I found an amazing partner a while back to roleplay a little scenario I had in mind, and now wish to share our little story. Briefly, it’s about a college student getting into a DD/lg dynamic with her professor. Hope you people enjoy reading it as much as we had fun creating it. All characters involved are 18+.
Michael Dunham had been teaching psychology at the State University since the last ten years. He was in his mid thirties, tall and with a short stubble, and used to hit the gym regularly. He was one of the few faculty members who could proudly say that he was still mistaken for a student sometimes, based on how young he looked for his age.
That day a particularly interesting topic was covered in class, that of personality types. This topic was usually interesting for everyone, but what made it special for him was his own personal connection with it. He had been in the BDSM lifestyle since as long as he could remember, and he had experienced first hand the fundamental differences between dominant and submissive personalities in the most primal domain of human needs.
He always had a more than enthusiastic time while teaching this lecture, adding his own insights and learnings from his experiences. Except of course, he couldn’t publicly cite his sources if he was not looking to get fired.
That lecture happened to be the same day as he conducted his office hours. He was sitting in his office and reading through some research papers, while his doors were open in case any student wanted to come and meet him
Elizabeth Heyers timidly approached the lecturer’s door, and at the behest of his secretary knocked softly at the already open door. Dr. Dunham was sat the leisurely reading through some academic papers and barely moved to scan at the student meekly walking in.
Elizabeth wore a cute green summer dress that hugged onto her slender physique, and as the spring air was creeping in, she loved being able wear these summer dresses. Her blonde hair ran down gloriously behind her back and her soft milky white skin shone in the harsh glow of the artificial lights. The lecture today had captivated her, but in ways she couldn’t verbalise or make strong opinions on. An ever curious type, she wanted to know why she had felt the way she had.
“Excuse me…I was wondering if you had some time spare to discuss the lecture today” Elizabeth politely asked, a cross hanging at her supple and exposed neck as she spoke.
Michael looked up from his paper at the student entering his office.
“Oh hello, please come in, have a seat” he said, pointing to the two chairs in front of his desk. His office was decorated very modestly, with very little clutter or tasteless paintings hanging on the wall and keeping it as minimalistic as possible. He believed that excess things in one’s surroundings diverted all attention to them, and as a result one couldn’t focus on the important tasks at hand.
“Yes, tell me, what did you want to talk about? I’ve got plenty of time right now” he said, eager to discuss his favorite topic with a willing student.
Smiling a bright white smile, Elizabeth complied and sunk into the seat facing him, noticeably lower than then one he was sat in.
“Thanks Dr. Dunham…” she began with excited breaths, “I was just curious about the different personality types you were talking about today. I’ve always thought of myself as independent but I think I ticked all the boxes of the submissive type. I was a tad confused by this and just wanted to see if you could clarify more wha the personality types mean.”
She stopped abruptly, nervously playing with her knobbly knee caps at the hem of her dress.
*Wow! Amongst all the topics she could choose to discuss, she had to select his most favorite one!*
“Sure, I can go in more detail if you want. See, the types I mentioned are actually in a spectrum. People are rarely completely dominant or completely submissive in all areas of their lives. And sometimes they don’t even know about themselves that well. The man who loves his job and says he never wants to take too much responsibility or deal with people? He does not want to make decisions for others. He wants others, in this case his boss, to make his decisions for him. Even though he doesn’t know it, he’s a submissive personality type. His boss on the other hand? He makes decisions in his life, that affect not only him, but others around him as well. That makes him a dominant kind”
Michael explained slowly and patiently, taking pauses after every few sentences to check if she was still following him.
“Now, that need not mean that they’re always that way in all spheres of life”
Elizabeth was nodding along, listening intently at the lecturer she had always admired, and although would never admit it, had a slight crush on. Silently she sat there as he elucidated on todays lecture, and as he stopped Elizabeth continued nodding.
“I see, so it’s a little more complicated than I realised at first. So how do I really know if I’m submissive, or whether or not I was just confused at first? How do I know my type?”
This was getting into an interesting phase now. They were moving from merely lecturing to a more personal, more specific question. Talking in generalities was always easy, but discussing the nuances of an individual case was always much more challenging and much more interesting.
“Hmm, let’s see, that’s not an easy question actually. But to get an estimate, how do you generally behave amongst your friends? Are you the one making the decisions for your group? Are you the one who takes the lead on planning the trips?
Or are you the one who follows along whatever others have decided?” He asked, trying to keep it as clean as possible.
He had much more interesting questions in his mind, but he couldn’t risk asking them to a student, not unless he wanted to lose his job.
“Oh I’m not sure…” she replied with a nervous cackle in her voice. Her hands rose to fidget with her hair as she continued speaking, in a somewhat scatterbrain fashion. “I guess I’m usually not the one who plans things, I’m happy to go with the flow and do what the others do. I trust my friends so I’m always happy with how things go. I don’t mind not
being in control all of the time.”
