Shrooms and Squirting in Amsterdam [MF]

So this story is going to be lengthy because anyone who’s done shrooms knows that shit isn’t a short trip. Sorry in advance for the length. 

So my partner and I spent a debauched week in Amsterdam a while back. As soon as we arrived at the airport, we took a taxi to our Airbnb, dropped our bags, and headed straight to the smoke shops at the city center. I wanted to cop weed and shrooms as the obvious first choices. I selected a cerebral blend for myself and a more beginner strain for him, and pretty much all of the weed, and the necessary paraphernalia to party. Ironically, my partner doesn’t smoke weed very much at all, and when he tried it *that* time at the coffeeshop the hydroponic weed plus the jetlag knocked him on his ass, we got kicked out of a smoke shop, and decided to head home! Once we left the foggy coffeehouse the munchies hit and I dragged him to a burger joint to grab food for later knowing full well we’d need it since shrooming on an empty tank is usually ill-advised.

We rushed back to our apartment, busted open the care package our hosts had left us, promptly popping cork and drinking wine out of the bottle, and eating fast-food in our underwear to combat munchies while just enjoying each others company. Once we’d gorged ourselves, I looked over at him and asked if he was ready “to rock out with his cock out”. In case it’s not obvious I’m the more adventurous one, and he usually vetoes my worst ideas as you will see later. He was slightly trepidatious, which probably shoulda been a clear sign to me that I shoulda eased him more into his first trip…but I made some rookie miscalculations.

In Amsterdam, they sell fresh psilocybin product, and I’m typically used to the dried stuff. So my high drunk rookie ass was left to the dosage and I erred on the side of tripping balls. I gave him 1/3rd of his container (still slightly less than the recommended dose), and downed half of my own. Then we waited…with me occasionally taking a hit off the one hitter, as we watched tv and cuddled for a half hour or so. He suddenly started exclaiming that he was feeling off, and while I had slight visuals I wasn’t really feeling it, so I double down on stupid and pounded back the other half of my container. At that point, I shoulda buckled the fuck up for a ride, because that was a fucking mistake. I was meant to be his shroom shaman, and while things started that way I got too high to just got a little caught up in the moment honestly…so when the trip hit me like a freight train, I couldn’t help but want to try to be active to work of the shrooms (stupid idea I know, but try telling that to my uber high ass). He claimed he was starting to feel really off, so I suggested we might as well use the whirlpool bathtub and refocus the ambiance (because remember I’m the trip sitter here)—also shroom sex is a fav of mine, so I had clear intentions at that point. I undressed him, then myself, and placed him into the steaming hot water, before turning on the blue colored fairy lights lining the tub. I left him to soak, and ran nude through the house to the living room to reclaim the remaining wine one hitter, and ran back upstairs to join him in the tub.

When I got back upstairs this boy had gone crazy with the bath bubbles, and just had the largest grin on his face. I couldn’t help but laugh, and asked him if he was feeling better yet. He replied, “*I’ve discovered the true shape of water*!”, at which point I figured he was at least a happy boy. Nerdy things like physics are his happy place and thats exactly what psychedelics call for (ie one’s happy place). I hopped into the tub, rubbing my bare ass against him firmly before sitting in his lap. I couldn’t help rubbing my hands along his arms as he distractedly continued playing with bubbles. Soon I’d timed it so that when he’d reached out to grasp a fistful of bubbles I took his big hand in mine, and put it on my slender breasts, urging him silently to pinch my nipples. He obliged and started biting on my neck, and held me firmly around the waist with his left hand while roughly moving his right over my upper body paying close care to tweak each nipple. Usually he’s fairly reserved and always checking in for feedback which I like honestly but this time, he was obviously caught up in what he was feeling and losing control and I loved every second of it. Getting him to do things that he wouldn’t normally do and just seeing a different side of him. Making a pent up guy lose control. He spun my tiny frame around to face him entangling our legs as the spray of the jets caressed our bodies lost in our overly heightened senses. I distinctly remember the spray of the jets nearly bringing me to orgasm as he lifted my thigh to straddle his. I rubbed myself against his thigh and the friction while not the most comfortable was soothed by the pulsating jets. We sat there embraced, losing track of time, progressively but subtly getting higher, and just kissing and touching one another until the water finally started to cool. At which point I took the towels down that I’d been warming up on the fancy European heated towel rack handing a big one to him, and saving 2 for myself so I could put my hair up. We dried off quickly, and rejoined each other in bed. 

