Monstrous Lust: In the Forest of Lust Part I. (Full Story)

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She was lost now, lost though not alone. There was something in these woods, watching her, following her. She dared not scream lest that which lurked in the darkness found her. Scared, she pressed on. Weaving through the forest brush the best she could with only the moon’s dim light showing the way. She needed to hide, that was her only thought and concern. Wait until light before finding her way back to camp, hopefully it would be safer and then whatever is out there would be gone.

She could still feel it, whatever it was is still out there. She did not know, however, if she had succeeded in eluding it at all, or if it had gone after the others instead. Perhaps this quaint attempt to sneak through the dark forest and hide until daylight was in vain. It could be just outside her vision, or perhaps around the next tree. Fear robs one of the ability to think things through.

She crawled into thick brush to hide, and discovered the hollow of a large tree. There she huddled, listening and waiting. The forest was relatively quiet now, but that did not matter. Every sound, be it a leaf or a bug, made her pause in fear that “it” was still out there, still coming for her. Terrified, she stayed until morning light.

She did not know how long she waited for the sun or when she finally found sleep in that hollow, but the early suns rays found their way to her in that hole. She woke startled and disoriented. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, she tried to come to her senses. She climbed out of hollow finding that her body was stiff and sore from being so confined. Taking the time to stretch and rub her tender body, she began to realize the toll the night had taken. Her long sweatshirt was badly torn; a ragged tear came down at an angle from her left armpit to almost her right thigh. Clumps of the teal cloth hung down past her knees, exposing her soft pink waist and the bottom curve of her left breast still tucked away in her night bra. Small cuts and scratches marked her arms and legs from running through the brush and her hair was a tangled mess from sleeping in such a hole. She was afraid to shake it out for fear of finding whatever might have taken nest there during the night.

She felt lucky that the night had not been too cold, or at she least that she hadn’t noticed it being so, as the teal sweatshirt was really the only thing she was wearing beyond her underwear and sandals. She was surprised to find the latter still on her feet, considering her frantic departure the night before.

Regaining her composure and moving into a forest glade, wiping the nights dirt and cobwebs from her body, she noticed a black feather. As her eyes scanned the ground more feathers appeared. Large feathers. Alarmed, she looked up and her heart sank. At least a dozen black silhouettes watched her from the branches of the ominous trees. They were much bigger than before. Impossibly so, she thought. No crow or raven could ever get so big as to have the branches they perched upon sag from their weight.

Something was not right about this forest, and now she had the proof. These things were not of the natural world. They gazed at her with greedy eyes, ruffling their dazzling midnight black feathers and cawing ever so softly. She hadn’t even noticed the cawing before, but now that she had, it seemed to fill the forest.

She stood silently for a time, pondering the danger, if any. Considering her options, if any. She did not have to consider long, as the answer came with a “nevermore!” The word came croaking out of one of the fatter birds, an odd smirk seeming to appear across its beaked face.

Again she ran. She bolted in the opposite direction, but it was no use. The birds descended, and like feathered piranha they were all over her before a running foot touched the ground. They were powerful enough to hoist her briefly into the air, through the trees and into another clearing. She came down with a heavy thud on a mossy patch that cushioned her impact, still held tightly in their grasp. Laying face down in the damp moss she felt them fly away from her body with bits and patches of her sweatshirt tightly bound in their talons. Each one was tearing and quickly scattering the only clothing she had beyond her underwear.

One bird remained, grasping both of her shoulders in its talons and holding her down. It bent down, softly placed its beak to one ear and cawed “curious you all are?”

The other birds, who were now perched all around, chimed in inharmoniously: “Desire! Pleasure! Lust!”

“What!?” she stammered. “What do you mean?! What do you want?!”

“You want! You want! You are here! You want!” They cawed as though human speech was not something they were accustomed to.

She felt the bird-like creature lift one foot from her shoulder and begin fiddling with the straps of her bra, one talon picking and prodding. The others moved closer as two more playfully nipped at her panties and thighs.

“Curious you were, yes?” said the one in her ear. “Why you are here, yes.”

