That time my slut sister and I broke up a first date and ended up in a threesome [FFM]

One Monday last Fall ‘18 I was really horny, so I sent out a few booty calls trying to arrange a meet-up for later that evening after I went to the gym. No one was available, so I resigned myself to remaining frustrated or masturbating that evening.

However, as I was leaving the gym at around 8:30 pm, I got a text from the woman, Laura, I’d started seeing recently. She was one of the booty calls I’d tried earlier, but she’d reminded me she was seeing her Monday boy that evening. But now she was saying Monday boy wasn’t feeling well so their session had ended short, and she was having a drink at a bar. I asked her where, and it turned out the bar was a mere 5-10 minute cab ride from my gym. So I hopped in a cab to join her.

Laura and I had developed a slut sister type of relationship. She’s a few years older than me, slightly shorter than my 5’9”, with short tousled blonde hair, and one of the few of my lovers who can keep up with my prolific rate of communication with a bent for seriously nerdy sexy talk. She’s the first woman I’ve ever dated. (Although I did have a few sexual experiences with one of my female housemates in college, including a threesome and going down on her). Laura and I were both relatively new to opening up our marriages and dating, but she had been at it for 6 months longer than me, and had a lot of great advice and guidance to offer. As well as good times hooking up and getting into trouble together… which this episode firmly established.

I arrived quickly and joined her at the bar. It was a cute postage stamp-sized craft cocktail place that could accommodate maybe 20 people max. The bar in the back seated 6 and there were a few cushy booths and tables in the front.

She immediately started plying me with strong custom cocktails and a bucket of delicious mussels. It wasn’t long before we were full on making out at the bar. Since it was such a small place, EVERYONE saw us, from the bartenders to the group of businessmen standing to my right, who were highly titillated by the show. Laura whispered to me that they were eyeing my ass anytime I bent over to access my bag on the floor below me.

After we’d been making out for a bit, a dark-haired woman approached us, ostensibly to grab another drink from the bar, but she interrupted our makeout session to do so. She asked us a question- I forget exactly what. But it was clear that she was interested in our makeout sesh. We discovered that she was here on a first date with a gentleman sitting at one of the booths. He had a strong jaw and dark hair and Superman-style good looks.

Laura and I decided to be naughty and go into the bathroom together, which was directly to the left of the bar. We did and made out in there a little. When we exited, again, EVERYONE saw and knew what we’d been up to.

After exiting the bathroom, Laura suggested that we go and chat the first date up. (She’s such an instigator!) So we joined them where they were sitting and began talking to them. Their names were Joanne and Mike.
Joanne had assumed Laura and I were a lesbian couple, and was shocked to discover we were both married to men (Laura with a young child as well) and in poly/open marriages. Neither of them knew about the lifestyle, and Mike especially was very interested and asked a lot of questions.

Joanne started telling us how she’s a voyeur and loved watching women have sex. She said she’d started doing so in her sorority at college. She said she would love for Mike to fuck us in a threesome, while she watched. Laura and I, being the sluts we are, were of course receptive and amiable to this! Joanne kept going on and on about her voyeur fetish and how much she wanted to see Mike fuck us. Mike was a bit abashed.

Joanne pulled me and Laura aside, and told us Mike might need some further convincing. We agreed to help the cause.

Joanne then said she needed to step outside to make a call. Laura and I nodded and began our seduction of Mike. I moved closer to Mike and rubbed his thigh while discussing the poly lifestyle and telling him my superslut origin story and new super-orgasm powers, which everyone seems to enjoy hearing, him being no exception. He was fascinated.

After about 20 minutes of conversation, Laura, with far better observation skills and intuition than me, gently pointed out to Mike that Joanne seemed to be taking a long time on her call and perhaps he should go check on her. He was gone outside for a while, and when he came back inside without Joanne, the look on his face was pure deflation. Joanne was gone without a trace.

We were all a bit taken aback since Joanne was the one who had approached us while we were making out at the bar, and initiated all of this threesome and voyeur talk enthusiastically and seemingly sincerely. Was it a test? Was she jealous of Mike’s fascination with our poly lifestyle? We couldn’t figure out what had happened. Laura and I felt bad for breaking up their first date and did our best to console Mike.

But then we were like, “Well… you still up for this threesome?”

He grinned, and invited us back to his bachelor pad mere blocks away. It was raining a bit, so he held my umbrella over the three of us while we linked arms on either side of him and strolled back to his place. On the way, he received a text from Joanne that read “How could you?!” We continued to be baffled by her contradictions, but the anticipation and excitement for the threesome quickly distracted us.

We arrived at his place, which was a pretty swanky luxury apartment with a stunning view of the Empire State Building from both his living room and bedroom.

Mike had never had a threesome before. Laura and I asked him what the kinkiest thing he had ever done was, and he demurred that he hadn’t really explored much kink, he had lots of lovers but hadn’t done anything extreme with them beyond spanking. Laura and I assured him we would go easy on him.

We started making out. Almost immediately, Laura pushed me down into a white leather armchair in the living room and stripped me and showed me off to Mike. They both oohed and aahed over my bared tits and fondled them while alternately making out with me. Laura demonstrated my super-orgasm powers to Mike, and he was duly impressed. After a bit, I protested “Hey, why am I the only naked one?!” And so Laura stripped down to her sexy black underwear with garter belts, and we got Mike down to his boxer briefs. I pulled his cock out and started sucking it.

