The Hot But [F]orbidden Fruit; [M]y Exes Brother.

I’m sure we’ve all experienced that sexual tension that’s likely only so strong because it’s immoral to follow through, and this is one of those situations.

Sam had admitted to feelings for me before i dated my ex, but after something was already developing between me and my ex so i kindly turned him down, which was discussed between the 3 of us. Problems arose in the relationship i was in, and eventually we decided being friends was a much better fit for us.

After months had passed, i began to notice Sam being a lot more comfortable with me due to not worrying about stepping on his younger brothers toes, although we had always been close. My newfound freedom and large sexual appetite often left me fleetingly wondering what it would be like to more with Sam. I brushed this off and squashed it down, ignoring it.

As Sam became more physically comfortable with me he, he began to not think twice about wearing nothing but a towel draped low around his hips after a shower which to my surprise turned me on immensely, and i couldn’t believe how attractive his body was to me. That image became my guilty pleasure and often arose in my head whilst i was pleasuring myself. I began to look forward to seeing him like this, and to enjoy the touches that passed between us that i was sure i read more into than he did.

Sam was faced with a rough patch in his life, and as i was his closest friend, i spent a lot of time with him, and often would sleep over in his bed, in a purely platonic way, we both assured each other. Each night i stayed we seemed to inch a little bit closer and soon i was aching to run my hands over his smooth toned body, and to pleasure him.

A week later he set off interstate to visit a friend for a while, who had been jetsetting, and i was partially relieved, believing my desires would fade away with some space.

However it seems Sam had picked up on the vibe as soon after he left he began messaging me daily, and after some buildup eventually admitted he wanted to fuck me, and that every touch had been driving him crazy. I admitted i felt the same, and he began to send pictures. His body was everything my imagination had made it out to be.

He began to ask for pictures back, which i was initially hesitant to comply with, but in a bout of horniness and sexually charged messages i decided to. He replied with a picture of his hard cock, which seemed huge to me as i had only been with a few people. He then began to make a game out of messaging me telling me how he wanted to fuck me, and sending pictures when he knew i was with his family, as he knew i would struggle to maintain composure, which turned us both on immensely.

I began sending more explicit photos of me posing and with toys and taking his requests for positions which turned me on as much as it did him, and i knew neither of us could wait until he returned from his visit. We also knew neither of us could resist with more and more racy photos and detailed messages being sent every day. We knew we would have to be careful about his brother coming home which made us hornier and hornier, until just seeing his name on my phone made me dripping wet. Soon it was the day before he got home, but neither of us had what idea what we were going to do about fulfilling our desires and not letting him family know.

Should i continue with this story? Let me know your thoughts :)



  1. Would love to see what your panties looked like after texting with him lol

  2. Next part coming up. This is obviously a multifaceted story with emotions and trying to deal with his family etc, but i’ll try to keep it as short as possible. :)

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