Anime Convention Catastrophe [Commission] [FFFM] [Femdom] [Crossressing] [Feminisation] [Teasing] [Kidnapping] [Noncon] [Humiliation] [Revenge] [Misogyny] [Entitled Nerd Bullshit]

**Anime Convention Catastrophe**

*An Erotic Adventure in Kidnap and Forced Cross -Dressing by Katherine Summers*—

It was a glorious summers day, the sun baking the pavements and creating a haze in the air. It meant shorts and trainers and baggy t-shirts that stuck to you, and girls with bare legs and shoulders wearing skirts of dizzying heights. It also meant it was time for the annual anime convention and cosplayers. Cosplayer’s lounging on the grass, eating packed lunches, waiting in queues, bumping into each other and comparing props, home-made, store bought, of every colour and design – hundreds of them.

I don’t cosplay. Sure, I watch anime, and I like video games, but I’m not one of those sad losers that will actually dress up in public. I go to the cons, but for the merchandise, the sneak previews and, of course, for the girls. I might not want to dress up, but I certainly look forward to the army of young women in frills and lace.

As such, I found myself watching a group of them queue for a chance to speak to the author of some manga that I hadn’t heard of, chatting and fanning themselves in the heat. The convention hall was air conditioned but the sheer mass of people, combined with the bright lights and massive electronic televisions blaring advertisements meant that everyone was sweating under an oppressive buzzing atmosphere.

As the queue moved on, the group of girls I had been spying on came closer, and I could catch snippets of their conversation.

“I’m so glad that you convinced me to come Katherine,” one was saying, resplendent in an overdone Madoka Magica outfit, an assault of pink and ribbons and petticoat that attracted my attention like a fly to honey. “I was so nervous about coming here in cosplay, but you were right, I’m having so much fun!”

The one called Katherine was a tall, slender twenty-something with long tawny hair that was dressed in something a didn’t recognise, a Japanese schoolgirl outfit that left nothing to the imagination, the hem of her pleated skirt teasing the very tops of her thighs. It was a wonder that I couldn’t see more in my position. “I know right,” she was saying, brushing her bangs out of her eyes. They were only a few feet away from the bench I was sitting on. “Have you seen Sasha’s outfit. She’s coming as Zelda – you know, the cute elf boy from the games.”

That was too much. Unable to control myself, I snorted loudly. The girls must have noticed, because they turned to look at me.

“Is something funny?” Katherine asked, but this just set me off again. Hiding my grin behind my hand, I tried not to make a sound as my shoulders shook with suppressed laughing. They glared at me.

“If I had a rupee for every time that Link is called Zelda, I would have to start every game in ultra-hard mode to feel like I was even playing!” I sniggered when I could finally speak again.

The girls flushed and the one called Katherine said, “who asked your opinion, you gatekeeping nerd?”

“Oh honey, have you seen yourselves? I’m not a nerd, but at least I know that Zelda is the princess. Do you realise how silly you sound calling me a nerd when your friend looks like a pink marshmallow? I don’t know what you’re wearing, but if that outfit doesn’t scream *I’m a massive slut,* then *I’m* Princess Zelda.”

“Fuck off,” she spat

“Oh, real mature.” I stand up, closing the gap between us, whipping out my phone. With one hand, I grabbed her wrist, pulling her even closer, and with the other hand I used my phone’s front facing camera to get a good look up her skirt. She was wearing stripped panties. Letting out a snarl, she shoved me away, but I had got my shot and her flush had gone from red to purple.

“You’ll pay for that, asshole!”

“Oh come, darling. You wouldn’t be wearing that if you hadn’t wanted people to see your underwear.”

“I swear to God, if you don’t get out of our faces right now then I’ll –”

“Whatever. I’ve got places to be. There’s a special edition release of Neir Automata that’s being demoed over there, where the real fans are. Not that you’ll have heard of it.”

“Oh?” Her face broke into a sly smile. “You like Neir Automata?” There was something in her voice that sounded ominous, but I was on a role. Puffed up on my little win, I wasn’t paying attention to the dark intentions in her eyes. “We’re big fans too, aren’t we Rachel?” She shared a look with her friend, who seemed to catch some meaning from it, and nodded slowly.

“Yeah… we are…”

“See you sluts later!” I said, giving them a little wave as I turned to leave, oblivious.


The rest of the con was excellent. I completely forgot about Katherine and her friend in the rush of excitement over getting to see all the games and shows that I had been looking forward to for so long. Not a single one was a disappointment, and even when I had to wait in queues for hours and hours, it was always worth it when I got to the booth to try out this new gadget, or buy posters for that new anime. With a bag sagging with merchandise and still more bundled in my arms, I stumbled back to the hotel next to the convention hall and up to my room. Like most cons, this was a weekend-long event and even though I had spent the majority of my money today, there would be so much more going on tomorrow. Tired, but happy, and thinking about booth babes, I reached into my pocket for the key to my room.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, hands seized my shoulders and pinned my arms behind me. I dropped my bundle of posters and tried to cry out, but something wet and smelling of chemicals was forced against my mouth and nose and whatever noise I was trying to make came out as little more than a muffled moan. My head began to swim, and my struggling diminished as strength left my body. The last thing I remember before I passed out was the girl, Katherine, standing in front of me with that evil smile across her face and the light shining off her dark eyes.


