2 bouncers 2 strippers [MF] [MF] LONG

This is the account of one crazy night back before I got married. I had just finished college and my cousin and I were working as bouncers at a local 18 and over night club. Dealing with this crowd affords many opportunities for some “interesting” experiences. One night in question comes to mind. One night in the middle of the week Tuesday to be exact. David (my cousin) and I were off and decided to go out. 

Working security for one of the most popular local night spots actually limits where you can go. The club we worked in had a sister club that we would be safe in but some of the other local spots we steered clear of because you never know when you may run into a bunch of guys you have tossed out of your club and without anyone watching your back you can easily find yourself in quite a bit of trouble. 

So if we really wanted to go out and have fun we would go to several different bars and night spots in the surrounding cities. There was less a chance of someone/anyone knowing who we were and we could really have fun. One night in particular Dave and I started at the Fireside and eventually made it to a local booty club out in the sticks near Navarre. I mean this place was remote this place was flanked on both sides by a deserted truck stop and an adult book store with a corn field out back. Real classy folks, there was a neon sign partially burned out in the window that said O-EN. The P having been broken one night when one of the girls got jealous of another and went after her with one of her pumps.

This place like any other gentlemen’s establishment had several squads A, B, C, and sometimes D. Your A squad works Thursday through Saturday, B squad Wednesday through Saturday, C and D Sunday through Wednesday maybe. Hey I don’t make the rules here it is just what I have observed and verified. Well tonight we are not looking for anything special. Just looking for something to do.  We get there are not a whole lot of cars as most people work during the week. The only way we can get away with this lifestyle was because we worked nights. 

This place was classically dark. Believe you me this was no Hustler club or Christies cabaret. No this place was dank. The type of place you will deny to the end of your days if your momma asks you if you have ever been there. You always want beer in a bottle and you want to watch it being opened to make sure they don’t bring you a bottle previously opened with some watered down piss from the tap. The place was dated to say the least scattered mismatched chairs and tables all around a “stage that was raised about 1 foot from the floor, no rail and a pole which did look like the sturdiest part of the building. Which was a good thing because some of the D squad were “substantial” girls.  the C squad was working tonight.

Dave and I order our beers keeping the Miller VS Bud war going like we do, a shot of Jack, a shot of Jose and we take a seat over by the “stage”. This place does not even have a DJ. The dancers or hell anybody for that matter plays music on a juke box by the bar. Hey it works for them.  We are looking around the room there are a few good old boys and some youngsters who may or may not have had fake id’s. Then you have the 2 of us. 

Had there been a DJ you would have heard the needle skip when we walked through the doors. 2 mixed black guys strolling in wearing what in the early 90’s would have been considered “styling”. Me in my blue silk short suit, Dave in his black silk short suit.  Hey, that is how we dressed back in the day. So here we have ordered our drinks and taken our seats to check out the talent. The table we selected put our backs against a wall and gave us a view of the exits and the rest of the club. One of the things that you learn when you work security always have your back covered. 

There were only 3 dancers on tonight, 2 blonde, 1 brunette. These ladies were “seasoned” dancers. Now we could have gone to another place where we would have fit in better and there would have been an abundance of talent. However tonight we had a pocket full of money and condoms and did not feel like working too hard to use either of them. We are sitting there listening to Feel like making love, hearing the other patrons whooping and whistling, and the couple young men trying to enjoy the show and conceal their erections. 

Dave and I had a thing we would do when we went to one of these establishments that did not have a “champagne” room. We would choose our seats and know exactly how much we were willing to spend on the ladies that night. Which is separate from our drinking budget. We would take out the money that was for the ladies and stack it up on the table. That was all potentially theirs, if they earned it. A bit crass I know but I was much younger then. 

This had the desired effect as the ladies noticed the 2 stacks of cash and made it their mission to claim as much of it as possible before we decide to move on to the next place. The song ended and 2 of the 3 girls sauntered over to us smiling they took the 2 seats opposite us and started making small talk. I was pleased that we were all sticking to the social convention that they were acting like they were at all interested in who we were and what our lives were like outside of this dark little place. He and I acting as if we are not just 2 horny guys looking to get some sort of direct or vicarious satisfaction of our base desires. 

