I Found A Wife and Family in Kazakhstan [MF]

If you want to skip to the sexy bits, just go find the (***) as there will be a bit of background information before the story truly begins.

Kazakhstan wasn’t a place I had ever thought I would end up finding what I can only describe as pure happiness. I have traveled the world and had my sexual fun from Bali to Moscow and so many places in between. I’m originally from the United States and growing up, I had only had a few relationships with women until I began to travel, however, the fact that I could no longer be the shy, quiet, nerdy guy made me become someone I had never expected. I became confident and certain of myself with stories of wild events on my trips that my family and friends would hang onto and discuss at any family events I returned from abroad for. A little about me at he time of the story, I was freshly 30, shaved head, great shape from spending time dating a yoga teacher in Bali for a long time who made sure everything in my body was “balanced” and I then maintained with green eyes and a “devilish” smile as I was told by the other main character of my story, but soon we will get to her.

I was just finishing a six month stay in Moscow and broke up with my at the time girlfriend, a beautiful leggy blonde who had the temper of a chihuahua. Things had gone sour between us because we had dated for around six months and she had wanted me to avoid places like Kazakhstan, because the people were “poor and dangerous” in her words. The fact that this was her idea of the region, made me want to go even more and I told her I would go anyway, she began a fight and the relationship broke apart that night. Her telling me, she hoped I was mugged and taken for everything I had. A loving ex, certainly.

A week later, I had done everything I needed to do. I had informed my job that I would be changing time zones, I had bought my tickets, and confirmed my AirBNB. My departure was two weeks away and yet I didn’t know a single person and would be staying for at least a month, so began my time of trying to correct this. My normal plan for this is Instagram. I have spent time building my Instagram to a following of around 6,000 people and while not a huge following, I’ve found it’s enough for most women to be willing to reply when sent a message. I went about liking posts of men, women, shops, restaurants, anything that was posted within the location I was searching at the time, as I just wanted some friends.

Now, if you’ve never seen a Kazakh woman, I suggest you go open your Instagram, if you have one and look up the location for Alma-Ata, Almaty. The women are generally some of the most beautiful I have ever seen and I thought Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine was top of the beauty scale.

As I was messaging with a woman who had responded to my messages, I got a message that was completely unexpected, I had liked one of her posts and she messaged me about one of my pictures in Bali, saying she had been and loved it there. I quickly took a scan through her Instagram, the first thing that I noticed was her high follower count, it was triple what mine at the time was. However, what soon caught my attention was how beautiful she was. It was obvious, she cared about every single detail of her appearance. She was about a head shorter than me, flawless olive skin, curves in all the right places, with a dancer’s body. At the moment, however, I thought it was just a basic conversation. She asked where I was from and explained Chicago, but had been traveling almost full time around the world and was leaving Moscow soon to come to Almaty. This seemed to pique her interest.

The conversation carried on normally, what do you do, why are you coming to Almaty, what is your favorite place you have traveled. Finally, she asked my age which I told her. Her response still makes me laugh, “Are you married??” Which I told her, I was not. I remember her response was something like, “Why are you not married?!” I explained that I had not met the right woman, I was open to it, but I just had not yet found what I was looking for in a woman. After that, she did not reply anymore. I figured she had not liked my response.

The next two weeks go by and I am arriving in Almaty and post to my Instagram story that, I had just arrived and gave a small first impressions of the city to those who actually cared or were interested on my feed. This story started what I would like to call the stampede on my inbox, every girl who I had talked with over the last two weeks who lived in Almaty began messaging me and asking how long I would be there and if we can meet or some variation of that. However, we will call her Alua, ended up messaging me as well, “Can we meet?” I was a bit surprised now. I thought she had not liked my answer, I told her I needed a few days to catch my bearings for the city. I told her that we should make plans for Friday night and I would find a spot for us to have dinner.

I should mention, I don’t speak amazing Russian, but my Russian ability has grown conversational enough that most of my exchanges are in Russian and I spent most of my first few days there talking to the locals and learning as much as I could about recommended places. One of the cafes, I began visiting because it was under my AirBNB had a waitress, who seemed to enjoy our conversations and would be giggly. I asked her for a good date spot and I think she took it as me asking her at the time on a date, she recommended a restaurant that was just a few blocks away. It served Georgian food, if you’ve ever been to anywhere in this part of the world, Georgian food is the American equal of Mexican food. There are many many restaurants for it and truthfully, I’m shocked I didn’t pack on 100lbs eating as much of it as I did as it was so heavy in bread.

