Satiated [Teacher/Student, age gap, sexual tension] | Part Four

Fingers tapping furiously against his phone screen, Nicholas’ eyebrows furrowed inward. He was vacantly aware of Amanda’s presence across from him, only reminded and tugged back to reality when he tuned into the sound of her chewing. He felt a little guilty — he was being rude. Hadn’t even touched the tacos he’d ordered. But he had more pressing matters, more argumentative matters. Sarah was at it again. Offended over absolutely nothing again. And it was almost funny to him because this is how she’d been the entire time he met her. He’d hoped pregnancy would soften her, maybe change her perspective to allow a little more empathy in. He was wrong. This impulsiveness and finger-pointing entitlement had always been a constant variable in Sarah’s personality.

Nick brought home six figures, which was atypical of a high school teacher but he won more perks with his PhD. They had the house that she’d wanted. The cars that she’d wanted. Everything she’d ever wanted, she got him to get it for her. And yet she couldn’t even just give him some peace to sleep. As the weeks ticked down, he was starting to dread what life might be like with both her and a baby in the house. Two children.

Every single night she bitched at him over something, from nearly the moment he stepped in the door until the moment he fell asleep. Somehow Nick had become Sarah’s own personal mental punching bag. She’d insult him, riling *herself* up with minor participation from him, and then suddenly become neurotic.

What fueled these paragraphs of hate this time? She’d thrown a knife at him the night before and he’d ignored her all day. Now she thought he was cheating on her. Which — granted — he technically was. But how did he not have the right to when she was physically trying to harm him? Every day he wished he could spit out those vows he’d made. What he ever saw in her, he couldn’t remember, because now any residue of a loving relationship was gone. Nick exhaled heavily, angrily, as another three paragraphs popped up on his phone.

“Okay. I’m gonna ask. Are you alright?”

He was temporarily pulled from the phone screen and glanced up at Amanda, still leaning back in the chair. “Uh, yeah.” He locked his phone and tossed it on the table before leaning forward towards his meal. “The wife.” It was a short, quick explanation, but anyone could know what he was referencing. Other men went through it all the time. *Happy wife, happy life.* Even eating his tacos, he was doing angrily now. “She’s just–” he sighed, grabbing a napkin to wipe aggressively at his face. “Such a bitch. I’m sorry, pardon my French. I hate using that word but there’s no other term to better describe her.”

Amanda sighed, gazing at him empathetically. He wasn’t even thinking about how she might be taking this conversation, like logs in the fire of whatever interest she had in him. This was giving her the room to work with that she so desperately wanted. “I’m sorry, Nick. I know that’s gotta be really, really hard. Y’know what? We should make taco night a once a week thing, get your mind off of… all that.”

His phone was buzzing again, lighting up every few moments to notify him his wife was calling. Then before the ring could even run a full cycle, it would disappear and immediately start up again. Nick rolled his eyes. “Nope, can’t do that. That’s why she’s so upset with me right now. Wants to know what I’m doing.” He tossed his taco back on the plate, appetite fading. “She has me sleeping on the couch now.” A pause, disgruntled. “I paid for the fucking bed. I paid for the couch too.”

Amanda laughed gently in her seat, leaning on the table towards him now. “Hey. Listen. This will blow over eventually, and… if for some reason it doesn’t, I have a couch too. You might not have paid for it but you’re always welcome.”

The offer was sweet of her, but it wasn’t what he was looking for and truthfully now he felt a little awkward. “Thanks, Amanda.” Curt, simple, to the point. “Listen, I gotta get back home. She’s not going to stop until she can hit me with her fists. I, uh, had a nice time.” He wasn’t so sure if he actually was joking or not. Either way, he didn’t let her object and instead tossed his portion of the bill and tip on the table.

On his way back to his car, however, he noticed a group of students congregated outside of the Wine & Spirits, speaking hushedly amongst themselves. At first he paid them no mind. If they wanted to drink, let them. Fuck if he cared right now. But then on second glance he caught a familiar sight, voluminous chocolate brown locks being picked up gently in the wind. He hadn’t recognized Ariel from the group because well, it was after school. They’d all changed from their uniforms. And there were a few boys with them now, probably migrated over from the all boys’ school in the next town over. Well, now he didn’t have a choice. He felt a certain responsibility to protect the teenager, something paternal maybe? Territorial? More likely a mix of both.

