How it all started with the student [MF] (2 of ?)

For the first chapter that gives some of the less scandalous events, check my profile. I’m just picking up where that left off…

We really didn’t talk a whole lot after that night, but I did send something the next day asking if she “enjoyed herself” the night before. She said she had, but then the subject drifted to more mundane topics. At some point, I suggested that she should see my office sometime. I told her I frequently worked late, and she was welcome to come by sometime. She said she’d really like that, and wasn’t doing anything that night. I had to close and lock my office sooner right then and jack off to even be able to stand up my dick was so hard. It didn’t help a lot, but somehow I was able to survive with diminished blood flow to the rest of my body until about 9pm that night.

“Now still a good time” she asked? I had been staring at the phone for a hours in anticipation and nearly screamed when her named popped up. “Yeah of course, everyone’s gone, come on over to X building on campus and I’ll let you in building. Park in the back”. I paced around the office feverishly for a few minutes until I saw headlights whip in and the phone dinged “here”.

I went down to the back door to greet her. Note there had been no physical contact at this point, just flirting via text. When she stepped out of the car, she was wearing one of the sluttiest things I’ve seen. A short, tight skirt that hugged and barely covered her butt and a tight shirt that highlighted her amazing B breast. We exchanged a quick, admittedly awkward hug when she came in the door, then we chatted nervously as we walked to my office. She sat on the couch to the side of my desk and I sat in my desk chair. When she crossed her legs, I would catch glimpses of her panties. If I’d stood up, she’d have been able to easily tell how much I liked this through my suit pants.

And then, we talked. I shit you not, we talked. She wanted to talk about why married men cheat, and to tell me about her family and history, and hear about mine. Probably two hours later and we’ve literally just talked- and I’ve caught plenty of glimpses up her skirt. And then, she’s tired and it’s time to go. I tell her I’m also leaving and will walk her out. I turn off all the lights and we begin to find our way through the suite using what limited light is around. As a gentleman, I’m leading her by her hand since I’m more familiar with the area. As we are going through the last hallway before the exit hallway, I stop and lean against a counter and don’t let go of her hand. I subtly pull her too me, gently enough that she could easily resist if she wanted to- she didn’t want to. She came close and nestled against me, her front against mine. I was hard as a rock and there is no way she didn’t feel it pressing into her. She leaned her head back and looked up at me, and I told her I’d like to kiss her. Her hands snaked up the back of my neck and through my hair and she pulled my head towards hers.

Our lips met, and the sparks were immediate and intense. As our tongues played with each other’s, she put a leg on either side of one of mine, and began to grind her pussy against my thigh. My hands found her tight young ass and I grabbed it and pulled her tighter against me in a rhythm that she was seeming to enjoy by the moans. I took one hand up and grabbed her hair slightly and pulled her head back, exposing her neck. I kissed from her lips to her ear and then down to her neck slowly. While doing so, my leg continued to move and grind into her pussy and my hands now moved to the front and slid under her shirt and straight under her bra. Her nipples were hard, and she moaned as I tweaked them softly while kissing her neck and pressing into her pussy. Her leg was now grinding against my hard dick that was stretching against my pants. Things were heating up extremely rapidly, and I decided to make another move…I literally swept her off her feet and started walked back to my office. “Where are we going?” she asked coyly…”I thought we’d go back in here for a bit” I said. “No, not tonight, but that was really hot” she said. I put her down and told her it was totally fine and agreed it was super hot. The mood was sort of broken at that point, but we walked to the door together and shared a few more makeout sessions along the way. She left, and I went back to my office, still a bit in a daze. We continued to text a bit that night, I indicated I wasn’t ready to go home, that I had some real pressure that had built up in the office that I needed to deal with. She said she felt bad, and asked if she could help…so I told her a picture or two could make a real difference. She obliged with a coupe of very hot pictures, not showing too much, but enough to make me cum at least one other time that night…

My next post will pickup two days latter, when she visited the office again. It’s difficult to get through these honestly because I get so turned on thinking about it all again! I hope you enjoy.

Ladies- if you made it this far and enjoy this, I LOVE to do roleplay/sext scenarios on Reddit. Shoot me a pm.
