Once upon a time, in a land of myth and dragon… [M/F] [fantasy]

Chapter 1

Once upon a time, in a land of dragons and myth, a bedraggled Adventurer met with a wealthy Collector, who sought a priceless treasure.

The Collector, who had already sent six brave adventurers to their demise in search of this treasure, and who did not intend to disclose this information to Adventurer Number Seven, told the Adventurer of a mythic library:

"Many centuries ago," the Collector said, as if he had rehearsed it at least six times, "there lived a beautiful and wealthy noblewoman who loved a gentle scholar. She traveled to the ends of the Earth to find one-of-a-kind ancient scrolls and handwritten tomes and priceless letters and plays and manuscripts, all to prove her love to the scholar, and built for her lover the most grandiose library the world has ever seen! It was talked about the world over.

"But the scholar spurned the noblewoman, and married a wealthier heiress. Grief-stricken and full of revenge, the noblewoman fled to her library. There she had built a secret: a wing, accessible only by secret passage, full of hundreds of volumes on black magic. She tore through the library voraciously, haphazardly attempting to cast spells the likes of which history can only imagine.

"What we do know is this: she ripped the entire library from this mortal plane and hid it away in the world of spirits. However, to satiate her senseless lust for revenge, once a month on the new moon, the library appears again in its original location in the mortal realm, guarded by a fearsome demon that devours the hearts of men. Countless scholars have been lured within in search of knowledge; few have survived." Zero, to be exact, but the Collector thought it best not to mention this. "Which is why I have readied for you a potion, that will render the demon paralyzed long enough for you to collect my treasure and leave."

The Adventurer, though earnestly interested in the story of the spurned noblewoman, had become distracted chewing his fingernails somewhere around the part about the secret passage. Tuning back in he heard something vaguely troubling about a demon and a potion, and he nodded, feigning understanding. "And what is the treasure you seek?" the Adventurer asked.

"A book, of course," the Collector replied.

A short while later, the Adventurer was on his way, for the new moon was that night. He had moments before departed on the Collector's fastest horse when the Apothecary, whitefaced and out of breath, ran up to the Collector's mansion and banged urgently on the door.

The Collector opened his door to see the Apothecary staring grimly after the Adventurer, a mere dot in the distance now.

"I"m afraid I gave you the wrong potion."

Chapter 2

The journey was not especially long or dangerous, but it led the Adventurer far from any traces of civilization, and at dusk he found himself waiting in an abandoned, withering garden that had grown over its own towering walls some centuries ago. While it was certainly big enough to have once held a massive library, the Adventurer was skeptical that a real, brick-and-mortar building was going to appear before him just because the moon was dark. But the Collector had been confident, and more confident still in the vial of red liquid the Adventurer now wore around his neck.

Soon the adventurer realized he was not alone. A stocky knight in fine armor and his young squire had set up camp within the garden walls. The knight, who proudly, and often in the third person, called himself Sir Arthure, spotted the Adventurer first, and called out to him: "Who goes there? Friend or foe? Sir Arthure demands that you name yourself!"

"Novid," the Adventurer replied blandly. He didn't like the way the nobleman spoke down to him, but he forced a smile nevertheless. "Friend. Have you, too, come here seeking the Lost Library of…" He paused. The library did have a name, didn't it? He should have listened more closely.

"Of course we have!" Sir Arthure replied, before the Adventurer could reveal his own ignorance. "Sir Arthure has come to slay the demon that haunts this accursed place and claim its knowledge for the King! Huzzah!"

"Huzzah," muttered the Adventurer, sure that these two would make this adventure a lot more trouble than it had to be.

"New friend, will you join us in our quest?" asked the squire, a bright-eyed, dark-haired young man who radiated innocence and blind worship of the knight beside him.

"Of course," Novid replied, cursing his inability to disappoint even strangers.