As the teacher made his way towards the group, he walked slowly. Ariel wasn’t facing him. She had her back turned completely, and she was wearing… leggings. He just realized he’d never seen her outside of her uniform, not once. He never realized just how robust her figure was. How the hell did an underage girl get a body better than his wife? He stared generously, fearlessly, at her curves, eyes pulling down her tight, fit silhouette as if it was safe to do so, out in public. Nick was still in his suit, as he’d gone straight to the restaurant his classes ended. He actually hadn’t been as reluctant as he thought he would yesterday, probably because he needed a distraction from all the bitching. Well, now he had a better one.

“Hope you kids aren’t planning on trying to buy some alcohol,” he chimed in behind them. None of them had noticed his approach and a few actually jumped a little.

“What! That’s stupid! We were…. trying to figure out what game console is the best.” Something one of the students obviously pulled out of his ass. The kid’s voice wavered with shock, hands instantly fidgeting. “Yeah, you know what, I think I remember there being a game shop somewhere that way. C’mon, guys.” And collectively, like a flock of birds, the group began shuffling away. Except for one, but now Nick was starting to expect her to prioritize his company. Maybe he was getting too egoistical.

“I’ll catch up with you guys later,” her smooth voice called to the group as they dipped around a corner.

Nick raised one eyebrow, looking down at her sternly. “What, you’re trying to drink alcohol now?”

“No!” she promised, giving his sturdy forearm a playful smack. For some reason that made Nick erupt with a smile, the first one of the day. “They were. I was trying to tell them it was a bad idea.”

“Mmhmm. Likely story,” he retorted, joking. “Here,” he nodded towards the parked cars. “Let me give you a ride home.”

She folded her arms across her chest, obviously defiant and Nick rolled his eyes. Even though he truly did think this whole attitude he was getting from her now was cute as hell, he had to make sure she knew her place with him. Cute or not, he’d torture her for it. “I don’t want to go home,” she responded, almost whiny.

As they walked, he stood flush beside her. The curve of her shoulder pressed into his bicep, and his hand snaked down her lower back, trailing gently until he had a handful of her ass. Giving it an inconspicuous squeeze, he gave a quiet warning. “Stop whining.” He saw her bite down on her lip. Was she turned on that he was touching her in public? For anyone to see them? He decided to put his theory to the test, giving her ass a gentle smack before grabbing aggressively, making no effort to hide it. She exhaled out of her mouth, and shot him a look with hooded eyes. “Wear these more often,” he whispered. “Your ass looks good in them.”

They divided only to meet again side by side in his car. She dropped her bag at her feet on the floor of the vehicle and as he turned the ignition, he saw her shift towards him in his peripheral vision. She was looking at him expectantly again, another little quirk of hers that he was growing very, very fond of.

“Is there something you need to get off your chest?” he asked, turning his full attention to her. The way the light from the street lamp caught her face through the window brightened her eyes. They were almost a hazel, lined with thick eyelashes. How organically sexy she was never failed to surprise him. Every time he was with her he noticed something new. With his cock down her throat, he’d noticed she had barely detectable freckles splattered across her nose. She was like a piece of artwork. Nick could find new depth in her every time he saw her.

Her pearly teeth made their famous appearance again, plump lips puckering into a debating expression.

“Come out with it,” he demanded, eyes shifting from her lips to her eyes. He was tempted to kiss her right now, which wouldn’t be too concerning because his windows were tinted. But now she’d piqued his curiosity. He chuckled, “Don’t get shy on me again now. We just got you comfortable enough to joke with me.”

She loosened a bit, relaxing into the chair and tipping her head to rest it on the cushion. “Shut up, you just… make me nervous.” That coy little smile was playing on her lips again, making small appearances between the bashful chewing.

“Yeah? Why’s that?” he countered, even more curious now. Her cheeks lit up. “You can’t keep being this adorable, Ariel. You’re gonna be the death of me.”

“Me?!” she exclaimed, mouth forming a small ‘o’. “You’re gonna be the death of me. You’re just so…” but she didn’t finish. Instead she looked down, tucking her hair behind her ears.

