[MF] 003: Carmin – Innocent Korean tourist (Rape role-play)

Up to this point Carmin and I had had a very traditional Dom/sub relationship that was primarily focused around sadism. Our standard routine was to meet weekly, in a hotel somewhere in Manhattan, scene for three to four hours and then spend the rest of the night together relaxing, talking, watching trash TV, having sex and sleeping. We had met at the end of 2015 and had been doing this for about four months when I got this text from her;

“I want you to rape me.” It read.

When we first met, in that initial flood of online conversation that helped us figure one another out and build a basic trust we had talked about role-play. We both had experience with it, with other partners and enjoyed it. That was months ago though and it hadn’t come up again until now.

“I’m listening.” was my reply

A few minutes later she replied with this.

“I want to create characters for us. Backstories about why they are where they are. I want my character to be completely innocent and unprepared for what you want. I want her to get hurt emotionally and physically. I want you to hurt her.”

Carmin was never afraid to ask for what she wanted. On the surface she was a very beautiful and put together 29 year old Korean woman. She had a job she loved and was very good at that required her to be constantly in charge and ontop of a department. When she got home all she wanted to do was let go and not have to make decisions. Sexually she was very adventurous and experienced and knew what she liked. Unfortunately for her she liked rather extreme thing which led her to meeting some rather sketchy partners in her past. She liked pain and was a serious masochist. It took us about a month of daily conversation, via KIK, to work through her fears and concerns about BDSM and what she wanted. Prior to meeting me she was coming off a horrible experience with another Dom. I think all of that helped us grow very close very quickly. Once I had proven myself to her she really opened herself and her desires to me.

“I love the idea. Let’s take a few days and work on a character. We can do this the next night we spend together. So you our characters need a reason to be in the hotel.” I texted her back, already working through the logistics in my mind.

A few days later we met for coffee in the afternoon to share our stories. We both had created multi-page documents in Google Docs with all the details.

She was going to be a 24 year old tourist from Korean named “Ji-woo” who was travelling alone internationally for the first time. She would be in NYC for a few days just sightseeing and exploring the city with her guidebook. She spoke heavily accented english and got easily overwhelmed with the language.

I didn’t name my character. He was a predator. He saw Ji-woo on the street and marked her earlier that day. He followed her for most of the afternoon to confirm she was alone and to see where she was staying. It was obvious to him she was a tourist. Once her found her hotel he made sure to follow her up to her room once. He was in the elevator with her and she suspected nothing. He followed her to her room and once he knew her room number he kept walking down the hall to his room. Again she suspected nothing. Now knowing her room number he planned to pretend to be a a technical support member of the hotel staff who had to check a network connection in her room.

Tons of gaps in both our stories but convincing enough for our purposes. We decided that we wouldn’t meet as ourselves prior to doing this the evening we planned to do it. We would meet that night as Ji-woo and the hotel staff, do the role-play and only afterward go back to ourselves and relax the rest of the night. We were both excited about this. Over that evening and the next morning we worked out a few details, a safe word and a few limits like no punching, biting or scratching and planned on meeting that next evening.

I checked in to the hotel first and left her a keycard at the front desk. I prepared the room a bit, I left some large zip-ties in a drawer and as well as some packing tape. She had a massive kink for painful bondage and breath play, as did I. I texted her the room number and went to a nearby cafe to read and wait for her to text me she was in the room and ready.

After about hour I got a text that simply said “Ready.” I began to change my mindset to by character. I had a few blocks to walk so that was more than enough time to transition.

At the room I knocked in that pattern we had agreed to so she knew it was me and not actually hotel staff. I heard her walk to the door, assuming she was looking through the peep-hole in the door.

“Hello.” I heard through the door. It was a very unsure and heavily accented pronunciation.

“Good evening. Sorry to bother you. I’m a member of the hotel technical team. We have been having internet issues all day on this floor. I need to check the network connections in your room. I apologize for the inconvenience.” I rattled off.

The door open slightly, as much as the deadbolt on the door would allow. I saw the side of her face and her eye peak out at me.

“So sorry. English not so good.” She replied.
Carmin’s english was immaculate. Even though she had only lived in this country for a handful of years she spoke with almost no accent at all. It was a point of pride for her so hearing this accent I knew she was deep into her character and fully committed.

