Stephanie the security guard: part 5

I apologize for the slow deliberate pacing. I’m just posting these as I write them.

Edit: part 4. I can’t count and can’t change the title.

Stephanie was feeling extra anxious the next time she stood watching the throng of people filing in for their day’s work. Not just because of her experience where she practically turned her husband into Bryan, but because of the itch she felt at her bikini line. A strange compulsion has taken hold of her to grow her pubic hair out. She told herself and her husband that she wanted to see if he might like it and she was just feeling lazy. But deep down she knew she was imitating the woman she had seen Bryan so lustfully looking at. So she stood as still as she could, watching for him to make his way in. Bryan made his way through the revolving doors and locked eyes with her. He approached with a friendly smile and a simple hello. “I wanted to thank you. When you reached out to me, it really meant a lot” he said. “Oh” she replied, a bit taken aback. “Of course. I noticed you weren’t yourself. I just wanted to check in on you.” That elicited a smile from him, which she liked. “You’re something else. I’ve missed out conversations, weird as they can be” he said. She remembered the question he had asked about porn and couldn’t help but laugh. “Oh, that wasn’t that weird. Trust me, I’ve gotten a LOT weirder than that.” He said “I just hope you didn’t take it as me trying to open certain doors.” She smiled, then gave him a mocking serious face. “I won’t put up with such unprofessional behavior. You know I carry non-lethal measures to deal with that kind of thing.” He laughed and said “just don’t use the cuffs. I’m not into that kind of thing. “That’s a shame” she said with a coy smile. “You couldn’t deal with my weirdness” he said with a wink. She laughed again and said “right, I couldn’t deal with so much vanilla. I need spice.” A wicked grin crossed his face. “Oh Steph. If you only knew.” He walked off and went on his way. The wheels in her brain turned as she watched him. “Does he want me to follow up on that?” she wondered. Well, we will see.

Later that day when she had some time, she took to Messenger:

S: let’s hear it.
B: ha ha. What?
S: your weirdness. I’m not afraid ;)
B: oh my. How saucy.
S: you could say I’m feeling sassy.
B: I’ll tell you the truth if you really want to know.
S: try me.
B: are you sure? This might make things.. awkward between us.

“As if riding my husband and thinking of you didn’t make things as weird as they could ever be” she thought.

S: come on. It’s not like we have a track record of normal conversations. Besides, what have you go to lose except your reputation.
B: ha ha. Well.. I mean.. it’s not weird, but I do like short blonde women.
S: oh please. I already knew that. I’m just awesome.
B: true ;). But, you know, we being married to other people kind of puts a wrench in things.
S: yeah, that is inconvenient. But it also means nothing would ever happen, right?
B: well… maybe not. Totally kidding.

Stephanie smiled and knew she had him if she wanted him. She decided to push things a bit.

S: come on. Short blonde girls are everyone’s thing. I know that better than most. It gets tired really quickly. Spill something good.
B: well. I do like a woman in uniform. I don’t know why.
S: oh really?

Stephanie searches through her phone. She knew she had a old, but mostly accurate, picture of herself dressed in fatigues. She found it and sent it to him.

S: you mean like this?
B: wooooow. :o
B: I knew you were ex-military, but.. wow
S: aww, you’re gonna make me blush.
B: ha ha. Well, as long as you’re taking requests, how about a bikini shot? Totally kidding.

Stephanie didn’t need a lot of prompting. She obviously didn’t have a bikini shot, but she did have a picture of her in a one piece. She decided to send it to him just to get his reaction.

S: ta-da!
B: …. wow. You’re gorgeous. No joke.

Stephanie blushed and felt a familiar tingle and wetness between her legs.

S: thank you. *blush* you’re not so bad yourself, handsome.
B: well.. if we’re filling wishes…

Soon, a picture of Bryan in beach shorts showed up. Just as she thought, he had a muscular figure with defined arms and abs obscured by a thin layer of chub. His shoulders looked even broader without a shirt covering them, which she loved. “He’s so tall and broad. Damn” she thought.

S: well that was unexpected. But nice. *whistles*
B: you’re too kind. It feels like I’m really losing my muscles. That was this past summer. I’ve been trying to hit the gym.
S: well I can’t imagine it getting much better than that. Ha ha.
B: oh, stop.
S: nah. I like teasing you. It’s fun. If that’s the before, where’s the after?
B: ……
S: ha ha. What?

Another picture came though. This one looked like a shot from a public changing area. Maybe a changing room at a public pool. Bryan was obviously naked, as she could see all the way down to the top of a whisky mound of pubic hair, with the picture cutting it just out. His stomach was definitely skinner and his arms and chest were even more defined. Stephanie flushed and felt herself get a bit wetter.

S: wow, Bryan.
B: too much. I’m sorry. That wasn’t ok.
S: it was a lot. But it’s ok. You wanted to show off your hard work. And it definitely shows. You look great.
B: *blushing* now I won’t be able to look you in the eyes ever again. But thank you.
S: ha ha. It’s ok. Really. You do look great. ;)

This was crossing a line. They weren’t in full blown adultery just yet, but she could see things escalating. And somehow, she just wasn’t that concerned.



  1. Love every chapter. I alway look forward to the next one. Keep them coming!

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