I woke up with my hands tied to a door frame above me. The first thing I noticed was how cold I was, and opened my eyes. I was in a hotel room – not my own – and naked except for my boxers. At first I thought I was alone, and then I saw shadows move on the edge of my vision. Three girls surrounded me. The girl in the Madoka Magica dress had changed into jeans and a t-shirt, but a second girl I hadn’t seen before was still wearing a green tunic. I could see the rise of her buttocks just below the hem, and I had to struggle not to stare. This must have been Sasha. Katherine was there, of course, standing in front of me and giving me that sharks smile, as if she were planning to eat me.

“What’s going on?” I tried to say, only to find that the effects of the chloroform were still present, and my words came out slurred and unintelligible.

Katherine seemed to understand what I was trying to say, however, because she said, “welcome back, jerk. We thought, after our little misunderstanding at the convention, that you ought to be taught a lesson. But this doesn’t have to be unpleasant. I hear you’re a big fan of Neir Automata. We are too. So we thought we’d give you the one-o-one on cosplay, so you can better understand the effort that we go through to get all dressed up like this.”

I attempted to struggle, pulling on the straps that were holding me to doorframe, but it was no use. It was as if my body were still asleep.

“We already made a start on you while you were asleep. We didn’t want to freak you out while we had razors in our hands.” She ran a finger down my bare calf, and I could feel what she had done. I had been shaved. Now that it had been pointed out to me, I could feel the cold air on my hairless skin now, and how my legs and underarms tickled against the wooden door. Breathing heavily, I watched them with outrage in my eyes. “There’s no use giving me that look,” she said. “We’re going to have our fun with you whether you like it or not. First, let’s get these boxers off.”

Her two friends, on either side of me, hooked the top of my boxers with their fingers and pulled them to my knees, where Katherine cut them off with a pair of scissors. Completely naked now, I tried to turn my head away, embarrassed and desperate to cover my crotch. The girls were giggling, and one of them – Rachel – said, “How unladylike.”

“We can fix that with some choice underwear, can’t we ladies?” There was more giggling and the realisation of what they were going to do to me struck me like a bolt of lightning. I began to struggle in earnest now, chomping at my gag, but despite my best efforts, all I could manage was a kind of pathetic wiggle. This only made them laugh harder.

“Now,” Katherine continued, “We’re going to have to untie your legs at least. I don’t imagine you can do very much given the position you’re in, but we’d advise that you cooperate. If you so much as sneeze without our permission, we’ll knock you out, dress you up anyway, and spread the pictures all over the internet. You’ll be infamous. Guys all across the country will be masturbating to your pretty pink panties, and you can kiss goodbye ever having a girlfriend, or a job.”

“I’d never leave the house again!” Rachel crowed.

“Precisely. So are you going to play nice?”

I had no choice. At the prospect of them following through on their threat, I could feel a sweat break out on my forehead. Eyes wide, I nodded.

“Good boy.”

Katherine unstrapped my legs, but left my arms where they were, before producing a pair of white cotton panties, hemmed with lace. I shut my eyes, trying to block out what was happening. All that resulted was a heightened sense of touch. The lace had looked scratchy, but as it slid up past my knees and cupped my balls, snug and warm, it felt soft and satiny, I could feel the edges brush against my sensitive inner thighs and shuddered, feeling a shiver run up my spine.

Hands were on me, prodding and examining.

“He’s still too manly.”

“Agreed. You know what to do, ladies.”

I felt something cold and sticky touch my chest and I opened my eyes. Thick white gloop was being smeared over my smooth chest. I managed to let out a muffled exclamation. The girl called Rachel assumed it was question and give me a winning smile. “It’s superglue,” she explained and panic flooded me. Two hands ran themselves through my hair, massaging my scalp and with growing horror, I realised that they were kneading superglue into my hair.

Katherine held up two wigs, one silver and shimmering, the other a platinum blonde. “Which one?”

“The white one’s better. More faithful to the character.”

“You’re right, Sasha. I’ll let you do the honours.”

The wig was fixed to my head. At first it was warm and stuffy, the synthetic strands annoying, but once the girls had smoothed it out of my eyes, I could feel it brushing the edges of my jaw, whispering against my ears, causing a gooseflesh to erupt on the back of my neck.

Next came a pair of false breasts, round and heavy, complete with pink nipples that shivered as they were placed on my chest and pressed on. This was done by Katherine, herself, who had pressed herself to me to get better leverage, and she groped the breasts lewdly, licking her lips and leering at me, pinching the erect nipples. She was not technically touching me, but with the way her eyes bored into me and the feel of her against the length of my body, I felt violated – even more so kidnapped and tied up. I felt small, and vulnerable. I guess that’s what they wanted – to make me feel like a girl. I shut my eyes again.

“Next come the gloves and the stockings.”

