The Conversation [mf][confession][oral][femdom]

As they talked, still mostly strangers, he felt himself molding to her mind, taking the shapes she chose to form and foster. Part of him resisted, fighting to prove his ability to fight. But the greater part tasted awe and appreciation. And the taste was a little bit divine.

“Tell me something,” she said, tipping her red wine to her lips.

The music she had chosen mixed with the gentle intoxication and painted his perception of the room and the moment.

“Tell me something you would never admit,” she said.

“Like what?” he said

“Something sexual.”

He choked a little.

She waited. He settled. She smiled.

“Um, I don’t know….”

“Of cause you do.”


“You know exactly where your mind leapt and all the reasons you won’t speak it.”

“Can we-“

“I’ll help you. How about this? Have you ever fantasized about a man?”

“A man?”

“Specifically, his cock.”

“Any reason you would think to ask me THAT question?”

“Stop. I want a real answer. Close your eyes.”

He did.

“Listen to these words. Carefully. Listen to this statement. ‘I want his cock.’”


“What jumped into your mind?”

“My babysitter. When I was like 9. He was our neighbor. Too old to be a friend. But he was in puberty. So he seemed old to my 9-year-old self. Grown up.”

“Go on.”

“I had a strange fantasy back then. I started to masturbate when I was pretty young. Maybe 7. This time, I began to think about how his cock had grown and gotten hairy and more sexy than mine at my age. It excited me.”

“Have more wine…. How did it excite you?”

“I thought about servicing him. He would not exactly force me, but I also couldn’t resist when he made it clear that he wanted me to suck him. I submitted to him. I….”

“Why did you stop talking?”

“W-what are you doing?”

“I want to see how truthful you are. And I need to see better. Lift up a little. Your pants are snug.”


“Yes. Okay. You are bulging in your underwear. Good. Keep going.”

“Do we really need to-“

“Close your eyes again and tell me about his cock.”

“Um, okay. Okay. It was larger. In every way. Thicker. I found it mesmerizing.”

“You yearned to suck his cock?”


“Fuck, you are straining. Your cock is pressing to get out.”

“And I craved his cock. To please him. To give him pleasure. To make him moan.”

“I crave your cock. I crave to give you pleasure. To make you moan.”

He groaned. His cock throbbed in stone-carved flesh. “I wanted to taste him.”

She pulled aside his underwear, and his cock snapped to vicious attention. “I want to taste you.”

“Ohhhhhhh god,” he moaned as she tenderly, sensuously began to lick him.

It was the most exquisite pleasure he had ever felt.

And it was just beginning.
