Katie Gets Taken [rough][fantasy][creampie][new experience] [use me]

Katie’s phone rattled against the hard against the night stand jarring her awake.

Message from Jake – ‘Finishing up my last set. See! I am working hard for you’ The picture that followed was a bit shaky, Jake was on the edge of the workout bench in black shorts and a white long sleeve shirt that clung tight to his body. His mussed hair and slightly red face made it obvious that he had been vigorously exerting himself. Katie loved these types of pictures, there was something primal about a man working himself to exhaustion.

Message from Jake – ‘But, think I will need a nap when I get home after this one’ ‘see you soon ’.

Katie lazily roll out of bed, it was already mid-morning and the feel of the long reaching stretch was the perfect way to start the day. The slightly open window let in the refreshing sound of a soft drizzle on a perfectly grey day. She had wanted Jake to stay and keep her warm but he had insisted on getting a work out in so they could ‘do something new with the day’. The room was chilly, a rush of goosebumps raced across Katie’s soft pale skin as she freed herself from the warm embrace of her bedding. A hot shower, the kind that fogs up the whole washroom was definitely in order.

The water was scalding but the burning sensation was worth the comfortable pain since it was slowly pushing the chill out of her core. She hummed as sleep started to leave her and she became present in the world. She had a penchant for drifting into her own thoughts when she was alone. Slender fingers glided over her tight stomach, slippery with soap that smelled of vanilla and coconut. Half of her wished she hadn’t been so lazy and went to the gym with Jake. Not that she needed to, she had the body of a college athlete, but that only came with dedication. The other half of her wished her hands were Jakes, but that was his loss if he wanted to choose the gym. She had told him to stay in bed and get his work out there. But they both knew it was just a ploy to keep his warmth next to her.

Getting out of the shower, she toweled off in the bedroom before rubbing moisturizer on her slender legs. If you want soft skin you can’t take shortcuts, you have to work at it every day. Katie wasn’t an overly vain girl, but she liked to feel good about herself and took pride in her appearance. She grabbed her silky black robe from the back of the door and you decide to just to slip on a pair of panties underneath until Jake returned and told her the plan for the day. He liked to do that. Plan out the whole day but not say a word about it, then get frustrated when things inevitably went off course. She knew him well enough to know that today was going to be one of those days. ‘Oh well’ she sighed internally, the day was hers until he got back.

Walking out of the bedroom she caught a quick glance of the mirror and had to backtrack. Some days you just feel like you look sexy. She made her mirror self strike a playful pose and the voice in her head reaffirmed that Jake had been stupid to go to the gym and leave this behind. It was true, she looked amazing with her doe eyes and damp messy hair, standing there in her silky half robe, freshly oiled exposed legs. Maybe she should post one of those, ‘I woke up like this’ pictures, to Instagram. That wasn’t really her thing but, the thought that she could made her smile. Maybe just this once, she could title it something more inspirational like ‘ready of r the day’ or ‘watch out world’ or ‘About to own th..’.The jingle of keys broke her train of thought and the mechanical click-thunk, of the lock, announced Jakes arrival home.

“Good morning beautiful, how are you” Jake said with a smirk before pulling her close for a quick squeeze as he headed down the hallway. He must have worked on his arms, Katie could feel the strength in them as well as a slight tremble as they pressed her body against his hip.

“I need a shower, then we will do something new with the day…. But no hurry, relax for now…I will make breakfast as soon as I am done.” kissing her lightly on the forehead he released her from his embrace and headed to the shower.
The door closed and the muffled sound of the shower filled the apartment. He hadn’t even stopped and noticed her. ‘Ass’ she though begrudgingly. At least there would be breakfast. Jake made the best weekend breakfasts. Entering the kitchen Katie was reminded that they neglected to clean up the night before. No clean dishes, no breakfast. Feeling the emptiness in her stomach growing she decided the fastest way to fill it would be to wash at least what Jake would need to start cooking. And if she was going to do that, she might as well do it all.

The drizzle outside turned to a heavy rain and the fevered tapping on the window accented the sound of Phantogram, Portishead and Zero 7 that was now out pouring out of the countertop speaker. The sound drowned out the world around her. Keen ear may have noticed that the shower had stopped running but she was back in her head, in her own world. Maybe it would be a good day for shopping, the crowds might be down due to the rain. Or, maybe just open the windows, let the smell of the rain in and read a book. Bent over the sink the noise of the room cedes attention to her thoughts. As she drifts further into her own world she hears sound but it is just atmosphere, and she sees only what is in her mind’s eye.
Suddenly strong arms wrap around her from behind. One around her waist, and one across her chest with the hand gripping her shoulder. Startled, katies feet almost left the ground as she was yanked form the depths of her thoughts.
“Katie….” Jake kissed her on the cheek softly. “…Its loud”

“Sorry I was just trying to get things ready for……” Jake cut her off, whispering gruffly in her ear “But, that’s ok, we need some cover noise”