Then, one of the crow-like beasts perched in front of her. Only a couple of feet from her face, it spread its wings wide. This made the creature even more imposing than it already was, giving it a dark majesty. Its chest puffed out. It had a near human form, masculine and rugged with its shaggy coat of gleaming feathers. And then, as it stood there in its most menacing yet majestic pose, a black appendage appeared from between its legs. Just as black as the rest of this monster, the member was also long and plump with a slight upwards curve. She immediately realized that this beast was presenting its cock to her, a monster bird cock shaped like an elongated spade with a long blunt point.

“Oh God!” she gasped.

The tugging at her underwear increased. She could feel her panties tearing. Then the bra snapped loose. The beast on top yanked it quickly from under her and dangled his prize before her, teasing her with it. Before she could protest further something pushed insistently against her womanhood. A beak was forcing its way inside her, still grasping the cloth of her panties. She squirmed hard, forcing its retreat, but with it came a large patch of the cloth. Her panties, now useless and gaping from the abuse, exposed her bare flesh. She struggled and strained hopelessly against the flapping of mighty wings. They taunted her with their cackling voices. “Lust! Pleasure! You want!”

As panic welled up inside her, she heard a new voice. Distant, yet also very close. A warm red glow began to creep from a sheltered wooded path. Mysterious and powerful, it lifted the shadows from the forest. Even the winged monsters on top of her gave pause.

It was beautiful and surreal, this light that filled the forest. As it swept toward her, so too did a strange darkness. There now, in the lights wake was a black silhouette. She had seen this form before. The black stallion she and her friends had glimpsed in the shadows ever since they had entered this forbidden forest. But it was different now. Its body was bathed in fire, its eyes glowed like embers. Where the red flame did not dominate its figure, the blackness of its body was darker than any night sky. She realized that its body even sparkled with lights. There were stars in his body, no, entire constellations and galaxies could be seen swirling in his ink black flesh.

“You fear me.” It spoke with a voice that was more a presence than a sound. “It is to be expected. All who encounter my forms do. But remember it is me you sought out of pleasure, out of lust.”

“You’re real!” Lena whispered. “You’re the monster from that old legend. The devil who was summoned by the witch who lived here over a hundred years ago, aren’t you?”

“Demons, devils. Yes, we have been called that.” The beast moved closer. “But why we are evil by your mortal standards I do not understand. We only desire pleasure, pleasure of sex and lust. When I observed it performed by mortals long ago it seemed like fun. Yet for eons now you mortals hypocritically label it as wrong?

But it does not matter what I am. You and your kin came here because you heard that something like us would be here, did you not? Legends of what you call ‘witches’ coming here to mate with devils when the world had forsaken them. They sought what you seek. Have you not laid with many of your kind simply for the pleasure of doing so? Seeking new experiences of bodily pleasure? To take and feel a massive organ of pleasure inside your own? You boasted to the others only a night ago about how much you could take inside you. Amazed them when you took a whole hand inside yourself and claimed there was room for more. You said if you were so inclined a horse’s cock could fit inside.” With that Lena trembled at the site of a massive member beginning to swell between the hind legs of this black beast. “Are you curious enough to find out? For I have chosen this form just for you.”

By now the raven-like monster had let go of her, allowing her to sit up. She did not know what to say. Here she was lying naked and lost in the forest with a bunch inhuman beasts flapping their strange cocks about with the intention of ravaging her body.

But this godly beast was not wrong. She was a slut, the biggest around, and had always loved sex, craved it. But she never imaged her love of sex would bring her to something like this. This was just supposed to be a game, a romp into the forbidden and scary forest with a bunch of friends for fun scares, not sex with monsters. She laughed, “I guess it’s a good thing I didn’t pick the mansion with the maniac killer and lost souls that drag you into hell. No, I instead take the haunted forest filled with a bunch of monster birds and a flaming horse that all want to fuck my brains out.” she said quietly to herself.