Night fell. The air had become permeated with a sweet, earthy scent; the Adventurer thought of spiced coffee. The thought of hot coffee, and its unfortunate absence, made the night seem somehow more chilly, and the Adventurer began to feel sleepy. The library had not appeared yet, and though Sir Arthure and his unnamed squire stood vigilantly in wait, Novid began to doze. The air had a soft, misty quality about it, he thought as his eyelids began to droop…

The loud creak of a door woke him. His eyes shot open. Before him now towered a massive, castle-like building. Standing at the foot of it he couldn't make out how tall it was: it rose right up into the clouds, which suddenly seemed to hang unnaturally low and heavy.

Every window in the castle was brighly lit, and the huge wooden doors hung open as if to invite the travelers inside. Somewhere beyond the threshold of the opened doors seemed to be the source of the sweet, warm smell, and the Adventurer felt an almost overwhelming need to follow it. His instincts railed sharply against this. Clutching the vial that hung around his neck, Novid felt a sudden temptation to forget the money and turn around.

"Jasper will watch our horses," Sir Arthure announced, before Novid could voice his doubts. So the squire did have a name. "Come, new friend, let us face this foe! Look how the library invites us in. Already it seems to sense the worthiness of Sir Arthure!" Sword drawn, Arthure charged forth into the library, pulling Novid along by the elbow.

As they entered the hall, the doors crashed shut behind them.

Chapter 3

There was no ceiling; there were no walls.

There were only books.

The shelves, lit by torches glowing an eerie shade of yellow-green, climbed higher than Novid's eyes could make out. Ladders that stretched up alongside the shelves until they, too disappeared seemed to be the only way to reach the top shelves, if they could truly be reached at all. The Adventurer began to worry that finding the book that the Collector required would not be as easy as he had imagined.

"Do you like my books?"

Though the voice was soft, it seemed to ring out from everywhere at once. Novid looked around wildly, trying to find its source. It was a woman's voice, curious and teasing and dangerous all at once.

"Yes, my lady!" Sir Arthure replied, undaunted. "Sir Arthure has come to rescue you and your collection of knowledge from the wretched demon that curses this place!"

Novid was flabberghasted. The Collector hadn't said anything about a lady in need of rescuing on the premises–had he known? The situation seemed suddenly more complicated, but Novid also wasn't certain that this damsel was the one in distress.

"You wish to pilfer my library," the woman's voice accused.

"We are seekers of knowledge," Novid replied, before Arthure could say anything shortsighted.

"Seekers of knowledge?" The voice seeed to soften. "Then come forth, seekers; follow my voice. I will help you."

"This is a bad idea–" the Adventurer started, but Arthure still hadn't released his elbow, and was suddenly pulling him in the direction the voice seemed to be coming from. The gargantuan shelves that rose overhead formed a sort of labyrinth that was hard to navigate, but soon they reached what must have been the center of the library.

In the center was an empty space; no shelves, but rather, an ornate table lit by candelabra. A young woman sat alone, sipping coffee, but she rose as they approached.

She was gorgeous; pale, lithe, and wearing very little. Her floorlength skirt was made of a sparkling, sheer, gauzy material, with slits on either side that creeped up to the top of her thighs. Bare white toes peeked out from under the fabric. Her bust was covered, but only just, by a bustier made of pearls, or polished shells, it was hard to tell in the candlelight. Her hair was whiteblonde and, thrown over her shoulder in a fat braid, reached all the way to her belly. Some hair fell loosely about her face, brushed fetchingly off to one side; her gray eyes surveyed Sir Arthure and company serenely.

"Seekers of knowledge," she said again, almost fondly. She waved a hand, beckoning them forward. Sir Arthure sheathed his sword and released Novid, aproaching the woman without hesitation and bending down on one on knee.

