Desperate for Good Grades

So I’m female and currently 23 but this happened when I was 17.

So it was my senior year of highschool, everything was going well for the most part in the way of school, sports, and friends. But towards the very end of the year, I really started to focus more on sports and my grades started to slip. I quickly found myself at the end of the qaurter with one assignment left to bring my grade up in the one class that needed it. Sadly this assignment was an essay and I really did not feel like writing one.

So I talked to one kid in the class who had done my homework several times in the past. Usually it was just small things with the occasional proof reading of something. But this time I was desperate and I need him to write the whole thing. So I asked him for help and he said no. I was pretty surprised since it had never happened before but I had to respect his choice, to an extent.

So I started asking what I could possibly do for him to write this essay for me. He seemed extremely reluctant and said that he wouldn’t do it at all under any circumstances. At this point I was pretty screwed so I begged a little. I told him I would do anything for it and I just really needed it. Slowly a sly grin came across his face and he asks “Anything?” I said I guess so and I started to put 2 and 2 together. He asked me if I really wanted an A and I said yes and he seemed to have made up his mind.

He looked at me and said “Blowjob. You want an A, you have to give me a blowjob.” He wasn’t a kid to be sleeping around, in fact I was surprised he wasn’t a virgin, so I knew I wouldn’t run any health risks. So I sat in class staring at the wall pondering my choices and I figured I only had one option. I looked up at him and told him I’d do it. I just said I needed a time and place so he said today after school. I knew I would have enough time before practice so I agreed.

Flash forward to the end of the day, I’m waiting in the back seats of my car at the student parking area and he knocks on the window. I open up the door and he hops in closing the door after him. We threw his bag in the trunk and I said we should just get it over with. I started to tie my hair behind my head when he stopped me and told me to get naked. I said it wasn’t part of the deal so he grabbed his bag and headed for the door so I told him to stop. I agreed and stripped naked leaving my clothes in the front seat.

With everything ready to go I unbuckled his belt, and unbottoned and unzipped his pants. I pulled his cock out and to my surprise it was pretty nice, it was uncut, had a good length and girth to it, was well trimmed, and didn’t smell bad or anything. I looked up at him one last time to see him grinning and then pulled his pants to his knees to begin.

I wrapped my lips around his head and slowly lowered my mouth to his base soaking his entire cock. He moaned and and I went all the way back to the tip swirling my tongue around to stimulate him. I repeated this process slowly for a little and then got his balls soaked in saliva and began sucking them. I payed attention to his balls as I jerked him off slowly and then moved back to his shaft.

I went back to what I was doing earlier and could tell he was getting close. I sped up and slobbered all over his cock trying to speed up the process as I cupped his balls. He started moaning and pulled my head off and told me to open my mouth. So I opened wide and he jerked himself to a finish covering my entire face in cum. He squeezed the last few drops into my tongue and made me lick his cock clean.

He started to get back dressed and sat there watching me wipe the cum off my face as it fell onto the leather seats. “Lick it up.” He said with a smug look on his face. I said it wasn’t part of the deal and he again told me there would be no essay if I didn’t. So I licked up all the cum and swallowed it. With him watching happily. He thanked me, said the essay would be done in a few nights, and left my car grabbing my painties on the way out before closing the door behind him.

I got dressed and acted like nothing ever happened. Sure enough, a few days later I opened up my email to the essay that would later save my grade.



  1. Poor kid didn’t know: A for anal, B for blowjob C for just to make him cum (handy)

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