[F27]Used my boss’s fetish to get ahead [MF]

Hey, I hope this is the right place for one of my recent experiences, even though there’s (unfortunately? fortunately?) no sex. It’s also kind of long since I need to setup the story. It’s still pretty sexy, though. (maybe)

I work at a large company, in corporate sales. Just a normal job. My direct manager is a older woman in her thirties. And for some reason, since day one, she hasn’t really liked me (which is an understatement). She was out of the office when I had my interview, so I got hired based on other managers’ and the director’s decision. Anyways, she would always give me the small, busywork projects for years, deny me raises and would constantly belittle me in meetings. Oh, and she gave me a poor recommendation when I tried to apply for position in a different department. One time I even saw her outside of work on the weekend, she made fun of me for my clothing and appearance. (I was up late the previous night so I was wearing uhhh…pajamas to the store.) I had been there for 3 years, even though I tried to ignore it, I was getting frustrated.

The department director, however, was the opposite, sort of. I caught him ogling me quite often, especially my legs on the days I was wearing a skirt suit for meetings. It took a few months to notice the pattern; he was especially interested when I was wearing black pantyhose. He would bump into me more often and talk with me more on those days, while trying to hide his glances at my legs. I generally keep myself pretty fit and athletic, as mountaineering (not rock climbing) is one of my hobbies, so I was used to guys looking at me and my legs. I didn’t think much of this at the time and filed it in the back of my mind.

One day, I had gotten shouted at again by my manager and she wrote me up for something she forgot to do for a client, which probably cost us a contract (It wasn’t my fault, I swear!). She said that my next review would be, and I quote, “not good for your future with this company.” This was my breaking point; I knew I needed to do something first.

Having thought of a plan, I decided to call a meeting with my director to talk about my problems, scheduling it in one of our private conference rooms for customers. I decided to wear a nice purple dress shirt, a dark skirt, black pantyhose and some heels to the office that day. Just the way I knew he liked it. I sat down next to him instead of across the table, so he could easily see my legs. I started off the meeting complaining about my boss a little bit, which he listened to. I also decided to test my theory by playing a little bit with my pantyhose. I touched my own pantyhose and once pulled the nylon away from my skin and let it snap back. I noticed he was paying very close attention now, and also he started to tent his dress pants.

I abruptly changed the topic by asking him if he liked my pantyhose. He started blibbering (is this even a word?) a little bit when he knew he was busted. I told him it was okay, and that I noticed him looking in the past. We talked a little bit, and within a few minutes he confessed to have a “little” fetish for pantyhose. I advanced my plan: I asked him if he wanted to feel them.

Well, of course he did! I let him run his hands over my pantyhosed legs for a few minutes, and he was so excited that he starting breathing heavily. He felt every part of my leg; my calves (especially my calves), my thighs, my knee, and even a little bit up my skirt, although he was too scared to go very far. I think he also tried to sniff the hose at some point. After a few minutes, I knew he was extremely horny and his penis was probably throbbing by what I could tell from his pants. He obviously needed relief, now.

I pulled my legs away from his grasp and asked him if he enjoyed it. He thanked me for one of the most amazing experiences ever. Having set up everything as well as I could’ve hoped for, I knew it was now or never. I sat on the table, with my black pantyhosed legs dangling only about a foot away from his face. Then I gave him my offer. I said “It’d be great if you could fire my manager immediately and promote me to her position.” He started to look indecisive and was maybe ready to say something. I continued, “If you can do this for me, I’ll let you touch my soft pantyhose again.” I paused for a moment while feeling my own legs, and finished, “But this time, you can use your dick.” My director’s eyes lit up at that last sentence and he lost all control. He quickly said he would do it and started to fumble with his zipper, followed by his underwear.

As soon as he got it out, he got up, dropped his pants and placed his dick on my thigh, groaning. He started sliding his penis on my legs, leaving small traces of precum on my pantyhose. He seemed to know exactly what he wanted, and I wasn’t attracted to him at all, so I just sat there and mentally ran over my grocery list for the week, while he pleasured himself against my hosiery. He slid his dick between my legs and started thrusting frantically, while holding me, smelling me and moaning my name. It was so weird and perverted. I didn’t want this to take much longer, so I told him he was naughty, and asked him in a sultry voice, “Are you going to spill your warm cum all over my sexy black pantyhose?” and he couldn’t handle it anymore. He groaned hard and I felt his dick pulse, followed by warm liquid in between my legs, easily soaking through the thin nylon material. It lasted a few more seconds, with his penis unloading a few more gushes into the soft space.

After the director had finished ejaculating on my tights, I gave him a moment to rest up before calmly reminding him of our deal. He said he would try and see, which wasn’t good enough for me, but somewhat expected. I opened my legs so that he could see the sticky white mess he made on my black pantyhose, before responding with “Maybe you shouldn’t have left your DNA on a female employee’s pantyhose then.” Now, I have absolutely no idea how easy it is to get a DNA test, but I was just trying to scare him, and it worked. He said he would do it, and I left the room as he was cleaning up. I went straight to the nearest bathroom and peeled off the stained pantyhose, then put on an identical fresh pair. I put it in a ziplock bag in my purse.

Later that same day, he brought both me and my manager to the same conference room (I requested to be there), and he told her she was being fired for poor management and unfair treatment of employees, as well as dishonesty. I got to look her in the eyes as she tried to slander me and desperately save her job. Of course I knew it wouldn’t change the outcome. After he had someone escort her out, he said he would need to conduct a fake search for a replacement, but I would get the position. I thanked him and let him put his hand on my leg for a moment before leaving.

Thanks for listening, sorry this turned out to be longer than I expected because I wanted to give a complete picture. Let me know if you have any questions or comments though.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/bqsdrj/f27used_my_bosss_fetish_to_get_ahead_mf


  1. As a fan of legs and tights I gotta ask for pics lol. Hot story regardless!

  2. Fake as shit, and reads like some dudes pantyhose fantasy ?‍♂️

  3. The director would never have made it to his current position if he’d let himself be blackmailed (essentially forever) as easily as that. But cool story though.

  4. Wow. I have pantyhose fetish too and this is so hot. Since u offered, i would like to ask


    1. Was it fun for you and did u enjoy it ?
    2. How much was the promotion and was it worth
    3. anything happen afterword?

    thks in advance and thks for story. You write really well. I would love to work with someone like you lol

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