Satiated [Teacher/Student, age gap, sexual tension] | Part Eight

Mr. Kennedy was leaned back in his chair, fingers tapping absentmindedly on the surface of his desk. He’d stayed after shift a little longer to finish up drafting a new test. An email had just come through from the principal, with instructions to organize a parent-teacher conference. Normally, Nick would have responded without hesitation and called up the parent immediately. But this student wasn’t someone he’d ever planned on meeting the parents of. He trusted his ability to stay collected and charming, make no mistake. It wasn’t Ariel’s parents he was worried about confronting. It was his own morals and ethics. With the reality of the situation he’d created sitting before him, he wasn’t sure if guilt or fear would eat at him more. His wife was one thing. Ariel’s parents were an entirely different situation.

After they’d stayed in the hotel last week, when they were both supposed to be at Lakewood, Nick didn’t suffer any consequences and nobody seemed to suspect anything on his return. He’d made the excuse that he’d eaten bad sushi the night before and didn’t have the energy to wake up before 8AM to call out sick. The principal had no qualms with him, and accepted the excuse readily. They had found a substitute after all, and the students had been made to watch a video on the fibonacci sequence. Ariel, on the other hand, had apparently gotten into some hot water. It was explained in the email that Nick received that it’d been noticed she’d had “excessive and unusual unexcused absences lately” and that “her academic performance has shown a marked decrease in both quality and quantity”, and therefore the first step prior to suspension would be a conference with her and her parents to discuss barriers, and how Nick specifically could help improve her Caluculus II grades.

Nick sure as hell didn’t want the girl suspended because he hadn’t put up much a fight against her stay-home proposal. So the teacher picked up his office phone and dialed the number in the email.

It rung a few times, and then he heard a voice, which sounded identical to Ariel’s. “Hello?”

“Hello,” he responded. “This is Nicholas Kennedy from Lakewood High. Would I be able to speak with… ah, Vivienne Bosche?”

“Uh…” the voice sounded nervous. Now he knew it was Ariel. He quickly picked up his cellphone to send her a text. *Don’t worry.* He heard the beep of her phone through the line, but she apparently hadn’t checked it. “Mr. Kennedy? Wh– Why are you calling…” Ariel’s voice lowered. “Why are you calling my parents?”

“I think I heard your phone go off,” he hinted. “Can you put your mother or father on the phone?”

She seemed to hesitate, or maybe she was checking her phone. Then, at normal volume: “Okay. Ma? Someone’s on the phone for you!” she called. Nick’s phone chimed with a new messaged.

*Please don’t tell them.*

He could have laughed. *Why would I tell them? And stop being able to see you? Never.* Nick was halfway through typing another text when he heard shuffling, and then a different voice.

“Hello, this is Viv. Who am I speaking with?”

“Ah, hello Viv. This is Nicholas Kennedy. I’m Ariel’s Calculus II teacher here at Lakewood.”

“Oh, okay. Hello, Nicholas… Is everything alright?” Vivienne’s voice lowered now.

*What do you have to talk to my mom about?*

Nick was trying to multi-task now, mentally segregating what he wanted to tell Ariel and what he wanted to tell her mother. “Well, Mrs. Bosche, we have some… concerns… about your daughter’s academic performance. I’m not sure if anyone has reached out to you before this, or if you’re even aware,” he paused to finish his text, holding the phone with his shoulder. *You’ll see in a few minutes. I’m sorry if they yell at you. Promise I’ll make it up to you.* “But Ariel has been missing school frequently. Did you know that?”

It was silent for a moment. “No. No, I did not know that.” The anger bled through her tone.

*She just shot me a death glare. How are you gonna make it up to me?*

“Ah, I’m very sorry to be the bearer of bad news then, Mrs. Bosche. Unfortunately as a result of her absences, she’s been suffering academically… More specifically, in my class, Calculus II, she’s had the largest percentage drop out of all of her classes. I’m sure you can see how this might be concerning to us.” *I’ll teach you how to finger yourself the way I did it. Remember the way it made your legs shake?*

“Yes. Absolutely. It… concerns us too.” Vivienne must have been walking out of earshot because he heard a door close through the phone. “Y’know, Ariel’s a good kid. We actually have been thinking she might be talking to a boy she has a crush on… She’s been coming home a lot brighter lately, smiling and laughing with everyone, but she never gets off that damn phone. Always texting, and well, you know teenage girls, I’m sure. Being infatuated like that has bound to be distracting her. I’ll sit her down and talk to her about it, maybe we can get her to go to the church and–”

“Oh, I’m sorry to interrupt Mrs. Bosche but that unfortunately Lakewood has escalated this past parent engagement. Actually, the reason I’m calling is to discuss a time for a conference. We, of course, would want Ariel present as well to talk more about what’s been hindering her.”