“Oh, I’m sorry miss” I replied, now using hand gestures. “I need to come into your room to check the internet. It will only take a few minutes. Is that ok?” was I motioned to the door opening and the back of the room to try to communicate that I needed to come in.

“I understand. Please wait.” She replied, closing the door fully. After a few seconds I heard the deadbolt being undone and the door opened.

There she stood. This was not the girl I knew. Carmin was very stylish, dressed mainly in black, prefered to wear her short hair down around her striking face and favored smokey eye makeup. Ji-woo, on the other hand, looked to be about 20, was wearing cute pink girly pajama bottoms and a pink t-shirt, a hotel robe and her hair was pulled back in a tight ponytail. She stood in the doorway, still unsure.

“Thank you again miss. We need to check all the rooms on this floor. I’ll be as quick as I can be.”

“Ok.” She said as she opened the door further to let me in.

I entered the room and walked to where the TV was. She closed and stood near it, holding her robe closed in a very modest way. I started to poke around the TV with my flashlight and pliers.

“So are you travelling with your family?” I asked.

“No, I am alone.” She replied. Her heavy Korean accent was augmented with a very unsure tone. I could tell Ji-woo was very nervous of having this strange man in her room.

“Oh. That’s exciting! So you are just sightseeing in the city?”

“Yes.” She was staring at me with one hand on the doorknob.

“Ok. Everything looks normal here. You should have no more issues tonight with the internet. Call down to the front desk if you do. Thank you for your patience.” I told her as I walked towards her and the door.

As I got close to the door I lunged for her. This caught her off guard. I managed to get my left arm around her slender waist and knock her hand off of the door. This spun her around she ended up with her butt crushed into my groin and bent over as my arm pulled her at her stomach. I locked the door and set the deadbolt. I then pushed her into the room. She stumbled into the center of the room and turned to face me. He cheeks were flush red and her robe now open. She stared at me, a mix of legitimate fear and anger on her face.

“A girl like you really shouldn’t travel alone. You never know when you’ll meet a man like me.” I told her as I began to walk towards her.

“I want you leave, now.” she replied.

With that I laughed at her. “I’ll leave after I’ve had what I want.” I said still laughing.

“What you want?” She stammered out.

“Oh, you know what I want.” I was looking her directly in the eye with a smile on my face.

She bolted to the other side of the bed. “Leave now. Don’t want you here.” She was breathing heavily now.

“Nope. I’m going to really enjoy this.” I said in such in taunting tone I even surprised myself.

“LEAVE!” she shouted, loud enough that it fit the scene but not loud enough to really be heard outside of the room.

I walked to the foot of the bed and around the edge cornering her in space between the bed and the windows. She tried to escape the space by jumping on the bed. However the slippers she had on caused her to stumble just enough that I caught her foot. I pulled her roughly down on the bed. She immediately rolled over and started kicking my hand with her free leg. That got almost got her free but it also allowed me to push forward, grabbing both of her legs in my arms and stopping her attack. She now tried to hit me with her hands. I rolled her over, onto her stomach in order to stop that too. This position allowed me to grab her PJ bottoms and pull them down, exposing her panties, which were also extra girly and nothing Carmin would ever wear. I knew she bought what she was wearing just for this and I could destroy it as I wished. I yanked at the waistband of her PJ bottoms and managed to get them down to her knees. Carmin was very small and lean, 5’3” and about 110 pounds, but very strong and athletic. She didn’t stop struggling and and even though I got her pants almost off she managed to kick and wiggle her way free from my arms. As she wiggled forward on the bed she kicked out of her pants and managed to get to the other side of the bed. Standing now she turned to face me.

“LEAVE. I no want you here. Please.” She gasped, breathing heavily from the struggle.

I quickly moved around the foot of the bed and got between her and the door again. I was holding her pants in my hand. “Haha, this is a start.” I said lifting her PJ bottoms to taunt her. “Now let’s get the rest of those clothes off.” I lunged at her again, managing to get the sleeve of the hotel robe in my hand and pulled her towards me. She pressed back against me and kicked her legs out in front of her to knock me off balance. It didn’t work and I managed to press her forward onto her stomach on the bed. I smothered her with the weight of my body, pinning her to the bed. She was trying to kick her legs back to me and hit me with arms but the angels did not work in her favor.

