Stephanie the security guard

Stephanie was not living her best life. She hadn’t had an easy one, true. But she thought things should at least be less hectic and stressful. She grew up in what might be considered a rougher part of the valley, and had made some bad choices in the past, but she was content with the life she was living now. Mostly, at least. Stephanie was a petite blonde with blue eyes and hair that fell to below her shoulder blades. She wasn’t as fit as she had been in her military days, but she was still slender with a nice bosom. Her only hang up was her stomach. 3 children had taken their toll, and she had what she considered to be a horribly stretched stomach which she constantly covered with a camisole, even when naked with her husband. She pulled the straps down so he could get at her breasts, but she never let him see her fully naked. The truth was, no one else would have batted at eye at her stomach, but she surely was her own worst critic.
She had a happy home life. She had three wonderful children, two boys and a girl. Her kids were happy and well behaved, and did well in school. Of course, kids fight and have a time getting along sometimes, but whose kids don’t? She had a wonderful husband who adored her and who she truly loved. They had their disagreements, but that was nothing unusual as she saw it. True, she had some issues with his choices in sexual matters, but that’s normal. Couples disagree and all. But she really didn’t appreciate his desire to, well, cover her face with his cum. She felt it degrading, so that’s where she drew the line. Outside of that and perhaps his tendency to watch too much porn, they had a happy and fulfilling sex life. Sure, she had people who she interacted with in regular life she found attractive and maybe even wondered what it would be like to be with them, but that was human too. She was usually able to put that behind her and focus on her marriage and family.
Her greatest hangup with her husband was his desire to gamble. It wasn’t often, and it wasn’t expensive, but it was bothersome. He would leave her home alone with the kids overnight so he could go do his thing. They’d argued about it, but they had decided that as long as he kept it under a certain amount, it wasn’t too big of a problem. So she stewed and hemmed and hawed about it, but she just let it go. When he’d go out of town, she’d have friends over and drink and have a good time to take her mind off of things.
Her job as a security guard was a natural fit due to her military background. She was petite, but she was tough. Tougher than most men she had served with, to be honest. She could hold her own against men and women much larger than her, and rarely had to actually use physicality in her work. Usually her most challenging situations at work revolves around her having to handle the many homeless people who populated the downtown area. Usually they were quick to get away from people who looked anything like law enforcement, but she had had to deploy non lethal methods such as pepper spray from time to time. One of her coworkers had been ambushed by someone once and been hurt pretty badly, which shook her for a time, as it did all of her colleagues, but she eventually got over it.
She checked ID’s and patrolled the parking lots of a large building that housed several businesses, and so encountered a lot of people in her daily activities. Here is where those attractive people mentioned before came in. For most, a friendly greeting and a smile was sufficient, but there were a handful of people she would talk and joke with, who she would consider friends. These included a mix of men and women of all ages and backgrounds. Some had, of course, tried to flirt with her, jokingly or not. She knew very well how to shut these down very firmly and usually without hurt feelings. There had only been a couple of times where she had to actually get management involved to stop particularly friendly people from talking to her.
There was one exception, however. Bryan was a tall blonde haired man who was in decent shape for being in his early 40’s. You could see what looked like a powerful muscular frame under his clothes. He had broad shoulders and obviously thick arms which he would jokingly flex when he walked by. Bryan was married with kids as well, so she had been able to keep things at bay, despite finding him attractive and having good rapport with him. He had found her on Facebook and they’d shared private messages that were flirty, but not too much so. To her shame, she had flirted more than her husband would be pleased with. You’re not supposed to write anything you wouldn’t want your spouse to read, right? Well, she had broken that rule a time or two with Bryan, but they had always been able to bring it back to playful banter before it got to be too much.
Things went on like this for some time, she seeing him as he came in to and left work, and occasionally as he went to his car to go about random tasks. Once or twice they’d shared a few minutes of what you’d call private conversations in relative seclusion in the parking garage, with some playful and flirty banter that would be mentioned jokingly in a Facebook message here and there. She knew when he was and wasn’t at work because he was consistent in his parking and she knew his car. Well, in time, the banter became less and less, and the flirting seemed to slow down. The Facebook messages stopped coming, and Bryan seemed more subdued. He always had a smile and a quip for her, but his face would go back to a flat unsmiling stare after he would walk away. She thought about asking him if everything was ok, but figured it wasn’t her place. Still, she did miss her friend and the banter they always enjoyed. But, life goes on.
