My [F]irst [MMF]

I need to start this off by saying I haven’t had that much experience sexually. My BF was, up until yesterday, the only guy I have had sex with. We met senior year of high school and went to the same college and are still together. Before him the only guy I had done anything with was just a blowjob.

I graduated early from college and took a job back home. My BF is not going to be done until August. So for the first time we have been apart. We see each-other on weekends when we can but there has been times when we might go 2 or 3 weeks. Needless to say the lack of sex has taken a toll. Back in February i decided to do something I have never done, watch porn to help the urge. Well…this opened me up to a new sexual side of me I was not aware of.

Not sure why or how but it really allowed me to open up and express myself sexually. I would send my BF slutty snapchats and tease him. When we were together I would always try new stuff I saw on porn. I was masturbating daily. I started to find a way to get through this time without having him here. However recently I have found myself watching alot more hadrcore porn, particularly gangbangs. The idea of having more then 1 guy fucking me was a desire I never knew I wanted.

So lets turn back to how it went down. At my job I met a guy named Brett. We both got hired at the same time and went through orientation together. He works in a completely separate department not only that but building then me. But whenever we crossed paths we always chatted. Brett is 25 and single. We both were the only people under 35 at the orientation so thats were the connection happened. As time went on Brett became my work friend. We would met up at the cafeteria at lunch and gossip about our departments. Eventually he asked for my number. I was a little reluctant for obvious reasons. Brett was the first guy other then my BF that I was talking to regularly that was not work related.

Brett new about my BF and I even joked that I am a taken girl. He assured me it was just from a friend standpoint, so I hesitantly gave it to him. As time went on Brett and I would text every here and there. A couple times we met up after work for coffee. Nothing that out of the ordinary. Brett would tell me about the girls he was seeing. Heck I even told my BF and he was fine with it since nothing flirty ever happened.

Well until about 3 weeks ago. One Thursday after work Brett and I are at the coffee shop working away and chatting here and there. He stopped and asked what I was doing on Saturday. I told him I had no plans. He then asked If I wanted to come over and hang out. Brett lives downtown I live in the suburbs. He suggested I come over and we just bum around the city. Something I had not done in a long time so I agreed. And it was a great time. Shopping, beers and good conversation. As the afternoon was coming to an end Brett got a phone call from his friend named Tom. I have heard about Tom alot from Brett. Tom was asking if Brett was going to this bar that night, he said he would. Brett hung up and then asked if I wanted to go. The bar was pretty close to my house so I agreed. I went back home to change and freshen up.

When I got to the bar Brett and Tom were already drinking. I noticed when I went over that Brett’s expression changed when he saw me. He instantly complemented my outfit and both him and Tom I caught a bunch looking at my tits. Now, during the day I was wearing jeans and a sweatshirt. I put on leggings with a sweater that is a little tighter and revealing. I didn’t think much of it since I was going to bar that was quite popular and its an outfit I have worn a billion times going out with girlfriends. (Im a 34D).

During the night both Brett and Tom would flirt here and there. Tom more. I wasn’t adverse to the attention, not going to lie it was nice, but I assured them I had a BF. As the night ended I hugged both of them and thanked them for the nice night, which it was!.

The following weekend Brett invited me back out, but I told him I was going to see the BF. So he asked if the Thursday before I left if I wanted to come over and order pizza with Tom. I accepted. We dranked, laughed and watched shitty old youtube videos. Tom then suggested we play a drinking game. He layed out 3 shots of vodka in-front of each of us. It was truth or shot. And if we ran out of the three shots then we have to do a dare. I laughed and made them swear they would not gang up on me since its the two of them, Brett joked and said he will have my back.

The first 5min was very tame, then Tom asked me “do you masturbate”? Brett looked a little stunned and said Tom come on and I laughed and answered yes. Then it was game on. Brett was the first one to lose his shots and Tom dared him to take off his shirt which he did. Brett then asked me what the last porno I watched was. I had one shot left and I knew it was double penetration and I was embarrassed answering infront of two guys, but I was pretty tipsy and told them. They both smirked and giggled after I told them. Finally it was back to me and Tom asked how many guys I have fucked. I was embarrassed to say 1 since both Brett and Tom said they had been with alot of girls so I took the shot. Well the dare was to take off my shirt. I just looked at Tom and said really, I was in a sweartshirt with just a bra on under. I said Tom I have a BF. And he said rules are the rules, I could have dared worse. So I did. Both of there faces lit up. Both of there eyes staring at my chest was a feeling I have never had, and in a dirty way I liked it.

Things continued to get ratcheted up. Soon Brett was standing there in just his boxers, Tom just had his jeans on and the questions were pure sexual. Tom then asked Brett if he would do me. Brett answered well duh look at her and those tits. I blushed and again assured Brett im taken. Brett then asked me who between the two I would do. I didnt know how to answer, and fearing the dare would have been me topless or worse I answered honestly and said why does it have to be one? They both of course liked that answer. Eventually everyone including me was down to just underwear. It turned from truths to just dares and shots. Tom dared me to “touch my toes” I rolled my eyes and turned around and did. I then asked which one had a boner. There faces went white it was so funny and cute.

I told them to come out from behind the counter. Brett in his boxers was hard and Tom in his briefs was poking through the bottom hard. Brett then dared for him to touch my boobs for 5 seconds. I stopped him and laughed and said this has gone on too far and its 1 am. Brett whined like a little boy and said come on last thing, you’ve been teasing us half naked for the last 30min and you saw our boners! I said no and laughed, Brett assured me literally 5seconds, bra on. I said fine then im getting dressed and going home. Tom then stepped in and said what about me. I said fine 5seconds starts on my clock. They both rushed over and started rubbing them smiling and giggling. I felt Bretts cock push against my leg. I then yelled times up! I went over and got my clothes on and called uber. As soon as I got the text he was there I hugged them and joked I hope I gave you guys enough material and winked.

