Erotica Featuring…Breast Milk (F/F)

Sarah watched her love, Lena, pull out her breast pump and attach it to her nipple like she had done every evening for four months. 

Sarah could hardly get near Lena’s breasts since she became pregnant. They were always sore and full. Now that their baby girl was here, they were still full and sore and now her nipples were chaffed from the pump and from feeding the baby. 

She marveled at the beauty of Lena’s body. She enjoyed watching it change each month, her belly growing and growing, her skin glowing, her desire for sex insatiable, her eyes sparkling with the tired excitement of carrying a life. 

Sarah had no desire for pregnancy, but it was something Lena had dreamed about since she was little. She always wanted to be a mom. She loved being pregnant. Well, loved most of it. 

They both delighted in how big and heavy her breasts had gotten. Lena loved how thick her hair became and how pretty her skin was. She wasn’t thrilled about the morning sickness that lasted five months, or bed rest during her eighth month, but otherwise things had gone well. 

Lena turned on the pump and Sarah curled up on the couch with her book and listened to the machine do it’s thing. 

It wasn’t a sexy thing, but a mechanical one. And yet it turned Sarah on, making it hard to focus on the book she was reading.

“I’m so full today!” Lena moaned. “This stuff has been leaking out of me all afternoon.”

Sarah reached for her hand. “I’m sorry love. I can’t say I wish I could trade places with you though.”

“You’re a big help you know that?” she playfully swatted her hand away.

“I want to taste it.” Sarah said, almost surprised that the words came out of her mouth. She had been thinking about it, but didn’t think she’d ever ask. It felt odd to ask such a thing, but they consumed dairy, so how was this any better or worse? Sure it wasn’t from her body, but neither was cow’s milk. 

“Yeah?” Lena perked up, interested. 

“Have you tasted it?” Sarah asked when Lena didn’t seem weirded out. 

“Sure. It’s good. It’s kind of sweet.”

“You tried it without telling me?” Sarah laughed. 

“I mean, it’s not like I drank a glass of it. And yeah, I mean, I’m feeding the baby, so I’m curious about what she’s eating.”

“Should I just wait until you’re done pumping?”

“If you want.” she shrugged. 

“Ok. I mean I don’t want to interrupt, plus I know this is kind of painful for you.”

“I’ll save you some.” Lena smiled. 

When she was finished, and she removed the pump, she motioned for her to come closer.

“How do you want to do it?” Sarah asked. 

“I can just squirt it into your mouth.”


“Yeah. I can’t guarantee my aim is going to be great, but lets try it.” Lena replied.

Sarah laughed and kneeled in front of her as she positioned herself to squirt milk on her tongue. 

Even though Sarah was waiting for it, it still kind of shocked her, the warm liquid that landed on her tongue almost jolted her. Lena was right, it was definitely sweet.

“It’s the perfect blend of fat and sugar!” Lena announced.

“Not bad.” Sarah grinned at her. 

“There’s more where that came from.” 

“Ok, just one more squirt.” Sarah requested, and Lena obliged. 

Sarah licked Lena’s dripping nipple.   

“This doesn’t hurt does it?” she asked as she kept licking the nipple, and taking the other breast with her hand. 

“No, but I can’t take it any harder though.” 

“So sensitive.” Sarah grinned, her tongue still exploring. 

Nipple play was one of Lena’s favorite activities. Sarah had figured out how to make her orgasm from it. And now, feeling turned on by the pump and getting squirted, she wanted to play. 

“Let’s move this.” Sarah suggested, taking the pump and setting on the chair in the corner of their bedroom. 

“And?” Lena raised an eyebrow.

“Let’s play with these.” Sarah said, licking another drop of milk from Lena’s swollen breast.

Lena squirted Sarah’s mouth and she licked her lips, milk now slipping down her chin. Sarah pushed her hand into Lena’s underwear as she circled her tongue around each nipple. Her fingers found her damp. Lena watched her, still squirting milk into Sarah’s mouth. Sarah held it in and then pulled Lena’s underwear off, before soaking her pussy with her milk. Sarah spread it all over her delicate dark folds and let it drip down her crevice soaking the sheets. 

“More.” Sarah said, opening her mouth for Lena, feeling the warm sweet liquid land on her tongue. She let it dribble out of her mouth and onto Lena’s pussy again before lapping it up. 

The taste of the milk mixed with the smell and taste of Lena’s pussy kept Sarah between her legs, exploring and enjoying the new experience while Lena swayed her hips around on Sarah’s tongue.  

Lena wet her hands with her milk, the sweetness rolling down the side of her ribcage and in between her fingers. Sarah looked up, watching what she was doing and sat up, opening her mouth for Lena to put her fingers on her tongue. Sarah sucked the sweetness off of her and asked for more while she slid two of her fingers inside of Lena. 

They continued like this, Lena getting her hands wet, and Sarah lapping and licking the milk off her hand until it was gone. Lena slid her fingers over Sarah’s tongue as Sarah closed her eyes and focused on the texture of her skin, the lingering taste still there until Lena withdrew them, got them wet again and returned. 

“I want your mouth on my pussy again. I’m ready to come.” Lena said. 

Sarah grinned knowing she’d be taking care of herself that night. Lena would orgasm and pass out, but Sarah couldn’t fault her, she has been up all hours feeding their daughter. 

“I need just a little more in my mouth.” Sarah replied and Lena obliged. Sarah playfully spit it out on Lena’s pussy, watching it trickle down her folds before diving back in again, pressing her tongue to her skin and moving up and down along Lena’s clit, dragging her tongue over it, feeling the dense little bead of flesh as she moved. 

Lena was crying out now, swallowed by her pleasure. Sarah could tell by how her voice was strained a little that she was trying to fully express herself, but also keep her volume down so as not to wake the baby. 

Sarah wiped her mouth on Lena’s thigh and looked up admiringly at her, seeing the heavy lidded expression on her face, knowing she was going to drift off any minute now. 



  1. Love the exploration of the unusual and taboo. It fans the flames of the exquisitely erotic.

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