I put my full body weight on her in order to hold her down so I could get my hands on her hips to slide her panties down. I got my hands under her waistband and started to slip them down.

“Stop, please. I don’t want this!” She begged.

“I don’t care what you want you stupid cunt. You shouldn’t be here alone. Now that you are you are mine.”

“Stop. Please!” She kept repeating.

I got her panties down to her knees. I was throbbing hard now and mad sure to press my erection into her ass. Even with the fabric of my jeans the the robe I know she felt it.

I stood up, still between her and the door. I was only about a foot from her and the edge of the bed off to her right side. She quickly rolled over, crossed her legs and pulled the robe closed over herself to cover her exposed lower body.

“Fuck you. Asshole. Leave.” She forcibly said to me. Her nostrils flaring with each breath as she started directly into my eyes.

I quickly slapped her, very hard. It knocked her to her side on the bed.

“That’s not very nice language.” I told her, still taunting and smiling.

She sat back up, her left cheek bright read now. “Fuck you. Leave”. I slapped her again, even harder than the first.

“Language! Are those the only words you know?”.

“I know you asshole. Fuck you.” she stammered sitting back up on the bed.

I reached forward, grasping her neck with my hand and pushing her back on the the bed. Her hands immediately wrapped around my wrist and I saw real fear in her eyes. I straddled her half naked body, holding her hips down with my butt. I let go of her neck so that I could arrange her arms under my knees, completely pinning her to the bed. She was wiggling but couldn’t move me off of her.

She stopped wiggling, looked directly up at me and spit in my face. “Fuck you asshole!” As she began to struggle under me again.

I didn’t expect that and felt rage fill my body. I slapped her 5 more times. Not as hard as the first but enough to get her attention. I grabbed her neck again and pressed her head down into the mattress. She spit in my face again but couldn’t say any words due to my hand on her neck.

“I could fucking kill you right now you stupid cunt. I’d still take what I wanted. This is happening no matter what you do at this point.” I said angrily.

With that I reached behind myself and got my hand between her thighs. She was soaking wet.

“Oh. You like this don’t you.” I taunted her letting go of her neck. I slapped her a few more times. My other hand never leaving her wet cunt.

She gasped, between the slaps, being able to breath again and my hand pressing her sensitive wetness.

“Fuck you. No!” She said, struggling with all her effort. When she realized she was completely pinned she spit in my face one more time. “Fuck you asshole!” she blurted out.

I had enough of the spitting. I reach over the the bedside table, open the drawer and removed the tape and a few zip ties I had put in there. He panties were on the bed and I grabbed them, stuffing them into her mouth. When her mouth was completely full I ripped off a piece of tape and sealed it shut. In her struggles she had managed to almost fully remove her robe. It was only on her body around one wrist. I rolled her over, slipped her arm out of the robe, pinned her arms to her back and placed a large zip tie around her wrists, pulling it tight. She was trying to blow the tape off of her mouth, almost had it until I noticed. I grabbed the tape, unspooled a few feet and wrapped it around her head, sealing her panties in her mouth. Once she realized what I had just done she began to really struggle and wiggle under me.

Given how dark this had gotten I decided to check in with with her. We always scened using the traffic light safe word system. I leaned down to her ear and whisper in it “What color are you? Grunt three times for green, two times for yellow, once for red.” I got three quick muffled grunts in reply. I left her with a “Good girl” and sat up.

With that she picked up her struggle again, kicking her legs. I stood up, scooped up her legs in one arm and quickly zip tied her ankles together. Then I pressed her feet back to her wrists and ran a zip tie between the one on her wrists to the one on her ankles, effectively hog-tying her, be it sloppy. I stood back and let her struggle on the bed. I could her her muffled “Fuck yous”. “Asshole” and “Go”. I just laughed and began to undress. I was so turned on and throbbing hard. I knew I couldn’t stand this much longer. I needed to be inside of her.
She watched me undress from the corner of her eye. She was naked but tight pink tshirt. Her face was bright red and I loved the sight of her nostrils flaring with each breath.

“Look you stupid cunt. I’m going to fuck you now. There is nothing you can do to stop me. We can do this nicely or not. It’s your choice.”

She stopped struggling and lay calm on the bed. He breathing slowed.

“I see. You want this then don’t you.”