Then this past Wednesday at work Brett and I meet up for our coffee and work. The whole time Brett kept saying how much fun he and Tom had. I stopped him and said did you have fun in general or fun because you two got to feel my breasts? He didnt know what to say and before he started making something up I stopped him and said well I had fun with you guys too and smiled. As the night ended Brett asked If I would want to go to Tom’s dad’s lake-house right outside town on Friday (yesterday). He said the weather is supposed to be awesome (which it was) and a chance to just relax in the sun and swim for the first time this year. I agreed and said that would be fun!

Now I was not planning on getting fucked by them two yesterday. I expected more flirting then normal obviously judging by the last time we hung out.

Friday comes and I get in Bretts car after work and we drive to Tom’s lake house. We get in Tom was already just in his swim trunks drinking. Brett and I go change separately. We go outside on the deck and it right on the water. We swim and drink. Tom made burgers. And just laughed and had fun. As the sun began to set Tom turned on the Jacuzzi. We drank more and laughed about our childhoods. Eventually Tom got out to grab some more beers inside. Brett sat to the right of me. He kept the conversation going until I noticed he kept glancing at my chest. I stopped talking and eventually Brett got the hint and looked up. I just smiled and shook my head. He apologized and said im sorry but those are the best pair of tits I have ever seen. I laughed and said well I guess thank you. He apologized again and said I shouldn’t have said that im sorry.

I said well its my fault, I mean I let you touch them. Brett put his hand on my leg and said yeah and there all I have thought about. I asked how many times have you thought about them in private and smiled. He said honestly every day. He leaned in and kissed me. I kissed back and I felt his hand work his way up from my leg to my breast. Then Tom came back. He hopped in and laugh and said well what have I missed. We both stopped and laughed. I said sorry I didnt mean for that to happen. Tom just laughed it off. Has the time went on and the drinks kept flowing I had Tom to my left and Brett to my right. Not directly next to me but withing arms reach.

Brett eventually put his hand back on my leg. He was rubbing it for a while as we all kept talking. Thankfully there was bubbles so you couldnt see underwater. Brett eventaully moved his hand closer in and the tips of his fingers was rubbing my bikini bottom close to my pussy. This went on for another few minuted util finally one time during our laugh fest when I looked over at him he moved him hand so it was directly ontop of my bikini bottom (lol) and on the top of my pussy. He began rubbing and i could feel myself starting to quiver. Brett then grabbed my right hand and moved it to his rock hard cock. I started rubbing it through his swim trunks. He then moved his hands down to separate my legs which I did. He pushed my bikini aside and started rubbing and fingering me. I put my hand down his pants and took out his cock. All while Tom was sitting there. I knew I wasnt going to be able to keep it up longer. And I think Brett knew this too.

I was just staring at Tom bitting my lip trying not to moan. Brett kept fingering me faster and Tom could tell something was up as I was breathing heavily. Brett then moved right next to me looked at me and kissed me. Tom sat there. I think he was going to leave. I put my left hand over on his leg and he moved in. He grabbed my breast. Tom undid my bikini top while Brett undid my bikini bottom. They took turns feeling and kissing my breasts and kissing me. Eventually I had both there cocks in each hand, both there hands on my pussy and them kissing my breasts.

I stopped stroking them and said I think we should go inside. Tom hopped out and said lets go to the master. He helped me out and I followed him. While Brett walked behind me rubbing my ass and kissing my neck. I laid on the bed, Brett got next to me and kept kissing me. Tom spread my legs and started to eat me out. Brett sat up and I then started sucking his cock. My god its nice. Biggest ive had.

Tom eventually stopped and plunged his cock in me. I was in heaven. They then switched spots. After a while Brett flipped me over and started to pound my ass. Brett started to slow down then he gripped my ass with both his hands. He pulled out and started to eat my ass. I have never had that before. Tom pulled his cock from my mouth and laid down. I got ontop of him and started to ride him. He was making out with my tits, he loved them in his face. I knew what Brett was up to and I was nervous. He spread my ass and slowly stuck it in my ass.

The sensation was like nothing I have experienced. Pain, pleasure, scared, hot. After a couple minutes I pushed Brett off, I coudnt take his cock in my ass. At the same time Tom gripped my tits and I knew he was about to cum. I started to grind on him as fast as I could. He pulled me in and kissed me and came inside me. I got off and started to suck off Brett. He kept pushing my head deeper. Then he pulled it out and came all over my face.

I smiled and thanked them. I went to the shower to clean off.



  1. Amazing story, I loved the slow build up and all the flirting. Did you keep sleeping with the guys?

  2. Hot, do you think your bf would join in? Hope you get more n share with us.

  3. Marvellous story told by a gifted storyteller. Please keep us posted with any developments.

  4. This leaves many questions.

    Do you want to still be with your bf?
    Do you want more from Brett and Tom?
    Would you be open to your bf having other partners?
    Are you remorseful at all?
    Do you wish it could have included him?

  5. Great story. Super hot.

    It’s none of my business but I wouldn’t keep dating your bf. Unless he’s open to being open, ya know?

    Regardless sounds like you had fun and I’m happy to hear that.

  6. Was it a one time deal at the lake house or did you get busy in the morning too?

  7. I really hate it when people cheat, don’t get me wrong the story was really hot but it really sucks for the bf who did nothing wrong and got a cheating gf that he didn’t deserve

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