[FF] A follow up with my (allegedly) straight friend

[First post](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ax89vi/ff_helping_my_allegedly_straight_friend_after_a/)

So, after the night you all enjoyed hearing about so much, we cuddled some more and I spent the night in Chloes’s bed. No funny business took place and it was actually all quite sweet. Things were less awkward in the morning than they had any right to be. We each had a bit of a giggle and I eventually went back to my room and we went about our lives. We did text a *lot* more after that. She reaffirmed that she wasn’t gay or even bi but that doing stuff with girls just fell on that weird grey area. The one where she doesn’t *actually* enjoy it, but gets off on being forced to do it. At least, that’s what she thought but couldn’t be certain. We didn’t broach the subject again for some time and I figured that was that.

A month or so later I was in the library halfassing my studying when I got a text through from Chloe saying “I’m bored.” I let her know I was going to be a while yet and couldn’t help her out. The response I got sent my heart racing. “Please Miss Carla, I’m so bored. Give me something to do…” Well now she had my attention. “What did you have in mind?” The tell tale *is typing* appeared at once so clearly i had her full attention. “I dont really know miss. Something to help me feel like a filthy whore would be great!” Now given I was nowhere near I knew I would need to get creative. A few texts back and forth and I’d established she was in her room, one housemate was home and she was wearing her nicest set of lingerie and heels. Clearly she’d put a little planning into this. I was a bit taken aback and didn’t like the thought of her having any sort of upper hand on me, given the power dynamic we were both aiming for. After some pondering I figured out how best to flip the script on her.

“Ok, you’re to take your laptop into my room and lock yourself in. No getting changed first, that would be cheating! Once there you will strip and re-dress in something of mine (if you can squeeze all that podge into anything that is). When properly attired you will get on the bed and go to *insert website I’m not willing to cite but makes pornhub look positively vanilla*. You’ll see a category list. I want you to copy those out into groups, things you’d enjoy, things you’d enjoy being made to do, things that you’re indifferent to and hard limits. You’ll do all of this with a pair of my knickers in your mouth. Any questions?” I figured that ought to do the trick. I bailed on my studying and decided to head home, knowing the commute can take up to 90 minutes. Chloe confirmed that she understood my instructions and I started heading home.

I checked with Chloe to ask what she wound up wearing. Much to my surprise she sent me a picture of what she’d chosen. She was in white crop top that was tight on me but left her tits positively bursting out, nipples clearly visible through the thin fabric. She had my blue boyshort panties on and while not horribly ill fitting, they must have been riding up her because I know they do the same to me. Her face had one of those stupid dog enoji stickers over it but I could see enough white around her mouth to know her mouth was suitably stuffed as instructed. Truth be told she looked hot, but I knew she wasn’t one for compliments, at least not in this context. “Fuck, I liked that top. I suppose I’ll have to burn it after seeing you stuffed in there like an overfilled sausage.” It usually takes me a while to get into the mean mindspace, but l do like to at least try to be creative with it.

I enquired how her task was coming along and she told me she was done with her initial effort. She asked permission to go into more detail, clearly keen to impress. I was curious to see exactly what she was up to so allowed it and informed her I’d be home sooner rather than later and to unlock the bedroom door. Not long after, I let myself in and checked the house. It seemed we were alone which was not unwelcome news. I took a deep breath before opening the bedroom door, heading into, well, I wasn’t sure what exactly.

I walked in and Chloe was sat cross legged on my bed, laptop in front of her. “On your feet, against the wall NOW!” I barked. She obliged quickly without so much as a word. I approached her without making eye contact, grabbed her by the ponytail and spun her around to face the wall and pulled her (technicality my) knickers up slightly to increase the uncomfort level. Her ass looked fantastic swallowing my undies like that, not that i’d tell her as much. Then, i ignored her. I went about my usual routine when i get in, putting things away and unloading my bag. Having been a through the silent treatment myself as a sub, I know how powerless and pitiful I felt so knew the effect would almost certainly carry over for her.

