Satiated [Teacher/Student, age gap, sexual tension] | Part Five

BEFORE YOU READ: This entry is purely fluff to add to the plot! No actual erotica in this chapter. Because of this reason, I’ll be posting Pt 6 today as well. :) Thank you to everyone who’s still reading!


Warm water beat into Nick’s skin, a metaphorical welcome into the new day. Eyes still drooping with fatigue and yawns still intermittently overtaking his expression, the man scrubbed at his scalp with shampoo. Though he might never admit it, the only thing on his mind since Friday had been Ariel. His weekend progressed so gradually it was torturous. Something deep within him was starting to crave time with his student, as much as he’d begun to mentally deny it to himself. Ariel Bosche was growing on him, and in the night while he lay on the couch, he’d begun musing over her until he fell asleep. She invaded his thoughts with every new task. While he prepped his week’s meals, he wondered what she might be doing at the same time. While he was hunched over grading tests on the dining room table, he pictured her in his mind, paying less attention to his work and more attention to recalling the small intricacies of his student. How a dimple pressed so slightly into just her right cheek when she smiled, how her hair would somehow work it’s way out of buns, requiring her to repetitively tie it back up multiple times throughout the school day. Nick couldn’t admit it to himself, but he was growing very fond of the teenager.

And that was why he lingered in the bathroom this morning, longer than he usually did. His typical morning routine consisted of brushing his teeth, quickly brushing his short hair, shaving any misplaced facial hairs, and rubbing on deodorant. Today he stared at his reflection, studying it to tidy himself up. He was careful about shaving, making sure he had relatively sharp lines to divide his short blonde beard from his pale cheeks. He’d whimsically picked up some hair pomade while he was at the store the night prior and started to work it through the damp locks into a tidy style. By the time he’d dressed and adorned himself with a mild, woodsy cologne, his hair was dry. Nick checked his appearance one more time before he left. He wondered absentmindedly if Ariel liked beards, and then wondered if he should just shave it all together. Did he look too old to her? He didn’t have any wrinkles, face was relatively unblemished. The most aging he’d shown was the prominence in his jawline and mild smile lines that only appeared when he grinned. But he was thirty-seven, he certainly didn’t look like he was in his twenties. The teacher rolled up the sleeves of his dress shirt to reveal his tattoo-adorned forearms but quickly decided against that, too, and rolled them back down. Maybe he should wash his face? Sarah might have some off that face cleanser around… He glanced down at his watch. No time. Well, he thought, decent enough.

“Why’d you get all pretty? Gonna do your makeup next?” Sarah sneered from the bathroom doorway, and the man jumped a little. He hadn’t noticed her (very pregnant) silhouette. Of course she’d take some shots at him instead of compliment him.

“Uh, superintendent is stopping down at the school today. Wanna make a good impression,” he lied easily, striding past her and out of the bathroom. He tugged on his boots and was ready to go.

“Okay, well…” she started awkwardly, hobbling back over to sit beside him on the bed. “Have a good day at work.” It was halfhearted. She patted him on the shoulder.

“Yep.” He made a move to stand up and tensed when he heard her speak behind him.

“What do you mean ‘yep’? Just ‘yep’? No, ‘I love you my beautiful wife’? No, ‘hope your back is feeling better today, how’s the morning sickness’?” Sarah was on edge, staring at him. Any wrong word and Nick knew this would blow up disproportionately.

Maybe, just maybe, he didn’t say that the first time because he didn’t mean it. “Sorry. I love you. You feeling better?” he asked, halfhearted as well. Just something to shut her up. He tugged on his jacket.

She scoffed. “As if you care.” And laid back in bed, pulling the covers over her. “Just fucking… go. I don’t even want to look at you right now.” When he said nothing she antagonized further. “Go be gay with your boss. Maybe he’ll think you’re pretty too. If you suck his dick, maybe you’ll be able to be a man for once and afford a better place than this dump. You don’t even take care of me.” Nick stayed silent, taking only a deep breath before walking out of the room. With his back turned to her, he rolled his eyes. She called after him. “Oh, *fuck you.*”

Before he made his way out to the garage, he stopped in the fridge to grab a tupperware with today’s lunch. and poured coffee into a tumbler. Finally he could get away from Sarah. He wouldn’t see Ariel again until the afternoon, and it was a Monday, so of course the day was unpleasant by default. Maybe he’d chaperone the lunch room today, catch some conversation with her early in the afternoon.

