The Kiss [POV, af]

My heart pounds ever faster with each passing moment. Her hands on my back send shivers through my body, her sweet smile that I could stare at for ages fading slowly as she leans closer–just close enough for me to make out the smaller markings on her face and feel her soft breathing against my skin, but not close enough to feel her warmth. My hands move from her waist to her back and she sighs gently. One trails higher, the smoothe fabric of her shirt wrinkling a little as my hand moves to rest in the curve of her neck just below her hair, the the other remaining with the slightest pressure on her lower back. I feel her muscles in her back shift slightly beneath my hand as she moves her own hands, one against my knee and the other sliding across my shoulder, up my neck, and toward my face. That one fluid motion sends tingles across my skin. Her hand comes to rest against my cheek and she lovingly draws her fingers across my hair and smiles that sweet smile again, but this time there’s something else behind it. Then she leans in.

Just before her lips meet mine I can see her eyes flutter closed, a picture of beauty before me as I begin to close my own eyes. Her hot breath washes across my face and I feel the anticipation building in my whole body, screaming at me to make time move faster. My heart skips about in my chest as my arm tightens around her waist and my fingers tangle into her hair, displacing just a little of the scent of her shampoo into my nose as our heads approach each other. I close my eyes, letting instinct guide me. Finally I feel the warmth of her skin. Her lips are ever so close to mine. I open my mouth slightly and hear her doing the same, her hand on my cheek and mine on the back of her head guiding us both closer and closer. Our noses touch and our heads turn, angling to move closer still. Were I not so focused on this moment I would feel my heart pounding away and would hear the blood rushing through my ears.

Just a fraction of a movement and we’re one. Our lips meet in soft passion and desire. It starts off sweetly, neither of us willing to break the kiss for fear of not getting another. We linger for a moment. Then another. An hour passes in my mind as I try to memorize every detail of how I feel right now. Her lips, soft and delicate against mine. Her body so close, hands against me. The way she breathes. The slight tilt of her head. The exchanges of breaths between us. Then we break, and for just a moment I feel like something is missing. Then I feel her tongue, light and wet flick across my bottom lip and I send my own out to meet it, pulling her face to mine once more…