I lit a cigarette and sat on the bed to see what exactly she’d been up to and honestly, I was gobsmacked. In front of me was a spreadsheet filled with every filthy act you could ever dream of, divided up into all kinds of categories, notations and highlights. She’d outlined things she’d tried before, things she had attempted but failed at, things she actively wanted to pursue, hard limits, things she had no intrest in but would be willing to try. She’d approached it like a bloody uni project! Now if the presentation was surprising, the content was absolutely mind blowing. Her sexual history made me feel positively tame, though it seemed it was all done without any rhyme nor reason. In hindsight, she was chasing the “feeling like a disgusting whore” high but with no real guidance or support. In doing so she’d dabbled in areas that even I shyed away from. I was glad to see the hard limits area well populated but stunned at some of the things that fell into the would like to try more section. One thing was very clear, I didn’t have to baby her anywhere near as much as I thought. I finished my cigarette and left the bed to approach her. I grabbed the boy shorts and yanked them up much harder than before then spun her around. I gave the underwear from in her mouth a small tug and she opened her mouth to release them. As i did so I leaned in to have my lips practically against her ear . “I read your list. As I’m sure you already realise, you fucking disgust me. I always knew you were a filthy whore but honestly, i wasnt expecting that level.” I backed away and took in her doe eyed expression and knew I had her already. “That being said, I set you a task and you went above and beyond. I’m impressed.” “Thank you miss Carla” “As I’ve told you before, good sluts get nice things. Hands on the bed, ass in the air.” I commanded and wordlessly she obliged. As she positioned herself I examined the damp underwear I’d removed from her mouth and once again was stunned. I took a quick glance at my hamper to confirm my suspicion and sure enough I could see it had been disturbed. She’d gagged herself with the knickers I’d been wearing the day prior! Not only voluntarily, but having made an active desicion to do so. Colour me impressed.

With her ass up presented for me, the already wedgied underwear was buried even deeper into her crack leaving her ample, pale ass cheeks exposed perfectly. I stroked the left cheek tenderly before striking it with my open palm, not too hard but enough to elicit a shudder. “Remember your colours bitch!” I advised, making sure the safeword system was fresh in her mind. Once she confirmed her understanding of my meaning I continued to pepper the same cheek all over with slaps. Nothing too impactful but cumilitivly the effect was soon evident as her skin started to turn pink. I broke from my rhythm to spank the other cheek, this time far harder. That one earnt a much louder gasp. “Colour!?” I demanded. “Green miss, green!” Came the enthusiastic response. I bought my hand crashing down against her plump cheek 4 more times, each landing with more of a thud than a slap and being rewarded in turn with a half moan half grunt from Chloe. Already I could make out a near perfect handprint from the first blow that in time I was sure would develop into a lovely purple reminder of our exploits together. I reached down underneath her and grabbed her entire pussy mound roughly and squeezed with some decent pressure. “I bet your cunt is going wild right now huh? You wanted to be beaten like a worthless whore after all, isn’t that right?” I could feel the heat through the underwear. She wasn’t soaking wet as porn would have you believe but her inner slut was certainly woken and dying to be set free. “Yes miss Carla, thank you miss!” Came the slightly delayed response. I kept hold of her and squeezed a little harder as I continued my attack on her ass cheeks, no rhyme or reason now, simply striking with a variety of power as and where I saw fit. She started to wriggle and squirm but a sharp squeeze of her mound put stop to that. “You wanted this you dirty slut! Remember? This is your reward!” I leant forward, grabbed her hair and yanked back on it, forcing her to crane her neck around. “Say thank you slut!” I ordered. The second she opened her mouth to speak I spat in her face and shoved it away hard with the palm of my hand. She murmerred her thanks anyway which was just the cutest thing ever! “Now let’s consult this…this guide to entertaining a disgusting whore shall we?” I placed the laptop in front of her and stood off to the side. “Start from *i would like to try* and keep reading. I want to hear it from the whores mouth, so to speak.” She began to read tentitivly but with a quick prompt and slap on the ass she piped up a bit louder. I left her field of vision as she spoke. Hearing her ask for this huge variety of filth was as exhilarating for me as it was embarrassing for her. “… want to try group sex..” Sometimes I had her repeat something several times or stopped to tell her what a filthy slut she was for wanting these things. “…want to get fucked by a stranger.” I was undressing myself by now and had a quick freshen up with a wet wipe, though of course Chloe wouldn’t know this. “…want to try more watersports.” “Don’t play cute with me whore, say what you actually mean!” A few seconds passed before she replied in a defeated tone ” I…I want to be pissed on miss.” This was too easy a target to ignore, even if I wasn’t necessarily going to pursue it. “Of course you do. A disgusting thing like you, you’re already filthier than most toilets I use aren’t you!? Uh. Keep reading.” Her cheeks were visibly flushed with embarrassment after this but she carried on reading down the list.

