[M/F/Group] – Girlfriend can’t Handle Break Up

I recently broke up with my girlfriend Sarah, 21. We had been dating for three years, but over time she showed her true colors and I ended it. In simple terms Sarah was an undercover bitch, and a very fake girl. A quick example: She will hug, talk, and laugh with her “friends” she claims to hate; then when those “friends” aren’t around she will proceed to tear into them and claim how annoying they are to anyone who will listen. She gets away with it all the time due to how sweet and innocent she comes off as in public. Behind closed doors though she is as bratty and bitchy as they come. Other then myself and her own family, only two other people know her like this; her best friends Ashley and Lauren.

The break up wasn’t out of left field. It was painfully obvious it had been coming for a while. Of course Sarah said she was completely shocked and proceeded to cry. Her tears were not even close to genuine, and she even admitted as such when I called her on it. Then without hesitation she began calling me every bad name in the book. A week later, and I get bombarded with text messages from Sarah begging to work it out. I calmly explained why we weren’t a good fit together, and she again Hulked-out into total bitch mode. That put the nail in the coffin for me as far as our relationship went.

A couple more weeks go by, and not a single word from Sarah. Then out of nowhere a few days ago she messaged me. Sarah was going on and on about a week-long trip her and her friends were making to a spring break beach town. I never responded but she continued to send me paragraph after paragraph. Clearly trying to make me jealous of not being able to go, and most of all not being able to go with her. It didn’t work though, I didn’t react even in the slightest. In fact, it was hilarious to me how obvious she was about eliciting a jealous response. Then she ended her last message to me with a, “FINE! You’ll wish that I wasn’t single now! My friends are so much hotter than you and we’re together for a whole week!!” I was now beginning to laugh even more from her implicit message of becoming a bimbo slut-bag to somehow get back at me?

I didn’t care at all, but I was very curious to know how that week was going to unfold. Luckily for me we had a few mutual friends when we dated, most of which side with me a lot more then with her. I texted my friend Dan and asked if he was going on the trip, to which he replied he was. I then asked if he would send me texts throughout the week telling me everything Sarah did, and he was more then happy to keep me in the loop after I told him about her bitchy messages to me. Dan never really liked Sarah anyways, he just happened to be in the same friend circle she was.

They’ve been gone for three days as of now, and I’ve gotten a boat load of texts from Dan. Sarah’s been drunk throughout the entire trip, has been a gross mess, and has embarrassed herself to the point of no return. It’s seriously a gold mine of everything she’s ever deserved, or had coming to her. I can go into the details of everything that’s happened if anyone wants, but be warned when I say she’s been a gross mess I REALLY mean gross.

Everyone has apparently seen her naked as she leaves the bathroom door open all the time, and has gotten so drunk she’s taken off her clothes multiple times. Not just completely naked, but naked while in VERY unflattering positions. That sweet, innocent, blonde girl everyone adored is now a sweaty, hot mess, releasing bodily fluids while passed out naked for the world to see. And there is still four more days to go. Sweet Karma.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/493yn4/mfgroup_girlfriend_cant_handle_break_up

1 comment

  1. So what’s your story supposed to be about? You broke up with a childish teeny bopper and you want to gloat that she’s a lush on vacation? There’s no gonewild to this, just childish venting.

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