Your are mine [MF] [playful day at home]

This is my first ever attempt (please be gentle, but definitely seeking feedback)
You are mine
It’s been a pretty ordinary day. We’ve just been hanging around at home, getting things we need to do done. Of course, it’s been our usual amount of fun and frivolity, plenty of playfulness. You’ve been on the receiving end of a slap on your butt numerous times. As usual, you roll your eyes and act with mock shock and we giggle. I still love the feel of your ass in my hand, whether it’s a gentle little grab or a firm grab where I knead the flesh of your ass between my fingers. Your body still awakens a multitude of ‘inappropriate’ and carnal thoughts in me. And as this day went on, watching you saunter around the house in your cute little summer dress hasn’t made my thoughts any different. I’ve indulged in looking at the top of your breasts, their soft supple flesh proudly bouncing out the top of your dress. Watched your legs, silky smooth from their recent waxing session… which of course reminds me of where else has been waxed, and how it looks and feels… and tastes. And all our teasing and flirting and playfulness, mixed with my feelings and intense desire for all of you has got me with something in mind.
I walk into the bedroom where you have been doing something, and as you walk past me to exit the room, I grab your wrist and spin you back towards me, and step in so that we are face to face. You giggle a little, and then your eyes widen as you see the look in mine. You still smile though. Without giving you a chance to speak I lean forward and kiss you. Hard. Our lips pressed together, I can sense that you were only expecting a light kiss, but my lips are firm against yours, and very quickly you respond by kissing me just as firmly. Your arms hang limp beside your body, caught off guard as we continue to kiss. I feel your breasts against my chest, and our lips part as our tongues decide to explore. You gently run the tip of your tongue over my lips as we kiss. My tongue darts out to brush against yours. As we kiss, there are moments when our lips are not touching, just our tongues softly yet passionately brushing each other. My hands are on you, on your arms holding you close to me. You feel me pressed against your nipples, which are now getting hard. You inhale my aftershave, the one you love that you bought for me. My fingers hold you firmly as we kiss. You can see I’m a man on a mission and it amuses you. As we kiss, you feel my hard cock press against you, fitting snugly against the softness of your pussy through your dress and undies. My hands have now slid down your back to slyly lift your dress, and my hands are grabbing at your firm ass as we kiss hard. My cock pressing against you, rubbing… you have opened your legs a little to accommodate me, and you are rocking your hips to meet mine. My fingers are kneading your ass, stretching further towards the centre. You feel me pulling your ass cheeks apart, spreading them which brings back so many memories of moments of vulnerability with me. The physical feeling of having your ass cheeks spread like that is delightful in itself.
I break from our kissing and look at you. And you giggle, amused by my forcefulness. “Don’t you fucking laugh”, I calmly and deliberately say. An involuntary smile comes to your lips, which you quickly get under control as you realise that I’m not playing. (Well, playing as we often do, but not playing in the mood for giggles.)
I spin you around, facing away from me, but I pull you back against me. My cock slides right between your ass cheeks, and you can feel how aroused I am. I lift your arms above your head, as I nestle my face on your shoulder. My hands slide up the side of your dress, fingers spread wide so that I can cover as much of you as possible. I kiss you on the cheek, a heavy, desirous kiss. My kisses trace your neck, up towards your ear, as my hands slide onto your belly, and make their way higher and higher. You tilt your head back and lean back against me, feeling perfectly safe as my hands continue to range over you, inching higher up your torso. It’s like a gentle calm before the storm, our hips pressed together tightly, both still fully clothed, but now both eagerly anticipating whatever is to come next…
I push you from your position of reclining against me to standing up right, and quickly, roughly, I lift your dress up over your head and off you. You gasp at how rapidly I’ve removed it. But before you have too much time to think about it, I grab your arms and pull you back against me. My hand gently grabs your hair and tilts your head back against my shoulder as I kiss and suck on your neck. You can feel my tongue on your skin, knowing I can taste the saltiness from the sweat. Your ass presses back against my hard cock which is straining against my shorts, and you slowly grind against me. My hands are again upon your body, but now on your bare skin. My finger tips range over your sides, up your arms, over your stomach. Occasionally, my hands grip your hips so that I can hold us tightly together, my cock twitching as it’s gripped by your ass. Our hips rock in time. Then you notice my hands being more direct, as they slowly travel up your body. Your head cradled in my shoulder, you close your eyes, as my finger tips find the centre of your torso, and trace it up, up to your sternum, and then to the centre of your bra. The finger tips of both my hands gently run along the underside of your bra, your skin there is so sensitive from being out of sight and covered most of the time, sensitive from too often being rubbed by your bra. My fingers on it feel delectable, almost ticklish. My fingers trace the bottom of your bra cup around to the top of it, now brushing against the soft flesh of your breast. I allow the backs of my fingers nails to barely trace over your skin, causing goose bumps all over you. I continue to kiss the nape of your neck as you, almost unconsciously, grind your ass into me.
