My [f]irst threesome!! [MMF]

So my new years resolution/ bucketlist item got checked last weekend!

I have been single for about a year now after a 9 year relationship, that ate up most of my 20s, so I feel Im entitled to have a little fun and before I settle again I want to experience as much as possible. One thing I have always wanted to do was a threesome but, at the risk of sounding snobby or arrogant, I have very high standards and only fuck people I find really hot. Also I didnt want a threesome with two strangers as I would be worried for my safety (yep. Being a woman sucks sometimes). And I didnt want to have sex with friends because awkward.

So last weekend the stars aligned and I bumped into some friends while I was at a bar. They had been drinking wine all day at some vineyards and I had been on the beer from about 4pm and was actually just about to go home when their group crashed into the bar. I was happy to see them so decided to stay a little longer. Among the group was my friend’s new neighbour we had hung out with the weekend before (Armenian and cute, if a little short) and one of her best friends from out of town (Austrian, blond, sailor). After lots of chats and more beer the bar was closing and the guys suggested we go somewhere else, a friend of mine (who doesn’t know me so well and is not familiar with my sexcapades) felt they were being pushy with me and I was like girl…. I can handle this ;)

I opened my google maps to see what bars were open near by and this cool bar was close by so I looked up. “How open minded are you guys?” I asked. I explained the bar, that it was a place you could go for a drink but it was S&M themed and you can have sex, watch sex, or simply have a beer and enjoy the ambience. They were up for it so I left with the two of them (my friends had gone home earlier). They loved the bar (If you want to look it up, its called SMart Cafe Vienna) and the sailor dude was excited, I found out from my friend later he has been aching to explore that kind of thing. He went to look in the back room, basically a classy S&M dungeon fully equipped, and came back and was like “Wanna go in?” The three of us looked at each other for a sec and then I was like “sure!” grabbed my stuff and started heading towards the back room. When inside the Armenian came at me and started making out with me and before I knew it I was naked and getting fucked hard on the couch, and then the leather bed in the middle of the room. The sailor had gone to get more beer and joined in when he came back, I was a little drunk so the details are a bit blurry but it was a blur of bodies, mouths, hands and cocks. Once we finished up there and went back to sit and finish our drinks the Armenian suggested we go back to his so we jumped in a taxi. Im sitting in the back of the taxi, drunk, between these two hot guys thinking all my christmases have come at once.

Back at his we get naked again and by now Im sobering up and really getting into it. We were fucking for hours, my favourite parts were getting fucked from behind by the sailor while I sucked the Armenians cock, he kept watching me and he was so cute a few times I had to stop sucking and just smile at him, he would smile back. Later I was riding him on his couch while the sailor stood beside and pushed his cock into my mouth, barking orders at me as to how to suck it (and I LOVE dominant men in bed) and the combination of riding the Armenians huge cock, and the sailor ordering me to suck his cock I came, really hard. Eventually the sun came up and I was exhausted I went looking for the Armenians bed and we called it a night. The sailor went back to my friend’s house, I later found out from her that he rocked up to her door at 6am looking shattered, and told her “I just had the craziest night of my life” which I cant help but feel really proud of!!

I fell asleep with the Armenian and we fucked a few more times in the morning before I went home. He tried to put his number in my phone and talked about seeing me again. I played dumb and said “Of course you’ll see me again! Im always at [friend]’s house across the road!” He was like no I mean we should hang out… together. I laughed it off and made a quick exit. Im dating someone else (someone who Im crazy about and is not just sex) and I dont have time for dating more than 1 person.

My friend and her girlfriend were dying to hear the details because the sailor had told them bits and pieces of what happened, and apparently I got a pretty good review ;)

I’m hoping that there will be another chance to do this again, maybe all of us a little more sober so we can enjoy it even more.
