[MF] My Best Buddy’s Widow. Part 5

Read part 4 here


It felt like it took forever for me to see Addie again and with the time difference and not being able to talk as much, just made me miss her a lot more.

Now I she knows that I love her, and she has told me the same. The euphoric feeling it gave me also made me miss her a lot more.

Good thing I was extremely busy, and it made time fly so much faster. Before I knew it, I was on my way to Hawaii and prepare for Addie’s arrival.

I was able to finish all my work commitments by Tuesday morning, so I had lots of time to prepare. I got a shave and a haircut then I went to a florist and bought her some flowers.

Addie arrived around 5:30 PM and we headed straight to our hotel. The suite was everything we hoped for and more. But as soon as we walked in our suite, we did not care how nice it was, nor how good the view was. We had one thing in mind.

As beautiful as the view was outside, seeing my Addie standing naked in front of me for the first time in over a week, just took my breath away. At that second… nothing else mattered. I took a second to admire her naked body, then she came close and we kissed.

I was still clothed, and Addie did not bother with my shirt. She knew what she wanted. Have I mentioned how much Addie loves oral sex?

If she was anymore impatient, I bet she would have torn my pants off to get to my dick. As soon as she got it out, she put me in her mouth. The feeling I yearned for was overcoming me. Her warm, wet mouth covering my dick was just too much. I lasted about a minute and came in her mouth. Addie took it all in and when she was done, she looked up and smiled.

“Yummy” she said. She took my hand and led me to the couch. She laid on her back and spread her legs.

“My turn” she said.

Though she was not fully shaved, her pubic area was trimmed and nicely groomed. I could not wait to get inside her. I went down on her and just like what she did, I did not start out slow. I wanted her to cum as soon as possible so I can start making love to her.

Her moans and her hands running through my hair gave me all the encouragement I needed. I lost track of time on how long it took for her to cum but I was glad when she did.

I took off the rest of my clothes and we went into the bedroom. She laid on her back on the bed and I went on top of her sliding my dick in her very wet pussy. We held still as we kissed. I was so happy to be inside her again.

We made love for over two hours that night before we decided to take a break and have dinner. When we got back to our room, we showered and made love some more. I looked at the clock as we were drifting to sleep, and it was almost 2 AM.

We slept in the next morning. I woke up and spooned with Addie. My dick touching her bare ass got me hard and it didn’t take long for me to be inside her. For the next two days, we only left the room to eat and then come back and have more sex. A LOT MORE SEX. I would say we were naked about 80% of the time. We had sex in every room, every possible furniture of the suite, in every position we could think off. If I wasn’t in her pussy, I was in her mouth. I was in absolute paradise… and we haven’t even left our hotel!!!

One night it was about 2:00 AM when I got up to go to the bathroom. When I came out Addie was standing the on balcony completely naked.

“We haven’t done it here” she said. I smiled and mustered everything I had to fuck her on the balcony. She took me in her mouth to get me hard. I leaned her over the railing and entered her from behind. Then she had me sit on the lounge chair and she rode me. I finished deep inside her.

That was not something I would normally do and was surprised that the fear of getting caught excited me. In a way, I was kind of disappointed that I did not see anybody watching us. But after I finished, my inhibitions came back, and I think Addie’s did too because we both hurried back in the room and closed the curtains behind us. None the less it was an experience we both enjoyed.

Friday was spent doing all the touristy things in Honolulu. Went to the beach, went to a Luau, etc. Saturday was a little bit of sex and more tourist things as we prepared to head home the next day.

Addie and I talked a lot about our future. We discussed traveling together and the places we wanted to go. We were happy. We were very happy. And everything looked so bright for the both of us. We even discussed the possibility of her moving into my house and she was going to rent hers out.

One of things I had to admit to myself is I am not young anymore. I am not complaining, but two and a half days of almost non-stop sex took a lot out of me. I almost wanted to curse myself for not being able to keep up but later I found that Addie felt the same way.

I had one last surprise for Addie. I was able to use my frequent flyer mileage to upgrade us to business class and she was thrilled.

Sunday came and we were sad to head home. If I would have known what was waiting for us at home, I would have delayed our stay for another week or month or so.

The first thing happened when we were at the airport.

My son and I talk maybe once a month, but for some reason we haven’t really spoken since Addie and I got together.

My phone rang and it was my son.

“Hey dad. I heard you are in Hawaii with Addie. Are you guys having fun?” I wondered what was up, and almost expected him to just ask me to bring him something back from Hawaii.

“Yeah we are. But we are at the airport about the head home. What’s up?”

“Oh sorry. Do you have a minute to talk?” He asked. I sensed the seriousness in his voice, so I excused myself from Addie and walked away.

“Yes. What’s going on?” I asked. Nervous for some reason.

“Dad don’t take offense to my question, but are you and Addie serious?” I did not know where he was going with this.