Suddenly, I roughly pull the cup of your bra down over your breasts, exposing them. I leave it untidily shoved down just below them, stretching the straps down and over your shoulders. Without hesitation, my hands grasp the soft flesh of them. I groan as I feel the soft flesh between my fingers. I cup both of them in my strong hands, and allow my palms to brush against your nipples which are hard and sensitive to my touch. My fingers knead the base of your breasts, as I try to control the shape of my and to teasingly graze your nipples. Your knees almost buckle at the sensation, But I hold you against me tightly. Unable to help my self any longer, I take your nipples in my finger tips, rolling them between my fingers and thumbs. The tips of my thumbs press against the tips of your nipples as my fingers squeeze them, gently but on the verge of pain. You gasp as I pull your nipples out from your breasts, and twist them roughly. You can sense the balance going on inside me as the animal in me struggles to keep control while my delight in your body and care for you ensures I never harm you. I grip your breasts in my fingers, and allow my fingers to gently flicker over your nipples, all the while I press my cock tightly into your ass. From time to time, I remove my hand from one of your breasts… but just briefly, long enough to wet the tip of my finger with my lips and bring it back to your nipple, circling around it. The wetness accentuates the coolness of the air of your nipple, reinforcing it’s hardness, before once again my hands are against it grinding it with my palm. You are in ecstasy. As am I.
Without warning, I spin you around to face me again. You see the desire in my eyes for you. Whilst trusting me perfectly, the danger of what you see scares you a little. But in a breathtakingly exciting way. You watch as I drink in the sight of your exposed breasts with my eyes. I lick my lips and bite my bottom lip. I adjust myself in my shorts, which doesn’t help to hide the hardness down there which excites you further. Slowly, I lower my head to your chest. You hold your breath. I want to take things slow and drive you wild with teasing, but I’m beginning to be overwhelmed with my hunger for you. With one hand on your lower back and the other on your side, I hold you in place, as my lips close around one of your nipples. You gasp again. My lips caress it, and my mouth opens a little, to allow my tongue to brush against it. Your nipple immediately stiffens another degree and I feel it hard against my tongue. I hold you firmly as your body buckles a little. My tongue traces around your nipples, alternating from each breast, sometimes tracing my tongue across your skin, savouring the feeling. I clamp my lips over your nipple, taking in much of your breast, and suck hard on it, creating a vacuum sensation on it. My hand snakes to the clip on your bra and effortlessly I undo it, letting it fall to the ground. My hand then travels back to your breast, and holds it tightly, as I grip your nipples gently but tightly between my lips, and I tug on it, causing you to gasp and moan. Next I use my teeth. The pain is exquisite, and you stretch on tippy toes as your body involuntarily tries to pull away, but your brain stops you from pulling away too much as you indulge in the sensation on my teeth biting your hard nipple. Your hand is on the back of my head, playing with my hair and holding me to your chest letting me know you want me to continue.
