Getting what she wants [MF] [Premature]

Jessica was ready for tonight. Ricky had broken up with her a few weeks ago hadn’t been easy, but she was sick of moping around the house feeling sorry for herself. When her best friend Katie invited her for a girls night out, just the two of them, she knew that was exactly what she wanted. Her finger and toenails were all crimson to match her favourite tight dress that zipped up from the side, complimented by a hidden matching lilac underwear set. She’d taken longer than usual to get ready, checking herself out in the mirror at every angle to make sure she looked perfect while sipping white wine. After finishing her glass she made a final reapplication of her lipstick as the horn of the taxi outside rang through her window.

Upon arriving at Katie’s house she was greeted with a vodka lemonade which she made quick work of before having another. Katie & Jessica complimented eachother on their looks, but Jessica knew Katie didn’t look as stunning as her, she believed Katie had made the effort to not upstage her tonight. Conversation of the topic of Ricky being an ass, what bars they were going to check out and an agreement of what they were going to do if one of them caught on with a guy flew as fast as the drinks they shared. Before long, another taxi had arrived to take them to the first bar. Jessica walked down Katie’s driveway with a light head, stepping unevenly in her shiny black kitten heels. She beamed at the driver as they got in the back, he looked over his shoulder to make sure he could hear the slightly slurred directions to the bar they’d given him. Jessica thought she saw the taxi driver look up her skirt, she knew she was being somewhat careless with her positioning, but was flattered by the attention.

The surprisingly short taxi ride was a fit of giggles between the girls as they polished off a bottle of wine in the back seat. Before long the taxi came to a halt at the busy bar, after a final check of their faces in the mirror they were both ready to continue the night. Jessica was flattered when the bouncer still asked her for ID, despite being 26. She was already confident from all the heads she’d turned in the queue from men and women alike. The pair strutted through the entrance and made a beeline to the bar to continue their drinking.

The barman noticed both of them before they even finished approaching and greeted them with a smile, serving them before the male punters that had obviously been waiting. Looks of frustration spread through the faces of the guys waiting, until they saw who had been served before them. The irritation quickly turned to grins, with a few unsavourey leers. Despite that, Jessica and Katie returned with smiles and looks of seduction. Though keeping her options open, Jessica declined the offer of a drink from a somewhat attractive man that resembled Ricky. The girls made their way to a free table just to the side of the sparsely populated dancefloor in order to check out the guys on display.

“Why didn’t let him buy you a drink?!” Katie exclaimed as soon as they’d taken their seats. “I thought you wanted to forget about Ricky?”

“Yeah.. I do.” Said Jessica. “Do you not think…” She trailed off as she motioned for Katie to look at the guy still at the bar, now apparently hitting on someone else. “He looks a bit like Ricky?”

Katie peered over, squinting her eyes in an attempt for a better look in the dim light. “Yeah… I suppose I can see that.” She said thoughtfully, quickly changing her attention to the dancefloor, craning her neck up high to see as many people as possible. “Anyone you like the look of?” She asked Jessica without turning to look at her.

Jessica matched Katie in her scoping, hoping they weren’t being too obvious. “I don’t… not really.” She said with a hint of disappointment. She took a sip of her drink and coughed, feeling some of the drink splash out of the glass and onto her face. This vodka lemonade was far stronger than Katie’s creation, maybe even that barman was trying to get into bed with her. She wiped the liquid from her upper lip, as soon as she finished she realised her perfect lipstick would be smudged. She hastily took her mirror out of her purse and checked, realising immediately she needed to retouch. All she had to do was look at Katie and she knew the drill. Katie finished her drink and the pair began to make their way to the bathroom without saying a word but sharing a laugh.

The bathroom was stereotypical, all the stalls full with a few girls impatiently waiting outside, nearly all the space infront of the mirror that covered the length of a wall was taken up. The girls found a small section they could share and reapplied their faces, exchanging compliments to boost their confidence. Jessica’s dress even received a compliment from another girl. For some reason, a compliment from a stranger meant more than from a close friend.