By this time I shoulda known I was high as fuck…honestly but I was far too distracted and feeling overwhelmed by a desire to thoroughly break my SO in to high sex. So I got on my knees in front of him and began teasing the head of his member with tiny licks and breathing lightly, only occasionally working my way down his shaft with my tongue. Every time he tried to thrust or push my head down I pulled back, eventually tiring of his attempts, I handcuffed his arms to the bed posts. (Yes I travel internationally with handcuffs…and yes I’ve gotten stopped and questioned about it before.) Then feeling pretty emboldened myself I lightly perched on his face and went back to teasing his cock with my tongue. In spite of the restraints and my attempts to reign in his bucking I could tell by the way his cock was shivering and he was begging me to let him cum that he was beyond his control…so I put my mouth on his head again taking staunch care to lick around the underside where he tends to be most sensitive, and finally took him deeply into my throat, not recoiling this time as he gratefully thrusted into my awaiting lips. I finally dismounted and turned to face him slowly climbing up his torso and taking care to not jostle his restraints as I more forcefully lowered myself onto his mouth, grinding against him hard while he sloppily tongued my wet pussy. Finally, gasping for air, he begged me to free at least one of his hands so he could touch me. I undid one cuff forgetting that they only work if both hands are in them. He slid his hands from between the bedposts and clasped me to his mouth inserting his tongue even deeper. Somewhere in the midst of this he started working his finger into me in between licks. He stroked me stretching me out and leaving his index deeply inside my tight hot hole while making out with my vagina. I finally came, clenching tightly around his single digit, squeezing the sides of his head with my thighs as his very thick beard roughly caressed the smooth sensitive skin there. He then released my clit from his mouth just as I was having difficulty remaining upright. I rolled off to recover for a minute, and to avoid hurting him as I get pretty twitchy after orgasming. I laid down next to him and drifted into a deep but troubled sleep as the shrooms had their way with me.

However, some indeterminable amount of time later I awoke…highly tripping balls, intense visuals, skin crawling, just completely overwhelmed. I looked over at my partner as he was sleeping soundly, and decided in a moment as the shrooms peaked that I shouldn’t be alone. So I woke him up. He awoke to realize that he too was tripping balls and paranoid about someone coming to find us—but realizing he would now have to keep me company. He suggested that I go out to one of the apartment’s three balconies and smoke some weed to come down a bit more gently, so I did. As I was on the balcony I was mesmerized by the snow drifting slowly onto the lovely Amsterdam tulips…and was overcome by the urge to go pick them. I ran back inside renewed by my plans of tulip theft—I’m really not sure the rules on picking the tulips —and told SO about my machinations. As I described my plan, a look of horror crossed his face. “Caliguletta, you are a tiny black girl in a foreign country that is about to go out and steal Amsterdam’s national treasure!”, “But the tulips beg to be picked, look at them!?”, as I dragged him to the window to see. He tried to convince me that more sex would be a better idea, keep in mind he’s still having his first trip, and it’s quite uncomfortable for him at this time too. He had become paranoid and I had become hella reckless. So, to distract me, he covered my mouth mid appeal as I tried to explain how the snow was keeping the tulips warm but they’d be much warmer inside, and started fingering my pussy. I was still drenched from our earlier interaction, and just buzzing from the shrooms that it probably took me minutes come. Admittedly, this narrator’s concept of time is heavily colored by the fact that I couldn’t keep track time and space, but you get the point. I pushed him down onto the bed and crouched over his throbbing penis and fucked him slowly with my hands on his chest feeling his heart beat electrically through the palms of my hands, his hands brushing lightly against my lower back as he smiled up at me and softly whispered “Now isn’t this better than getting arrested over tulips?!”

We fucked for hours (until the sun came up—I tend to marathon), and I squirted multiple times. I came so hard that I cried at one point. And I learned that shrooms sex tends to make me a gush like a breached levee, while he learned that for him it makes blowjobs feel like actual penetration. We only went to sleep after a short but lighthearted argument about who was going to have to sleep in the wet spot…I say light hearted argument because the entire bed was a wet spot by that time. We took to the second bedroom within our rented Airbnb, and slept in a dry, warm bed. I’d opened the curtains and drifted to sleep in my lover’s arms watching the snow blanket the tulips— flake by mesmerizing flake. 

A few hours later and with not enough sleep, we called some friends we decided to meet that day and let them we’d be late AF to our brunch/Anne Frank museum double date. They totally understood, and told us to let them know when we got out of the apartment. Now I was excited for drinks and grub but not so excited for the Anne Frank house, like I love the character and her resilience and her honest observations on the world and everything—but I was still fucked up. And I tend to easily cry or get overly emotional about things (like weeping about how much I loved my newly adopted kittens), so I was already trying to get out of it. My partner is jewish and loves visiting such places, I’m generally down, but I just couldn’t bring myself to visit a place of such sorrow when I was feeling that overwhelmingly empathic. I tried to convince him to go to the Van Gogh museum but he wouldn’t be deterred. So, I took the remainder of his shrooms, and convinced him to fuck me for the rest of the morning (pretty much got outta going to the Anne Frank museum by being ridiculously high & horny). By the time we got outta the house for the day, the museum had closed and we’d missed Brunch but were now ravenously hungry, so we met our friends for dinner over knowing looks as they commented upon the many bruises I’d mysteriously acquired in the last day. Later that night after we’d left our friends, we found ourselves in the red light district window shopping as I’d offered to purchase his first bj by a pro as long as I could watch. He couldn’t find anything he liked and the more he looked the more skeavy he felt, so we left empty handed…That one is still on my bucket list.



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