"Milady," the knight said. She offered him her hand, but when he moved to kiss it, her delicate white fingernails transformed suddenly into long, black talons. With one fluid motion, she reached into Arthure's chest, plucked out his heart, and raised it to her mouth. Her full, heartshaped mouth opened into a razor sharp grin before her teeth, now fangs, bit down into his still-beating heart. Arthure was still staring at her, gasping "Milady–" as the blood spurted down her chin. As he slumped to the ground, she swallowed his heart in three quick bites. Then she cast her gray eyes–no, they were red now!–on the Adventurer.

She had transformed. Her ears were pointed, and had grown some inches, and two smallish black horns, curling like a ram's, had sprouted from the top of her head. Her skin seemed to glow like hot embers now, a luminescent burnt red, but her hair looked whiter than ever.

No, Novid realized, this was no damsel in distress. The demon guarding this library was a she-demon. Acting quickly, he grabbed the vial from around his neck, uncorked it, and tossed it at her bare feet. There was a great puff of red smoke, and the she-demon began to shreik hideously.

Chapter 4

"No! No! What have you done to me?" the she-demon screamed as the smoke cleared. She crawled toward Novid on her hands and knees, blood still dripping from her chin, her face contorted as if in pain.

The Adventurer winced to see her suffering written so plainly on her face… even if she was about to eat his heart. "You, uh, should just be paralyzed for–some time, I'm not sure really, I, uh, forgot to ask…"

But the she-demon wasn't paralyzed, he realized with slow growing horror. She was still crawling shakily toward him, her breasts nearly spilling from her bloodsoaked bustier as she writhed.

Novid was frozen to the spot. Run, his mind told him, but his eyes stayed glued to hers. Even in her transformed state she was beautiful, like staring into a flame…

And suddenly she was at his feet, clawing at his ankles, using his clothes to climb to her own feet. Novid tried to step back, out of her grip, but before he knew it she was once again standing, her face inches from his, her fangs bared. "No–" Novid choked, but before he could gasp another word, his mouth was filled with the taste of blood, and the she-demon's tongue.

Chapter 5

Novid had never been kissed like this before. She was ravenous, searching his body with her clawed fingers, but with surprising gentleness. I'm going to die, he thought, but her talons never scraped him close enough to tear through his clothes, let alone tear out his heart. Her tongue prodded his eagerly, and despite his premonitions of death, the Adventurer found his body responding as she pressed against him.

"I love you," she gasped suddenly, and Novid froze. I love you. I love you? Did he hear that correctly? Then she was kissing him again, running her fingers through his hair, and he was losing himself, his temperature rising.

But something was wrong – something besides the corpse sprawled on the floor barely ten feet away. This was not the way the encounter with this demon was supposed to go. The potion should have paralyzed her–the potion… The potion! Understanding dawned on Novid and he pushed the gorgeous she-demon away from him abruptly.

"It was a love potion," he blurted, fully aware that he might be speaking his last words. "I didn't know. You're enchanted–you don't really want this."

The she-demon didn't seem to care. She grabbed his shirt collar and pulled him toward herself with startling force. Her arms snaked around him, and she pulled at the fabric of his shirt, beginning to undress him. The Adventurer felt his skin growing hot as she exposed his chest. Her open lips found his shoulder, then his throat, until her kisses made their way up to his left ear. Her tongue swirled around the rim of his ear, then darted briefly into it, sending an involuntary shudder of lust down Novid's spine.

"This is wrong," he said through shaky breaths, his hands balled into fists at his side. "I don't even like to kiss a girl who's had too many drinks, let alone… one that's been… enchanted."

The she-demon was running one of her long, black nails over his chest as he spoke. As he came to the end of his sentence, she suddenly increased the pressure, so much that a small stripe of blood appeared across his pectoral. "Take me," she said sweetly, though her voice had a steely edge to it, "and I promise I won't eat your heart."

Chapter 6

Novid swallowed nervously. "You drive a hard bargain," he whispered. But enchanted or not, everyone knew that a demon couldn't renege on a deal. Common sense–and his rapidly stiffening cock–told him that he would be a fool not to accept her terms. It made his conscience twinge, though, and just because she promised not to eat his heart didn't mean she couldn't find some other, more creative way of inflicting death upon him once the love potion wore off.

