Mike started, his eyes snapping open as he felt a hand caress his chest. He turned, and there she was.

And… there she was. Her eyes were upon him, like cobalt gemstones glittering in the light. Allynna was inches from his face, her lips pursed, her eyes lidded low. Mike turned his head, facing her nose to nose. They looked at one another for a long moment.

“Why must you always make things so difficult?” She whispered.

Her hand reached out, fingers brushing across his left cheek. Mike almost flinched; he felt her fingertips stroke the side of his face.

“Allynna-” Mike said, his voice rising as if to warn her.

“No.” She said, shaking her head as she leaned towards him. “Aly.”

Her lips touched his own, her mouth melding to his as she pulled tight to his person. He’d had this dream before, on occasion. Granted, it felt *far* more real this time. But that wasn’t possible: it couldn’t be Allynna whose mouth was holding so firm to his, whose neck bent into the action to work the kiss deeper into Mike’s mouth. It wasn’t her hand that reached out and grabbed him by the scruff of his shirt, pulling him atop her.

Elves didn’t do this. They didn’t run their fingers through Mike’s hair, their tongue probing deeper, entwining with his own. They didn’t gasp when he touched their waist, sliding his fingers down their sides. They *certainly* didn’t touch him in a place considered quite personal for a male, her hands fumbling to undo his belt as he let out a groan and-

Mike snapped back to reality, his mind alight with the utter absurdity of what was happening. His hand circled around behind her, feeling the plumpness of the Elf’s rear with his right hand as his other hand went to her breast. They pulled together, body to body as the Captain and his Mool’Gwaith traded caresses back and forth.

Mike was zipping down the front of Allynna’s white bodysuit before his conscious mind even realized that they’d already been kissing for more than a minute. He was on his hands and knees, draped atop her as their lips came together. He was out of his Gelph leather jacket in seconds, tossing it to one side as the whole of his attention was focused on Aly. He could feel her body pressed against him, her arms circling his back as she struggled to remove his shirt.

She was nervous. The notion that *she* of all people was jittery in this situation was hilarious in the extreme. It was the first time Mike had ever seen her struggle with something so simple.

Mike let out a light chuckle, leaning his cheek against her own. “An Elven bra is going to be a *lot* more complicated than a human shirt, you know.” He whispered into her ear. Allynna didn’t answer him, choosing to let out a soft moan instead. Frustrated at Mike’s lack of nakedness, she hooked her hands under his armpits and pulled his shirt off of him

Mike stood up off the bed for a moment, letting her use the momentum to remove his shirt. Instead of returning to his place atop her however, he moved over to the wall. Mike flicked on the light, taking the room from dark shadows to blinding, clear luminescence. Mike was forced to squint his eyes as they adjusted to the light. The sight of his first mate splayed out on the bed made the slight discomfort worth it.

Allynna was covered up to her legs in the blanket, her white bodysuit peeled halfway off her upper body. Her chest was heaving, she seemed to be having trouble keeping her breathing steady. Mike marvelled at the sight of her exposed chest, her nanoweave bra’s metallic sheen glinting in the light as the Elf sat up to look at him. Upon seeing the direction that his eyes were drifting, she chastely rose the covers of the blanket to her chest and blushed.

Mike chuckled, walking back across the carpet, kicking off his boots as he sat down for a moment at the foot of the bed. Warm hands went to his back, and Mike turned to see Aly intently feeling across his shoulders, running her fingers down his back before reaching around and pulling him against her chest.

Her breasts felt like he had always imagined they would – as strange as the thought sounded. Soft yet firm, supple yet weighty. Allynna’s nipples poked into his shoulders through her bra, sliding across his naked skin as she moved to get even closer to him, draping herself around Mike like a canopy of warmth. He wanted to touch them, to lavish them with excessive praise for being connected to a being as lovely as Aly.

Mike turned his head, reaching with his hand to cup Allynna’s cheek. She leaned into the touch, her warmth a soothing presence as Mike turned and resumed his stance upon the bed. The Elf leaned back, lying flat on the bed as he moved atop her once more. Mike wondered at the sight of her curves, his hands running down her sides, squeezing her hips and massaging the skin he groped at.