‘Cover, what?’ Katie couldn’t figure out what she had just heard. “Cover what noise?” she turned to face him, but as soon as she tried to move she felt Jakes embrace tighten holding her in place. She tried again assuming he would loosen his grasp on her, instead it tightened further. “Jake, let me…what are you…”

What happens next happens fast. Jake’s right hand quickly runs from her shoulder to her neck. His strong fingers wrapping around her throat, gripping her just under the back of her jaw. The music wails and his left hand flips up and slips under the soft black silky fabric on your left hip. Quick fingers find the waist band of Katie’s designer panties and they are jerked down aggressively, the material scraping her right hip as the material binds and stretches. Jake’s hands quickly places, the left moving up from her hip to firmly squeeze her breast. His forearm crosses her body and he uses it to secure her against him. Simultaneously his right grabs her panties on the other side and finishes tearing them down. Peeling them away from between her legs.

The whole thing takes seconds, Katie’s mind goes into a frantic panic trying to figure out what is happening and she is too stunned to react. It takes her a moment to realize she is not in danger and it will be a few more before she actually figures out what is happening, and how badly she wants it.

Jakes movements are calculated and rough.
Left hand releasing its grip on her chest, both hands grabbing her hips authoritatively yanking her back. Finger digging into her hip bones.
Right hand pulling the night gown up exposing her ass.
She feel the strength of his wide palm on her upper back between her shoulder blades pushing forward and down, bending her over the counter.

‘Ungh’ an audible grunt escapes Katie’s lips as she is forced into position. Her mind still racing, breathing picking up and hart pounding. “Wait….” “What are you…””Jake!” The words stammered out but she had no idea the sentence she wants to form. She struggled against his grasp, but he was much stronger. Not enough to keep her from moving at all but more than enough to bend her body to his will.

One hand on her upper back holding her down, the other bracing her hip and her feet being forced outward by his she felt the head of a very hard, very wet cock pushing against her. This was pre meditated. Jake new how tight Katie’s pussy could be and if he had any chance of taking her when she was unprepared he knew his cock would have to be covered in lube. Had Katie not been so caught up in her own thoughts, and had the music not covered his movements she may have noticed him approaching with slick throbbing erection but that opportunity was long since passed.

The lubrication helps but Jake still has to push hard to penetrate her. “Uuunngh” Katie makes a distressed moaning sound Jake’s cock is fully forced into her. Her body starts to understand what is happening and the feel of excitement bursts into her lower abdomen sending a tingle up her spine. She feels the pounding of her heart as a rush of warmth grows between her clenched legs. Jake makes several short, hard, slow thrusts keeping himself almost fully buried inside her. Each thrust resonates through her body and she has to grasp the counter to avoid being forced into it. “ungh” she moans out again as a familiar tingle flashes in her rapidly swelling clit. As Katie’s tense violated pussy eagerly begins to get wet Jake pulls back a little more with each thrust until he can slide the full length of his cock in and out of her as she struggles against it
Wincing and sucking air through gritted teeth Katie let our several loud moans as Jake’s hips slammed against her ass.

Jake grabs her hair and wrench her head back towards him. His hot breath in her ear punctuated the “shhhhhhhhhhh” before adding “….we don’t wan’t the neighbors to hear what a slut you are“ The words sent a shiver through her and when Jake bit down hard where her neck met her shoulder she almost lost her mind. Her nipples stiffened and ached to be pulled, pinched and sucked but Jakes hands were still tightly restraining her hips as he used her cunt for his pleasure.
“Fuck me!”…..”use me! ” She managed to gasp out between rough, raw strokes. She could feel how hard Jake was inside her. Suddenly he buried himself in her to the base of his cock and just kept pushing like he was trying to lift her off the ground while grinding his hips in circles. She could feel him throbbing inside her, she knew that feeling, she knew he wouldn’t last long and then it hit her.

“Wait” she urgently cried out “Condom….” But before she could finish the thought Jake’s hand clamped down firmly over her mouth. He pushed forward hard with his full weight behind him, pinning her against the counter. The edge was round but very hard against her hips, it would certainly leave a bruise. In the same motion he placed his feet between her and pushed them outwards preventing any attempt Katie might make to close her legs. His chest pressed heavy on her back and a deep throaty voice entered her ear “Forgive Me”. The phrase cuts through Katie’s mind like a knife. For an instant the sound of the music drops out, the feel of everything fades away and only one thought darts through Katie’s over stimulated mind ‘he’s going to cum in me’.

For all the things they did together this was the one thing they agreed to always use better judgement around. She had once told him she always fantasized about being taken forcefully, and used. Now it was happening. It was being taken to the limit and she had never been so fucking turned on.