*You always make my legs shake, Mr. Kennedy. I thought I probably looked silly… But it feels so good when you fuck me like that… Is that what an orgasm is? When my legs shake?*

“O-Oh. Um. Okay, yes, of course. Does… does this mean she’s in big trouble? Will she be able to return to school?”

*Does your pussy feel good when that happens?*

“She’ll absolutely be able to return to school, so long as we can resolve this. The main thing we want to accomplish is bringing her attendance back up to par. If she’s started struggling or fallen behind in classes, we have lots of other avenues to take.”

*My pussy feels good right now.*

Nick could feel his cock hardening against his pants. Nobody was else in the room, the doors were locked, window shades down. He took his free hand and rubbed up and down the length of it through the fabric.

“Okay. That’s a relief. Good, um, yes. We can set that up as soon as possible. My husband won’t be home for another hour or so. Would we be able to come in then?”

“That should be just fine.” *You thinking about my cock?* “When you get here, just let Security know you’re here to see Mr. Kennedy.” Nick unzipped his pants now, quietly, to tug his rigid dick out of his boxers. It stood upright. The man desperately missed the feeling of Ariel’s pussy… He mused silently whether he’d be able to sneak her away before they left the conference, so he could feel that tight little hole on his cock again.

*I’m always thinking about your cock. That’s why I can’t pay attention in your class.*

“Okay. Wonderful. Thank you for calling, Nicholas.”

*You better start. See you in an hour.* He snapped a picture of his erection for her, with his hand wrapped firmly around it.

“You as well. See you soon, Mrs. Bosche.”

*Ughhhhh. I want it so bad but my pussy hurts… you fuck it so roughly, Mr. Kennedy.*

“See you soon. Goodbye.”

*I know, babygirl. I’m sorry.* “Goodbye.” *Close that picture, hornball. Your mom’s coming back to you.*

Ariel didn’t respond to him now. Nick knew she was most likely getting chewed out by her mom but the thought of her pussy being wet for him right now made the need rip through him… to feel something around his cock. The teacher hung up the phone and scrolled back into the photos Ariel had sent him, one of her ass, arched up in the air for him, with her pretty smile in the foreground. His grip around his cock tightened and he started pumping vigorously. He had an hour.

Nick’s cock has rock hard in his hand now as he remembered the view of it shoved to the hilt in Ariel’s ass. The shaft bulged with veins. A swipe to the left and he was looking at a still of the girl’s plump pussy, juicy and leaking. Such a horny little teenager. He fucked her so hard the afternoon before she sent him that picture, and somehow there she’d been, already needing more. Insatiable.

Another flash in his mind of the first time he’d felt her pussy, before he’d even known it was so much better than he could have imagined. Rubbing his clothed cock over her mound, feeling the dip before it met her tiny little asshole. The way her head had fallen back against his chest. She was weak for him, and he knew it. She was submissive and wild for him. Nick was breathing heavily now, pumping roughly. His legs instinctively drifted into a wider stance, he leaned back further into his chair. Remembering the sound of his name in her mouth, the way she’d screamed it for him, over and over, as if he was pushing them out of her. On beat with his thrusts. The sight of her face, scrunched up with pleasure, hair sprawled out around her dainty shoulders. His cock ramming into her with no regard for her fragility. He couldn’t be gentle, not with the way she looked up at him, her brown eyes hooded. Not with the way she bucked her hips up to meet his own pelvis. Not with the way her tits bounced up and down on her chest, her perky brown nipples turned upward. No, he couldn’t control himself enough to be gentle. She needed to know how bad she was being. Always. Ariel was fucking a thirty-seven year old man and loved it so much she was sending him pictures of her pussy, that was wet just at the thought of Nick. She needed to understand that she was being a really, really bad girl.

Nick was pulled from his memories of Ariel by the ringing of his desk phone. His phone never rang unless it was something important… but the problem in his hand was more important to him right now. His hand tightened, movements so quick now the sound of his cock gliding through his hand was loud. The pressure shot waves of pleasure through his abdomen. He groaned with it, feeling his balls clench suddenly, and ropes of cum shot from the head of his cock, splattering on the floor, his desk… his suit. Fuck. The phone began ringing again, and he looked around quickly for something to wipe his hand off with. He plucked a tissue out of the box, cleaned the wetness of his palm and then picked up the phone. “Nicholas Kennedy speaking.”

He tried to shift around with the phone supported by his shoulder, quickly mopping up the puddles of cum.

“Hello, Mr. Kennedy. Someone’s here to see you. Do you want me to send them down to your classroom?”

“Uh, yes, please.” He was glancing around frantically to make sure he’d cleaned everything up. He hoisted his cock back into his boxers and zipped up, dabbing at the spot that had fallen on his pant leg. Quickly he glanced at the time. They were 20 minutes early. The spot was too conspicuous, there was no way he’d get away with meeting them without being asked what it was.