Finally, Friday comes around and Alua and I had been talking here and there throughout the week and I found out she had studied English and German for her degree. When, I finally convinced her to send me a voice message of her speaking in English, I was once again shocked by her. Her accent was so minor, I thought I was speaking with an American from the Midwest. Getting ready became a process for me, I once again looked at her Instagram and hoped that her story might show what she was wearing for the day but no such luck. I figured I had no choice but to dress my best without wearing a suit. I threw on a blazer and some dress pants and made sure I took extra time to look crisp and fresh.

She met me at the restaurant as the sun was going down and I was exceptionally glad I had dressed up, because when I saw her I think my jaw slackened some. She was wearing this leather skirt that went to her mid-thigh, black tights, tall black heels, and a tight black shirt. I knew I was in trouble in that moment, I’ve always had a weakness for women who mix elegance with showing off their assets. I won’t bore you much as this is already long, we had a nice first date together and the only thing I got was a kiss at the end of the night.

Now, another segway, Kazakhstan is a majority Muslim country, however, it’s secular so it’s not as strict as some other countries. We continued dating and I had to leave the country and return twice before anything ever happened between us.

We had been dating for about three months at this point, making out and some minor groping had become common between us at this point. She spent more and more time in my AirBNB, which moved every month or so. The last time I made a visa run, she had even gone with me to Kyrgyzstan for a weekend.

Her birthday was coming up soon, so I was very nervous as she wanted me to meet her parents. She’d reassured me a 30 year old, dating a 21 year old wasn’t very abnormal in her culture so that would not be a worry, it was that I was a foreigner that would concern them. So, I knew I had to make an impression. The weekend passed with her family welcoming me and enjoying my presence and what I later found out, is that an interaction with her younger brother, where I was playing with him and talking with her family that she was watching me and decided in that moment, she knew we would have a family of our own. This was after, we were married though, so at the time I never knew this had began to unfold.

The week after her birthday, the events began to unfold. We went out and she had a few glasses of wine and told me, this was a time for celebration. I thought it was because of her birthday and went along with it. It was getting late, so I offered to ride with her in a taxi to get her home. She told me that she would rather go spend some us time at my apartment, so I agreed.


The moment we walked in, something was different. As soon as the door was shut, her lips were on mine as her arms wrapped around me. This night, she had worn a long black dress that had an exposed back with what I had thought were tights and the same heels, I had first seen her in. My hands ran up her back and massaged the skin of her shoulders as we kissed like we wanted to steal each other’s oxygen. It was heated and aggressive as I pressed her back into the door. Her nails dragging over my head and down my neck to the collar of my shirt. She pulled her lips to the side to escape mine and before I could question why, her lips were upon my neck as she licked, kissed, and bit her way towards my ear.

As her lips explored my neck, I did what I could to return the favor and started kissing her shoulder in any place I could find that was exposed. The soft sighs and moans between her panting breath told me I was pressing the right areas. My hands explored the curves of her body in the dress. Her lips making their way to my ear and feeling her breath, I drew back from between us. I stared at her for a long moment, trying to catch fleeting thoughts, “We have to stop or I’ll become an animal and pull your dress off.” She stared at me for a moment before a smile crossed her lips, “That’s what I was hoping for.” That was all it took.

My hands wasted no time in dropping to the bottom of her dress and starting to tug the fabric upwards. More and more of her legs and thighs being exposed. Both of our eyes fixated between us as I undressed her. The black nylon of her tights showing more and more of her dancer thighs, yet, suddenly it turned dark black and then olive. My eyes widened and I looked up at her as she was wearing stockings. She looked back at me and bit her lip. I had told her I thought such things were sexy when they are unexpected and she had obviously listened intently.

I wish I could say the rest of my pulling of her dress was slowly and sexy, but I knew then where this was headed and having not had any release but myself during the last three months. I could not contain myself. I frantically pulled her dress up and she unraveled herself from me to lift her arms to allow me to fully remove the dress. It came off and I tossed it to the side on the table and wasted not time. My hands were back upon her and my lips soon followed. She began unbuttoning my shirt and rubbing her hands against every inch of exposed flesh she could find under the fabric.

