[MF] The best week of my life

So I’ve mentioned this girl in a few other posts but this is the story of how we had one of the most awesome weeks I’ve ever had.

I met a girl (let’s call her G) at a party a few years ago. She was shy (as am I) and wasn’t talking much. I knew I liked her but wasn’t sure how to engage and just sort of joked around with my friend who invited her to try and spark conversation. Eventually they left but before she did I hugged her which she later told me “Felt different”

I asked her out for a drink a few weeks later. We kissed at the end of the first date and started to see each other regularly. We slept together a few weeks later.

That first night when I was taking off her clothes I nearly felt my eyes pop out of their sockets. Her breasts were huge compared to how they looked with clothes on. I was very excited.

When it came time to penetrate her I was astounded. I sometimes have difficulty maintaining an erection due to nerves but with her I was rock solid. It was an awesome first time. As I leaned over her I felt this total surrender on her part that just invigorated me and we fucked like crazy. She fit me perfectly and I loved being rough with her, hearing her moan in my ear.

Anyway I broke things off after a few weeks. I’m still not sure why exactly, I attribute it to being paranoia and lack of self esteem driving me to think it couldn’t work or perhaps I had convinced myself it couldn’t work. She went back to Bulgaria where she was from and we didn’t talk for a while.

After a few months and reading a great book on relationships (The Alabaster Girl by Zan Perrion, highly recommend!) I decided to get back in contact and apologise for breaking up with her the way I did. She’s happy to hear from me and we start chatting regularly.

One day I’m stoned in the shower and horny and thinking to myself “Man, G looked so good naked. She had great tits”. Then the thought occurs to me that I should tell her.

I get out of the shower, get on Facebook and tell her that I’m about to say something that could potentially ruin the conversation. She takes it humourously and tells me to say it anyway. I write the words “I want to see you naked again”

A pause ensues during which my heart is pounding out of my chest. I never said things like that to girls let alone someone who’s thousands of miles away. She then replies with something light hearted as she doesn’t think I’m serious. I feel relief.

She then asks “Do you still like me?” To which I reply “Absolutely”

We talk on the phone and I arrange to come meet her. I get on a plane and she’s waiting for me at the airport. I didn’t know what I was going to do when I saw her but we both kissed each other like it was the most natural thing in the world.

We head to her place and go for something to eat. I kiss her in the town center telling her I’ll always remember that moment (clearly I did).

We get back and we’re settling in for the night. She walks to the bed and says “I’m not sure if I should wear my shorts to bed or not”
I say “It doesn’t matter, they’re coming off anyway.”
“Oh really?” She says with a smile.
“Yes” I reply with an equally cheeky grin

We kiss and take each other’s clothes off. I remember it being so gentle and slow and perfect. She’s exactly my type and I just loved kissing her body. When I’m about to penetrate her I’m the same as the first time, rock solid. We start to go at it and it’s just wonderful. At one point I realise that I’m holding back her leg without meaning to and feel embarrassed as I think I’m putting her in an uncomfortable position, but she seems to like it.

I talk dirty to her as I’m inside her. I tell her what I’m going to do to her and she moans and tells me to do it. At one point we’re rocking back and forth and I feel her tense up and moan in my ear. I stop and say “Did you just come with me inside you?”
She says “Yes”

We go through several different positions, all the time just throwing ourselves through ecstasy with words and teasing.

Eventually we tire and I look at the clock. We’d been going for 4 hours but it felt like no time had passed. That’s how it always feels with her.

Next morning I wake up after only a few hours sleep but I’m invigorated and the only thought I have is “Where is she? I want more”

She’s in the kitchen making coffee. We exchange words about the day and how we are. Then I tell her I want to do it again. We go back to the bed and make love for a few more hours.

We go to the shower to clean up, start feeling each other again and I fuck her up against the wall in the shower. It’s so intense and I feel like an animal, grabbing her breasts and kissing her while we both moan.