He suddenly realized he had a water bottle in his desk drawer. After soaking the tissue with water and scrubbing at the spot, it finally disappeared from the fabric.

Nick sighed heavily, and then there was a knock on the door.

“Coming,” he called. Yeah. He sure had been coming. He felt on edge now, doubting his certainty that he’d gotten up all of the cum. He unlocked and then swung open the door. Big smile. “Mr. and Mrs. Bosche. And Ariel, of course,” Nick gave her a knowing look, gaze lingering. “Come in, have a seat.” As he walked back to his desk, he tugged some of the student’s chairs over to place before it. “How was the drive over?”

“It was just fine,” her father — Mark — responded. He was nearly as tall as Nick, had an air of authenticity about him. Her mother, Vivienne, on the other hand, held an expression almost like Nick would have seen in his wife. The teacher felt silent empathy for Mark, if his judgments were correct. It was funny to him, that Ariel seemed to be an exact mix between the two people. The student was wearing normal clothes again, something he was growing to love seeing her in. Her school uniform just didn’t flatter her body like other clothes, didn’t hug her curves so tight so they would be on display for him. In her current outfit, her shirt hugged her big tits so nicely there was a defined cut between the end of her waist and the curve of her tits. Her nipples poked through the fabric now, as they hadn’t been when he’d first opened the classroom door. Was she horny? At the sight of him? Ariel’s deep green shirt rode up just slightly to reveal her lower belly, and when she took her seat, her hips rounded out significantly, the shape clearly visible to Nick in her leggings.

Nick appreciated the sight only for a few moments before redirecting his attention back to her parents. He could get away with staring when he was alone with her, but not under the risk of getting caught here.

“So, did you three have time to discuss at home?”

“We did,” Mrs. Bosche chimed in. “A little bit.”

“Well then we’ll just cut to the chase, as long as everyone knows why we’re sitting here right now.” Nick quickly pulled up Ariel’s current grade report on his laptop, and swiveled it for them to see. “As you can see, Ariel’s grades have been suffering a lot. She used to have an A in my class and is now at a C. That’s a significant drop.” He looked at Ariel now, eyes lingering on her cushiony lips. He fought the urge to lean over and kiss her. “Ariel, can you explain yourself?”

Her eyes stayed locked on his, her face stony. “No.”

“Oh… Okay,” he shot her parents a small smile. “Nothing has been going on that’s been distracting you?”

The corner of her lips twitched. Nick knew she wanted to smile, because he caught her. “Nope. Nothing at all.”

“Okay. Very well, then… Ah, we’re going to have to ask that you start attending school when you are scheduled to, unless of course you have an *excused* absence. Otherwise, we will have to proceed with suspension. Do you understand that, Ariel?”

The girl licked her lower lip, pursing them and then pouting slightly, all the while staring into Nick’s eyes. She crossed her legs and arms now. “Oh, yes. I understand.”

He paused, the tension of his need to fuck her weighing heavily in the silence. “Very good.” He swiveled the laptop back to him now. “The next steps we can look at for performance improvement are things like increased homework, increased one-on-one time during class and… after school tutoring. With myself, of course. Do any of those options sound doable for you, Ariel?”

Both of her parents now turned their attention to the student. With all three of them staring at her, Ariel seemed to suddenly get nervous. Her cheeks bloomed rosy, and she shrugged her shoulders and glanced down, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. “Yeah.That’s fine… Um, when would the tutoring start?”

Nick grinned largely now, genuinely. “We could start today if you would like. I was going to stay here for awhile anyway to get a test draft finished. I don’t mind tutoring you for… say an hour? An hour and a half?”

He watched as her parents visibly relaxed. She must have been being defiant lately if they were so concerned about her answer. “Yeah, that’s fine.”

“Oh– um, how will she get home? Does the bus run that late?” Vivienne asked.

“Oh, don’t worry. I can just drop her off, or if one of you want to pick her up that’s fine, too.”

“Well… Mark and I did need to get some things done around the house… If you don’t mind dropping her off? And we can give you some money for the gas and the trouble, too.”

“No worries. That’s not needed. Helping your daughter is reward enough.” They all exchanged friendly expressions, and then Ariel’s parents stood up, said their goodbye’s, and headed out.

Ariel waited for the sound of the door closing before she suddenly sprung up, wordlessly, and climbed into Nick’s lap to straddle him. Her lips came crashing down on his. His student was fervently unbuttoning his shirt. Ariel’s nipples were hard through her shirt now.

Nick’s tongue danced with her’s as he squeezed onto handfuls of her ass. He’d promised he would make it up to her. Nick always kept his promises.


Part nine will be out by the end of the day today! Thanks for staying patient :)



  1. Oh man I’d been checking your page every day to see if you’d uploaded the next part. That scene with him texting her while on the phone to her parents absolutely killed me. You are a master of suspense!

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