“Look, I’m flattered,” she said as she gained some composure, “but this is a little much. You are supposed to be just a myth, a fairy tale that people tell young girls to make them afraid of sex. Devils aren’t supposed to be real and I am not really interested in getting knocked up by one.”

“The name of devil is only applied to us by mortals, and we have no need for children. The seed we produce is only to enhance the experience. We do this only because we enjoy it, mortal. We have seen your kind do the same, yet decry it as a crime called ‘sin.’ If it is a sin then no matter, we enjoy the experience too much. We like to experiment with it too much. Taking different forms and smashing bodies together until mortals give in. We find it a challenge. You will learn, in time, through the experience we give.”

This voice of the horse entity rose with power and purpose as it spoke these words. Its flame and shadow grew with intense light or lack thereof. The raven-like things grew more restless and energetic. They rose into the air only to fall down again on top of her. Pinning her down as they had before, and again one rose in front of her, exposing itself.

“Not many are willing the first time. They fear too much, they reject too much. Only through experience can we teach you. As proof that we mean well: if your experience is not pleasant you will have no memory of this event. You shall remain forever in ignorant bliss that things such as us could even exist in your world. So now, lusty mortal with nothing to lose, we desire pleasure and you came here for it. I wish to see you pleasure the one before you with your tongue.”

What was she to do, she wondered. There was no escape, she was in the domain of this thing now and it was going to have her. She stared at the black phallus in front of her. It pulsed with anticipation. She had done some questionable things in her sex-filled life, but nothing like this. It was obvious that either way, taking it willingly or unwillingly, this was going to happen. Resigned to her fate, she reached out and gave the strange member an exploratory lick with the tip of her tongue. To her surprise, an excited thrill ran up her spine as she wrapped her lips around the monster’s shaft. In reply the raven beast made a cooing caw and wrapped its great wings around her head gently, laying its warm body against her face in an appreciating hug.

Her mind was trying to comprehend what she was doing and what was going on around her. This was just too bizarre, too unreal. Perhaps she was still sleeping in the tree hollow and this wasn’t happening at all. But then, it felt real and tasted real too. The black cock tasted strange, though not unpleasant, as she explored it with her tongue. The beast waited patiently to be pleasured by her lips and tongue. But she was frozen, taking in the reality of what she was doing.

“Do not worry beautiful one,” said the shadowy presence. “Pleasure is to be given as well as received. We are not selfish here.”

With that she felt a hard presence press deep against her womanhood. Another black raven-beast was pressing his beak against her. Soon a second, then a third was also doing the same. Taking turns nestling and rubbing her exposed mound and playfully nipping at its folds. Their beaks were hard but gentle; they knew what they were doing. As someone who was quite experienced herself in the act of lovemaking she could tell these things were no amateurs.

One beak began to slide deep inside her, the process almost surgical, as other birds pulled open her vagina gently from either side to allow better access. Slowly the beak pushed in. It seemed to be suckling her juices as it went deeper, licking her insides. The pleasure came in waves as they teasingly experimented with her.

All the attention she was receiving nearly made her forget that a pulsing phallus was still resting on her tongue. The beast attached to it reminded her by thrusting excitedly, causing her to almost choke.

“Alright, I get it!” she thought. “This is happening and I guess it is time to commit.” She reached around the beast, hugging it back. Aggressively she began to thrust the phallus into her mouth. She decided she would match the rhythm of the one twisting and thrusting its beak inside her. Pleasure for pleasure, and lust for lust. The one grasped firmly by her lips seemed to know this and cawed out for more. In response the beak inside her began to twist more violently. Then it pulled out and clamped on to her clitoris. It began to work on it like a wrench on a bolt. The squeezing and twisting got to her and she squealed in painful excitement.

“Is that how it is!” she thought, and began nibbling voraciously on the cock at hand. She pulled back to get at the tender tip and began to clench down around it until the beast began to squawk and flap in retaliation. Its pleading caused the one wrenching her womanhood to stop. In the pause she returned to a gentler sucking and licking, so as to reassure that all was well and she had only been returning the favor.