We stay at a hotel at the beach for a few days. One day we’re in the hotel room and we’re both naked getting changed. I pull her over to me and say “You know what I wrote in my jounral alongside my plans to come see you?”
She asks “what?”
“I wrote ‘Go see and kiss
I kiss her
‘and rub
I run my hands along her
‘and squeeze
I grab her ass
‘and pinch
Pinch her ass
‘and spank
Spank her ass
‘your girl'”
I pause for a moment, seeing her enjoying the closeness and my touch in a sort of trance.
“Do you know what the last thing I wrote was?”
“What?” She breathes
I breath back in a low soft voice “Make love to”
I kiss her, more ferociously now and put my fingers between her lips which are already wet. I pull one of her legs up and slide myself into her while we’re both standing facing each other. She moans low and soft. I fucking loved it. After a few moments I throw her on the bed and we go at it again. At one point she gets on top of me and starts riding my dick. Her hair falls over one of her eyes and she’s biting her lip which drives me insane. I look up at her and say “I fucking love it when you bite your lip” She giggles and smiles, still riding my dick.
We make love until the sun goes down and I fall asleep with her facing away from me, feeling contented that moments like this could exist. Just me and a beautiful girl on a warm summers night lying with each other.

She has to go to London for a job interview. I fly back with her and rent us an Airbnb on a canal boat in the Thames (super fucking cool by the way, highly recommend that too!)

We spend time in London just enjoying being in love and seeing the sights. We make love on the boat almost every chance we get.

Now to put context to this next part, I rarely come unless I’ve been with someone for a while. I don’t know if it’s a comfort thing but I just don’t seem to ejaculate unless I’ve had sex with someone at least a couple of times.

One of the nights on the boat I feel myself about to come and it’s really intense. Like, the most intense it’s ever been. I tell her I’m going to come and ask if I can come on her. She says yes and I fuck her as hard as I can. I pull out and come the hardest I’ve ever come. When I’m done I’m leaning over her and growling my breaths, half because I’m exhausted and half in some kind of beast-like domination.

The next morning we do it again and I come on her again. I feel embarrassed seeing it in the daylight as I think I’m being too dirty and disrespectful, but she seems to like it.

At one point we’re lying with each other just speaking about how things are. She mentions that she feels like she’s being very dirty while we make love because of how we talk and act. I tease her by saying “Yeah, you’re so dirty!”
She pauses, then looks up at me and says “Only with you”
Dunno if any other guys have experienced that but my God, I thought I’d died and gone to heaven. This girl was encompassing both sides of the Madonna/whore complex in that I loved how she spoke and joked and made intelligent insights with me but also desired me to bend her over and tell her how I was going to fuck her senseless. A dream.

We fuck like crazy until eventually we’re too sore to go anymore. So we just kiss and enjoy the rest of the trip until she flies back and I head back to Scotland.

G and I have been in contact with each other since then with varying degrees of involvement. We love each other but can’t/won’t commit because of the distance, insecurities and different goals. It breaks my heart to let her go and I’m not sure what the future holds for us, but I’ll always remember that week as being something special. Full of love, lust and connection.

Whenever we talk there’s always this underlying sexual tension that I adore. I’ve never felt that confident with women but when I’m with her I feel like a man. I can tell her straight up that I want to fuck her and she receives me with boundless femininity.

If I’m honest with myself I think there’s this much more dominant side to me that I’ve only let out with her which is why it’s so special, but I would like to accept that part of myself so that we can live our lives separate and stop dragging this out. She’s a wonderful girl and will always be special to me but I would like to be more adventurous and have that kind of connection elsewhere in my life. Just gotta take the plunge and start asserting myself I guess.

Either that or she’s the one for me and I’m running in circles trying to figure it out. Tell me what you guys think if you’ve got any insight.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/b01kj8/mf_the_best_week_of_my_life


  1. Dude, stop dragging your feet. No guarantees you’d find someone like her.

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