As she continued I searched my wardrobe for a few choice accessories then sat next to her on the bed as I waited for her to get to a particular act. “I want to be bound and gagged.” “Ohhh now that does sound just delightful!” I cooed. Grabbed her by the hair and dragged her up onto the bed, leaving her face down. Grabbing the tight shorts by the waistband I yanked them down and discarded them next to Chloe’s prone body. I moved the laptop and started methodically wrapping leather cuffs around each wrist and ankle. Once each limb was accounted for I straddled her at the waist, facing her feet so as to have her plump ass directly between my legs. After a quick slap to each cheek I lubed up my starter sized butt plug, making sure Chloe couldn’t see me do so. I used a single hand to part her cheeks then audibly spat down between them. “I’m sure a whore like you won’t need much more lube than that. I bet this asshole is just itching to be left gaping.” Another lie, but hey, lying is fun sometimes. I knew she wasnt exactly new to anal play so was pretty confident I’d have no issues. Without waiting for a response I pressed the tip of the plug against her puckered, exposed ass and began rubbing with just a bit of pressure. “I knew it, that greedy little hole is just dying to get plugged up!” The rubbing was elicitting a few moans from chloe and as i added a bit more pressure it relaxed enough to accept the rubbery pink toy and it slid home with a short gasp from Chloe.

I gave the plug a little tug and wiggled it around a little, partly to check it was in securely and partly because Chloe made the most delicious noises each time I did anything at all to it. I was about to hop off and continue with my ad hoc plan but I was struck my a new, selfish idea. I wet my middle finger in my mouth, parted my pussy lips and started spreading my dampness around before homing in on my clit. Stopping every now and again to sink inside myself, I diddled my clit right up to the edge, moaning naturally as I wiggled the plug in my roommates ass from time to time. I don’t know if the experience was doing anything for her but at that point I didn’t care. I felt my orgasm build and as it got close I grabbed the shorts and brought them to my face. Sniffing my roomies scent on my own knickers teamed with some firmer pressure on my clit was enough to send me over the edge. Not the most earth shattering orgasm in the world but certainly one with a fantastic view. I stopped for a moment longer to admire said view. I didn’t recall grabbing her ass but the deep nail impressions on one cheek suggested that I was gripping on pretty hard at some point.

I dismounted my prone friend, pulled her arms up to the centre of her back and linked the cuffs to a central hoop (Not sure of the correct term, but google hog-tie cuff kit and you’ll know what I was working with) then pulled her legs back to fasten them in place too. Awkwardly, I rolled her onto her back, leaving her hands pinned beneath her, feet pulled close to her ass, knees up and open and pussy on full display. I could see the flared base of the plug poking out beneath her cheeks and checked with her it was still nice and secure, to which she confirmed. “Good, if that ungrateful asshole of yours spits out my gift then I will be *much* more forceful with the next one. Now, open wide.” I instructed before stuffing my knickers formerly adorning chloes body into her eagerly waiting mouth. I needed a minute to compose my thoughts. Believe it or not, I was no expert at all of this, much less doing it on the fly.