The drive to the school was frustrating as usual. Stop and go traffic, bumper to bumper. Although it was a town, Lakewood’s population was grossly high in relation. And there were only two main roads that stretched through the entire length of the area.

Once he was finally at work, he went through the motions — small talk with Amanda in the faculty room while he stowed his lunch in the fridge, straighten out all the desks in his classroom, sift boringly through emails. The morning’s classes were dreary. Nick spoke in monotone for most of the lessons, slower than usual with solving equations. If he could just get Ariel out of his head for two goddamn seconds maybe he could effectively teach, but he couldn’t push pass the thought of her. It was too loud, demanding. He hadn’t expected sex with her to be so tender. It’d reminded him of making love, or, well… it *was* making love. Something he couldn’t even remember the last time he’d done. They hadn’t been as primal with each other in the car, and he’d worked to make her feel safe and cared about throughout the entire experience. That’s what had flipped the switch in him. That’s what had elicited the nervousness. He realized it mid-lesson in his third hour — that’s what he was feeling. Nervous. A woman hadn’t made him nervous in years.

When lunch rolled around, he decided to stay hibernated in his classroom. He’d been slacking on grading paperwork, so he really did have to put his time to good use. He was typing a long-winded email to a colleague about his method of teaching parabolas when he heard the door creak open. His food was still unfinished on the desk, impaled with a lone standing fork. He was going to be annoyed if it was Amanda. She hadn’t been leaving him alone lately.

It was a very pleasant surprise when his favorite student turned the corner. He felt the nervousness in the pit of his stomach now, airy and cascading. Her smile overtook her entire face, illuminating it. “Hello, Mr. Kennedy,” she remarked cheerfully, a drastic change from the crying she’d left in on Friday.

“You’re doing better, I see,” he answered, pushing away from his desk to meet her with a hug in the middle of the room. He held her to him tightly for a few moments and then pulled back to kiss her briefly. “Joining me for lunch?”

“I am.” Her tone light, Ariel snuggled into him for a few moments, and shifted onto the tips of her toes to allow their lips to meet again. She seemed wired. But that was okay, Nick felt wired too. When the teacher sat back down at his desk, she came over and plopped down in his lap, leaning forward to take a bite of his lunch. His hands absentmindedly played with her hair. “Mmm, what is this? Did you make it?”

Her reaction to chicken and rice made him laugh huskily. “I did make it. Maybe it’s the marinade. I’m glad I’m not upholding the stereotype.”

Ariel turned back to him, smiling as she chewed. “Which one? That white people don’t season their food?” Her arms looped comfortably around his neck and she pulled herself more snug into him.

“Yeah. Don’t worry, I put more than salt and pepper on the chicken,” he joked, palm gliding up and down her back while he supported her frame. “How was your weekend?”

Ariel rolled her eyes playfully. “Wypeepo.” Then pecked him on the lips again. It seemed she couldn’t get enough of kissing him and Nick truthfully thought it was the cutest thing she’d done yet. “It was alright. I’m sorry I got all emotional the other night… I don’t know why I did that.”

“Don’t worry about it.” The man drew circles into her cheek with his thumb. “I felt close to you too.”

Her expression seemed relieved, and elated. “I thought you told me not to go falling in love with you?” She was playful now, completely straddling him to cuddle. Her face pressed into the crook of his neck, a similar position to the one they’d been in in his car. “Don’t worry, I locked the door.”

“I did say that,” he confirmed, holding her. He realized his heart was beating quickly in his chest. Goosebumps were spreading up his arms. “Good to know you remembered the rules.”

“Is it against the rules to have sex right now?” she asked, pulling away slightly to find his eyes. She was excited, he could tell.

With a laugh, he tucked some stray hair behind her ear. “You do know I actually enjoy your company, right?”

“I know, but I just… ugh,” she groaned, frustrated but happy. “That felt so good, it’s all I’ve been able to think about all weekend. I want more, Mr. Kennedy.” She kissed him again, deeply this time. “Please?” Ariel whined.