At this point you half snap out of your haze of lust, and realise that you want to feel how hard you’ve made me. You reach out with your hand, having to stretch to reach the hardness you know is in my shorts. But just as you’re about to make contact, I swiftly grab your wrist and pull your hand away. You make a noise of disapproval and go to touch me again, and I again grab your wrist. This time, I hold it tighter. Playfully, you try with your other hand, and I grab that as well, and forcefully, I move both your hand behind you as I continue to assault your chest with my mouth. You struggle with me, testing to see if I am just playing and will eventually release you and allow you to grab me. But I don’t. The firmness in my grip makes you realise that at this part, I’m not playing games. Even though, you have stopped struggling against me, my hands remain tight and firm around your wrists. The lack of control, so unusual for you, frustrates you momentarily but then heightens your excitement. My strength, controlling you yet being given for you, makes you shiver. With your hands restrained by me, I continue to kiss and lick and suck and nibble at your breasts at will. Your body sways as you struggle to remain focused on standing still.
Once more, just as you settle into enjoying what is happening I change things. Again, I move to stand behind you, letting go of your wrists, but tracing my fingers over your skin, as I turn you to face our bed. My finger tips gently caress your back and I watch you shiver and goose bumps appear again at the soft, almost ticklish feeling. As my hands roam, you look back over your shoulder, to catch me taking in your ass. Again you see me biting my lip. My finger tips softly and lightly brush your back, moving lower and lower and lower, till my finger tips are nudging the hem of your under pants. At this point, you know what comes next. More slow teasing as I inch my way inside your underpants, touching more and more of your ass, driving you crazy in the process. You love how I savour the journey of your skin, and the way you arrive to tease more as your pussy longs to be touched. Which you have been wanting since we started kissing! But instead of the slow tease today, I grab the sides of your underwear and roughly drag it down your legs. It catches you off guard and you feel it around your ankles before you realise what’s happening. You stand frozen for the briefest of moments, but enough that it makes me impatient, and I firmly pull the undies against your ankles indicating that I want them off, and you quickly but clumsily accommodate me. You can tell that even this momentary halt is a hurdle that I am not interested in. But once they are free of your feet, your underpants are thrown and are no longer of concern. All you know is that you are now standing totally naked, with your back to me. “Stay there” is all I say to you. You can hear me removing my clothes, but you can’t be sure what I’m taking off. In your mind you are hoping I am equalling your level of nakedness, but in the mood I’m in at the moment you can’t be sure. Then you can feel me standing very close to you. My breath on your neck. You go to turn your head back, but I quickly order you to “face the front”, and you obey.
You stand there, for what seems the longest time. Just feeling my breath on your neck, listening, trying to sense what comes next. I know you’re eager, but I wait longer. Not to be cruel, but to work on increasing our anticipation, both of us. Then, you feel my nipples brush against your back, causing you to gasp. I trace them against your smooth skin, they’re hard, from the cool air on my skin, but also from my desire for you. Next, something brushes the top of the back of your leg, the skin of your ass. You know what it is straight away. I had planned on holding off on it touching you, but with the state you’ve got me in, it’s a little hard to stand close to you without making my presence felt. Now that the tip of my cock has felt your skin against it, I want more. I grab your hips and pull you backwards, my cock finding the valley of your ass, and pushing up between your cheeks, as it’s forced upright as I pull you back against me. You groan. And now it’s my turn to gasp, as the pressure off your ass against my hardness brings me exquisite pleasure. I hold you against me, my hard chest, stomach and thighs pressed into your back. My thick cock now wedged between your ass cheeks. You tilt your head back, allowing more of your skin to touch more of mine. You feel me flexing and throbbing my cock against you, knowing the sensation sends shivers all over me. Finally we feel each others naked bodies pressed hard against each other. My hands wrap around your waist, again caressing your skin, as we stand in that moment.