I left the bed, lit a cigarette and returned. Unsure of what my next move was going to be and without anything clever or filthy to say I decided a less is more approach was best. Without saying a word I straddled her head before unceremoniously sitting on her face. Not in a pornstar way, in a chair way. The heat of her muffled breath felt lovely against my cold cheeks. I wiggled around a little, ensured she was still able to breathe, but other than that largely ignored her while I smoked. I caught sight of myself in the mirror and let out a chuckle. It was quite the bizarre sight afterall.

With my cigarette all but smoked and a plan formed, I got up to dispose if It then returned to my hog tied whore. The ties forced a slight arch to her back, further emphasizing the strain her tits were putting on my top with those cute little nipples still poking through so clearly. A small yank up and the top set free her gorgeous tits. I attached a clamp on each without any commentary then gave a small yank on the Y chain that connected the 2. The panty muffled yelp was fun, but the cry of pain when I gave it a sustained hard tug was fantastic! “Oh Chloe, you stupid, *stupid* slut, you are in for a world of hurt my dear.”

I repositioned down between her bound legs, think classic oral sex position. I took a closer look at her pussy. It wasn’t soaking but glistened a little. I was confident if I were to spread her lips I would open the floodgates…but it wasn’t time for that yet. She had a neatly trimmed, fairly small bush, quite a cute look to be honest. I moved my lips as close as I could get without touching, certainly close enough for her to feel the heat of my breath. Almost in a whisper I asked “I bet you’d love for me to just dive right in here huh slut?” To which I got a muffled response. I started to describe my best pussy eating technique then placed a few of the most gentle kisses, just barely grazing her neat little lips. As she started to arch her back and raise her pussy towards me a little I struck with pinpoint accuracy. I tweezed a single pube from the lower part of her bush and by God it was like a demon possessed the poor girl. She screamed through her gag, bucked her hips and started thrashing wildly. I laughed almost maniacally and let her ride it out before repeating the process, mocking her suffering openly as her breathing quickened to deep pants. By the 5th or 6th time I was making a show of picking which one to target next. I sat up a little and demanded eye contact which was a fantastic decision. I pinched the hair and held it outstretched then slowly counted backwards from 10. As long as I live I’ll never forget the panic in her eyes as she prepared for the moment I plucked her cute little pussy. I doubt she’ll soon forget the shit eating grin I had as I examined the pube after the fact, talking to it like it was a lost little child.

With no warning of any kind, I sank my head again and attacked her clit with my tongue. This was not my aforementioned wonderful technique, no this was a targeted assault on her most sensitive area. The thrashing resumed, the moaning was even louder than before. I wasn’t going down on her, I was eating her pussy and making a delightful mess of it. I eased off of her clit a little and enjoyed really tasting and exploring her with my tongue for a while. I moved my head back a little and asked her if she was ready. A meak moan came from her still panty gagged mouth. I awkwardly got my hands ready for my real moment to overwhelm her, paused for a secind or two then went in. All at once I grabbed the base of the plug and began gently pumping her cute little asshole with it, plunged 2 fingers palm up into her pussy to squeeze her gspot unapologetically while replacing my tounge powerfully on her clit. It hurt my wrists and neck like hell but the noises coming from that poor girls gagged mouth made it all worth while. I felt her slick, squishy insides gripping at my fingers and eased the pressure on her gspot a little. I upped the tempo on her clit until she made all the right noises before letting that subside a little. I edged her between the two distinctly different types of orgasm, all the while pumping her bum with my little pink plug. Suddenly I stopped everything and the whimper of longing she made almost melted me on the spot. I went back to her gspot and clit in unison, this time using my other hand to tug harshly on her nipple chain. There was no stopping me this time and I continued the sensory barrage on my roomie until she was crying out as the orgasm waves washed over her body. I slowed and released the chain as her climax started to subside. “Not so fast slut, I’m not done with you yet!” With that I renewed my pace and pressure on her gspot, this time slapping her clit hard over and over as I fingered her. “That’s it bitch, squirm like the little slut you are.” I urged through gritted teeth as I squeezed her insides and felt her pussy start that familiar squeeze back. I watched her face this time as she wrythed around in ecstasy, struggling against her restraints hopelessly. I kept the slaps and pressure steady as she came and took only the shortest pause before forcing her through another final orgasm, pushing down on her mound this time instead of slapping. This had the unexpected bonus of making her squirt like a fountain which was hotter than fuck to see up close and personally. Of course she didn’t have to know that. “Did I give you permission to squirt on my bed you disgusting little fuck?” I chastised but honestly, I don’t think she could even hear me. Judging by the look on her face she was gone.

