[FM] When she was asleep or was she?

I am not into writing stories, so will just put this out as straight as possible. I have an aunt who is just a year older than me. Once when we were young, she came over to our house. We would sleep together (but not alone), and once I fancied my chance. I put my hand under her skirt, slowly grazing up, didn’t get to anything actually and out of slight panic or caution backed off. I don’t remember correctly now but I think this was preceded by her putting her arm around me while we were sleeping next to each other. or may be the arm thing happened some other day. It’s all hazy now. When I look back I think she may have been awake through it. We continued to be good friends. She digged my advice on many matters. I remember her placing her head in my lap once or twice; that must have been an innocent thing. But we were teeenagers, there were certainly hormones at play. In recent times I have fantasised of me going beyond just that cautioned search inside her skirt. But I didn’t know much back then. Not a hot incident I guess, but thought would share as I haven’t shared it with anyone ever, and it’s not something I would ever share with anyone.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/bbd2vz/fm_when_she_was_asleep_or_was_she


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