[MF] Roomate round 2

Over the year that our roomate spent with my boyfriend and I we all became really close. I would find myself on the couch after dinner watching tv and my roomate would join me causally. We were friends and we were comfortable around eachother.

Because we were so comfortable I didn’t care what he saw or heard from me. I walked around in short shorts, undies, baggy tees, a tank top that is clearly too tight and I wouldn’t care. It was my house too so why would I. I wasn’t doing it on purpose but I always figured he would notice because we he was a boy and they always notice.

I can remember a hand full of times that he either walked in on my boyfriend and I, me going solo, or I walked in on him. I know he’s heard us/me but I’d never heard him or his girlfriend either. But, I did walk in on it.

It was a normal day, everyone was coming home from work and I was going to make dinner. So I went to my roommates room to ask him if he wanted some so I could make enough. I knocked on his door but he didn’t answer, I called his name and still no answer. He played video games a lot so I figured maybe he had his headphones in. So I decided to just open the door. That was when I saw that he wasn’t playing video games but he did have his headphones in.

I froze in the doorway not really knowing what to do. It was like something out of a porno. “Roomate gets caught jerking off” He was watching porn on his computer with his legs spread, sitting on his computer chair, pants around his ankles, dick in his hands, and his head resting on the back of his chair. He was facing the wall so I couldn’t see him or what he was actually doing but I put it together.

I stood in awe for a couple of seconds shocked and embarrassed of what I had just walked in on. Then quickly and not so quietly ran away after accidentally slamming the door to his room. Real smooth. I don’t know what happened after I ran but he came to the kitchen (too) shortly after. He was wearing black gym shorts and I could see that he hadn’t cum yet, I had interrupted. So I carried on with small talk about dinner and work all the while I was thinking in my head what I had just seen while glancing down and trying not to make it obvious.

I don’t know if he caught onto me walking in on him or my glances but I’m sure he caught onto me when he walked in on me a couple days after that.


Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/b5dezr/mf_roomate_round_2


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