I break our embrace, and back away. At first you are disappointed, until you feel me guiding the head of my cock to between your thighs. You can tell that I have it in my hand, as it is deliberately pushed between your ass cheeks and run down through them, down past your ass hole, and down towards your warm, wet opening. I can feel the heat from your pussy on the tip of my cock. And right now, you’re hoping for me to finally enter you. But, of course, I have other plans…
I pull away, and gently, but forcefully push your lower back, forcing you to bend at the waist. Unsure what I’m trying to achieve, you resist a little. But I use more weight, and causing you to have to put your hands on the bed in front of you to stop you from falling forward. And now you understand. You’re bent over, naked in front of me. My hands hold your hips, and I use my feet to force your feet further apart, spreading your legs wider. Right now, you are stuck there. If you don’t leave your hands supporting you, you’ll fall face first onto the bed. Now, all you can do is wait, ass up, legs spread, at my mercy.
You look back between your legs, and you see me drop to my knees behind you. Knowing that my face is right behind your ass and pussy stirs excitement within you. For the first time, you also get to see just how hard my cock has become, and you savour seeing it’s thickness and the feint ripples along it’s shaft. You glimpse the shiny head, still wet from it’s brief brush with your lips. I begin to kiss the back of your thighs, high, on sensitive skin, but just below the crease of your ass cheeks. I kiss, and run my tongue over your skin, and you adjust your feet a little as I move from one leg to the other, enjoying your flesh. My hands wrap around and hold the fronts of your thighs, gently squeezing and I continue my tasting session. My mouth wanders higher, and my kisses now fall on your soft cheeks, gentle kisses, caressing the white flesh. My tongue now also snakes out and I trace over your cheeks, inching ever closer to the crack running down the middle. My lips and tongue roam all over your ass, getting teasingly close to your ass crack which grows in sensitivity, the closer I get to it. At times, in the centre of your cheeks, I grab the flesh of your ass between my teeth, letting you feel the pressure of my teeth digging into your skin. It causes you to gasp, and instinctively move your hips forward away from the assault. But my hands hold you firmly in place, pulling you back into my mouth. Each time you pull away, I bite again, holding you in my mouth until I can feel you no longer resisting and trying to get away. Then my kisses and nibbles move down your cheeks, down and towards the centre. My tongue, hot and wet, traces around and under the curve of cheek, just above your thigh, that leads to your inner thigh. You tense as my tongue moves down here. You feel my face beginning to bump into your ass cheeks as my tongue strains to reach further around. And then… I pull my head back. My hands remain on your legs, feeling you trembling. I pause
My hands slide from the front of your thighs, to the inside, just above your knees, and I gently push your thighs out a bit further, opening up the space between the top of your thighs just a little further. And I slide my hands up your thighs. My grip is firm, almost painful, as I’m totally in control of your legs. They slide up till my thumbs are almost at the top of your thighs, and you feel me squeeze your upper thighs, knowing that my eyes are feasting on what I see. My fingers pull at your skin, and you can feel that it stretches all the way to your pussy, as you feel your lips part. An exquisite feeling. Then, I trace the tip of my tongue along the crease between your thigh and your more intimate parts, so close to your pussy, but not touching it. At the touch of my tongue you shudder. I slowly run my tongue along either side of your pussy, teasing you. You can feel my hot breath against the lips of your pussy. My tongue moves from right beside your clit, skirting past your lips, down towards your hole. You gasp and moan as I drive you wild. And then I pause. Waiting. For the longest time. Then, the tip of my tongue traces along the silky smooth inside of your lip. You gasp and shudder. Now not just the tip, but the top of my tongue laps against your lips, moving along one and then the other. As I slide it forward it parts your lips, and moves up until the tip teases your clit. I continue this action, sliding from your tight wet opening, just toying around the edges of it, up along your lips pressing hard against them and rising up. Snaking the tip of my tongue under the little hood over your clit. I feel it hard against my tongue and circle around it. You shake as every nerve on all sides of it are assaulted by my tender, wet tongue. At times, I press my face in hard against your ass cheeks, so I can press my tongue, hard and flat against your clit, grinding against. At other points, I tilt my head under you, so that I can gently grab your clit between my lips and tug on it, suck on it, lap at it. All the while, my fingers squeezing your thighs and ass cheeks, and opening you for me. My thumbs move to your wet opening, and I hold you open… and I stiffen my tongue, and plunge it into you. Hard. Your juices flood my mouth as I flicker my tongue inside you. Your hips buck and you push back against me. My nose is hard against your ass hole, as I move my tongue in and out of you, fucking you. I wiggle my tongue around inside you, feeling the inner edges of your sweet pussy and stimulating them. My tongue can’t get deep in you, but it is such a different feeling to my fingers or my cock. Plus, the knowledge of how intimately my mouth and face is placed in you drives your mind wild. You feel so vulnerable and yet so safe. That is, at least in between the moments when all you can feel is intense stimulation shooting up from your pussy.