Their journey back was interrupted by a hand on Jessica’s tricep, causing her to turn and see the source. It was the hand of a man not so much taller than her, but dressed in a sharp shirt and form fitting jeans. She took a quick look from bottom to top, first at his expensive looking shoes and over his muscular legs. Noticing his shiny belt buckle and button up shirt. His face wasn’t as conventionally attractive as Ricky’s, though with that comes arrogance, in her experience. He didn’t look awful but he looked honest and kind. She wasn’t sure how long it took her to finish checking him out, but eventually he broke the silence.

“Hey, are you okay? You were wobbling a bit a bit there.” He said with a look of genuine concern as he sipped his bottle of beer before setting it down on the table next to him. She didn’t realising her walking was still suffering, she must have been slightly drunker than she thought.

“Yeah I…” She began, her senses immediately made her look for Katie who had clearly taken a few steps further before realising Jessica’s distraction. Katie met Jessica’s eyes with a grin and a comical two thumbs up, clearly she had the same first impression of this guy that Jessica did. Katie was always a good judge of character, she was the only friend of Jessica’s that ever had initial reservations about Ricky. She took Katie’s blessing and thought she’d better turn her game on, not that she needed to. Though it had been over a year since she’d flirted with a stranger.

“It’s just these new heels, still breaking them in!” She laughed and batted her eyelashes. She felt like an idiot for doing so, but she knew it worked wonders.

“Oh, they’re gorgeous!” The man half shouted over the music of the bar, pointing at them to make himself clear.

“Thanks!, Your shoes are nice too!” Katie replied. She couldn’t think of anything else to say, she really was rusty. “Though I could do with a break, mind if I sit with you?” She asked with a stupid grin. The man’s face lit up briefly before he turned to the rest of his friends who had been pretending to not pay much attention, the interaction between him and Jessica was met with quiet jeers and raised eyebrows before one of them pulled out a chair for Jessica. She took her seat as the man took one opposite her, his friends took the indication and turned their shoulders to the pair. Not in a rude manor, but more to give them a slither of privacy.

“So um, my name’s Danny.” He said with a bit of thought. If he was originally trying to flirt with her, he clearly didn’t think he’d make it this far. Jessica thought that maybe he was used to being shut down, maybe he deserved a bit of a treat. Maybe this wasn’t going to be difficult after all.

“I’m Jessica!” She said without breaking smile and leaning forward, she briefly put a hand on his knee under the small table. Danny responded with a quick glance in that direction and a short flash of astonishment across his face, quickly changing into a smile similar to Jessica’s. Clearly he couldn’t think of anything else to say, so he took a long, slow swig of his beer before managing to muster anymore words.

“What brings you to this place then?” He asked.

“Oh, I’m just out with my best friend!” Jessica responded, looking around the bar for Katie. Eventually she spotted her with a group of men & women, she recognised them as Katie’s colleagues. At least she wasn’t going to be alone, Jessica felt she may need to escalated things.

“I’d just broke up with my boyfriend… well… he broke up with me recently. This is my first night out as a single woman in ages!” She said backhandedly, clearly she wanted to capitalize on this, though she feared she was being too obvious.

“Oh.. I’m sorry to hear that.” Danny replied with a tone of feigned sympathy as he took another swig of his beer, a quick telltale that he was out of his depth. This time he was taking a lot longer to finish drinking, Jessica felt she would have to take total control of the situation.

“Do you want to dance?” Jessica almost blurted out as Danny was placing his beer on the table with a half open mouth like he was about to speak. He looked like a deer in the headlights, Jessica wondered if this was the first time someone had propositioned him so explicitly.

“Yeah, yeah.. I’m not very good but go on then!” Danny laughed as he turned his head to his group of friends, they gave him encouraging look and a few winks behind Jessica’s back. Jessica took Danny’s wrist in her hand and led him to the dancefloor. She’d regained her ability to walk straight, maybe it was the sheer confidence helping her. Danny finished his beer just as his arm had reached it’s full extension and awkwardly danced alongside Jessica as she strutted in her heels onto the dancefloor.