Nick glanced at his watch. “You’re a horny little thing, huh?” Only 20 minutes left in the lunch hour. He knew for a fact that he’d need more than 20 minutes to have his way with her. “Not right now. Maybe later. I need more than 20 minutes.”

“Ugh,” she sighed. “Then I have to get off you or I’m gonna start dry humping.” The teenager moved to migrate from his lap to a seat on his desk, picking up his food.

“Who said you weren’t allowed to do that? I just said no sex,” he challenged, spirited. “Oh, that’s okay. I’ve been trying to lose weight anyhow.”

She took taunting bites in front of him. “I’m not gonna get pregnant, am I?”

Ariel had said it so casually, Nick did a double take when he realized what had just come out of her mouth. “No. You better not.”

She seemed content with that answer so she moved on. “I can’t even come see you after class until Thursday. I have detention. This is the only time I’ll get to spend with you.”

He was just about to answer when he heard a knock on the door. “Get off the desk,” he commanded, and as he strode towards the door she had slipped into a seat, grabbed a paper and pretended she was working. However the person on the other side wasn’t who he’d expected to see. He assumed it was going to be Amanda, coming uninvited to tell him about her day. Instead he found himself staring down at his blonde-haired wife, her belly protruding forward massively.

“Why was the door locked?” she asked, testily, pushing past him. He felt a jolt of anxiety.

“It does that sometimes. I’ve asked maintenance to come fix it but they never got around to it… What are you doing here?”

Too late. Sarah had already turned the corner and stopped in her tracks when she saw Ariel. “Oh. Hello.” The woman gave the teenager a tight, fake smile. “Who are you?”

Nick’s eyes had widened, his stance stiffened in his movements. He tried to slip in the distance between the two women, leaning on his desk. Ariel shot him a concerned look before she spoke awkwardly. “Um, hi… I’m Ariel.”

“Would you mind leaving, Ariel? I need to have a word with my husband.”

Nick objected, mostly because he’d rather Sarah leave than Ariel. Of course she’d show up to take what little time he had with the teenager away from him. “Ah– no, it’s okay, Ariel. You don’t have to leave. Honey, what did you need?”

Sarah gave Nick the same tight-lipped smile she gave Ariel, but he could see in her eyes she was seething. It wasn’t often he told his wife no, but at least she controlled her anger a tiny bit in the presence of other people. “Excuse me?” she laughed lightly. He knew it was for show. “What I *need* is to speak to my husband. *Alone.* Is that alright with you, Nicholas?” she hissed his name, her words sharp.

“Uh, it’s okay, Mr. Kennedy. I can go. I’ll come back for more tutoring tomorrow,” Ariel chimed in nervously, already gathering her bag.

Nick swallowed, almost begging Ariel with his eyes to just stay. But she just looked down and shuffled out of the room without another word. The door closed with a thud.

A few moments passed before one of them spoke. “Well? We’re alone now. What do you want?” He braced himself mentally for impact.

“You stupid piece of shit,” she snarled. That was expected, as usual. She couldn’t speak to Nick anymore without insulting him. “I found your fucking cellphone. You forgot to grab it before you left so *I*, thinking I’d be a good *wife*, decided to bring it to you. And *this* is the way you fucking thank me for it? Make me wait out in the hallway with all those loud girls with their nasty perfume. They all *stink*, and I wanted to puke, and all you could say is, ‘what’re you doing here’? Like an idiot. I should’ve just thrown your phone in the toilet.” Nick pinched the bridge of his nose as she went off on her tangent.

*Are you done?* he wanted to ask. Instead he gave her a false grin. “Thanks for bringing me my phone.”

“Yeah, whatever. That’s me. Always doing things for you and you never do anything for me,” she spat. Sarah waddled over to sit down in his desk chair. “My fucking back hurts all the time, and my ankles are swollen, and you can’t even just think about how I’d feel standing out in the hallway like that? All those girls were looking at me, probably thinking I was fat because now I *am*. Thanks to you. I used to look like them. All skinny and pretty. Now since you couldn’t keep it in your pants, I have to deal with *this*.” She motioned towards her stomach. Nick was silent. He knew by now that saying anything more than the bare minimum with her was like throwing gasoline in a fire. But oh boy did he feel livid, especially when she referred to their unborn son as a ‘this’. He felt like he could slap her. He wasn’t even the reason she’d gotten pregnant. She’d stopped taking her birth control without telling him, so that she *could* get pregnant. Without his objections. And after they’d found out, an abortion wasn’t even in the plane of possibilities.

