Beginning of an Office Affair [m/f]

First time posting here, but after reading a few of these stories here I just had to post about what I encountered today.

I have an office job, mostly paper-pushing, I hardly leave the office for work, so when I do it’s a treat.

This morning I had to run over to an associates office at another location to fix a few things on her computer (I know a lot about computers so I’m also the unofficial IT guy for our company, I actually spend a lot of time fixing printer issues, but this time I was dealing with some anti virus software). I’ve always been slightly attached to her, brown hair and eyes, part Latino I believe, she’s about 5′ 6″ and slim, not skinny, but slim. I am 6′ 3″, 180lbs, and about an average build. She’s married and has a 9 year old, and I have a girlfriend so I haven’t tried hitting on her at all, just treating her as I do any other co worker. For the sake of the story I’ll call her Jessica.

So we were talking as I was working on her computer and somehow got on the topic of nudity. It was 8am and her office is locked until 9 so she can do paperwork without being bothered, so I didn’t have to worry about any other employees or clients coming in. She had mentioned how she loves being nude and how she walks around mostly nude at home, she’ll get home and take off her shirt and pants and just walk around in a bra and panties. She had then mentioned that she had her tits done a few years back and how much she loves them and loved to show them off. “I love my chocolate tits” she said.

Yesterday she had spent a few hours at my office as I was going over some training with her and she was wearing a low cut dress and was obviously not wearing a bra. I took every chance I could get to look down her dress at her tits including having her stand in spots where she had to bend over towards me as I showed her something.

When she had mentioned at she loved her tits I said “yeah, not gonna lie, I tried but just could not stop starting at your tits yesterday.” “Yeah they’re great aren’t they?” She replied to which I nodded and said yes. She takes about how perfect they were and how you couldn’t see the address or even tell that they were done. Her phone then rang as one of our co workers called her, as she was taking to him she jokingly said “yeah, he’s over here, we’re just talking about boobs.” The phone call was short, so when she hung up the phone I chuckled and said “god damn, all this talk about your perfect tits and now all I want to do is see them.” to which she replied “would you like to?” She started to close the blinds closest to her so I knew she was serious. Of course I wanted to see her tits! So I checked the second door to her office (one that is seldom used, but still has a chance of a fellow employee walking in) and shut it. I then walked over to her as she lifted her shit up. “Wow” I said, “those do look fantastic, you can’t see the scars at all.” She continued to hold her shirt up so I reached out and took one in each hand. At first I pretended to be inspecting them, but then I started to knead them in my hands and I reached up and started rubbing her ‘chocolate’ nipples which instantly got hard underneath my thumbs.

She had then pulled her shirt down as we both went back to where we were previously sitting. We joked about how we’ll probably fail the upcoming online Sexual Harassment class with the way we just acted, and I said “I’ll let you know when I’m taking it so you can send me pictures of your tits.” She asked me when my birthday was and I told her it was in December, she said “well maybe for your birthday I will let you motorboat them.” “Damn” I said “I’m gonna have to wait a full 9 more months for that.” She just smiled. I’m holding her to that. I finished up with her computer and left, but not before she said “I’m glad you enjoyed my tits, keep them in mind as you go throughout your day” and I said “you’ll just have to send me a photo so I can enjoy them.” “You’re so bad” she replied as I walked out the door.

Throughout the remainder of the day we flirted a little over text, I told her how distracted I’d been all day thinking about her tits, and how she’s not supposed to be making me turned on at work. She had even sent me an email saying “Sorry to be calling you so much, I have another question, but I just know you love the sound of my voice…must be like chocolate in your mouth.” I fucking lost it at that point and ran off to the bathroom so I could jerk off thinking about fucking her over her desk. Later in the day she had called a few more times, each time whispering quickly “you love my chocolate nipples” 3 or 4 times during the conversation.

I want her so bad. I want to keep her after hours and fuck her over her desk or even my desk. I’m not sure if this story will progress. I hope it does and will update if it does continue.



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