Tokyo Skyscraper [M/F]

Usually I don’t wake up in the middle of the night. It’s always been a go to sleep, wake and then on-with-my-day kind of deal. In all of my 25 years of sleeping, I can’t remember the last time I woke up from a night’s rest unless bothered. Something wasn’t right. There was something missing a warmth, a feeling of completion, and an unexplainable feeling but a feeling I longed for and found since I moved here. For a second, the thought of that feeling never coming back splashed in my mind. It was silly but an instant sense of uneasiness raced throughout my body. And for another second, I panicked. I started to wave my arms around underneath the covers as if I were creating a snow angel. I was alone in my bed.

Is this a nightmare?

My body snapped out of being in a tired state and I pulled the covers from over my head. My clock on the night stand read 3:00 am. The sky was still dark and Tokyo’s skyline was as vibrant as ever. I lifted my head up and looked forward. There she was. I let out a silent sigh of relief. I thought to myself,

What are you doing?

She was standing up against the glass windows which were as tall as the walls. The light from the neighboring skyscraper gave her a neon blu-ish hue, outlining her figure. She didn’t notice me waking up so I just sat there. Mako was wearing nothing but a turquoise t-shirt that sported a faded yoshi print on the back. The shirt was a perfect fit for her 18 year old body. The bottom of the shirt sat comfortably down her back and only covered the top half of her butt cheeks. Her bare bottom was a sight to behold.

I never understood why she preferred to go to sleep in just a t-shirt, I didn’t mind. I asked her once, she replied “It’s the only way it feels right.” I didn’t get it but, her subsequent smile was enough for me. She loves the view from up here.

I wonder what she’s thinking.

I noticed the small whisks of individual hairs underneath the center of her bottom, in between her petite legs.The light coming through the windows silhouetted her beauty in a way I haven’t seen, ever. The light and shadows dancing to her complexities was intoxicating. All on display without her even knowing it.

Her gaze shifted to flashing red and white lights flying through Tokyo airspace. It was a helicopter, her eyes tracked it from the right of the bedroom windows until it flew by and disappeared in between the the nearby buildings on the left. She then refocused her gaze to whatever she was looking at earlier. She shivered a little.

Is it too cold in here?

I couldn’t tell. I was underneath heavy blankets in nothing but sweatpants.
I wanted to walk up to the thermostat really bad to check if it was in fact too cold for her. She let out a small child like sneeze. Which snapped her out of whatever trance she was in. She started to turn around and I quickly laid back down and shut my eyes.

Did she see me?

After a few seconds the bed shifted weight. She slowly crawled underneath the bed covers. At a snails pace, she snuggled up next to me and chose to lay on her side facing the bedroom’s side windows. I didn’t want to give myself away so I slowly slithered my way behind her. My body contoured with hers and fit like a puzzle. Her bare skin snuggled against my sweatpants. Admittedly the feeling of her skin against my pants felt off putting because my bear chest was against her t-shirt. I’m guessing I wasn’t the only one who felt that way. She slowly maneuvered her right hand to mine and delicately inter locked her fingers with my own. She then slowly guided my hand on to her knees.

She’s freezing

She slowly slid my hand up across her thigh to her waist and into her shirt, she stopped just over her belly button. She wiggled and rubbed her backside against my semi erection until she felt absolute comfort. And just like that she fell fast asleep. My sleep cycle wouldn’t allow such a feat but I didn’t mind. I slowly rest my chin upon her jet black hair and gazed out of my bedroom window.
