How I Got Fucked By An Epic Cock [FM]

I have a lot of stories from college, but the one I was most reluctant to share was one with a guy whose name I don’t remember and might have never known. I, and most people in my social circle, knew him simply as “The Colt”.

He was a baseball player, though I, not being a sports fan, didn’t much care about that. To most of the campus, he apparently earned his nickname from his small stature and his ability to take off running at a moment’s notice. To people on my level, known for hunting for cock on a regular basis, he was known as The Colt because he was a small guy with an allegedly huge cock, not just for his size, but full on, across the board, any guy would dream of having a dick like his. Big enough that most girls, myself included, had avoided him for fear of walking weird for a week. Still, everyone seemed to know someone who had taken the Colt for a ride, and I was no exception. My best friend, Amy, was known for rising to any challenge presented to her. So it was not surprising when Amy returned to our shared dorm room looking ragged and bowlegged, but satisfied, one Friday night.

I didn’t even have a chance to ask her what had happened before my petite friend launched into a graphic description of the evening (not unusual for us. We shared damn near everything, including full details). She had taken on The Colt and the legends weren’t just true, they may have been understated. The man was the biggest she’d ever seen, and she’d seen more than her fair share. He knew what he was doing. He was fast, not stretching (pun maybe intended) the experience out, but making it good. Maybe great. When I asked how big he was, Amy just smiled wickedly and held up her petite forearm with a balled fist before slipping out of the room to go wash the obvious fuck fumes away in the dorm’s communal showers.

Over the next couple weeks, Amy and I had our share, and then some, of experiences, but Amy kept talking about The Colt, wishing she felt ready to take him again, and pushing me to give him a go. I kept waving her off, not looking to have my week ruined by one exquisite cock. I’ll take a series of above average fucks over one amazing fuck that puts me out of commission for who knows how long.

Then the bitch challenged me.

Amy had the gaul to tell me that she doubted I could even take him, that I was too chickenshit to fuck with The Colt.

So I, against my better judgment, tracked the guy down. He was an inch, maybe two, taller than my 5’6″, and COCKY. He knew his reputation all too well, and he knew it. I was giving him a run for his money, not trying to be subtle. I had my own reputation, I knew it, and I was not dressing to change anyone’s mind. It was a Friday afternoon, after classes had gotten out, and I was dressed to fuck in a tight black mini skirt and black flats (rumor was that he liked girls shorter than him. I never verified this), contrasting brilliantly with my pale white legs, a white button down sleeveless blouse, unbuttoned just far enough to give a hint of my 38D cleavage, my deep auburn hair pulled back into a simple Colttail, keeping attention on my full lips, decked out in my favorite, bold shade of red, stunning eyeliner, just a hint of blush. Walking across campus to find him, I turned plenty of heads, though I did my best to not show that I noticed. I was a woman on a mission, and no distractions would do. I spotted him just outside his frat house, talking with some friends, a few I had gotten to know in ways that only bolstered my reputation. He immediately assessed me before I even got a chance to say a word. One of his friends that I knew greeted me, but stopped short when he saw my laser focus on my quarry. He looked at me like he knew exactly what was about to happen with perfect clarity. I thought about saying something, but everything that crossed my mind was tacky. We knew why we were there. There was no reason to cheapen it with stupid one liners. So we stared each other down for a couple seconds before I simply arched one perfectly plucked eyebrow. He smiled his pearly white smile and gestured to the door, leaving his friends behind without a word. As the door closed behind us, I could hear them laughing.

The Colt’s room was dimly lit and simple. Only bolstering his wild reputation, his “bed” was just a mattress and box spring on the floor. He had blankets hanging on the walls, presumably to protect his neighbors from the sound. I tried to hide the nerves as the door clicked shut behind him and I heard the lock engage. He quietly told me that he’d had his eye on me for a while, but I’d always seemed scared. He wrapped his arms around me from behind, and I could already feel his impressive cock hardening against my ass as his hands gently grabbed at my tits through my shirt. He groaned in my ear and he whispered in my ear, so softly I could barely hear him, that he hadn’t cum in nearly a week, and that he was glad that I was going to be the one that got the load he’d been building up for the past several days. With that, he gripped my shirt in both hands, yanking it apart, sending buttons flying around the room, bouncing off the walls and clattering off of his sparse furniture. I momentarily took note of how much I’d spent on the shirt that he had just rendered useless, but his groan in my ear as he nibbled roughly on my neck and grabbed my tits once again through my lacy white bra, tweaking my sensitive nipples and causing me to cry out. I could feel the wetness building between my legs as he rocked his hips slightly, sliding his still hidden cock between my asscheeks, through his pants and my skirt, but there was no hiding that size.