I withdrew my fingers and sucked them clean, enjoying the taste for myself rather than putting on a show. I pulled the soggy gag from Chloe’s mouth then moved above her in a classic 69 position, grabbed a smallish, rigid black dildo then lowered my pussy until it was just above her face. I could feel her quick, hot panting breaths against my pussy as I used the toy to part my lips and easily take it’s length inside me. I fucked myself, ass in the air as my face rested between her legs. “Don’t you even fucking think about licking my pussy without permission you filthy little slut!” I ordered, not breaking rhythm pumping myself silly. I was clearly already worked up because in no time at all I was on the edge. I clamped my lips over Chloe’s pussy and lapped at it as my own orgasm hit and then I was the one moaning like a slut. I wanted so badly to squirt on her face but alas, the orgasm gods don’t always deliver. I regained my composure and removed the toy from my pussy, making a show of wiping it dry on Chloe’s thick, beautiful hair. “Look at that. *that* is a perfect pussy. I bet you’d love nothing more than to bury your chubby little face in it, wouldn’t you whore!?” “Yyyes miss.” Came the meek reply. “Not today! Sluts like you need to earn that sort of privilege. No, I’ve got something more your speed I think.” I shifted forwards a little and pushed my legs out behind me in order to lower my was towards the helpless girls face. I reached back and spread my cheeks wide before letting them bounce back together. I wasn’t sure how she was going to take to this. Afterall, technically, Chloe was still straight in her mind. I needn’t have worried.

Without hesitation I felt her warm tounge lap at my asshole and quick as a flash snake itself inside. I knew rimming wasn’t new to her, I had no idea she was going to do a better job than anyone had ever done for me before. I awkwardly squeezed a hand between us and collapsed onto it so I could pleasure my clit while she put her magic tongue to work. ” Yes! Fuck you nasty little whore, jam that filthy tounge right up my asshole. Worship it the way you should!” This act was supposed to be to degrade her, but I soon felt myself stop concentrating on that and instead focussing on me. It felt fucking unbelievable. I was soon getting ready to cum and just then Chloe started moaning into my ass as she tongue fucked it and it just sent me wild! “Fuuuuuuck yes Chloe, yes make me cum. Fuck you’re amazing at that, yes! Yesssss!” As my orgasm hit me like a train I collapsed forwards and found my face laying in a wet patch, my ass bobbing up and down with each breath, distraught at being out of reach of Chloe and her tounge.

Minutes passed and I regained my composure. I moved off of Chloe and down around to meet her gaze. She looked in a daze but when she saw me smiling a small smile appeared on her too. “You did AMAZING!! That’s the best *that* has ever felt for me ever!” And with that, a huge grin spread across her face. I kissed her on the nose then slowly went about making her comfortable. I reached under her and fumbled like a boy with a bra clasp, finally managing to free the cuffs from the O-ring. As she straightened her limbs I told her to stretch and wriggle her fingers and toes, but not too fast. I warned her of my intentions before carefully removing each clamp from its puffy, swollen nipple. I pulled the duvet up off the floor and covered us then snuggled Chloe against my chest, my arms wrapped around her.

