I [M] got blocked for not replying to nudes..?

The title is a bit misleading, but here’s what happened:

About 6 months ago, I downloaded Bumble in a pitiful effort to get my dick wet (which didn’t succeed). One of the first people I matched with was a cute girl of about my age, nice body, and lived pretty damn close to me.
We had nice conversations on the app and added each other on Snapchat just to remain in touch. When I added her, I thought it’d be good to ask her what she wanted out of our exchange as politely as I could (don’t judge, she was literally my very first match on any type of dating app ever,) to which she responded “don’t talk to me like I’m a fucking child LMFAO” and proceeded to not talk to me for weeks.
So at that point I thought I fucked it up permanently and didn’t even try to start talking to her again. The only times we’d talk was when we would randomly send each other snaps about work, which was the only thing we’d talk about (we both work at restaurants,) and mind you this was throughout a span of 6 months.
Then two weeks ago, she starts by saying “I think you might be freaky as fuck”… to which I obviously agree in excitement, and we proceed to talk about the subject for days… nonstop.
She went from not wanting anything to do with me (or at least felt like it) to sending me nudes at least 5-7 times a day (who has that much time available anyway).
I obviously reply every time and we start talking about meeting up to fuck. She texts me about how badly she wants me inside of her, sending shots of her tight pussy. I’m obviously excited as fuck but she just DOESNT stop. It’s sex talk 24/7, which sounds hot ,don’t get me wrong, but there’s just no end to it. She starts asking me to send her videos and pictures of me rubbing myself DURING class, at WORK, while DRIVING. And gets upset if I don’t comply, as if I weren’t man enough to do it. And every time I try to plan something for us to meet up, she gives some random excuse to not do it; which is fine by me, but don’t try to force me to rub myself in public and tell me you want to meet up and fuck, if you don’t even want to do ANYTHING about it.
And at some point, she begins to get obsessive; sending nudes and telling me what she wants to do to me at least every 5 minutes. I mean seriously, who has THAT much time throughout the day. And continuously INSISTS for me to send her videos of me doing what she wants in public.
I’m a full time college student, have a full time job, have responsibilities; I simply can’t reply to everything you send me within 20 seconds. Which pisses her off for some reason. Of course I LOVE getting nudes, but not to this extreme.

This goes on for 2 weeks until just 30 minutes ago, I check my phone and see two pussy shots of her rubbing herself, and a text saying “LMFAO I don’t have patience for this” at the end… with a little message showing that I had been blocked.

I mean, did I do something wrong? I thought I was the patient one for putting up with all that for days. She was definitely hot and I would’ve loved to fuck her but damn.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/brkt0e/i_m_got_blocked_for_not_replying_to_nudes


  1. I heard of a story of a guy who got blackmailed like this. He was asked 9000$, otherwise she’ll publish it on his school’s Facebook page

  2. Oh I think she’s a definite stay away, red light. You lucky man to have dodged that train wreck.

  3. Damn man that’s crazy. Any chance you can PM me her Snapchat for science reasons?

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