She didn’t move. I grabbed the safety scissors and clipped the zip tie between her wrists and ankles. She still didn’t move. I rolled her over onto her back. I saw her grimace as her full weight came down on her zip tied hands. She looked back up at me.

I stood over her stroking my extremely hard cock. I spit on my hand and rubbed it into my cock. I moved towards her, lifting her ankles up, and starting to push them back towards her head. This is where she kicked with all her force back at me, catching me off guard and pushing me back. I stumbled back a step and she sat up on the bed. She never broke eye contact with me.

“OK. We can do it the other way. I’ll enjoy that more anyway.” I smiled at her.

She didn’t move. Just stared directly at me. I reached to her side and grabbed three zip ties. I placed one just above her knees and another loosely around her neck. She kept staring. I shoved her back onto the bed. She fell onto her left side. I moved her knees up into her chest and looped the last zip tie around the the one over and knees through the one around her neck and pulled it tight. She was completely exposed and immobile now. She struggled against the ties, almost testing them now, quickly learning she was stuck.

I watched all of this stroking my cock, standing over her.

“Hahahahah…” I just laughed at her.

I heard a muffled. “Please, no…” begging now.

“It’s too late for that now.”

I crawled onto the bed, behind her and place the tip of my throbbing cock on her glistening lips. She gave another struggle but not enough to move me or my cock. I pushed my hips forward and sank myself deep inside of her. She was as wet as I’ve ever seen her. My dry cock slipped into her with no resistance at all. When my pelvis came to rest against her right ass cheek she stopped struggling. I heard her breathing, that was it.

“You belong to me now cunt. I’m going to show you all you are good for.” and with that I started slowly fucking her. I was so turned on and after a few slow strokes I could help but to begin to pound her like I was trying to break her. She gave a few small struggles and stopped, resigned to what was happening. After a minute or two of me harshly fucking her I heard sobs coming from her. I couldn’t tell if it was from the reality of the situation or from the fucking but I paused.

“What color are you?” I asked tentatively.

Three grunts in reply. Game on. Back to pounding her like I was trying to hurt her. I was fucking her so deep that the sit bone on her right butt cheek was starting to bruise my public area. It didn’t stop me. I was lost now. I had to cum.

Three hard thrusts and I exploded deep inside of her. I had a huge orgasm. I lost count of the spurts but it was near double digits. She was deeply crying at this point. I pulled myself out of her and watched my cum leak down her left thigh.

I wanted more.

I clipped the the zip tie holding her knees to her neck and let her stretch out. Her cries were slowing now and her cheeks covered in tears. Her eyeliner was running down her cheeks.

“I want to see all of you.”

I rolled her more onto her back, took the scissors and cut her tshirt up the front, exposing her tiny breasts and dark nipples. I then cut each sleeve and removed the fabric from her body. She was now full naked, softly sobbing and leaking my cum from her wet hole.

I took my phone out and took and handful of pictures of her laying there. Closeups of her face and her cum filled cunt.

“I’m going to take your phone with me when I’m done with you. If you tell anyone about this I will send these photos to everyone in your contacts. Do you understand me?”

She nodded. Staring blanking into space. No longer crying.

I realized I was still hard. I wanted her again. I rolled her onto her stomach, pushed her forward onto the bed and straddled behind her. My cock slipped back into her effortlessly. Between her excessive wetness and my cum inside of her she felt amazing. Better than the first fuck. At this point her body was completely limp and she was making no sounds. Each thrust of my body moved her forward. It didn’t take me long to grunt out a second intense orgasm inside of her.

I clipped all of the zipties off of her and carefully undid the tape from her head. I pulled the panties out of her mouth and sat down on the bed next to her. She didn’t move. Just layed there staring into space. I layed down next to her. After a minute or two she rolled over and pulled herself close to me, her head on my chest and a leg over my thighs. I began to pet her head, something I knew she loved and was calming for her. We both fell into a deep sleep for about ten minutes. I woke up to find her looking at me, her head still on my chest.

She smiled at me and said “Thank you. That was incredible.”

I pulled her tight, kissed her forehead and asked if I’d be meeting Ji-woo again.

“I think she will be back in the states soon. I’m sure she will want to see you again.” She softly replied, running her fingers through my chest hair.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/bn2duz/mf_003_carmin_innocent_korean_tourist_rape