Would it wear off? The Adventurer had studied under an apothecary briefly in his youth (he had been expelled from his studies after testing the recreational value of one too many potions), and he had learned enough to know there were two kinds of love potions. The temporary sort, that lasted only a few hours, used for short-term seductions or terrible practical jokes, and… the permanent kind. Both were highly illegal in practically all cultures, but obviously, that didn't stop their circulation.

The she-demon licked at the blood seeping from the shallow cut. She moaned, as if she were savoring some sweet chocolate delicacy, or truly appreciating a fine wine. "Seeker of knowledge," she said again, her fingers moving to unfasten his pants. "I will show you what I have learned."

She slipped his trousers from his hips and grinned with delight to see him already hard. Before Novid could process what was happening she was on her knees before him. She kissed it first, with surprising tenderness, before she began to run her tongue up and down along his shaft. Hers was no ordinary tongue, Novid realized; it was especially long, and… prehensile. Now it was his turn to moan. "Yes," he gasped, his hands moving involuntarily to grasp her horns. This seemed to please the she-demon, and she wrapped her lips around the head of his cock before plunging it deep into her throat.

"Oh, gods!" Novid found himself losing control. He began to thrust into her mouth, feeling his cock slide tightly into the back of her throat, over and over. Did demons have gag reflexes? She was taking it with relish either way, her eyes–they were gray again, though the rest of her demon transformation had remained intact–shining. Her mouth was wet and hot and she was taking him right down to the base. Before he knew what was happening, he felt a powerful orgasm rise within him. He pulled her face into him by the horns with one final thrust before his cum exploded into her throat. She moaned and began to swallow at once. The Adventurer felt weak in the knees as she slowly slid her lips off of his sticky cock, smiling ear to ear. He let go of her horns.

"I love you," she said again, rising to her feet and bringing her lips to his. In his post-orgasmic haze he nearly repeated it back to her, but at the last second he thought better of it.

"Thankyou," he blurted instead. The Adventurer returned the kiss without hesitation this time, and his hands began to wander.

Chapter 7

The she-demon was delighted by his touch; she squirmed and giggled girlishly, gasping into their kisses, staring into his eyes with the full light of the love she claimed. "You're beautiful," she whispered in disbelief, when he pulled away to pant quickly for breath. "Your eyes are as dark and shining as the night."

"No, I'm not," Novid argued weakly, his mouth searching involuntarily for hers and drawing her into yet another long kiss. His fingers began to stray beneath the beaded fabric of her bustier, until they finally found her already hardened nipples, which only seemed to delight her. Her glowing red skin was fading back into its original ivory, Novid realized as he caressed her. All at once she was moaning and clawing at him; he wasted no time in finding the clasps on the back of her top and hastily undoing them. Thus freed, her pale, pert breasts gleamed by candlelight before him, perfectly pink at their tips. Novid found himself growing erect again as his eyes surveyed her, though he had come only moments before.

"Please," he murmurerd, kissing her again as his hands found her breasts and squeezed them with urgent force. "Tell me your name." He relinquished her breasts momentarily, just long enough to grab her hips and press them against his, before returning his thumbs and forefingers back to her stiff, pink nipples.

The she-demon cried out worldlessly, and he thrusted against her again. "Tell me your name," he whispered again with a gentle pinch.

"Zenobia," she moaned into his ear. "My name is Zenobia."

Zenobia…? Why did that sound familiar? Suddenly, a bell seemed to ring in Novid's mind. The Lost Library of Zenobia ­- that was the part he could never remember. This was not just a she-demon before him: this was the lady of the library, the scorned noblewoman who had dedicated her life to this collection of knowledge.

"I love you," the she-demon added, and the Adventurer felt a sudden rush of pity; a certain weight of responsibility; the inkling that perhaps he could right a wrong. Even if he only had a few hours to live.