I break from your pussy, for a moment to catch my breath. I am so desperate in my desire to taste you and pleasure you that I get carried away and easily lose my breath. Truth be told, it heightens my pleasure. I notice now, that during this tongue fucking, your arms have collapsed, and you are face down on the bed, ass up in the air. I can see how heavy your breathing is, and the beginnings of sweat upon your skin. I se you’re at the point of wanton abandon, desperate foe more. And more is what I want to give you. Without warning, I grab your ass cheeks firmly, one in each hand, and I spread them wide. I’m looking right at your tight little asshole, which as always, makes you a little self-conscious. You’re on the verge of blushing at being so violated, when all you feel, is the flat of my tongue, lick right over that tight little hole. You moan, and tense, but I don’t stop. Again, I lick across your asshole, wet tongue applying pressure to it as it passes over. Then you feel the tip of my tongue, gently touch against it. I can sense by the way your body reacts that your brain is in overdrive. Not sure if you should be enjoying this or not, thinking you should feel dirty, and yet craving the next touch against this art of your body so often neglected. The tip of my tongue wiggles around the edges of it. It’s all so new, but you trust me, you never expected it to feel the way it does. A tiny part in your brain thanks yourself that you had paid particular attention to cleaning yourself in the shower, and you wonder if the cleanness of it is just encouraging me even more. You may never know. And now again, I’m making my tongue stiff, but not to fuck your pussy this time. You feel the tip of my tongue against your opening, not soft and pliable, but this time hard and intrusive. You feel the tip find the centre of you, and I start to apply a little pressure. It’s so tight, and your nervousness makes you unintentionally tighter, but I persevere, just gently bobbing against your resistance. That gentle, tiny feeling is mind blowing for you. You don’t even need anything further. Just feeling the constant pressure against your hole, a gentle stretching, and then relief, stretch then relief. You’re not sure, but you think you might even be able to cum this way some time. And maybe we will get to that one day, but not today. I decide to end this, and I end it with one long lick across your ass hole.