As she ceased rambling, Elizabeth was becoming acutely intoxicated with her earnest conversation with her lecturer, who until this point had not been a person to her, but a rather abstract concept she had only seen from afar. Now she could hear his voice clearly, see the wrinkles on his face she had not see before, see the view he looked from his office everyday.
Michael kept nodding as Elizabeth explained about herself, encouraging her to speak more about it. She said she was not sure about it, but for Michael it was Crystal clear. She was a textbook submissive in the purest sense.
As he sat so close to her, he couldn’t help but notice how her lips moved as she spoke, and how her hair covered her face. He had always thought she was one of the cutest girls in his class, but never before seen her this close.
“Hmm, I see… I’d say you’re definitely on the submissive end of the spectrum. And it doesn’t need to apply simply to your public life, you know. It can also manifest in your private life in all ways” he was now treading dangerous waters.
He knew that if at this point he said anything that came off in the wrong way and God forbid Elizabeth got offended by it or complained about him in some way, that was easily an end to his career. He decided to play it safe and not mention anything sexually explicit, not until the girl herself raised the topic.
Elizabeth continued listening intently, nodding at each syllable from his lips. Her interest was completely piqued and she sat upright at the edge of her chair.
“Private life… well I’ve never had a boyfriend so to speak, so I’m not sure if my submissive nature would manifest itself there. Do you think it would?” she replied innocently, becoming more unsure of herself and her own thoughts as she was learning what she truly was. Elizabeth looked back at him in near wonder, dangling on every word he would say.
Michael subtly looked behind Elizabeth through the open door to check if anyone was roaming outside in the corridor. What they were about to discuss was enough to get him immediately suspended should anyone hear it, even if the girl was willingly participating in the discussion. It was simply against the rules for professors to engage in discussions of sexual matters with students, unless they were their health class teachers.
But he wasn’t. His eyes stayed focused on Elizabeth, but his attention was out side the door all the time, as he lowered his voice to answer her
“There’s really no way to tell if a person is submissive or dominant…in bed….depending on their other behaviors. Many high end CEOs are known to pay dominatrices to dominate them in bed, simply because they crave a release from the pressures of decision making. You can never know!”
Elizabeth leaned forward as he spoke lower, like they were sharing secrets to one another.
“That’s surprising…” Elizabeth replied in a muted whisper, “I thought confident people would always be dominant. Why, I always assumed you were dominant too.”
Realising that they were talking about sexual dominance and not just in general, she realised she had just made a faux pas. Could she get into trouble for making a comment like that to a lecturer? Panicking, she decided not to speak again until he replied, hoping that he would not be too offended. She had been genuinely innocent, but coincidently she was morbidly curious.
Michael immediately double checked the door to make sure there was absolutely no one eavesdropping their conversation when things got personal. He couldn’t risk it anymore. He stood up and closed the door to his office before settling in his chair again.
“Little girl, I hope you understand why I did that. What we are discussing right now might get me kicked out of my job, for obvious reasons” he had unconsciously used the phrase little girl to address Elizabeth, a student of his! That word was only reserved for use in play sessions, but something about the situation brought out that part of him to the surface.
“Now, about me, well you’re right about that, I’m dominant…in all aspects…” he said slowly, keeping his voice as low and clear as possible.
The sudden change of demeanour of Dr. Dunham had caught Elizabeth off guard, she had expected to have been kicked from his office for her intrusive question but instead she was locked in. The deep timbre of his voice was sending strange vibrations through her body, and hearing *little girl* sent an abrupt and alien sensation to the pit of her stomach. Was is pleasure? Humiliation? Both? Whatever is was, she could already tell it was addictive.
Stuttering out a reply, Elizabeth said “I see… I thought you might be… sorry if I … if I shouldn’t be asking about these things….” She lowered her head as he circled around her.
Michael could see that Elizabeth was feeling bad about asking the question. Given the nature of the conversation they just had and her subsequent reaction, if someone saw her leaving his office like that, it couldn’t mean good news for him. He had to do something about it.
“That’s alright, don’t worry about it. You’re simply curious, and for what it’s worth, I do think that was an innocent question on your part. It’s just that, we can’t be discussing these things, not at least in my office” as he said that, suddenly an idea struck his mind.
“Say, do you wanna talk over some coffee? I’ll be more comfortable discussing about these things some place far from the department.”
He checked his watch, and saw that it was almost time for his office hours to end.
“We can leave in ten minutes if you want. ”
Raising her head and hearing his softer demeanour, a white smile rose on her face, as if a weight was lifted from her shoulders.
“That’s great then… I… I didn’t mean anything by it…” Elizabeth said in a more relaxed and sedate voice. “Coffee sounds great, how about the Bazaar just across the street? I’ll see you there.”
She stood up, recomposing herself and shot for the door, with the words *little girl* ringing in her head, and that strange sensation gnawing away at her.
Let me know if you guys want to read the rest of it, and I’ll create another post to share
Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/bjz1uu/mfshare_curiosity_collared_the_catpart_1
Would love to see more
[Part 2](https://redd.it/bkpag8)