Aly let out a low hum, as if dissatisfied at the pace they’d set. She reached up, unclipping her thin bra and pulling it aside. Mike matched gazes with her for a long moment, struggling to avoid ogling her exposed breasts.

The look she had in her eyes was so unlike her. It was expressive; emotive; a *hunger* lurking just beneath the glassy surface. Aly took him by the back of the neck and shoved him forward, planting his face squarely in the crux of her cleavage.
“M-make yourself useful, Michael.” She gasped out. It was endearing to see how hard she was trying to act nonchalant about the situation. Her clenched expression spoke volumes more than her haughty tone did. Ever the gentleman, Mike did as she asked.

His hands circled her breasts, kneading them between his fingers as he kissed her on the sternum. He felt the unsteady rise and fall of her breath upon his lips, his fingers toying with the buds of her erect nipples. Aly let out a small gasp as Mike lowered his face to one breast, taking the nipple within his mouth as he began to lick and suckle it. He nibbled just lightly upon the tip, and Allynna jerked in place, her hands moving swiftly to his head, holding him at bay, but not impeding his progress.

He explored every inch of her, roaming with his hands and tongue across the landscape of her chest, as if he were trying to memorize everything at once. The vague, surreal state of mind continued in his head. Mike still wasn’t quite computing that this was Aly’s naked body that he was up against, Aly’s bare chest that Mike was worshipping.

Mike applied more suction. At last he hit a threshold, Aly’s inhales rising sharply in feminine accord; he’d finally gotten a reaction from her. Just as he felt like he was getting somewhere, Aly let out a squeal of surprised ecstasy, before she shoved him forcefully back to an arm’s length of her. Mike’s eyebrow rose as Allynna attempted to recover from his assault.

“Michael…” She panted, “That was…”

“Need a sec?” He asked, his voice as sweet as candy. She attempted to affect an annoyed scowl, but she just ended up looking embarrassed. Her natural Elven beauty made the act seem far more graceful than it should have. Mike wondered if she was getting uncomfortable with her own arousal.

*Nuts to that*. Mike thought, reaching forward and ripping the blanket away, finally and forever removing it as an impediment to his progress. He rushed forward onto the bed, catching Aly’s lips with his own as he pressed down against her. She let out a surprised gasp, one that was quickly muffled by his mouth. He pinned her there, holding his body tightly against hers. He was already rock hard under his trousers.

He put his hands upon Aly’s bare shoulders, and she in turn ran her hands down his naked torso. As Mike reached up to once more fondle his Elven mate’s breasts, he felt Aly’s inquisitive touch move down to his toned abs. He giggled as she lightly tickled him, her fingers finding all the grooves and lines of his body. She seemed obsessed with his core.

At last Mike could stand it no longer. He peeled the last of her bodysuit off her arms, leaving her entire upper body naked to his vision. Taking her by the wrists, he pushed them to the bed, holding her in place as he draped himself above her. The two shared a long moment of eye contact. Allynna’s face was expressionless, but her cheeks were a crimson scarlet. He brushed away the hair from her eyes, feeling her ear with the edge of his fingers as the true depth of the moment finally struck him.

He kissed her again, then he planted a peck on her chin, moving down to kiss her throat. Aly’s breathing became ragged once more as Mike kissed her in a line down the length of her body. He could smell her feminine scent, feel the velvety touch of her soft skin, his ears were alight with the sound of her labored breathing.

Allynna relented to him, relaxing – though with a certain stiffness in her posture – as her Captain did his work. He moved down to her chest, taking each nipple in his mouth in turn, fondling the first Elven tit as he lavished oral praise upon the second. Allynna twisted and squirmed in place, held down by Mike’s weight and helpless to resist his amorous advances.

Mike moved downwards, ever downwards. He planted kisses down the whole length of her body, trailing down her slender stomach, past her thin belly button, to her half-uncovered waist.

Mike hooked his thumbs under the fabric at the corners of her hips. He felt her bare skin, hot against his fingers as he peeled the white outfit off of her. It slid down her womanly hips with an aching slowness. When he found he needed more leverage, Mike used his teeth to peel the last of it off her crotch.