They got more excited now. They flapped and cawed, squawking “Yes, yes we want!” Their massive black feathers fluttered about in the frenzy. Some were shedding them in great number and they blanketed her like giant black cherry blossoms.

Another beak thrust inside her, farther this time. She felt like it was trying to put its whole head inside her. But it didn’t end there, as another sought to try at the same time. Then another, and another. Although only two beaks were inside her at any given time, there were so many of the beasts trying to get in. As one pulled out another would quickly replace it.

She began to lose it, a climax was imminent now. Staying focused on pleasuring the phallus inside her mouth became more difficult. As a result, the frustrated beast began to thrust back. The thrusts were quick and powerful as the meaty phallus slipped back and forth between her lips and tongue.

With a great cry the feathered beast pulled away from her and erupted, its orgasm like a small black bomb. The warm splash across her face and chest startled her but was not unpleasant. It was like mist in a greenhouse garden: droplets of warm, life-giving dew on the plants and greenery helping them grow.

She inhaled deeply, letting the euphoria take hold. She collapsed back down on her bed of green, rolling in the cool dampness of the moss and foliage as though it too was making love to her. She came to rest on her back smearing the earth’s filth along her body. The dew was pushed up and along her firm breast and down along the smooth curves of her sides and belly. She reached down and stroked the feathered heads of her assailants, her lovers. Wet with her own dew, they pulled out and tenderly nibbled and kissed her fingers.

The black feathered beasts circled her on the ground and in the trees. There were so many of them, far more than there had been before. The forest had transformed into a massive sea of jet and onyx with feathers that fell like snow. The beasts closest to her nibbled and kissed her body. They affectionately picked at her, pinching her nipples, biting her thighs and shoulders and nipping at her ears.

It was strange the bliss she had found. It should have been frightening. The world around her was spiraling into shadows and beasts were ravaging her body. She had accepted a place that the world she came from could never understand. The world had warned her, through stories and legends, that this place was dark and corrupt, filled with terror and sin. Yet she was not in danger here. No harm had come to her. It was simply something not human, perhaps not of this world. It wanted sexual pleasure and it wanted such pleasure because it simply enjoyed it. As the shadows darkened around her, she wondered why. Why had she so eagerly allowed this? Was it because she had been afraid of the consequences if she refused? Could she have escaped? She knew not what was to happen to her or why, but she knew she was destined for a strange journey.

The shadows spoke. “I am glad to see you gave in, beautiful one. You will not regret the choices that brought you here. We will make sure of that. Now the pact will be signed. Let the earthly bodies combine with the heavens. I shall watch and continue to be pleased.”

With that, as though an irresistible command had been given to her subconscious mind, she rolled back onto her stomach and embraced a feathered shadow before her. Arms and wings became entangled. Lips and shadowy beak pressed and merged. From above and behind the onyx forms enveloped her.

Again she felt them enter her and this time she knew it was phallic. The shadows of the forest, in the form of great black birds, were mating with her over and over again. The shadows were vigorous in ravishing her. When one finished, cawing loudly its accomplishment, another would take its place. They sprayed her insides with their essence, and many continued to spray her after leaving her body. With each orgasm she felt she might turn into liquid shadow herself as she became sticky and wet both inside and out.

She lost count of how many times she was mounted and how many times she came. Was it hours, days, months that she had been there? Maybe just minutes? Time no longer mattered. Nothing mattered, really. She was simply along for the ride and enjoying it. Great shadowy beasts embraced her and she embraced them. It was simple, really. She had been with many men before for the pleasure of sex, the fun and playfulness of bodies grinding against each other. This time was no different, except it was longer and with something not human. It wanted more. It wanted until she was afraid she might give out. She was afraid her frail mortal body was not enough to handle something on this cosmic scale.

Then it was over. The birds were gone. Had she fallen unconscious? No, she still lay naked and wet on the mossy forest floor, exhausted but exhilarated. The birds were just gone, vanished as though they never existed. The great flaming horse remained.