All she was left in was a thong now. Those beautiful breasts that I had imagined were exposed for me as was that rounded ass that I had groped as often as she would allow in private. My arms swung around and under her as I lifted her petite frame off the floor and carried her the few steps to my bed. Dropping her on it where she started attempting to take off her shoes and I shook my head, “Don’t. You look beautiful in those.”

The thong being the last bit that stood in my way, I grabbed her ankles and pulled her to the edge of the bed. As I drug her toward me, I heard a moan come from her. My hands reaching for her thong and pulling it down her thighs and then legs in one fluid motion, until it got caught on her heels. I remember vividly, I got it loose from one and just let it hang off the other. I fell to my knees and grabbed her hips. She started to protest, but the moment my tongue hit her clit, her whole body went rigid and her hands slapped the sheets. A long moan left her lips and that was the only attempt to protest what I was doing. My tongue lapped at her clit as if every drop she gave me, was the fountain of youth. My arms wrapped around her upper thighs to hold her as her body wiggled against my face in pleasure.

The first time she came was a beautiful sight, her arms reached for me and her nails curled against my head as she humped against my tongue. Her head rocked forward and she locked eyes with me as her mouth opened in a silent scream. Her body fell back suddenly and she began to beg me to stop, so I gladly obliged. By now, I was in an unbuttoned shirt and my pants and socks. Having kicked my shoes off on the way to the bed. I began kissing a trail up her body, stopping to tease her nipples with my tongue. Gaining tiny little moans from her.

I continued my ascent up her body until our lips met again, she paused when she realized she could taste herself on me but quickly her hands went to work at yanking at my belt. This was the second time that gave me pause. I looked at her and drew back, “Are you sure?” The question needed because she was a virgin and I wanted to make certain this wasn’t a heated in the moment choice and was something she had considered carefully. She didn’t say anything but instead went back to working on my belt which I then helped her with.

She swung her body around as she fished into my pants and pushed them down enough to pull my cock out. She didn’t do anything at first, she simply studied it quietly for a moment. Her exploration continued as her tongue snaked out to taste the precum that was leaking out. Thinking about it now, it makes me laugh softly how inquisitive she was. Eventually, she parted her lips and began to let inch after inch disappear into her mouth until she had fully taken me inside. Now, I won’t say I’m some monster, I’m about average length, but I’ve always had comments on my thickness from partners. Watching her take me with such ease was surprising as this was her first time doing this, yet, not once did I get any teeth.

She began rocking her head back and forth softly, her tongue exploring me inside her mouth. I couldn’t help but wrap my hands in her hair and softly guide her head back and forth at a pace that was amazing. It had been such a long time and now, I felt like I was on cloud nine. My eyes closed as I just focused on the feeling, since she’d said nothing this is how I figured we would end it. However, she must have sensed my giving in to the feeling and drew back. Her eyes locked on mine as she softly stroked me and kissed my shaft twice.

Alua released me and then slowly turned around and put her ass in the air facing me. I understood as she looked over her shoulder and smiled at me, I began to back away, “Let me get a con–” She grabbed my cock from between her legs and gave a soft pull towards her and interrupted me, “No, if we do this. I want you to claim me as yours. I want to be your woman and you my man.” I stared for a moment as that was a lot to process, her hand slowly stroking me to avoid me going down at such a decision to make, “What are you saying?” Her hand stopping now as she looked at me, “I love you.” I think my eyebrows gave away my surprise and I stopped to think, it was three months but I was happier with her than I had been with any other woman I had dated before. She was intelligent, beautiful, funny, cared deeply for family, and wanted a large family as did I.

I knew the choice then, it might have been sudden but even to this day, I have no regrets over it. I am truly blessed, but more of that later. I said nothing, I simply stepped back forward and let her line me up and I gently began to press forward. Her eyes locked on mine as she took my answer in the form of my actions. Easing her open was easy with how wet she was, I will never forget that feeling. I came to the resistance finally and felt it straining against my pressure. I continued to apply pressure as suddenly there was nothing and she wailed out in pain. I ceased almost immediately. Simply standing behind her and barely moving my hips to keep myself hard.