He released his grasp on me and patted me on my ass, urging me forward towards his makeshift bed. I perched on the edge of the mattress, arching my back to give him to put myself on full display. At some point when I had my back against him, he had taken his shirt off. He wasn’t ripped, but was wiry, extremely lean. He had a sprinter’s body. He made a show of undoing his jeans, his bulge already clearly outlined. His belt was undone, followed by the button, followed by the fly at an agonizingly slow pace. I had to give him credit, judging by the size of his outline, I’d need to be fully ready to take it, and this little tease had me rubbing my thighs together just to keep myself under control. All fear was gone from my mind. I wasn’t just bound and determined to outdo Amy, I was fucking ecstatic to do so.

Then it came into view. He shimmied his jeans down, revealing inch, after inch, after inch…after inch…

My jaw dropped. How could it not? At that point, Amy’s forearm comparison was an exaggeration, but not much of one, and he didn’t even appear to be fully hard yet. It was completely free of hair, and his impressive balls only confirmed that he hadn’t had any release in far too long. His head was swollen, purple and big enough that my jaw hurt just looking at it. He kicked his pants to the side and stroked his epic length, causing it to further harden as he approached me. He put one hand on my shoulder, gently pushing me back to lay on the bed. With my back against the mattress, my ruined shirt still on, he presented his dick to me.

I take great pride in my blowjobs. It’s a skill I’ve finely honed over the years, and contributed greatly to my reputation in college. With that monster staring me down, though, I forgot every lesson I’d ever learned. I couldn’t have told you my own name with that thing waving in my face, thick and long. I simply made a point of taking as much of it as I could, and getting it as wet as I could before it inevitably turned its attention to my pussy. As I stretched my mouth to fit around his cock, he began rubbing my pussy through my lacy whitepanties. My skirt had ridden up as I spread my legs to give him access. His fingers made my amateurish blowjob even more difficult as I fought to keep from slipping into a daze from his highly capable attention. I managed to fit roughly half of his length into my mouth, smearing my lipstick across it in the process. My jaw was on fire, my pussy was exploding from the sensations that he was inflicting on me, I was involuntarily humping my hips at his hand, and he still hadn’t even pulled my panties aside.

I don’t know how long I struggled with his monster cock, trying to bathe it in enough spit that it would stand a chance at sliding into my pussy, something that was starting to become a frightening prospect the longer I had to think about it. When he removed his fingers from my soaking wet panties and started to slowly pull his dick from my mouth, my heart began pounding out of my chest. I wasn’t thoroughly convinced I was ready for what was about to happen. I was ready to get fucked, don’t get me wrong, but I don’t know that I could have ever been ready for a colossal cock like his. He was done waiting, though. He stood, his dick looking impossibly huge on his small, wiry frame. It would have been funny, if it hadn’t been for the fact that that tool was going inside me. He moved between my legs, slipping my lacy white boyshorts, matching my bra, and wrapping them around his wrist like a braclet. He winked at me and told me that they were for his collection. Cocky fucker. I couldn’t say anything, though. His dick was pointing threateningly at my pussy. I noticed I was sweating already, and he hadn’t even started on me yet.

When he pushed forward, he had his eyes on mine. It felt impossible, like he was trying to push a full salami inside me. At first, I wasn’t sure if anything was going to happen. but then the head popped in. I’m not sure if I screamed, or just tried to, but I can remember the unique mixture of intense pleasure and almost numbing pain. I know he gave me time to adjust, but I don’t know how long. I do know that it wasn’t nearly enough. As he pushed forward, I felt like my insides were being rearranged. After a few inches (that felt like a lot more), he stopped and pulled back. I looked down to see how much I’d taken, and how far I had to go before I’d conquered this beast, and was temporarily panicked to see red smeared across his dick, thinking he’d broken me before I realized that it was the exact shade of my lipstick. He looked at me in the eyes again and gave an exasperated smile. He was shiny with sweat that made his wiry muscles look even nicer in the dim light. He muttered out something about how tight I was. I almost got out a snide response before he pushed forward again, removing all memory of how to speak English. I know I was making some kind of noise, but it wasn’t in any recognizable language. My head lolled back as my hand moved to my clit, rubbing furiously, trying to tip the scales of pain and pleasure in favor of pleasure. He got a bit further this time, then pulled back again until just his head was inside of me, then pushed forward again, sending another wave of pain and pleasure through my body, causing my limbs to start spasming. There are no words to describe how my pussy felt. It was on fire, it was tired, it was exploding with pleasure, and he still hadn’t started to properly fuck me yet. I couldn’t possibly imagine what Amy had meant when she said he was fast. The way he was struggling with me, I couldn’t imagine him properly fucking me at any speed, let alone quickly.