She was right, he wasn’t going to last long. Jake kept his hand clamped over her mouth muffling any further complaints, moans, and shrieks as he dominated her up against the counter. The term ‘getting fucked’ suddenly had new meaning for Katie as he used your body strictly for his own pleasure, pumping into her as hard as he could. The “ugh” “fuck” “God you’re fucking wet” he groaning in her ear as she struggled against him. Katie felt Jake’s body start to tense up, and shake with excitement. Her body had long since betrayed her. Her skin was on fire. Her clit ached. Her legs were shaking. Her dripping wet hole now welcoming every thrust, even the ones that would normally be a little too hard for her to handle.
And then she feel it starting, her familiarity with Jakes body betrays him and knows there is no stopping him from taking what he wants. Jake’s movements suddenly become jagged and uncoordinated, his cock throbs intensely. Katie cant remember the last time she felt so full of cock, so stretched, so painfully wanting more. She can’t remember ever feeling him this hard, secretly she wished she could feel it in her mouth for just a moment. Feel it pulsing between her lips leaking precum on her tongue. But that is not what is happening. Her mind races, it wants this, it doesn’t, it does, it’s too late…. Jake’s breathing locks up as he takes the last few primal desperate thrusts leading to climax. Time almost stops, Katie feels his body clench, his cock is in her as deep as it can go when it finally beings to violently twitch, pushing his cum deep inside her for the first time. The pulses come fast 5, 6, 7 she feels him filling her up, the warmth coming in hot spurts.

Slowly, Jake slides out of her, both panting and leaning against the counter. “We’re not done yet” Jake says unexpectedly putting his hands on Kati’s waist guiding her to the living room where motions for her to lay down on the couch. He grab her knees pulling her legs apart. “I want to see” drinking in the sight of her laying on the couch legs spread wide with his cum dripping out of her pussy. “Now” Jake says confidently with a sly grin “You’re going to cum for me”. He reaches under one of the blankets and hand Katie a vibrator. “Do it for me” he reiterates as he hands it to her.

“Oh…. I will” Katie says with a confident innocence that would turn anyone on. “But I get to do it my way…” A devilish smile crosses her faces as she takes on the persona of a porn star pinching her nipple and gyrating her hips as her hand runs slowly down her tight toned stomach. She bites her lip as she spreads her flowered lips.
“I know what you want to see…”

She pushes two fingers deep inside herself and pulls them out carefully making sure they are covered in cum. She bring them up to her mouth smiling coyly and as she licks them off she starts rubbing a very swollen clit that has been screaming for attention since she was first pinned against the cupboard. Within seconds she is rubbing her clit and bucking her hips like this might be the last orgasm she ever has.

“You like the taste of my cum?”

“Mmmmmhhhhhmmmmm “she moans in reply

Jake repositions himself on the couch next to her. His cock still wet with their sex, saying nothing as he guided it into her mouth. She closes her eyes and runs her tongue over the head of his cock licking every drop of her wetness off of it. She starts to feel him get hard again and the feeling of him growing in her mouth adds gasoline to a fire already raging between her legs. She starts rubbing her clit wildly, humping the air, as Jake starts to firmly fuck her mouth.

“Are you close?”

Katie nods frantically “Yes….yes….I’m close…I’m really close” She can feel her whole body starting to tighten.
Suddenly Jake stands up, grabs her like she was a toy, slides her to the edge of the couch and starts flipping her over.

“Lie down”….”no, on your stomach”….”yes like that”….”lift your hips”

She feels Jake grab her hips again and the transfer of his weight onto her. She can feel the heat of his body against hers, and an encouraging voice in her ear “keep touching yourself for me”….”ready….” Then you Katie felt it, He was pushing his hard again cock firmly into her tight little ass. Slowly he works his way in, filling her up inch by inch, her clit throbbing, skin alive, heart racing. She always came hardest with him in her ass.

“Mmmm! Yes! Yes! Keep going, wait, ok move in and out, move, move, fuck my ass, yes, yes! Like that like that” she uncontrollably starts moaning out. Jake cedes control to her and he start moving inside your ass just like she instructs him to.

Katie’s fingers fly over your clit as Jake cock makes her ass feel so full inside. She starts to tense up getting close and closer and closer almost losing her mind at this point. She feels so incredible, so lusted after, so tuned on so slutty. Then a wicked thought crosses her mind and she starts to push her ass back on Jake’s stiff cock. If he can take her, and use her, why can’t she use him?

Jake’s starts to groan and tries to slow her down “Wait..slow down” “No!” she pushes harder. She can feel him throbbing, tensing and the idea that she is about to force him to cum and there is nothing he can do pushes her to the brink. The tense sensation screaming from her clit builds and builds and builds and sudden feeling of Jake losing his composure and Cumming in her tight little ass pushes her over the edge. Katie screams as wave after wave of pleasure ripple through her body. It is one of the hardest orgasms of her life, her whole body is trembling, contracting, the world drops out and all she can is cum and cum and cum.

When it is all over Jake lays down next to her, kiss her gently and says “I told you we were going to do something new today”.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/bd6kdp/katie_gets_taken_roughfantasycreampienew


  1. Super sexy, but the constant changes in between first/second/third person are distracting. Great writing otherwise.

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