Their rough hands dressed me, and I was shocked by the alien sensations – the snag of the nylon on my legs, how they hugged me and squeezed my thighs. There was a suspender belt, and I could feel the cold metal of the clips. Everything was so much more sensitive after being shaved. I had always thought that stockings looked overwarm and uncomfortable, but it was like wearing silk, silk that clung and held. The gloves were thicker, made of faux leather and equally tight, pinching the spaces between my fingers. It was at this point that I was beginning to realise something awful.

It didn’t feel terrible.

Okay, now don’t get me wrong. It was embarrassing as hell, and I wanted to curl up and be swallowed up by the ground beneath me. I could feel my face burning, and my heart racing. But the clothes around me felt snug and strangely comfortable. Confusion welled up inside me. I wasn’t supposed to notice that sort of thing. I wasn’t supposed to enjoy this. The wig felt like feathers, the cotton of the panties rubbed against my inner thigh and crotch as I moved and I could feel, to my shame, blood flowing to my penis, and a throbbing arousal. Oh God, this was all wrong.

Next came a corset. I shook my head desperately, but they only laughed at me, and strapped me into it, the leather rubbing against the soft skin of my stomach, the bones encasing my own ribcage below the fake breasts. It’s not so bad, I thought. And then they pulled on the strings, tightening it enough to stop the breath in my throat. The pressure was like I was being crushed, but there was a rush that made me light headed. The corset forced me to stand with perfect posture, and that, combined with my hands being tied above me while I balanced on my tip toes, put me in a kind of delicious imposition. With every breath I took, I felt my chest come up against the unrelenting leather, and saw the breasts rise and fall in front of me. I felt warmth pool in my crotch as the arousal became more apparent.

“Oh look girls! I think he likes it!” This was Katherine, her voice high with glee.

“What a sissy!”

Oh how I wanted it to end. And how I never wanted it to end.

Bound to the doorframe as I was, they were able to go behind me and open the door so that they could reach my back. This was how they had laced up the corset, taking away more and more of my breath with every tug of the strings. Now, they prodded me so that I had to step into the dress, a black satin number with puffy shoulders and a flared skirt, slit up one side. I closed my eyes again, only to feel the fabric pulled up my entire body, grazing what felt like every inch of my skin. It had not been made for me, so it stuck on my hips, perhaps one to two sizes too small for me. The girls didn’t seem to mind, they simple wiggled and plucked at the dress until it made it past my waist. Just like when they put on the gloves, they untied each hand in turn and then retied it before doing the other one, sliding on the long sleeves. The whole dress pinched and squeezed, stretched tight across my chest, my upper arms, my hips. The hem of the skirt caressed the section of skin just above the stockings.

At this stage, I was fully erect and beside myself with desperate confusion and embarrassment.

“He’s not got any make up on!”

“You’re right Sasha, get right on that.”


“In the mean-time, I’ll take care of some finishing touches.”

The lacy window at the front of my dress tickled my collar and the bands that gathered the sleeves just below the shoulder and at the wrist pinched and rubbed in a way that caused me to moan helplessly. Combined with my erection, the pressure of the corset, and the thought of what they were going to next, I was caught in an exquisite agony.

Hands were on my buttocks and I flinched, earning a sharp slap on the fleshy part of my thigh. Whimpering, I tried to stay still as those hands lifted the skirt and reached into the panties. I felt something cold and smooth press against my asshole and stiffened, my heart thudding like a drum. And then I felt the pleasurable sting and pressure as the object was pushed inwards, a millimeter at a time. I let out a shameful groan as I was penetrated, feeling the thing inside me pressed onward, my insides pulsing and squeezing it instinctively. I could no longer pretend that it didn’t feel good.

While the butt plug was being inserted, one of the girls – Sasha – was smoothing foundation on my face. Like everything else, it was warm and pleasant and humiliating. She pulled and pinched at my skin, telling me in a bossy, authoritative tone when to look up and when to blink as she used a small brush to paint eyeshadow, liner, mascara and lipstick into every corner and crevice of my face. The other girl, Rachel, was slipping my feet into knee high, heeled boots that hugged my calves in the most perfect way. I could feel them getting tighter with every snap of the laces and sighed with pleasure.

And then, just like that, it was over. They stepped away to admire their handiwork and I was left strung up, feeling the butt plug shift and rub inside me, my erection uncomfortable straining against the cotton panties and tenting the flowing skirt. The front of the panties was damp where I had leaked precum. They nodded appreciatively as if inspecting a piece of art.

Finally, Katherine sneered, “oh forget it,” and took out her phone, holding it up to me. I shook my head desperately, but there was nothing I could do as I heard the camera shutter sound, and with it a renewed sense of panic. Chuckling darkly, the other girls copied her, saving the evidence of their victory.

“Well, time for us to get going,” she announced, giving me an affectionate pat on the butt. “We’ll just leave you here for room service to find. Enjoy the rest of the con!”

With no more than a sickly-sweet smile and a wave, they left me feeling weak and desperate.

And that’s it. That’s how those pictures got on the internet. You’ve probably seen them, but I simply had to tell the story from my perspective. Hopefully you won’t judge me too much, but I am sure, that if you were in my position, you’d be just as embarrassed as me.

And perhaps, you would have secretly enjoyed it as well.

