[M]y sex story at a strip club

This happened about 3-4 years ago. I went to a sporting event and decided before I headed home, I’d check out a local gentleman’s establishment. I had been to this particular one a few times before and they have some really attractive girls.

It was super busy as it was a Wednesday night but I did enjoy what I saw. After being there for about 29 mins, I was approached by a beautiful, petite blonde. We talked for a bit and I decided to get a dance from her.

While in the back getting a dance, she is pretty handsy and also allowed me to be as well. That’s when she asked me if I wanted a blow job.

Before I go any further, I must say that I’m not the best looking guy and I certainly don’t have the biggest dick. Basically picture a mid 30s dad bod.

Next thing I know, she slips a condom on and starts blowing me. Let me tell you, she can suck my dick. Then she stops and asks if I want another dance and I say sure. Then she asks me if I wanted to fuck her.

I figure I haven’t paid for any of this and she was just down to fuck, I said sure. She fucked me hard and fast for two songs and had me pull out before I finished.

Once I was done, she finished the song and that was that. I’ve been asked in the past if I wanted extras but was always told how much it was and I always decline. But this one was different and free.

I’ve been wanting to tell this story for awhile and figured this was the best place to tell it. Thanks for reading.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/bd0bk9/my_sex_story_at_a_strip_club


  1. Great story but was just wondering, are you absolutely sure you had been in there for 29 mins

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