At this point I stand again, and look at you. Face down in the mattress, taking the full weight of your upper body, gingerly supported by your arms which are loosely folded above your head. Your legs, knees slightly bent inwards, struggling to maintain your position due to the trembling they have endured. I gently run my hands over your ass cheeks, feeling the warmth coming off you. And then you sense me step in close. I take my throbbing cock in my hand and guide the tip to between your legs. The next thing you feel is my head brushing against your wet lips. You sigh at the touch. I start at what is the top, for the way you are standing, your wet opening, and gently push my head to your lips, and then I guide it along your silky smooth lips, as the tip slides towards your clit and the shaft follows, parting your lips on either side of it. That sensation, that feeling, causes my knees to tremble. That smooth, wet part of your body, running along my shaft, drives me wild. I slowly do this several times, taking the domed head, from shallowly teasing your hole, tracing through your lips, and guiding it up until it bumps against your clitoris. I watch as you twitch each time I rub against it. I love how the little pea rubs against the eye of my cock. Your lips envelope the top of my cock as I hold myself against you, and let my legs pump me back and forwards against your clit. By this time, you are moaning. But you’re not alone in this. The feeling of being so close to fucking your pussy has got my heart racing, and my breathing shallow. I draw my cock back from your clit, and line my head up with your opening, one more time. I slowly, but forcefully push my way inside you. You tense with anticipation as you realise the direction has changed. I slide the head of my thick cock inside you. And then stop. And slowly pull out. And slowly push back inside you. Again, just the head. Just enough to spread your tight opening, but not enough that we feel the ‘pop’ of when the head is all the way through. I pull out again. Teasing you, teasing myself. But easier on me because I know my intentions. I continue, pushing my head into your opening, but then pulling it back out. My pace increases, but not my depth. My hand ensuring that I don’t get carried away, only allowing this much of me to enter you. You feel that cock head, pushing into you, feel the pressure as it stretches your opening. You feel the pressure around every nerve of that tight hole, and you are helpless to halt it or force it further. You try to push your hips back but my hand pushes against your ass cheek, holding you in check, as my other hand withdraws me if you come back too fast. You’re desperate for more of me. And then, I slide in deeper, allowing the head to ‘pop’ through the opening. You gasp once again. And I echo you. Only an inch deeper though. I pull back out, but this time, the ridge at the base of my head ‘catches’ on the way out, as your pussy tightens around it. This is exquisite for me. And then my cock goes back in, and out again, and you feel the bump of my head popping though each time, an extra sensation for you. Now, I no longer need to hold my cock, as I never pull it out too far, always letting my head remain in you. I pump in again, this time further again, and you feel me deeper inside you. I feel every millimetre of my shaft be enveloped by you as I slide in and out. Now, my hands hold your ass cheeks, spreading them as I watch my thickness push into you. Now, I’m halfway inside you. My thick cock making it’s presence known. I can’t hold off any longer. I hold you hips, and with one long thrust I bury my entire cock inside you. You freeze as you feel it. And I hold your hips firmly, as I hold myself, hilt deep inside you. You feel my pelvis pressed hard against your ass cheeks. And we just pause, feeling each other.
Slowly, I draw myself out of you, holding your hips with my hands. I pull my cock out of you, till just the head remains inside you. And then I quickly slam myself back into you, sliding all of me deep inside you. And without pausing, I slide out again, and then just as quickly back in again. My strong hands hold your hips and pull you back towards me each time I slide into you. I can’t help but moan as I feel you tightly grip me with your pussy. I watch as you manage to prop yourself up on your hands again, and alter the angle I slide inside you, hitting new areas. With your hands taking your weight you can use the bed to push back against me, meeting my thrusts each time. We begin to form a rhythm, our hips moving away and together in unison, forcing me deeper inside you. You look back over your shoulder and we can lock eyes, both filled with lust. I watch as your expression changes as I again drive myself inside you. You see the same on my face, a mix of exquisite pleasure and determination. You turn your head to the front again, and close your eyes, focussing on everything you can feel. Seeing your beautiful supple back drives me wild and as I continue to thrust into you, I bend forward and allow my lips to brush against your shoulder blades, awkwardly kissing you and trailing my tongue over you. My chest and stomach press against you and the sweat from both of us allows us to slide easily against each other. Bending forward like this alters the angle of my cock inside you again, and we each moan at the sensation. I reach under and grab your breast with one hand and gently knead it, rolling your nipple between my thumb and fingers, as my other hand runs down to your sensitive clitoris and circle