A question for all the nurses and doctors out there [M]

I’ve noticed a lot of posts in subreddits like [r/gonewild](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewild) of nurses flashing their breasts at work and seen comments like “all the nurses I work with are wild/crazy”. I probably already know the answer, but just wondering if any of you out there have actually done anything wild with your patients. I know it’s cliche, but I’ve always fantasized about my nurses and just wondered if there were any stories out there.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/bier9x/a_question_for_all_the_nurses_and_doctors_out


  1. I think as a whole the healthcare worker community views the patients as “sick” (even if it’s just subconsciously) and probably are more inclined to do things with other staff than to do things with the patients.

  2. You work in a hospital or clinic where MRSA is rampant… People are coughing or belching. The smell of c. difficile permeates the air.

    Not to mention the states with laws that prohibit and punish these types of relationships. Go ahead and throw away all that schooling, keeping all that debt, and possibly end up in jail.

    Last thing you’d want to do is hook up with a patient.

  3. Never never never ever with a patient.
    I did have some wild times with an intern and with a few nurses in my younger days.
    The Intern was crazy enough to come over to the hospital when the shift was slow for me.
    The nurses I used up hook up with in our free time.
    Good times the were!

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