By now Mike had worked himself backward off the bed, kneeling like a supplicant at the altar of Aly’s femininity. She lifted her rear off the mattress to give him better leverage, exposing her hairless sex to him from mere inches away. Even as he gandered, Mike saw Aly’s legs come together in a naive attempt to hide it from view.

Everything about her looked perfect, even her pussy. Even the way she bent her back and put a hand over her breasts as if to hide herself from him. Every action she took was unbearably attractive to him, no matter its original intent. There was an otherworldly elegance and beauty in everything she did, even when she was flustered. It made Mike’s heart pound of his chest. It made his hands clammy and his spine shiver. How was this happening? When did ‘making love to an Elf’ become a realistic life goal for a former street rat and smuggler?

The thoughts fled from his mind as he pulled Aly’s legs free at last from the body suit. She was there, on the bed. Naked as the day she was born. She looked at him, her blue eyes holding to his as a flare of emotions swept across her face. They both could not put into proper words what this moment meant to either of them.

He wanted her. And she wanted him.

He pressed his lips to the insides of her thighs, moving with loving kisses down her legs till he was at her feet. Mike’s hands reached out, gripping her by the hips as he pulled her closer, sliding her bum forward so that it was at the edge of the bed. Aly let out a soft gasp as he did so, her nakedness exposed to its uttermost as his face came to an even level with her private parts. Mike draped Aly’s legs over his shoulders, aligning himself as she curled her legs behind his back, pulling him closer to her womanhood.

“What are you-” Allynna began to ask, her innocent inexperience shining through as Mike lowered his mouth to kiss her on her lower lips. When he made contact with her labia Aly gasped, her hands reaching down to run her fingers through his hair. They clenched about the back of his head when he dipped his tongue into her honeypot. “*Ah*!” She cried, her muscles tensing at the unexpected sensation.

Mike did not mess around. Now that he was against the Elf’s muff he slid his tongue deep into her folds as he tasted her forbidden fruit. Allynna’s legs lifted just slightly, giving Mike easier access as he lapped his tongue against her insides.

She was… *sweet* to the tongue. The taste of Elven nectar was strange, terrifying and exhilarating all at once. Mike couldn’t get over how anxious he was, as if he was a debauched sinner trespassing upon hallowed ground. She was too wonderful; their sexual courtship felt almost dreamlike in its passion, their bodies moving together as their hands slid across one another.

Aly twitched and cried out, turning her head to one side as she draped it against her shoulder, shuddering from the sensations Mike so happily gave to her. He’d apparently found a particularly sensitive spot. Mike hummed in his mouth and licked there again, finding Aly doubly sensitive when the vibrations from his sound echoed into her. She gasped a second time and held him tighter to her, all pretense of shyness gone from her body language.

Mike lavished praise upon Aly’s pussy, kissing and licking the thing over and over as his saliva mixed with her ever-increasing sexual fluids to leave the lower half of his face soaked from the experience. Allynna’s moans grew louder and louder, her face scrunching up as if in pain as she tried to endure the wave of pleasure that trembled up her spine.

Mike leaned into her, his lips making out with her wet sex as his tongue swirled and worked about inside her. Allynna thighs were on either side of his his head. They tensed against his cheeks every time he reached a tender spot. He slid a subtle finger into her moist insides, working it around and curling the finger like a question mark within her vaginal walls.

He worked like this for several minutes, watching with building arousal as Aly got more and more worked up. Landing the *coup de gras*, he leaned up and kissed her clitoris. Allynna screamed.

Something in her inner walls clenched, and Mike felt her hands pushing at his head, reaching with scrabbling fingers to pull him out of her as her breath grew frantic and high pitched. Mike withdrew, sitting back on his heels to admire his handiwork.

Allynna covered her red face with her hands, taking deep inhales as her open legs displayed the impact of her orgasm for all to see. When she at last pulled her hands off of her eyes she saw Mike smirking back at her. She tried to scowl at him but only managed to let out another heady moan.

Mike laughed, breaking the tension. His honest amusement set Aly off too, who let out a gasping chuckle that she tried to demurely cover up with her hand. Her eyes were smiling as they looked at him, though when her hand withdrew she kept her lips strictly flat and expressionless.