She continued looking over her shoulder as tears ran down her face, she was the first one to begin any sort of larger movement as she slowly began to rock her hips back against mine. We both moved together slowly building up a rhythm until she began moaning louder and louder. However, I was fighting the urge already to cum. My hands wrapping around her waist and pulling her back into me as I tried to fight the looming eruption. The situation was different, I truly did care for her. I did love her in a way as I wouldn’t have come back so many times to Kazakhstan, if it wasn’t for her. It felt much different because this was me being in love with someone. The realization sparked it for me, I realized that I would ask to marry her and for her to have my children and that set my over the edge. I pressed into her deep and began to cum. The feeling of me cumming must have triggered her orgasm as she soon followed after me.

We both moved to lay on the bed after that, I had no idea what to say or to do and I didn’t need to do anything. She moved over to my chest, rested her head and fell asleep. Her parents never called as they normally do that night, which surprised us both in the morning when she woke up in her stockings but sometime had taken off her shoes. We started talking, then kissing, and once again I was inside of her and finding my release deep within her.

We ended up engaged within the month, married a month later, just in time for her to start showing. We had to do some lying to her family on her wedding night with the help of her sister and mother, to show the bridal sheets as is custom in Kazakhstan at the loss of virginity. We waited until our first son was born, before moving back to the United States, deciding that we wanted to give him and our future children the best possible life we could with education. I’ve never been happier in life. I had to give up the digital nomad life, but now we have a nice home with 5 bedrooms and plans to fill the remaining three as soon as we can.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/bph3ns/i_found_a_wife_and_family_in_kazakhstan_mf


  1. She sounds wonderful and your life seems quite blessed, but I have to ask, is she strong on plow?

  2. So tell me , did you succeed at attracting a woman shave down there ?

  3. Haha this is the most wholesome thing ever posted on this sub. Good for you, man!

  4. Nice story! But I have to ask, how is Khazakhstan compared to other European countries from a tourist’s perspective? I really like going to countries that are not too touristy, you see.

  5. I was gonna make a Borat reference joke, good thing i read a couple of comments before hand and see that it would have been in poor taste.
    I am truly happy for you bro, that you have found love and happiness.
    Now fo make them babies! Lol

  6. I love this story. I having been having a rough couple days and my close friend may die and this story made me smile and remind me lf the beauty of life.

  7. Great story. To be honest, I was more interested in your experience in this country than the sex. Sex was great too but I was fascinated.

  8. Spent some time in Almaty a few years ago. Beautiful women there.

  9. Not sure which is more appropriate for this: r/wholesomegonewild, or r/gonewildwholesome

  10. >we wanted to give him and our future children the best possible life we could with education

    Why’d you move to the US then? jk

    Congrats! My GF is from Kazakhstan as well, most caring woman I’ve ever met.

  11. Haha I have a Kazakh friend with the same name, it’s was a waaaay funnier read for me than expected.

  12. Hi. Chiron was from Khazackastan.
    Sitting Bull is my original father.
    My original mother is Aphrodite.
    Johann Georg Widmann settled my land in America after Alexander Hamilton was killed.
    Idunn, Bitch.
    Johann is a Portugese name.
    Georg? Try Hoya Negro.
    I read all the comments and your whole story.
    Kayak paid for my trip to Europe.
    Georg = Thor
    Anyhow, why USA why not Romania? British American school in Bucharest.
    You know how bad USA is?
    Alexander Hamilton the creator of the republic got shot. He built. Antayka. That is. Halleys Comet himself. He inspected America as Halleys before Vikkngs arrived 500 AD. Let’s just say they didnt give a fuck about Lucas Skywalker.
    St. Luke.
    But anyway, want to take my advice bro?
    Let’s chat.
    6 billion humans of our 8.6 billion humans worldwide have been alive 2500 years straight.
    Yea we eat horse. Not have sex with them.
    That’s a hint.

  13. Evil can never be defeated. I just inform how bad earth is.

    Its appalling to me to hear cars drive. I get angry seeing cars in music videos. That bad to Earth is using gas to get from point a to point b.

    Yet engineers refuse to use DaVinci designs.

  14. Can confirm your description fits a Kazakh Eurasian friend I have in college. Oh my is she a smokeshow

  15. Ever discuss why she didn’t initially want you to go down on her?

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