“Yes, we are. What’s going on?” I asked.

“Well, I wanted to tell you this Dad, Audra (Geoff and Addie’s daughter) and I are well, how should I say this… friends with benefits.”

I knew what he meant and but for some reason I wanted him to clarify what he meant exactly.

“What I mean dad is Audra and I have been sleeping together every time I come to see you.”

I did not know how to take it. I was at a loss for words.

“Does anybody besides you guys know?” I asked.

“I am not sure if Addie knows. I know Scott and Geoff didn’t.”

I had to digest what my son told me, and I thought about how it could affect my relationship with Addie.

Audra never gave me any weird vibes as far as I can tell.

I had to get over the panic that was setting in and told my son I will talk to him when I get home and hung up the phone.

Addie noticed that I was disturbed about something and asked what’s wrong. I told her it was nothing and that my son and his mom are having some issues and told her that I will deal with it when we got home.

Addie probably knew I was lying but she accepted my answer.

During the flight I decided to tell Addie what my son told me.

“Honey. Did you know that Audra and Junior know each other really well?” Addie looked at me.

“I guess well, uhm…” I tried to find the right words to tell her.

Addie smiled, held my hand and decided to put me out of my misery.

“Honey I know. I’ve known about it for years.” she said.

“How did you know?” I asked.

“Audra told me. I have another secret to tell you. Audra has had a big crush on your son since they were in high school.” she added.

“Oh” was all I could answer.

After a few minutes I asked her “Aren’t you weirded out?”

“I was at first. But then I asked myself why. They are both adults and they know what they are doing. If neither of them is hurting each other, then why would I let it affect me?”

I understood what she meant and was very much relieved that it worked out the way it did. But little did I know the worse was about to come.

When we got home Sunday, we were welcomed by the news that one of our neighbors said something to Audra that the only reason I was with Addie was because she rejected me.

Years ago the woman and I went out a few times and even got intimate. Geoff and another friend of ours warned me that she was a troublemaker and to stay clear of her.

I just got out of a serious relationship back then and I felt this woman and I were moving too fast. So, I broke it off and buried myself in my work.

Just before Addie and I got together late last year, I ran into this woman in a restaurant. Since we were both alone that night, we decided to eat together and after a lot of wine, we ended up in bed.

The next morning we said goodbye, and nothing was ever discussed ever again.

The woman went into detail in telling Audra and some of our other neighbors how we slept together and me asking her to give me another chance (which never happened). Then she made it seem like she kicked me out with me begging her to take her back.

I told Addie that it was BS. Addie nodded and decided she was going to go home with her daughter. I agreed and I took the time to cool off.

I saw Audra leave at about 8:30 and somehow expected Addie to come over shortly. At about 10:30, I still haven’t heard from her, so I asked her if everything was okay.

She replied that she was tired and was going to sleep in her house. I said good night and went to bed.

I did not hear from Addie pretty much the whole day. I decided to give her some space and if she was as mad as I was, I’m sure she needed some time to cool down.

I did text her to ask her if she was okay and I got the dreaded one-word answer… “Fine”.

Tuesday I decided to leave her alone. Then on Wednesday after work, she showed up at my door and asked if we could talk.

We sat in the living room and I let her get the first word in.

“I have given it a lot of thought and I think we should cool off for a while. At least until the neighbors stop talking about us.” She said.

This both hurt me and made me mad. She wanted to stop seeing me because of a baseless accusation made by a woman who was a known troublemaker.

I told Addie how I felt, and I started to cry. I knew she was upset but I had no idea why she was upset at me. After about 5 minutes of silence, I told her to do what she thinks is right for her. If she thought, we should cool off then that’s fine.

Addie stood up and walked away. I was mad at her for coming to conclusions without giving me the chance to defend myself. I was mad at her that the opinions of other people who have nothing to do with us mattered more to her, than I did.

I had a business trip coming up the next week and another one a week after that. I decided to re-arrange my schedule, so I was going to be gone almost 4 weeks.

That Sunday I asked my neighbor to (who has done so in the past, before Addie and I got together) to watch over my house. He was kind enough not to ask me why I did not ask Addie to do it. He gave me a pat on the back and wished me a safe trip.

The next morning, I saw Addie drive away as I packed my bags into my car. I was not sure if she looked my way. I also wasn’t sure if I told her my travel schedule before all these things happened. Too late now.

My travels will take me all around the country and parts of Canada. This was not the first time this happened to me so in a way it was a familiar journey. I worked late hours and had some drinks before I went to bed.

I missed Addie. I missed her a lot. But I was also mad at her. Mad that the opinion of others meant more to her than I did.

One week passed, then two weeks, then three weeks. By Wednesday of the third week I was convinced that it was over. I missed Addie and I loved her. But I know that for a relationship to work, it needs both parties to want to make it work. As Geoff once told me when I was getting over my break-up with my ex-girlfriend some years ago, “Loving somebody who doesn’t love you is self-abuse.” And I agreed. Somehow as I said those words to myself, I could hear him telling me like he was right behind me.