We lay like that for a while before I got out of the bed. I grabbed a drink from my mini fridge and offered it to Chloe who gladly accepted. As she sat up to drink I sat cross legged on the duvet in front of her. We shared a cigarette and giggled each time we made eye contact. “You alright?” I eventually asked. “I’m great.” She replied with a smile. “I mean, my pussy is tender as hell and there’s still a plug in my ass, but other than that…” the look of horror on my face must have been frightful. How the fuck did I forget the butt plug!? “It’s fine, it’s fine!” Chloe was quick to reassure, then after a pause added “my ones bigger and I’ve worn that for hours before now!” My jaw dropped then we both burst out laughing. “Ummm, how bad do my pubes look?” She asked once the laughter died out. “They look great, better now with my initials plucked into them though!” This prompted Chloe’s horrified face to make an appearance before swiftly trying to examine herself. My laughter confirmed to her I was lying and I then teased her about it only being 10 pubes, nothing she’d miss. Apparently 10 felt like 100 at the time. Who knew? We talked about what we’d done and gave many a compliment to each other. I reiterated that was the best rimjob of my life. I was told I can be a real scary bitch when I’m trying which was nice, I think. “I was scared you were going to have me eat your pussy and I was going to be shit at it. When your ass was an option I was like oh well I *know* I’m good at *that* !” Chloe offered at one point. “Sweety if you were shit at it, I’d have told you what to do until you got it right. Plus, that’s a super shit position to eat pussy from! Your poor neck!” More laughter. I suggested maybe I could let her try sometime when she wasn’t hog tied…”Not that many straight girls eat pussy, but, just in case you’re one of those straight girls that enjoy it.” I said with a knowing smile. Chloe slapped my chest and called me a bitch.

The whole thing lasted a little more than an hour but it felt like forever. It was weirdly early and we were supposed to be out drinking that evening. After checking we were alone in the house still, we headed off to the bathroom to shower together. It was a beautiful experience, not erotic or romantic but….something. We washed each other’s bodies then took turns at each other’s hair. When we were clean we stood for a moment under the water, just starring. I leant in a little towards Chloe’s face unsure, but she came most of the way and our lips met. Our mouths opened to let our tongues intertwine as we held each other close and kissed properly, for the first time under the hot water.

After a minute or so Chloe broke away from the kiss and was clearly suppressing laughter while biting her lip. “What?” I asked, puzzled. “Promise you won’t be mad!” She begged to which I of course agreed. “I just peed on your foot, I’m sorry I’m so so so sorry.” Her apology somewhat undermined by the giggling every other word. I feigned outrage while ‘aiming’ my vagina at her as I ‘sought revenge’. It’s the funniest shower I’ve ever taken, to this day.

Eventually we got out and dried off. Chloe’s ass cheeks were showing her wounds nicely and her bush didn’t look any different at all. Our housemates came home as we were sat back in my room and enquired how our days had been. We both just laughed.

**A quick disclaimer. Some of this wasn’t great bdsm practice.I was young and dumb. Do your research over at r/bdsmcommunity they’re a nice bunch. DMs that don’t involve dick pics are very welcomed. **

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ayurws/ff_a_follow_up_with_my_allegedly_straight_friend


  1. Making a spreadsheet of sex acts as foreplay sounds amazing. It also sounds like a great way to inspire random horniness during the work day. Love your stories!

  2. Wow, thanks for the gold guys and girls!

    Some faq’s from my inbox. I don’t see Chloe any more but yes, we hooked up again after this. No, I’m not telling you the website. I’m currently single, bi and enjoying the DM’s. I’m a picture hypocrit, feel free to send them but I’ll never ask for them so don’t expect me to return in kind. I will continue writing and they won’t all be about Chloe. The 5 percent is usually reserved for tidying up fails or awkwardness.

    Thanks for reading xx

  3. Wow… Just read both stories in an hour never been so wet from a stories. Please give us part 3!!

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