“Yep, that’s right. Just ignore me like you always do. Nothing to say because you know I’m right.” She sighed, annoyed, and then heaved back onto her feet. “You’re gonna make such a shitty fucking father.”

“Are you done?” he snapped, inhaling through his nose.

“Excuse me?” *Oh, great. Here we go*. “Don’t you *dare* tell me to shut up. Who gave you the right to talk to me that way?!”

“I didn’t tell you to–”

“No! Let me speak! You keep getting *real* bold with how you talk to me. I’d start watching my tone if I was you. You always make everything into a huge deal.”

“Oh? So it’s not a big deal for you to come in here while I’m helping a student, kick her out *yourself*, and then tell me I’m going to be a bad father?” his voice raised, unable to hold back his words. And to think, fifteen minutes ago he’d been ecstatic. Felt wanted, even. Sarah was like his own personal devil.

“Excuse me but if your student needs more help with math on a lunch break, then she’s just as stupid as you are.”

“What? That doesn’t even make any fucking se–”

“Whatever, Nick. You just earned yourself another night of sleeping on the couch. Actually, I don’t even want you in my house. Go to your parents’. I don’t want to be around you.” Sarah was already waddling snootily towards the door, chin in the air.

“*Your* house?” he scoffed, trailing behind her. “It’s *my* house. I paid for it, remember? I paid for everything we own. I paid for that purse, and your clothes, and your nails, car, makeup–”

“Oh, here you go again about money! If you want more money so badly then get a *real* job. Putting on a suit in the morning as if you’re actually successful. *Fuck off.*”

Now Nick was really fuming, and he stepped ahead of her to rip open the door, not noticing the tanned student standing behind it. “You can get out of my classroom. Since this isn’t a *real* job anyway,” he retorted.

Sarah had noticed Ariel before Nick had, and as usual another’s presence seemed to shut her up. She gave Nick another tight-lipped smile and said her goodbyes. “See you at home, honey.” It was said sweetly, but Sarah rolled her eyes as it left her mouth. With his wife’s silhouette disappearing into the tide of students in the halls, all migrating to their next classes, the man finally noticed his own student standing there.

With a heavy sigh, he opened the door more, inviting her back in. “I’m sorry about that. She can be… abrasive.” Now he was buzzing, scowling, and his anger radiated from him.

“I’m sorry,” Ariel responded gently. The door closed behind her and she followed him to his desk, hugging him before he sat down. Nick relaxed slightly, sighing once more. “I heard what she said through the door… I wasn’t trying to eavesdrop, I promise but… I don’t think you’re unsuccessful. I think you’re insanely intelligent and you’ll make a great dad.” The teenager’s words were genuine. Nick squeezed her gently before releasing their embrace.

“Listen… you should go. My next class is about to start. I’m sorry we didn’t get more time together.” His hand dragged down his face.

“It’s okay. I’ll try to come in during lunch tomorrow maybe? If it’s okay?”

“Of course. It’s always okay.”

“Alright, I’ll see you tomorrow then, Mr. Kennedy.”

But before she left, she leaned down to scribble something on a free sheet of paper on his desk. Then she kissed his cheek, and headed out just as the bell rang. Nick looked down. Her phone number.

He debated it for a moment before he picked up his phone and programmed it in, originally under her actual name but then he thought better of it, and changed the name to ‘Aaron Bower’. His wife wouldn’t be suspicious of any communication he had with another man. A quick text before the students came piling in: *If anyone asks, your new name is Aaron. And by anyone, I mean if my wife tries to call this number.*



  1. Not only are the erotica parts great, but the attention to the actual plot is just as entertaining. This was a great fluffer!

  2. You are officially one of my favourite authors. Each chapter is pure amazing. Can’t wait for chapter 6 now!

  3. This is amazing. It’s truly sad how the wife verbally abuses him. Someone can tell it really affects him emotionally as well.

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