The Listening [mf][overheard][neighbor][voyeurism]

The house had become quiet.

Strange for the city where sound is so often a constant.

I was enjoying the scope and depth of that silence when I heard the first soft moan through the wall. A girl’s voice. Earnest and softly feminine.

It couldn’t be, I thought, holding my breath. But then, another moan. This one fuller, longer, more expressive.

Before my thoughts could organize enough to form an oh-my-god realization, my cock erupted to full erection in my pants. No build up. No fluttering. I was pounding with throbs immediately. Angry and intense.

She continued to sweetly moan, beginning to tell erotic stories and experiences with her voice. It had been quite a long time since I overheard sex. It shocked me how erotic I found the experience now. My cock was shivering. Dying. Tingling.

Her voice climbed to the next level. I could sense her true pleasure as a living thing. I had no choice but to pull my shorts aside and stab my cock into the air. God, I was huge. My ridges stood carved and straining. My sacred opening glistened with wetness.

She climbed higher, moaning faster.

I stroked my cock in one, long sweep, and it was all I could take without spewing my cum immediately.

My cock danced with contractions. Wild and irregular. When I could bear it again, I stroked a second time and gasped, my mouth agape at the impossible lust and pleasure the voyeuristic thrill was inflaming in me.

God, she was about to cum. I could heard it plainly. Like poetry reaching it’s artistic climax.

I needed to cum with her. I had no choice but to cum with her.

So I pumped the delicate upper half of my cock without mercy, and as she grunted grunted grunted her orgasm, my cum splashed and spattered a punctuation to each erotic phrase. I came hard. So fucking hard. And the pleasure slammed all the way to my toes and the top of my head. I bent and bucked, and I came. Dear fucking lord, I came.

Then, the silence returned. Except I was panting. My breaths raced as stillness filled the world again.