my finger tip around it. All the while continuing to pump myself in and out of you. I can’t maintain bending over, so I straighten again, which allows me plunge more forcefully into you again. From time to time, I speed the pace of my thrusts and the room is filled with the slapping sound of my pelvis slamming into your ass. These intense bursts of action almost make your knees buckle as the continual change of pressure in and through your pussy hits you. After picking up the speed, I then slow, being more deliberate in my thrusting, changing the angle of my hips, so that my cock slides into different directions inside you. My hands run up your back, fingers spread wide trying to touch as much of your skin as possible. I reach up to your shoulders, and force you back from there onto me. Pulling you back hard as I thrust into you, trying to get as deep inside you as I can. One of my hands moves to your head, and grabs your hair, gently, but not weakly. I force your head up and back as I continue to fuck you from behind. You feel the hair pulling at your head, the borderline between pressure and pain. It excites you. You try to drop your head forward, but I tug your hair back roughly forcing you to maintain your position. You can picture yourself right now, bent over, lover buried balls deep inside you, held by just one of his hands on your hair, head back. My strength excites you as I continue to have my way with you. The speed of my fucking causes my balls to swing and hit the front of your pussy, adding to the franticness of it all. Without warning, I let go of your hair and your head drops. At the same time, my thrusting ceases, but I remain inside you. You can actually feel my cock throbbing inside of you, and you can tell that my orgasm can’t be far off, building your own anticipation. I then reach forward, and pull your upper arms up and back towards me, causing you to drop face first onto the bed. My hands slide up your arms till I am holding your wrists. And I pull you back up off the bed, into what we know as the prison guard position. Realising this is what I’ve moved you into, you spread your feet a little bit wider apart to give you more balance. And you relax into leaning forward, your hands in behind your back, just above your ass, and my hands on your wrists pulling you back. Trusting me, you twist your arms so that you can hold onto my wrists, and this encourages me on. And now, having you exactly where I want you, I resume my lustful assault on you. Holding your weight, I slide myself out, just a few inches, and then pump back inside you, using your wrists to force you back onto me. With every thrust, you can feel my hilt pressing hard against your lips, and the head of my cock touching deep inside you. I don’t withdraw my thick shaft very far each time, before I slam myself back inside you, but the constant feeling of being filled is driving you closer to the edge. I begin to moan more continually as I feel you slamming back to meet me each time My cock feels totally enveloped by you, like your gripping me and stroking me with your pussy. My thighs are hitting against yours as I begin to fuck you faster and faster. With every thrust you let out a sound, a moan, a whimper, a gasp. And you can feel your orgasm beginning to approach. More desperately you push back to meet my hips, forcing my cock to stay buried deeper inside you and longer each time. I know this as a tell-tale sign of you getting ready to cum, wanting me inside you as deep as possible. Knowing this I focus on trying to fill you as much as I can, forcing your ass cheeks wider to push in deeper. My hands tighten around your wrist, not wanting to let you away from me. And then you feel it coming, your orgasm comes as a wave starting form deep inside your pussy. You feel it hit you and your voice lets me know as you uncontrollably moan as tense as you begin to cum hard. It washes over you in waves, sending a shudder through your entire body. Hearing you moan in ecstasy and feeling your pussy spasm around my cock pushes me over the edge, and my cum shoots from deep in my balls and out into your pussy. You feel my cock tense and then the warmth of my cum shooting inside you. I growl a deep guttural moan from inside me as my orgasm renders me helpless. You feel my cock twitch as it pumps my load inside you, spurring your own orgasm on. The ripples of pleasure roll over your body, and your whole pussy tingles with pleasure. I have remained with a tensed body as my orgasm as concentrated everything through my cock and into you. And then we both begin to come out of our orgasm hazes. My cock continues to twitch within you, and your pussy clamps spasmodically around my shaft. We both are breathing, deep heavy panting. I let go of your wrists and you slump onto the bed, and I collapse with you, falling on top of you. Remaining inside you, I press myself against you, skin on skin. Our breathing hard and in unison. My head has fallen so my cheek is against your head. My mouth near your ear. As we lay there, exhausted and spent, I whisper… I love you.



  1. Just try to work on your formatting some! (It could be because I’m on mobile not sure). Paragraphs make things much easier to read and generally flow better. Overall great story!

  2. I agree…definitely need paragraphs here but great story! You also need to edit your title – I think you were going for “You’re Mine” but you might have changed your mind and accidentally left the “R” in “You”.

    I’m tingling. ?

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