He huffed and pulled himself free of me, causing me to whimper. To say I felt empty would an understatement. He grumbled at me about turning over. I took the opportunity to slip out of my ruined shirt and undo my bra, leaving me only clothed in my skirt, which was bunched up like a thick belt around my waist. As my tits came into view, he groaned and pawed at them, tweaking my nipples, sending bursts of pleasure throughout my body. I would have been happy to stay like that for a while, but the break was all too brief. He let go, and motioned with his finger, still shiny with my juices, to turn over. I did, propping myself up on my hands and knees, presenting myself to him. For a brief moment, I wondered in horror if he was going to try to fuck my ass, a truly terrifying prospect, and the only idea I can think of that would have made me genuinely relieved when I felt him press against my pussy again. The feeling of his head pushing inside me was less intense, but not by much. He gripped my hips in his strong hands, keeping me from running away as he pushed forward. We both fought for every fraction of an inch. It got easier as we went along, or at least less painful. At some point, the pain transitioned to discomfort, which itself faded from intense, to moderate, to mild, and easily washed out by the other sensations. I don’t know how much I took, but I know I didn’t take all of it.

When he was finally satisfied, or, at least, accepting, of the depths he’d reached (he later told me he’d never found a woman who could take his full length), he stayed buried for a moment, letting my body fully adjust to the fucking massive intruder, and it did take adjusting. Then, he slowly pulled back, not all the way, he left a bit of length buried, before he pushed forward again. I buried my head in the mattress as he gripped down hard on my hips, preventing me from moving them at all. For a moment, with my nose buried in the mattress, I wondered how many women had been in my exact position, bowed at The Colt’s altar, praying for the strength to pull through, buoyed by the pleasure that outweighed the less pleasant sensations. Then he pushed forward again and I screamed a series of unintelligable curse words into the mattress, gripping his simple sheets so hard that I’m surprised I didn’t put holes in them.

From there, he picked up pace fast, going from slow and deliberate to a blur of motion over the course of four or five thrusts, and I went from reflexively holding the sheets as an outlet to holding on for dear life. The experience had gone from daunting to manageable, then to complete fucking insanity, and I hadn’t even been in there for fifteen minutes. I could see how he’d gained a reputation for speed on the baseball field. My head was swimming in a sea of pleasure. I was completely unaware of my surroundings. My mother could have walked in on us at that point and I wouldn’t have cared. All the struggle of getting him inside me had been worth the pleasure he was inflicting on me at that moment. I could hear his voice shouting something at me, but I was beyond comprehending what he was saying. I just kept moaning out my pleasure as he continued to pound me at a lightning pace. At some point, a burst of pleasure caused me to lose grip on the sheets. I pounded my clenched fist against the mattress as he refused to even slow his pace. I was so lost in the experience, my mind couldn’t even make sense of where the sheets might be in relation to me.

He finished as quickly as he’d picked up pace. He went from his jackrabbit pace to dead still on a dime, it seemed like. From there, he took just long enough for me to worry if something was wrong, with a series of quick, shallow breaths, before he groaned and emptied himself into me, a week’s worth of cum filling me with the exquisitely warm sensation that I loved so much. I pushed back instinctively, trying to get an extra couple fractions of an inch inside me to bathe my insides in that divine feeling. He seemed to have a limitless load, not that I was complaining. When he was finally done, I could feel him going limp inside me. I tried to pull forward to let him slip free, but he tightened his grip on my hips. He stayed there, limp inside me, still larger than most of the dicks I’d ever seen, for a long while before he finally sighed and pulled back. It was an odd sensation, being empty, and it took a moment before I could stand, not just because of the void-like feeling, but I was still getting used to not being rocked forward at an alarming rate by his fucking. When I finally managed to stand again, a bit wobbly on my own legs, I smiled at the sweaty silhouette I’d left on his bedsheets. I could feel his cum running down my leg as I put on my bra and ruined shirt and adjusted my skirt and walked over to him, sitting at his desk in a daze. I thanked him, an unusual move for me, but after what we’d been through, it seemed oddly appropriate. He seemed like he was about ready to sleep for a thousand years, so I just reached over to a box of tissues on his desk to clean myself up. Out of necessity, I tied my top off just under my tits to preserve some sort of modesty, patted him on the shoulder and made my way out.

Once outside, his friends were still standing there, talking, and they gave me a loud, raucous round of applause, probably trying to embarrass me, but I just gave them a cheeky smile and curtsied, a slight mistake as a twinge of pain shot through my legs. I rushed back to my dorm, not even stopping by my room before cleaning myself up in the bathroom. Once I was satisfied with my ability to sit for any period of time without leaving a puddle of jizz, I went back to my room and told Amy how I had ridden The Colt and lived to tell the tale.



  1. Hhhhhhhh. God I’m jealous. I need some role play man. A girl has needs…

  2. An excellent addition to your ever growing collection of fantastic adventures!

  3. So after all that, can you still enjoy an averagely hung guy or are you forever more craving huge dicks to unload inside you?

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