"I love you, too," Novid uttered at last, kissing her again, long and hard, before he sank to his knees before her. His fingers abandoned her eager breasts to lift her skirt above his head. He relished the sparkling gauze above him; he relished even more the realization that his lady wore nothing underneath. A soft, sparse smattering of whiteblonde hair greeted him on her pubic mound; he ran his fingers through it tenderly before bringing his tongue between her legs with sudden force and greed.

Zenobia cried out. She found her hips bucking violently, until Novid had lowered himself down onto his back and she sat spreadeagled on his face. He explored her thoroughly with his tongue, studying her the way a musician might study his instrument, experimenting to see what motion produced what sound–a gasp, a moan, a high-pitched giggle? She was marvelously responsive, and when she began to tug at his hair and and quietly beg for something she couldn't seem to name, he knew she was close.

Eager to please, the adventurer continued his long, probing kiss, his enthusiasm increasing steadily with the volume of her pleas. Suddenly, her body jolted; her knees snapped closed around his face, her nails dug into his scalp, and she threw back her head and screamed with the full force of her lungs. She began to squirm away, but Novid grabbed her by the hips and continued his feast, prolonging her screams until her body was quivering all over. Finally, his mouth released her, and his hands guided her pelvis down until it was just above his. He felt the head of his cock–harder than it had ever been, surely–brush against the slick wetness of her sex. A sudden instinct overtook him, a dire need, and before the she-demon even had the chance to finish up her scream, he thrusted deeply into her.

Too starved for air to utter another scream, Zenobia choked out a silent but ecstatic exclamation. Her face glowed with the thrill of feeling him enter her, and at once they became entangled, rolling around on the bloody floor in a sudden power struggle. Novid wanted desperately to be on top, to hold her down and fuck her as hard as he physically could; Zenobia clearly had notions of doing much the same to him. She would let him have his way for a minute or two, but she was too strong to be held down if she didn't want to be, and he kept finding himself on his back again. At last he succumbed; now he was the one moaning as she raised and lowered herself over the length of his shaft, over and over again, bringing him to the edge once more. He was seeing stars, a sudden glint of silver–


With an instinctive, instantaneous reflex, the Adventurer grabbed the she-demon and rolled over, pressing her against the ground. The blade whizzed just overhead, where Zenobia's neck had moments ago been, and Novid looked up to see a pale, wild-eyed Jasper standing over them with sword in hand.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" both men shouted at each other in unison.

"I heard screaming!" Jasper cried, pointing erratically with his sword until he found Arthure's body. "She–she killed him! And you–in his blood, oh, god–"

The Adventurer didn't have time to wonder why he had to protect Zenobia, but damn it, he had to protect Zenobia. He scrambled toward his discarded clothes, found his own sword, and was on his feet in a matter of seconds. "Unhand your weapon," Novid commanded, poking the end of his blade into Jasper's chest.

"She killed him!" the squire barked once again, but he dropped his sword with a clang on the cold, hard floor.

They stood like that, frozen to the spot, staring at each other in tense silence. So focused were they on their standoff that neither man noticed Zenobia rise casually to her feet and stroll around them until she was standing directly behind Jasper. Novid saw her at last, but before his brain could process the information, she gave the squire a good, hard shove–directly into Novid's sword.

Jasper's expression was one of shock. Blood began to spread across his chest, and he crumpled to the floor. The Adventurer stared at him, wide-eyed, then he looked back up at Zenobia.

She was smiling.

"Now," she cooed. "Where were we, my love?"

To be continued…

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/33lp0h/once_upon_a_time_in_a_land_of_myth_and_dragon_mf


  1. holy crap was this good! I was sooooo turned on! I love your writing style; i felt like i was practically there watching the two go at it. Novid’s reluctancy, Zenobia’s insane lust…the whole mystery with the library thing is really intriguing too! WRITE MORE!

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