How I [M] helped a friend[F] in need and it led to a weekly blowjob. [Long]

Hey everyone, this is a story from a few years ago when I was at University. It starts off with the same old, a friend from High school who was in a very different social circle reached out to me through the very much infant stage Facebook, we got chatting and it led to a great relationship, we used to talk about pretty much anything and everything.

She was blonde, tall at 5’8, not a skinny but slim body but she had awesome tits for her shape, full and always spilling out of low cut tops, sun dresses and the odd bikini or two at some of our once in a lifetime Scottish summers. I used to tell her that often, it became a running joke that she should get them out to accomplish her goals “she had a pretty face with one dimple on her left and looked better without too much makeup.

So it’s been about a year that we have been firm friends. I get a call out of the blue asking “can you come over, its important”

I get there for around 9pm, she’s wearing pyjama bottoms and a tight white tshirt with no bra, you can see her nipples poke through, she caught me looking when she opened the door and punched me in the arm. We were both single at the time. I had as much experience in sex as a blind nun and I know she had at least a couple of boyfriends in school.

We chatted about a few different things and then it gets real serious. She’s almost in tears but she explains that she is in real trouble. She owes her landlord money, and she had none. Her flat mates are being total bitches about it…etc etc. Long story short she needed £600 in 24Hours and she couldn’t think of anyone else who could help her. Her parents had already loaned her money for things, her siblings were all still in high school and she didn’t have a job.

I obliged her by saying I’ll give you the money as long as she pays me back within 1 year.
I said I’ll be back after I get £300 from a cash machine and get the rest for her tomorrow.

I’m thinking this will all be fine. I’ve never leant this amount of money to anyone and it isn’t a scam.

*this is when the sexytimes start *

I arrive back to her flat and let myself in, knock on her bedroom door and she opens it with a huge grin on her face, takes me by the hand and plonks me down on the bed, “this is for you” she says as she starts to rub my crotch with her hand. She slowly unzips me and realises the mechanics of this, I’m already rock hard from just the touching (doesn’t take much at 20) so it’s not going to just poke out of my flies. She unbuckles my belt and pulls down my trousers and boxers just below my balls, I have always shaved myself ever since I hit puberty so she was pretty shocked by that. She started to put the tip of my cock in her mouth and I realised just how small her mouth was, I wouldn’t say I was huge, about 7″ long about the same girth as those 250ml coke cans *I measured, dont judge*. She is sucking and slurping the head of my cock, flicking her tongue underneath, licking my from the base of my shaft to the tip and not using her hands at all. This is all within 5 minutes of me getting in through her door. My cock is throbbing in her mouth with my heartbeat, which is racing, my mind was in shock and I’m sure I had a very stupid expression on my face.

Her hands make an appearance and start massaging my balls and that’s it, I feel that clench in the pit of my stomach and I make a small Yelp and grunt that can only be described as the sound you make when you stub your toe in the dark but stifle it because you dont want to shout. She got the message though and sucked the tip of my head, before bobbing her head up and down twice across the length of my shaft, that was the dealbreaker, tipping point, blockbuster, wheel of fortune any other gameshow jackpot. I came, which is an understatement, I convulsed and shot the first rope In her mouth, she reeled back and the second landed on her chin and the rest was like watching a volcano erupting. I collapsed, lay back on her bed, my cock looking like a fish out of water, cum all down my trouser legs. I look up to see her standing with that cheeky grin on her face and my cum still on her chin. She disappeared into her en suite and came back about 2 minutes later with a small hand towel.

I cleaned myself up and hardly said a word, probably still in disbelief, shame, shock, guilt, mental exhaustion she said some awe inspiring, soul cleansing and downright boner inducing words.

“I didn’t do that because you are giving me money, I did it because I wanted to!” Still with that huge grin on her face.

I couldn’t help thinking to myself, she’s incredibly chipper for just having a cock explode in her mouth and had her duvet and probably carpet now tainted with my seed.

“Same time tomorrow?” She says so casually that we just both start laughing.

This was the start of a year long journey with a few twists and turns. If you guys want to hear more then let me know.

I’ll do a part two of the next day tomorrow.


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