“I am pleased!” it said with its presence. “I enjoyed watching you receive pleasure and how you can take it over and over again.” I enjoyed how you accepted it and embraced it back.” Its eyes glowed brighter with each word she felt in her mind. “It saddens me that you are not able to perform longer, but I am experienced with mortal limitations. Before you completely succumb, you must complete my final task of sexual endurance. You must let this form fill you deeply and fully to your limits.”

She knew what it wanted. She had seen the massive member swell between its magnificent thighs. Lusts final form stood before her and it was going to teach her exactly what ‘hung like a horse’ meant.

She lay on her back facing him. “I suppose I can’t say no? I mean, I know that I have had sex with a lot of guys and I have my kinks, but why take on such beastly forms? Why not some well hung hunk? You can still be all shadowy and flames.”

“Because this is what I am: a beast of many forms. I lust for the bodies of mortal females. They please me in many ways. As a beast you will experience new pleasures that you would never know. You will taste the wild and exotic fruits of the forbidden tree. I give this because it pleases me. You are my plaything, one of many. You are marked as mine and this is the rule of my Eden.”

The great beast of stars and flame strode to her and stood over her, planting its black hooves firmly above and to either side of her head. She looked into its body, at the beautiful cosmic sky before her eyes. Stars and galaxies twinkled deep in masculine, rippling flesh. From this viewpoint she saw herself being taken not by some savage beast, but by the heavens. The universe itself would wrap her in its love.

She opened herself up to him. His massive shaft rubbed against her. Like a spear of darkness it split her open and slowly pushed its way deep inside to her core. It filled her completely, more than anyone or anything before.

“Take me.” She whispered. “I am yours.” She was excited. Her heart raced as ecstasy filled her and surrounded her all at the same time. She felt as if the whole of the universe was showing her its secrets as he rested on top of her.

Then slowly everything began moving, thrusting. The stars twinkled in rhythm. In playful mimicry, constellations formed the outlines of great mythical beasts before her eyes. The constellations came together, and they too began to make love with one another. Mounting and mating; grasping and groping; licking and nipping. It was pure and stimulating and made her feel even more at peace. She knew that now she was part of something bigger.

The thrusts began to get deeper and heavier now, taking her breath away. Constellations began to descend with great shadowy wings. The great onyx colored birds returned to her now as starry beings. Dancing and spinning like great ballet dancers. Their forms were more human than before, their heads and feathers appearing more like elaborate theatrical costumes. Their massive and magnificent wings, however, were much more than before.

They dove down and danced with her. They swooped and dipped, kissed and nipped. They magnificently synchronized with each thrust that sank deep into her soul. They caressed and stroked her, paying careful attention to her breasts. They were pressed up and down with beak and wing. They were reverently lifted and squeezed to the rhythm of the great starry beast above her.

Harder and faster now, she let out a roar like a mighty lioness. Cumming like she never had before. Cumming like it was her first time all over again. But the thrusts only got faster. The dancing of stars and forms intensified before her and the caressing of her body grew more profound. The great starry wings pressed into her flesh as they enveloped her. She was suspended in the heavens by an orgy of starry light and she applauded its dancing by cumming a second, and then a third time. When she thought she couldn’t take any more, that her body had reached its mortal limitations, the beast ripped his throbbing cock from her loins. With a great bellow that shattered the heavens, he came.

She was bathed in a mighty torrent. Thick creamy ropes of liquid stardust, glowing with a soft light. The first blast doused her smooth stomach, splashing her ripe, full breasts and cooling her sweat-covered face. A second mighty blast glazed her luscious curves, her outline now gleaming beneath his darkness. There was a third and a fourth great torrent, as he emptied himself all over her. Drenched in his seed, she was overcome by euphoric bliss. It seemed to penetrate her skin, saturating the core of her being, massaging her mind and soul.

The world around her began to fade away. Was she still in the forest or was she somewhere else? She did not know, nor did she care. She was savoring the experience, letting the unimportant details slip away. This was something new, something rare, something that shouldn’t have happened at all. But it had, and that was all there was to it. With no longer a thought in her mind she closed her eyes and waited to see what the future would bring now that she had mated with a god.


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