One evening, after most of the employees had left, Stephanie was making a final round of the parking garage before clocking out for the night. It was mostly deserted, and there wasn’t a soul to be seen walking to or from a car. She always checked the higher levels, even though no one usually parked there, as it was part of her route, even though no one really wanted to park that far away from the stairs and elevators. To her surprise, she saw Bryan’s car. She was a bit taken aback, but curious why he was there. He was allowed to park in the garage, obviously, because he worked in the building, but she found it curious that he was there, so far outside of where he usually parked. She could see he was in the car, and thought maybe this would be a good chance to check on him and see how things were going with him, since he had seemed so melancholy and sad lately. More than once, she had walked up on him when he was in his car and tapped on his window and they had gone through the whole “do you know why I pulled you over” routine, which had led to many of their conversations, so she felt safe and comfortable doing so now. As she approached, she noticed he has his phone in front of him. No big deal, people watch videos in their cars all the time. Sure, he was here later than usual and not in his usual spot, but that wasn’t suspicious. However, as she got closer, the picture of what was happening became clearer. She saw on his tiny screen a video of a petite blonde woman stripping down for a man laying down on a bed. Stephanie immediately flushed and was about to walk away, but her curiosity was piqued. From what she could see, that woman looked a lot like.. her. She stood rooted to the spot, but Bryan was obviously too distracted to notice she was standing there. She watched at the petite blonde, now fully naked, got on her knees and grabbed the man’s cock and slowly stroked it and smiled. The woman then licked the head and slowly took it into her mouth and began bobbing up and down. Embarrassed, Stephanie realized that her panties were now slightly wet from the sight and thought of Bryan watching someone who looked like her giving a blowjob. She was about to turn away in embarrassment when she suddenly spied movement from his other hand. Her eyes widened as he unzipped his pants and started fumbling with the front of his boxers. “Oh, it is time to go” she thought to herself, and wanted to turn to walk very quickly away, but.. she had to see. She had to see, while she had the chance, what this handsome man she had flirted shamelessly with had going on between his legs. She felt hot. She felt ashamed. Her panties were moist, but she had to know. Bryan opened the flap of his boxers and pulled out his large, thick penis. Stephanie was no stranger to dicks. She had lost her virginity at 14, and she had had several lovers. She had seen a lot of different sizes and thicknesses, including her husband’s own long and normally thick penis, and it kept her satisfied for years. She hadn’t given another thought to any of her past lovers after she had been with her husband for the first time. He was sweet and skillful, and he seemed to fill her up just right, like their parts had been made for each other. But here and now, Bryan’s thick meaty cock looked quite simply amazing. He began stroking it, moving his hand up and down, and by now her panties were positively soaked. She suddenly found her legs unroofed from the spot and turned away and left as quickly as she could without making a lot of noise or motion, so as not to alert him that she had been there. She hurried back to the guard station, finished her last duties, pinched out, and left. Thankfully, no one else was there to see how red her face was or how awkwardly she raked due to the wetness between her legs. She caught the bus as she regularly did and tried to distract herself with games and social media on her phone as she usually did, but she wouldn’t get Bryan out of her head. He had always been attractive to her, but with that thick and meaty cock, she was beginning to have some very embarrassing thoughts about her “friend.” She unconsciously opened messenger and looked at the last messages they had exchanged a few weeks ago. She so badly wanted to just say hello and see how he was doing, but she did not trust herself. She sat staring at nothing the rest of the ride until she was somehow home without realizing how she got there. When she had her husband alone after the kids were in bed, she showed him a ferocity and lust they hadn’t had together since before their children were born. Afterward, they both lay there exhausted and sweaty, wrapped in each other’s arms. All he could say was “wow. Where did that come from?” She forces a smile on to her face and said “I’d just been thinking about you all day long” and kissed him.


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