Dave and I purchased drinks for the ladies paying with the money in our pocket not touching what was on the table. After a couple rounds, a bit of giggling and small talk, One of the ladies asked if that was for them. “Potentially” I told her. The other dancer asked if we would like to move to the back where there was a booth. I was a little apprehensive. Not because of anything that could or could not happen with these ladies but because of the fact that i would not be able to see the room which had become a bit hostile towards us as the 2 of us were monopolizing the majority of the talent leaving the rest of the joint vying for the attentions of the lone blonde moving from table to table liberating them from the burden of having money in their pockets.

I look at Dave, he nods to me we grab the cash, move to the back and place the cash on the tables back there. One of the ladies went to load up the juke box with music that she thought would be more to our liking. Let that set in for a second, you can only listen to The Pony so many times! I was so happy when there was a break from that and Usher and someone slipped in depeche mode. Enough off that mini rant. 

When she returned she brought back 2 beers as well. Now i will NEVER accept an open drink from a stripper, sorry dancer. Let alone in this place where no one can hear you scream. He and I switched beers and placed them on the table. I would never drink that headache in a bottle Bud and he would not drink my beer flavored water MGD. We were safe. The music started as did the ladies. Now we never got their names however I prefer dark hair which we had made very evident at the first table as I was only paying attention to her and Dave the blonde.

My girl was easily in her late 30’s early 40’s hell could have been 50 for all I cared. She was tall, taller than me which I liked. Maybe a c-cup, nice hip to waist ratio. You could tell she had a couple of kids as she had a bit of a pouch and faded stretch marks, her butt was not firm and tight. It had been once you could tell. Now it had a soft almost pillow like fullness that you could really dig your fingers into and would conform around anything she sat on. 

Dave’s girl was a bit younger and was on the slimmer side. You could tell she had at least one child due to the state of her belly button tattoo which at one point was a few dolphins swimming around her navel must have looked like a globe when she was pregnant. Smaller breasts but nicer butt made up for it. Now don’t get me wrong friends. All women are beautiful some are small, some are large, but all are sexy in their own way :). 

The music Started Genuine The Pony (ugh) the women started their dance it was slow and honestly boring, just your usual swaying back and forth while mouthing the words of the song. My dancer must have noticed my dis interest as she decided to kick things up a notch. she approached me and with her knee spread my legs apart. She was standing in front of me hips swaying back and forth. She would slide her knees forward brushing against my crotch grazing my balls softly. 

Now keep in mind what we are wearing. He and I are wearing silk shirts and shorts, both commando as well. That being the case she could tell that she had peaked my interest. Both in the physical manifestation and the fact that I had reached to the table between Dave and I and pealed several bills off of one of the stacks on the table and slid my hands up her thigh to her garter and slipped the money under the elastic band. At this point I notice that the blonde has straddled my cousin and is burying his face in her cleavage. He too has slipped her come cash.

My stripper then got down on her knees in front of me and we were crotch to crotch for the most part and she leaned forward across my body. She was sliding her hands across the silk that was draped across my chest. This was a little over 20 years ago I was more defined than the well earned married dad bod that I sport now. Still got abs though :). She was moaning in my ear and started humping between my legs almost like she was pegging me. This brought me to full staff. 

Now here is a problem. Silk is extremely strong and does not stretch. My dick was throbbing and hurting. I kept trying to re adjust myself and she kept pressing into me. I was both loving this and wanted her to stop at the same time. I reached over for some more cash and she leaned back to give me access to her garter I also took advantage of this opportunity to straighten things out. With her on her knees she asked if she could earn the rest of the stack. I told her to do what she feels. 

With that this woman decided to show me she could DANCE. Now I was trying to be cool and not step over any lines here. Keep in mind we were out in the middle of no fucking where. If she screamed because of shit I was trying to pull then we were toast. I was sitting with my hands on my thighs and she backed that soft pale ass of hers she was wearing a purple g-string and when she bent over I could fully see her lips on either side of the small triangle of fabric held together by the thinnest of strings. She sat on my lap and rocked her hips back and forth on my hand. So I figured, what the hell and turned my hand over. 

