[MF] Hotel Window Adventures

Obligatory comment that this is a throw-away – hopefully this true story is not too long but as this all took place over 3 days, will try to be brief….

All began with me attending a conference in Chicago last year with the wife deciding to join me to spend the weekend and take in the sites as well as a Cubs game. As we entered the room, as all people do, we went to the windows to open the curtains and take in the view. Being a corner room we had a lot of full length windows with glimpse of the lake through one and the Hilton directly across the street through the other. Fast forward to following dinner and drinks, we head back to the room with a bottle of wine to chill before the following days Cubs game. Entering the room, we see the Hilton across the street with a lot of lights on and a lot of activity, mind you this is directly across the street which if I remember correctly is only 2 lanes. Point being, it is quite close.

One of the rooms is 4 guys in their late 20’s hanging out and having some drinks. I go to close the blinds and the Mrs. says “leave them open, let’s see what everyone is up to”. Fine with me; we leave the lights off, leave the bright blue TV screen on, pull up a couple chairs and open the wine. Wife comments that the guys look like they are having fun but no women and wouldn’t they have fun if there were women? Hard to argue. I make an off-hand comment about how she could liven the party if they at least had a view of a woman. Expecting the Catholic girl to come out and get the dreaded Italian evil eye. She just replied “I guess they wouldn’t mind.”

With that comment I ask her to stand up in front of me and face the windows. Standing behind her, I proceed to slowly undress her until she is fully nude. Good time I guess to describe the Mrs….5’4, Thai/Italian (thank god for Italian butts) and is a regular at the gym. After standing fully nude in the window while I was giving her a butt massage for a few minutes, she then moved to the back of the room. After turning the hall light on, she proceeds to unpack in the nude. With the window blinds wide open, I could see her silhouette quite clearly in the window reflection establishing the fact that the guys in the Hilton could as well. She spent about 20 minutes unpacking, talking on the phone, etc. which was more than enough time for them to notice her. To their credit they weren’t obvious about it, respectful and only took a handful of pics. She then turns off the lights leaving just the TV on with its blue tint to it so as it was somewhat light but not a glaring. Clearly in the mood I jump into bed on my back with my head towards the window. She jumps on and proceeds to inch her way up to my face if you get my meaning. There she is facing the window, blue light/shadow very much enjoying herself watching them watch her. For the BJ I switched positions so she could watch them watching her go to work. Never knew she was an exhibitionist and I was to find out, a voyeur.

Fast forward to the next night following the game, we once again take up our positions after dinner and drinks. Lights at the Hilton go on and off with people coming and going until she spots a guy directly across the street turn on the lights in his room as he strips nude. Black guy, mid 30’s I guess, kind of like an athlete gone downhill a bit would be a good way to describe him. After re-filling the wine she begins a slow strip until she is also nude. He is fully nude now and she does not take her eyes off him. Learning #2, as mentioned before, she is a voyeur. I found this to be a major turn on coming from a female (men can watch 2 fly’s mate and get a hard-on) but a woman clearly enjoying it is something else entirely. Eventually his lights go out and show is over. Whether he noticed her or not, I don’t know but I do know she would have been very hard to miss. This of course led to another great sex session.

The following morning, we once again open the curtains and with the corner room, lots of sunshine, it had to be a fishbowl for people to see in. As the Mrs. is once again giving me a BJ (2 days in a row is not common) and then packing also in the nude I say “you are giving him quite the show (not to mention the other rooms) for the past 2 hours”. Her reply? “That’s good, I like big Black guys.”

We were in DC last week and will maybe share that story at a later date.

TL;DR Found out wife is an exhibitionist as well as a voyeur and hotel window sex is awesome.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/bptqgx/mf_hotel_window_adventures

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