That was alright. He didn’t need to hear her say it to know what was going through her head because he felt it to. The two’s energies ricocheted off one another, resonating deeply in some sort of intensely, irresistible union. He couldn’t understand how he was so starved to experience his teenage student but sometimes life just didn’t come with a manual. He hadn’t felt so involved in over a decade, and he certainly hadn’t had this good of sex in even longer. They matched, sexually, emotionally, even in their humor and the way they viewed the world. Their company was effortlessly riveting and mutually so. He felt a more intense connection with Ariel than he did with his wife, despite their only having spoken in secret banter and classroom discussion.

“Watch yourself, honey. Don’t go falling in love with me,” he joked, his right hand falling to find hers between them. Their fingers interlocked and stayed that way. It was a small gesture, but it magnified the entire car ride. “Tell me when to turn,” he murmured. He wasn’t extremely familiar with this part of town. It was more of the lower-middle class, the areas that got stamped out when gentrification rolled into the neighborhood. This was what was left.

“Right here,” she said softly. “The white house.” He put the car in park and they sat in silence for a few moments.

Ariel was the one to break it.

“Mr. Kennedy?”

“Yes, Ariel?” Nick still responded to the title. It was exciting to him now, to hear her address him as her superior. He was growing to love the way his name sounded in her voice, so coy and shy. Soft-spoken.

“Remember when you… remember when you put your finger inside of me?”

His cock twitched. “Yes.” He did, he remembered it vividly. The feeling of her warm, tight walls swelling around it, trying to push it out as she came. Nick didn’t try to suppress the boner he was growing now. He wanted her to see it and he knew she wanted to too. His legs opened just a fraction, to make room, get more comfortable.

The teenager’s eyes found his now and held his gaze for a few moments before she leaned forward, tipped her position so that she was sitting on her calves in the seat. “Can you teach me how to do that?”

Nick chuckled. God. She was so cute. “Yes, I can teach you whatever you need me to.”

He didn’t expect her to reach forward, placing her dainty hand on his protruding member. She cupped it firmly through his suit. “It felt so good. I’ve been trying to do it myself but I can’t… figure out how to touched it.” A pause. “How you touched my pussy.” Nick’s cock was thickening and he was certain she could feel it.

“Ariel…” he started, measured and calm. “Have you been wanting me to touch your pussy again?”

Nick watched as she licked her lower lip, arching her back a little. It wasn’t difficult to imagine how wet she was right now. “Yes, Mr. Kennedy.”

He leaned back in his seat, stare trained on her. “Turn around then.”

In his pants, Nick’s cock was throbbing for release. The pressure of the fabric restraining his member magnified the need for it to be touched, sucked… what ever Ariel was craving. Remembering, his finger tapped the lock button beside him. He’d learned his lesson last time. Her parents were right in the house next to them. All it would take was for one of them to press their face up on the window and they’d be caught in their act with no way to explain. But maybe that’s why he was so willing to peel his teenager’s leggings down her ass, only to the top of her thighs. She was wearing a thong today. No wonder her ass had looked so spankable. It, too, was then tugged down around her thighs.

Nick took one hand and pulled open her cushiony ass cheek to reveal the little holes he was going to touch for her. Her pussy, as predicted, was plump. She throbbed a little less intensely this time, with more time passing between every pulsation. He used his forefinger to circle her asshole with just enough pressure to hear her sigh. Lucky for Ariel, she was so wet it’d be easy for him to slip his finger into her ass. He swiped her slickness up, catching the outer edge of her pussy on the way, to rub the moisture into the little hole. It puckered, pulsating for him as he circled it again, this time firmer. And he repeated this, lubing up her asshole with the juices her pussy had created. Tantalizingly slow, he pumped his finger through the tightness. Ariel squeaked with pleasure, but he felt her tensing up. “No, relax,” he commanded, whispering. Her muscles released a little, but not much. “Ariel, honey. Relax.”