“You try too hard sometimes, Aly.” Mike said. He didn’t mean it as a joke.

She sat up off the bed, the foot of the sheets now soaked with her lustful secretions. The Elf beckoned with her finger. Mike followed the call, driven onward by an almost subconscious compulsion to do as his goddess commanded. He moved up upon the bed, but she quickly became annoyed at his sluggish speed, reaching out and grabbing at his chest, pulling him back over on top of her as she kissed him all the way down. When she pulled back at last she stared at him, nose to nose. There was a reflective sheen to her blue eyes.

“I… apologize for the mess.” She said in as vacant a voice as she could manage. Mike laughed at her bastardized attempt to hide her embarrassment. He didn’t answer her, instead leaning up and nibbling on the top of one of her long ears. Aly let out a startled cry, leaning her cheek against her shoulder as her face turned even redder. Mike felt the captivating curve of her ears, running his fingers across both of them as he tried to massage them in the same manner that Aly had done the morning before. She seemed soothed by the gesture, cooing softly as Mike planted kisses across her smiling face.

He’d never seen so many emotions cross her expression before. The stoic Elf was groaning, gasping as his fingers fiddled with her sex, even as she unbuckled his belt. Mike felt his own self-consciousness rise to the surface as this delectable creature peeled his pants down and exposed his own nakedness. Her eyes settled on his crotch, inspecting it for a moment in such a manner that Mike felt more like he was a malfunctioning ship component on the *Halfbreed* that she was trying to figure out how to fix.

She seemed pleased with what she saw however, as she reached out and took his erection in hand. The slow stroke of the Elf’s fingers against his cock was sensual, intense and somewhat overwhelming. She could coax the need from his loins like it was nothing; Mike had to scrunch his stomach and grit his teeth to resist her appallingly pleasurable touch.

“I’m…” He gasped, instinctively pulling away from her touch to keep the orgasm at bay. Allynna let out a low, sexual laugh.

She spread her legs to either side of her, giving an unvarnished view of her glistening sex. Her eyes were upon him, staring at him in a way that left no illusions as to her intent or desire to be with him.
“Take me, Michael.” She said.

He tried to think up a clever joke in the moment, but he only managed to dumbly blurt out, “Yeah…” before his own instincts gave way and he aligned himself against her folds. Mike planted his arms to either side of Aly’s head, and she settled back against the covers, her eyes trained to the base of her crotch as Mike’s cock pressed into her. There was the sensation of heat and wet, clinging tension.

“*Mmmh*.” Allynna breathed, her spine relaxing as Mike entered her. The impetus of their lovemaking began in earnest.

Mike shifted his weight forward, watching with creeping slowness as he penetrated Allynna’s womanhood. The head of his penis disappeared within her, her pussy swallowing his shaft as the two kissed once more. Allynna let out a breath of air down Mike’s throat, and he half-chuckled in response, the sound drifting off into his own contented moan.

“Aly.” He whispered, stroking her face. She met his eyes with equal fervor.

“Faster.” She begged him under her breath. Mike stifled an internal laugh and did as he was bid, establishing a strong pace of push and pull. Mike felt the subtle movements of the Elf beneath him, lifting her rear for ideal penetration, planting her feet so as to maintain grounding at all times. She would subtly shift her hips backwards when Mike drew back, then move forwards together when he thrust, combining their momentum and only further stoking the fire in Mike’s soul.

Mike and Aly fucked like they’d been together before, their hands and body movements keyed to maximize their partner’s pleasure over their own. The result was that by the time Mike’s higher brain functions had risen once again above his own hormones, both were breathless and gasping, slick with sweat and at the cusp of their climax.

Mike thrust against her. Aly moaned and pulled tighter, almost lifting herself off the bed from her need to cling to him. They mated like their bodies were made for one another, the intertwining of their limbs becoming so marvellously symmetrical that one could not properly determine male from female, Human from Elf. Her legs were about his waist, urging him onward, farther into her core. Her eyes were ablaze with wanton need. Aly bit her lip to contain her muffled squeals, her hair pooling like liquid gold around the crown of her head.