Surprisingly, his hands were immediately on her hips, to which she returned the favour. She realised this was the first pair of man’s hands that had been on her in over 18 months. And she liked it. She quickly pulled him closer to her, their similar heights allowed their foreheads to touch. Their eyes met and stared for moments, before their lips followed suit. The first kiss was brief, each kiss getting progressively longer. Each smile inbetween getting slowly wider. Jessica could see some of her lipstick on his lips, she no longer cared it was smudging. He didn’t seem to care either. Their bodies began to draw as close as their faces, from the side it looked like they were slowly being zipped together. Her breasts touched his chest as she felt tingling from her sensitive nipples. She felt a stirring down below, she knew she was beginning to get wet, she wondered if he was enjoying this as much as her, she wanted to find out for herself. She forced her lower body onto his waist, she could feel it. He was definitely hard. She pretended to look shocked, Danny’s expression was a mixture of embarrassment and arousal. Her look switched to one of seduction as she slowly turned around while still dancing, her back now facing him as his hands never left her hips.

She pressed her bum onto his shaft and began to grind slowly. She expected this was agonizing for him, and she was loving every second of it. She placed her palms over the back of his hands and tried to force them further down her body, inviting him to return the favour of stimulation. Clearly, he was too distracted to think of this himself. They gyrated against one another and his hands eventually found the front of her thighs. Jessica looked around at the dancefloor and noticed it was far more populated than on her initial entry, no one was paying the couple much attention and there were other couples acting in a similar manor. She turned her head to the left to face Danny who had a slight look of fear, she simply smiled and nodded before forcing one of his hands to the hem of her dress. He finally picked up on the signal and slowly slipped his hand under it.

He toyed with the edge of her underwear, just slipping his fingertips under the side to feel her shaved mound. At this point, she was almost annoyed. Her pussy needed attention. She jerked her hips upwards in a way to make his fingers grace over her clit, causing her to bite her lower lip and smile with closed eyes. She was beginning to get lost in the moment, and found herself grinding her clit against his fingers without any hand movement on his part. Having it been a few weeks since she’d got laid and rarely even being in the mood to pleasure herself, it wasn’t long before she was getting close. Her lip sprung from her teeth as her mouth formed a small O shape as she looked at Danny. She was so caught up in her own pleasure of using him like an inanimate object, she’d barely noticed the one part of him moving. His cock was twitching, not unlike Ricky’s when he was close to cumming. Was she really that attractive tonight? Attractive enough to make a guy cum in his pants? Or was it more her movements, or maybe even the sheer forwardness she’d displayed?

Danny’s dancing came to an almost stop, his body tensed against hers. He put his mouth to her ear and whispered quickly. “Jessica, I think I’m gonna.. I need to stop..” His voice was full of panic. Jessica said nothing and changed the O of her mouth to her familiar grin.

“Go on.. it’s fine. I’m going to as well.” She said as she planted another but now sloppier kiss on his lips, raising a hand to his cheek to hold him in place. Her eyes darted around the dancefloor once more to check for any glances to which there were none. She seized her opportunity and wrapped her free hand around Danny’s wrist. She drove his hand further into a soaking panties and one of his fingers naturally slipped inside her dripping pussy. As soon as it entered, she realised that was the final push she needed. Her pussy walls pulsated over his digit and she felt a rush she hadn’t felt in weeks. The warmth spread through her whole body as she was briefly deafened to the sounds of the music and people around her. She shuddered on the spot, smearing her juices over Danny’s hand, holding his wrist tighter with every pulse.

It didn’t take long before she felt another warm. This time emitting from the top of her ass, near the small of her back. But she wasn’t the source. She immediately knew it was what Danny had warned her of. She was proud of herself. She’d made a guy cum in his pants from grinding her ass against him and letting him play with her pussy. For all she knew, he hadn’t got laid in weeks either. Maybe even longer. He did seem somewhat nervous, for all she knew he was a virgin. She turned to look at him with her face flushed in excitement. His look was one of horror with a face as red as her dress. He’d stopped moving entirely and his eyes were beginning to dart around the room. She turned her whole body to face him and took his wet hand out of her even wetter underwear before whispering in his ear with a giggle.

“I think I’d better take to back to my place to get cleaned up!” She ended her sentence with a kiss on the cheek. Danny still didn’t move, his mouth was the O shape hers was earlier. Still grasping his wrist she lead him off the dancefloor towards the exit, to which he didn’t object. She hoped the short cab journey was enough downtime for him, because she was certainly ready for round two.