She was moaning, matching his finger’s movement with her hips. “How?” she asked breathlessly, and as she did so her asshole began throbbing around his finger. Nick used his other hand to rub through the pressure in her lower back, sensually massaging her skin in waves with the heel of his palm. All the while, gently pulling his finger in thrusts, in and out of her asshole. When the moisture began to dry up, he leaned forward to let some of his spit drip down onto it. Below, her pussy was swelling up around her hole for him, leaking a pool of lust. He noticed the dimples in her lower back as his thumb trailed over them.

“How’s that feel?” he murmured, still sensually massaging her lower back. Ariel was relaxing for him now. She had tipped her head to the side and her mane was curtaining around her dainty brown shoulder. Her breathing eased into sighs now, and her lower back arched for him steeper. His finger slipped deeper into her ass with the movement. Ariel moaned desperately. “Shhh, babygirl.” But that only made her moan out an ,*”Oh.”*

Dusk was beginning to blanket them, quieting the neighborhood around them. Nick hadn’t been hearing the background noise anyway. All he was focused on was Ariel. His finger drifted down now, wiping through her juicy folds to circle her clit. She gasped quietly and began bucking her hips back. “No, no, no,” he corrected, grabbing her by the lovehandle to stop her movement. She moaned in protest.

“Please, Nick,” she begged softly. She must have known how weak he was for her. Because just that little breathless capturing of his name softened him. He took two fingers and padded at her pussy hole, feeling how ripe it was for him now. And the sight of his two fingers squeezing their way into it, the way it clung to the insertion… his cock was painfully rigid.

“Babygirl?” he asked, quietly, still working her tight pussy open.

“Mmm?” she moaned, he could see her eyes were closed, she was completely enveloped in what he was doing to her.

“I’m gonna have you sit on my cock.” Nick was gentle with the news, slowly withdrawing his fingers and watching as her hole sprung back into the same tightness. “C’mon,” he whispered, rubbing her ass now.

“Wait,” she objected quietly and turned to face him. He raised an eyebrow and she pursed her lips. “What if… uhm, what if I… if it’s too big,” she waited another moment to finish, mustering up the courage he guessed. “And I bleed?”

Nick gave her a confused look before it dawned on him. Oh. She’d never had sex before. “Hmm,” he started. That wasn’t such an illegitimate concern. Nick knew he was very well-endowed, and for a virgin she very well could be… not open enough to fit all of him. He looked down at her and then he had an idea. “Here,” he commanded, turning her back around so that her ass was facing him again. “Sit back.” It was a whisper, and she looked over her shoulder at him worriedly before she obeyed. “Sit back,” he reiterated more firmly. She sunk down, with his guidance, onto the gear shift. “Easy, go slow,” he instructed, then her mouth fell ajar as the gear shift stretched her pussy open and entered her.

“*Oh, ohhh*… my god….” she panted, completely sitting down on it. For a moment she just sat there, not moving, breath labored.

“Good girl,” Nick whispered, swiping her hair away from her neck to curl his hand around her throat, gently. Guiding her by the throat, she moved up and down the gear shift’s shaft. She was panting gently with every pull of her hips upward. Her head fell back, chocolate brown her falling onto his chest. He grinned at her encouragingly, pressing a kiss into her temple and she looked up to him with her eyes almost rolled back into her head. Ariel made some kind of bucking movement and it shifted the car into neutral. Nick’s foot slammed down on the break before it could drift into the bumper in front of them. Ariel hadn’t even noticed, and the teacher chuckled. She was beginning to get a little faster with it, and that’s when he decided she was ready. “Okay,” he stopped her just as she was about to sit back down. It exited her pussy with a slurp, and he looked down to see how slick it was after she’d leaned away. Her juices were dripping down it. He capped the gear with his hand and pulled it back into park, not minding the slickness that was left on his palm.

“You’re ready,” Nick told Ariel and slid his seat back to make room for her to climb on top of him. He began undoing his pants. The man’s cock was dense and solid, and he picked it up for her, setting it straight so that she could take a seat. “C’mon,” he demanded. “Sit.” But she was looking up at him with doe-eyes, so wildly nervous it shone through her gaze. He reached out to hold her face tenderly. “It’s not going to hurt now.” She was still apprehensive, chewing on the inside of her cheek. “We’ll have a safe word,” Nick offered. “If I start hurting you, you say… pineapple.”