We ended up on the floor of the living room somehow. Mike was reclining on the floor while Laura was on all fours above him making out with him and playing with his cock. I was behind her, so I took the opportunity to slide my finger up and down her exposed slit. Even though I had a lesbian experience going down on my housemate in college, I still had no idea what I was doing. I had a really hard time actually finding her hole! She must’ve wondered why the fuck I kept sliding my finger up and down her slit without slipping it into her. Just because I have the same equipment doesn’t mean I know how to operate it on someone else! I don’t have the same sensation feedback system to guide me with her! I gained a lot of empathy for men trying to figure this shit out. Eventually I found her vagina and started fingering her. She got into it and pushed her ass back into my hand. I started licking up and down her labia and inserting my tongue into her hole. She farted in my face and giggled nervously about it. I didn’t mind one bit. Shit happens, eh? Or in this case, farts.

Despite Laura’s expert attentions, Mike was having trouble staying hard, and after a bit he said he was a little overwhelmed by it all, and he would prefer if we didn’t focus on him and he could just observe and lend a helping hand here or there. We all know pressure is a boner killer so Laura and I were happy to oblige. Plus, as two married women, Laura and I both have hosting difficulties. It’s tough for either of us to bring lovers home due to our families being there, and therefore we hadn’t had many opportunities yet to have privacy together; most of our makeouts had been in public places. So we were thrilled and congratulating each other on gaining access to a sweet apartment where we could finally fuck, especially on last minute notice. We were happy to put on a show for him!

We moved to his bedroom. He laid down in bed and got under the covers. I went on all fours above him, while Laura kneeled behind me and started vigorously and roughly fingering me. I wailed as I came multiple times. Mike gazed up at me with fascination. The look of wonder in his eyes was powerful to me. I held his gaze while he tenderly caressed my breasts. The contrast of his gentle, wondering, touch against Laura’s rough invasion of my pussy with several of her fingers was exquisite. While my moans increased in volume and intensity as yet another orgasm built, he carefully watched my face for reaction as he tentatively reached up to my neck and wrapped his fingers around it. His hold felt both gentle and firm as he choked me. I threw my head back in pleasure and screamed out the orgasm that wracked through me at this intimate touch. He seemed very pleased with the results.

After that things began to wind down. We all lied down in the bed alongside each other, with me in between Laura & Mike. They both idly caressed my naked body while having some sort of intellectual conversation which I was content to close my eyes and just listen to. They made me orgasm a few more times in this manner.

At this point it was around 2 am and way past our bedtimes- after all it was a Monday and we all had to work the next day! He offered to pay for our cab rides home like an absolute gentleman. We took him up on it and parted ways, congratulating ourselves on a night well spent. He thanked us for his first threesome. We exchanged numbers and discussed seeing each other again.

The next few weeks I texted him sexy photos and he told me how much he loved my body and how fascinated he was with my ability to orgasm so easily. When he found out I was 38, 5 years older than his 33, he flattered me with how blown his mind was regarding my age- he swore up and down that he thought I was in my mid-20’s.

After a significant sexual experience, I like to ask my lovers what their favorite parts were, and then tell them mine. We both agreed the part where I was over him while he choked me was our favorite. I pointed out that this was pretty kinky for someone who said they’d never tried kink! He was like “Oh, I do that to all the girls, I consider that normal. You can tell pretty quickly whether they’re into it or not.” I laughed.

Mike told me that Joanne did indeed have a voyeur kink, it wasn’t some elaborate first date test, because she’d been texting him about it the morning before their first date. Our best guess as to what had happened was that it was probably too much too soon- she didn’t think her fantasy would drop into her lap so quickly, and got overwhelmed by it. But who knows. Plenty of reasons she could’ve changed her mind.

Mike and I set up another date, but this time, just the two of us. We wanted a chance to explore each other one on one. We had some drinks, and discussed the poly lifestyle further. I asked if he thought he’d be interested in it, and he wasn’t sure. He felt he needed the security of a primary partner first in order to be able to explore that, and since I hadn’t done it any other way, I couldn’t really argue with that, despite reading about the benefits of single slutdom in the book The Ethical Slut (a great poly resource).

We went back to his apartment again to fuck. He enjoyed exploring what made me moan… he made me orgasm from simply tickling the palm of my hand! (The only time that has happened… so far.) And he made me orgasm a bunch of the more traditional ways as well. But when he asked if he could fuck me, he had some condom difficulties and lost his boner. We kept making out and I tried to get him hard again. I was sliding my wet pussy lips against his shaft and that was getting both of us really excited, but I stopped when I realized he no longer had the condom on, and things kind of petered out from there. Eventually he called me another cab home.

We stayed in touch for a bit after that, and set up another date. But when I checked in a few days before the date to see if it was still on, he let me know he had started dating a woman he wanted to see if he could develop a relationship with, and he didn’t think the non-monogamous lifestyle was for him, at least not at this point in his life. I told him I understood, wished him well, and we parted ways graciously.



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