She was so soft. Even as Mike moved within her he felt a profound sense of protectiveness sweep over him. He stroked her cheek, a deep feeling rising in his chest as he looked at her. She was so delicate; he was scared to move too fast, to harm in any way – however small – this wonderful thing.

Allynna noticed the reluctant pace that Mike refused to go beyond. She gave him a silent look, her eyes informing him of her thoughts more completely than her words ever could. She let out a light huff, a wry grin arising on her face as she hooked her right arm behind his back, placing her palm upon his left shoulder. At the same moment she hooked her right leg around the whole of his back; His Elf was astoundingly flexible.

“I’m not made of glass, Michael.”

Mike didn’t grasp what she was doing to him until he was too late. Utilizing the momentum of his thrust, Aly pulled at both his shoulder and waist at the perfect moment to flip the two of them in place. Mike hit the mattress before he ever realized what was happening, finding himself suddenly on his back as Aly straddled him from above. He had not ‘disconnected’ from her during the whole maneuver. She now sat her large Elven rear flat upon his waist, grinning down at him like a cat who had just discovered her helpless meal. She placed her palms upon his pectorals, holding him down as she draped herself over him, just as he had done to her.

“Hey, you.” Mike murmured. She let out a liberating laugh and kissed him.

She moved atop him. Mike could feel himself deep within her womanhood, moving and stirring inside as she slowly began to gyrate and bounce. She was amazing, as natural in her movements as a river’s flow. Every single action was a strictly controlled dance, as if she had choreographed her own sexuality. There was something almost metaphysical about the way she moved, a certain grace that came naturally to her as an Elf. It made her every shift of weight… *hypnotic*.

Allynna let a small smile play across her face. “I… like it when my Captain is beneath me.” She said, staring down at him even as she continued to ride him. There was a playful gleam in her eye. Mike did not answer, reveling in the simple sight of seeing the stern and stoic Elf smile for once.

Allynna brushed a stray lock back from her temple, exposing her long, pointed ear as she continued to hump against him. Mike reached up, caressing it. Aly blushed and glanced away, causing Mike to smile. Her ears were sensitive. He toyed with it for a moment between his thumb and forefinger, before he finally let go. His hands found far firmer purchase upon her ass, which he groped with the passion of a man long-denied.

Mike had always been at his worst when looking at Aly from the rear. When she walked, her luscious bottom became the subconscious focus of all of Mike’s attention. It had ruined more than one conversation in the past when he caught himself flat- footed by a question he only half-heard in the midst of staring at her hindquarters. Now he took his chance to enact vengeance on the offending bottom for its succulence.

The loud sound of an Elf’s booty being spanked echoed across the empty room. Allynna let out a surprised yelp, her head tilting back to look at where Mike had slapped her. Her eyes swiveled back to him as a naughty gleam came to her eye. Mike winked at her, returning her scandalized expression with a smile.

She redoubled her efforts: straddling his cock, rolling her hips back and forth atop him as she began to work her way through the horny sensation. Her bobbing weight made Mike groan from pleasure, his breath quickening as he felt something build deep within him. He normally would have just called this an orgasm, but there was something more than the mere sexual build up in his groin.

There was a… a *feeling*. A rising tide within his chest that threatened to boil over with emotion in the same instant that his sexual release would come. It went beyond satisfaction or even a feeling of conquest. It was joy; it was pure, unmitigated elation. Mike felt a wave of feeling crash upon him just as he hit the peak of his pleasure. Aly let out a cry, jerking atop him as her humping took on a sudden, frenetic pace. She fell onto him, her chest pressed tight to his as she kissed him through the discharge.

Mike grunted, thrust as hard against Aly’s rear as possible, and came. Allynna’s insides clenched tight around him, holding him in place as he unleashed himself within her. The two gasped, staring into one another’s eyes as the intimacy of what they were doing finally seemed to hit home. Aly took a deep inhale, her breath hitting a pitch and octave higher than Mike thought possible. Mike’s body moved without him thinking, his own biology betraying his unslakable thirst for his Elven companion.

They held there for several long moments. Mike’s arms went about Aly’s back, holding her shoulders to his as he ran his fingers through her yellow hair. She cooed and whispered silent nothings in his ear, turning her head every so often to plant an almost ‘thank you’ on his cheek.