Thursday night. I was going through a proposal I was getting ready to submit to a client when I got a text message. Since I was deep into reading the proposal, I managed to ignore it and later forgot about it. Nothing intentional.

As I headed to bed about an hour later, my phone beeped again. I picked it up and realized almost immediately that I forgot to check the message.

“When are you coming home?” was the first message.

“You’re probably busy. Please text me when you have a minute. Let me know you’re okay.” Both messages were from Addie.

Half of me was happy but half of me was, I don’t know. I have heard that “let me know if you’re okay” before. It wasn’t about if I was okay. It’s about if I am okay with the breakup. Both my ex-wife and my ex-girlfriend gave me the same line.

None the less, I replied.

“I’m okay. Busy. You?”

“When are you coming home?” She asked again.

I felt like being a dick and replying, “why does it matter?” or something to that effect. I probably typed 10 replies, half of them smart ass and half were sincere.

Finally, I just decided to tell the truth and say, “Friday next week”.

Ten seconds after I sent it, my phone rang.

“Hi.” The voice I yearned to hear.
“Hi.” I replied.

“Why are you gone for so long?” She asked.

“I have stuff I needed to do, and I just decided to get it done. Stay busy, you know?” I answered.

She was silent. I was silent. Maybe we both wanted to hear something but neither of us knew what.

“I am so sorry.” She said. I did not reply. I did not know if she was sorry for what happened or what is about to happen.

I swallowed and took a leap of faith. Whatever this was, I just wanted it to end one way or another.

“For what?” I asked.

“For what I did. For judging you. For hurting you.” She replied.

I stayed silent. Still not knowing what to expect.

“I miss you so much. Please come home.” She said.
I don’t know why, but somehow those words shattered the wall I built up to protect myself.

I told her I’ll see what I can do. And then I heard her start to cry.

“I’m so sorry. “ She said again.

“Let me see what I can do. I’ll call you tomorrow night. “ I told her as gently as I could.

“I love you.” She said.

“I love you too.” I replied, without hesitation. And then we hung up.

In the first time in three weeks, I smiled a genuine smile. I did not lose her.

The next day was a short business day, then I had to travel to my next destination.

I was able to move my meetings so I could go home on Tuesday instead of the next Saturday.

I called Addie to let her know my schedule.

Her reply was what I wanted to hear. “Can’t wait to see you.”

And then she ended the conversation with “I love you.”

The next few days were like it was before. We talked twice a day, mostly about how our day went and telling each other how much we missed the other.

Tuesday came, and I flew home.

I got home around 4 PM and I expected Addie to be at work.

When I walked in, she was waiting for me in the kitchen. She smiled and came over a gave me an embrace. Then she kissed me.

When the kissed stopped, she looked into my eyes and said “I’m sorry I hurt you. Please give me another chance.”

I nodded and gave her a kiss.

She took my hand and led me to the bedroom.

Have I told you guys how much she loves oral sex? Well, I just got reminded of it.

As soon we stepped into the bedroom, she sat on the bed, pulled me to her, took my dick out and put it in her mouth. All I can do is smile.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/brp9ll/mf_my_best_buddys_widow_part_5


  1. I want to start by saying that you are an awesome person *(I know you have heard this about a million times)*. Your story deeply touched me and served as an instance of how love with respect can go a long way. I hope you and Addison can resolve your issues soon and all of you can become a happy family.

  2. I hate that you’re making me cry at work. God damn your heart-warning and wholesome story! Gods speed to you and Addison!

  3. Awesome, but have you ever thought on “punishing” her by having an extremely wild and rough make up sex to make up on all those lost times? It might be able to bring those sexy mood back.

  4. Spent the last hour of my work day binge reading all 5 stories. My man, you’re a good guy and you have something special. I’ve never been more invested in someone I didn’t know lol

  5. Man I just want to find someone like her. That’s a love that can withstand the rest of time.

  6. I could ask you for more, but it was everything I hoped for in both of your story. But if you add more I will not complain. Wish you both happiness and peace in your relationship.

  7. As a man who is coming out the other side of marital difficulties and rebuilding my marital relationship, this story resonates so powerfully. Thank you for having the courage to share it

    Also, as someone who lived in Hawaii for a couple of years, I lived vicariously through you.

    Keep fighting for her. It’s worth every moment.

  8. I haven’t read it yet but I just wanna say that I’ve been anticipating this for so long. The last four were so hot and so tender and loving at the same time.

  9. Oh my God I literally cried. I really wish you and Addie all the very best, as well as to your son and Audra. I hope you guys work things out and have a life together full of love, travel and lots of oral sex. And I hope that rancid wench of a neighbor fucks right off. Do you think there will be more to come?

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