So now I slipped my middle finger right up inside of her and her pussy just opened up and invited me in. She started working my hand and I had to unbutton my fly, once again Silk does not give. While she is rocking and gyrating my dick is rubbing up against her thighs. She was laying with her back across my chest her head tipped back and she was licking my ear. She actually smelled amazing. Some slightly sweet perfume mixed with sweat. Thankfully she was not one of those dancers that felt the need to cover herself with glitter. her right arm was playing with her tits and she had her left arm up and around my head playing with my hair while I slipped a second finger inside her.

I can hear sounds next to us. Very familiar sounds it was the music of fellatio. Dave had moved past the whole dancing phase of this situation and onto the Go ahead and take all the money phase. My dancer, slid her left arm down her body and started playing with her clit as I kept banging away with my 2 fingers. She slid her hand up her thigh and her pinky grazed my cock. Once she realized it was out she took hold. 

This lady proceeded to give me one of the best hand jobs of my life, damn near better than me. She was looking at her compatriot over there sucking my cousin’s cock and started lifting her ass off of me and steering my dick towards her now very wet pussy. Now i did have condoms on me. The only excuse I have is my 20 something year old self was still invincible and as such had already had quite a bit of unprotected sex in my life and all I can figure is my lust over ruled my brain that I can only imagine was saying slow the fuck down and put on a condom. 

I did not expect a tight pussy, I was not disappointed. She was not all loose and sloppy, but not tight either actually just a nice wet velvety soft pussy. she started bouncing up and down with the tempo of the music. She could work it I grabbed her tits and started playing with her nipples which were very nice by the way. This was the time in our state before the laws got all crazy and all dancers had to wear pasties. 

She stood up and turned around and straddled me and started riding me face to face. There was no pretty woman moment of I don’t kiss on the lips or anything here. Actually the opposite. I had a shot of jack which I had picked up as a companion for my beer. She took my shot, grabbed my face, and passed the whisky into my mouth followed by her tongue. I am all in at this point she is fucking me, I am squeezing that ass of hers. Like I said it was soft and I love that every now and then my fingers would find their way to her little asshole and I would start playing with it. She gave me no indication that I was invited in to fuck her ass but she didn’t indicate that she wanted me to stop either. 

I did notice at one point the lone dancer working the crowd came looking for her friends and saw us all having our own little party in back. She stood there for a few moments and then ducked back around the corner.

At some point I felt a hand grab my arm. Now Dave and I have had sex in the same room before, a few times with the same woman. We never made any ground rules because we didn’t need to. One was we rarely if ever would have any contact between the two of us, nothing deliberate unless one of us was in danger. I remembered the other dancer seeing the 4 of us back here fucking. I didn’t know if she had gone to get the bar tender or one of the locals to act as security or what. I turned to look at the hand and it was attached to the arm of D’s dancer. He had bent her over and was slamming his cock into her from behind. I guess she needed some leverage. 

I knew I was going to cum pretty soon I had no idea how long we had been going at it. I know i remember hearing at least 4 songs. I told her I was gonna cum. She raised up and my dick slipped out. She then sat back down to continue with the awesome hand job she had started with now it was all wet from her juices. I didn’t shoot off some crazy geyser. Thankfully I had unbuttoned my shirt as it landed on my chest and stomach. She grabbed some napkins and cleaned up my chest. D. was still fuckin and knowing him had every intention of finishing inside of her. Having had a vasectomy he was not at all worried about leaving someone with a 18 year baby sitting gig. It wasn’t too long before he was done. He always joked that he told his dick when it was time to cum. 

We all got ourselves together. The girls were the first to leave, D and I sat there for a little bit our once pristine outfits now wrinkled and covered with the smell of smoke, sweat, and sex. We figured it had been a very successful evening and it was time to roll out. We got up and stopped at the bar to grab one for the road and saw the 2 ladies we had just had sex with giving lap dances to a couple of guys all i could think about is the wet spots that would be on their jeans most likely would not be theirs. 

We never did touch those other 2 beers. 

Hope you enjoyed this one, I have more to share if anyone would like to read them. 

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/be0olk/2_bouncers_2_strippers_mf_mf_long


  1. Quite possibly the best strip club story I’ve read. Carry on good sir!

  2. This is both sexy hot and yet very informative in a undeniably practical way. Almost like an episode of “everything you wanted to know about strip clubs but were afraid (or too ignorant) to ask”

    love how it is so unflinchingly honest

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