Mike laughed and put his hand on the back of her head, holding her still closer. He was out of breath, unable to think or process. The experience had been so intense that they laid there together for several minutes, panting.

“By Arkeya.” Mike said, putting the back of his hand against his forehead. “What just happened?”

“We made love.” Allynna whispered, a lone finger circling his bare chest. She at last pulled free from him, sliding comfortably against his side as she cuddled close to his body heat. “The act seemed self-explanatory to me. Were you perhaps confused?”

Mike let out a bewildered chuckle. “Uh… kinda? Certainly wasn’t how I pictured my night ending, I’ll tell you that.”

“-And I didn’t think I’d ever get to see you again.” Allynna answered. Mike turned his head to look at her. She was mere inches away from his face. “I thought I had… waited too long.”

“I believe in second chances.” Mike said, grinning back at her. He reached out and touched her face, marvelling at the feel of her warmth against his fingertips. “Who’d have thought that between the two of us, the stuck up Elf would be the first one to make a move?”

“You were taking too long.” His Elf retorted.

Mike snorted. “*How*? I didn’t think you were even interested in me in that way.”

Allynna’s face scrunched with confusion. “What are you talking about? I have been up front with you since I first developed feelings for you.”

Mike touched her face, moving his hand down her neck and onto her shoulder. “Aly, you’ve been my first mate for three years. I know you better than almost anyone. You’ve never made *one* move in that direction. And it’s not like I, a Human, was ever going to bother even broaching the subject to an Elf.”

Allynna’s eyes narrowed. “Michael, I have been attempting to openly court you for the better part of a year. Any Elf who saw me with you would know almost immediately what I was doing. To their eyes, I’m practically throwing myself at you.”

“*What*?” Mike exclaimed, astounded.“…Stuff like what?” The question seemed to baffle Allynna.

“You… really have no idea?” She asked, taken aback by the statement. “I-I followed the rituals to the letter! I made every attempt to make myself seem more available to you, while also driving off potential competitors. I-”
“Wait, wait, wait.” Mike said, a note of indignant humor seeping into his tone. “Did you just say ‘driving off potential competitors?’ Is *that* why every goddamn time I walked into a bar and chatted a woman up, you’d swoop in and ruin it for me?”

Allynna’s look of self satisfied smugness was so charmingly devious that Mike’s own annoyance at the subterfuge melted away. He laughed heartily.

“Fucking Elves.” He said, pulling her closer to his chest. “Do everything but say what’s on your mind.”
“*You* are on my mind, Michael.” She said in response. “You have been, for a long time.”
Mike settled into the bed, feeling the coolness of the air as their accumulated body heat wafted off them in waves. Aly was next to him, pulled close with her head upon his shoulder. He felt the gentle press of her pointed ear against his cheek; a feeling built in the core of his chest.

“You’ve been on my mind since the day we met.” Mike joked in a vain attempt to deflect from the intimacy of the moment. “I’d never had the pleasure of having an Elf sass back to me, before.”
“You were staring at my hindquarters.”

“I was *not*!” He exclaimed, blurting out his faux-indignance. “At worst I merely glanced!”
“It was not a glance.” The Elf said in a firm tone.

“Now, the *hydrospanner* incident,” Mike said, continuing as if she hadn’t spoken. “That one, I’ll give you.” He made a flowing hourglass motion in the air above them with his hands.

Allynna’s cheeks colored. “I… remember when you did that. I initially just assumed you were a lech.”
Mike laughed, pulling her closer. “I am, Aly. Hence the situation we currently find ourselves in.”

“…Will you stay on the bed with me, now?” The Elf whispered in his ear. Her lips pressed against his cheek.

Mike laughed. “Well, I did give you a command, and it *would* be breaking the Code of Gwaith Elen to go back on an order.” Allynna smiled at his blatant inaccuracy. He shrugged, running his hand down her arm as he pulled her to him. “-But I guess I can make an exception for the evening. Just remember to report this later to the proper authorities.”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/brtn6x/halfbreed_ch_04_part_2_mf_erotic_romance