Ariel studied him for a moment, but then she seemed to give into her desires after looking at his stiff cock, waiting there for her. She nodded, pushed off her bottoms, and used his shoulders to steady herself on the climb to straddle him.

With Ariel sitting in his lap, Nick’s shaft rubbed up into her folds, bare and hot. He couldn’t control the groan that rumbled in his throat. They were both throbbing intensely against each other. “Take your time,” he encouraged gruffly, though his mind was blurring with the need to feel her walls around it.

“Okay,” she whispered.

Their eyes locked and didn’t stray. She tilted onto her thighs a bit and Nick reached under to lift his cock upright again for her, dragging it up her pussy as he did so. He felt her shiver at the pleasure. “It’s gonna be okay,” he promised.

And then she was descending down.

The head of his cock parted her swollen lips, and she hovered for a moment, looking to him for reassurance. And once she got it, Ariel started sinking back. Nick’s cock plunged into her, gradually, stretching open her hole even further. Just as it’d done a few moments ago, Ariel’s pussy gripped his cock, clinging to it. She bore down on him, impaling herself with the thickened shaft, and Nick embraced her. His arms wrapped around her securely, holding her to his chest. He was grunting in drawn out frequencies, trying desperately not to thrust. This was her moment. He wasn’t going to take that from her.

Her pussy was maddeningly tight around his member. He could feel her pulse beat against his cock through her swollen walls. And again, for several moments after she’d completely sunken down, she sat there, getting used to the feeling of Nick’s cock filling her up. Nick swallowed, trying to keep his composure. One hand found the teenager’s face and he cradled her cheek, staring deeply into her eyes while she slowly began arching her back, to drag him slowly out of her. And then back down again. Over and over until they reached a momentum that made them both feel like they were on fire. Nick kissed Ariel deeply, holding her face in his hands as she rode him. She was gasping with every new bound back in. His cock throbbed against her cervix and when he dropped his hands, they found her hips and began guiding her. A grinding motion that allowed the head of his cock to rub into her cervix gently. She was contracting down around him now, but he didn’t fault his pace. Steady… Rhythmically. He couldn’t get any deeper now. Her squeezing was getting erratic and he was pushing with more force every time she drove her hips down. Her fingers were wound up in his hair, dainty hands holding his face lovingly. She was matching his pace now, and they were both breathing harmoniously, heavy and labored with pleasure. And then suddenly her whole body clenched up. Her arms wrapped completely around his neck, her head fell atop of his and she screamed out, her walls explosively bearing down around his cock, vacuuming it deep and locking it within her. Nick’s balls tightened abruptly and before he could try to pull out, the surge of raw gratification overtook him. He pumped his cum into her cervix, holding her fixed against him. It flooded out of his cock in pumps. He felt it leak down the teenager’s walls, ready to dribble out as soon as he exited.

Ariel relaxed heavily against him, resting her face in the crook of his neck. They were silent, and they didn’t move. Nick’s palm rubbed comfortingly up and down her back. Several minutes passed before he realized his shirt was damp.

*Oh.* “You’re crying…” he acknowledged softly, making comforting gestures by drawing circles into her back with his thumb, and smoothing down her hair.

She sniffled into his shoulder, mumbling into the fabric, somehow still so sweetly. “I’m sorry.”

“Why are you apologizing?” Nick asked soothingly. He could imagine how deeply emotional this experience just had been for her.

Ariel pulled back from his shoulder to shift away. His cock slipped out of her, and she wiped at her cheeks with the backs of her hands. “I’m sorry,” she repeated, a little steadier this time. And before he could prompt for more she was climbing out of his lap, pulling her bottoms back on again. “I… I’ll make sure I study tonight,” she promised, though he hadn’t asked. Nick was quiet, unsure of what to say so he just fixed his appearance, until she went to get out of the car.


She stopped, avoiding eye contact with him.

He hesitated. “Get some sleep.”

Nick’s drive home in the dark was silent.



  1. “Make sure you don’t fall in love with me” when Nick said that I kept thinking it’ll be the other way around?

    Thank you so much! How often do you update?

  2. I look forward to every part! One of my favorite series on this sub. Looking forward to part 5! Great job

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